Full Moon in Libra, Mars conjunct Saturn, Jupiter conjunct Pluto and more

The Water Trio - Astrology with Cassandra Tyndall, Kelly Surtees and Alicia Shaich Yusuf show

Summary: Aussie astrologers Alicia, Cassandra and Kelly share tips and insights about how to navigate the Full Moon in Libra plus the major astrological aspects from March 30 – April 12 Mars moves into Aquarius and will meet Saturn in Aquarius, highlighting contraction and restriction. We break down how to handle this aspect, and what it means for the weeks ahead. This creates a huge shift in the sign of Capricorn, which means the Jupiter conjunct Pluto aspect, on April 4/5, can more fully express and help reveal truths and themes that will be important for the rest of 2020. A fun, playful and lighthearted cycle starts as Venus moves into Gemini, for an extended four-month tour. Shifts in relationships and all kinds of social interactions are possible as Venus takes on a different tone in Gemini. Last but definitely not least, the Full Moon in Libra on April 7/8 may bring new insights within relationships. Communication in and around relationships will be in the spotlight. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Water Trio are 3 Aussies astrologers, Cassandra Tyndall, Kelly Surtees and Alicia Yusuf. You can find out more about them and their upcoming astrological offerings here: - Kelly’s next webinar, ‘Diving into the Darkness’ on April 4, is all about the 8th and 12th houses. And her next online astrology course is a four-part training on the planets, starting on April 13. Register for both her https://www.kellysastrology.com/ - Alicia is holding a webinar on 8 April around astrology and stay energetically clean and stable during the current times, find out more via https://aliciayusuf.com/product/exploring-our-energetic-lives/ and her webinar on relationships is available for download here https://aliciayusuf.com/product/building-better-relationships/ - Cassandra's next module of her astrology course is coming up this month, find out more via her website www.cassandratyndall.com