Cancer Solar Eclipse, Pisces Puddle, Mercury retrograde - astrology of June 8 to 22

The Water Trio - Astrology with Cassandra Tyndall, Kelly Surtees and Alicia Shaich Yusuf show

Summary: Welcome back to another instalment from the Water Trio with Kelly Surtees, Cassandra Tyndall and Alicia Yusuf as we explore the astro weather of June 8 to 22. First we discuss the Pisces puddle at the beginning of the fortnight, specifically Mars conjunct Neptune while the Moon is in Pisces on Saturday 13 June. It’s a weekend for going slowly and gently, checking out, or putting energy into creative projects. Mercury goes retrograde in Cancer on 18 June calling us all inwards and to gentle exploring what our hearts and minds are telling us, especially as it affects the current Venus retrograde as well. The Sun conjuncts the North Node on 20 June then heads straight into the last solar eclipse in Cancer of this current 2 year cycle. Try tying up loose ends in one area so you can welcome in the new in another, as this occurs on the same day as the Solstice – right as the Sun reaches 0 Cancer. **************************************************************************************** What’s happening with the Water Trio this fortnight? Cassandra is holding a webinar on retrograde planets on June 25, find out more details via Kelly next four part course on planetary aspects starts on June 15, you can register via and Floating MC Alicia has her webinar on nodes and eclipse available here and there is only a couple of spots left on her Eclipse Gathering, contact her via if you're interested in joining.