Earn Your Happy show

Earn Your Happy

Summary: Ever wanted a business bestie and life coach that could follow you around, get you totally pumped and ready to take massive action on your goals? That’s exactly what Lori Harder and her guests will do. You’re going to learn the tools and strategies that are proven to help you grow yourself, your confidence, your income and your business! Each week you can choose from interviews, quickies and even a question and answers segment featuring YOU, the listener! You will learn how to market your business, navigate tough conversations, challenging family + friend dynamics and create the tribe you need in order to live your dream life. This podcast is a mix of the practical + spiritual and shares the raw truth about what it takes to EARN YOUR HAPPY.


 264: Why Being Dissatisfied Can Be A Great Thing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:31

A couple months back, I heard the phrase “I am blissfully dissatisfied with my life,” from the amazing Ed Mylett. And I love the balance of the two words because it means being blissfully happy with where you’re at while being equally dissatisfied with wanting more or knowing you have more to give. Whether it’s in terms of your health, family, relationships or your business, progress keeps us alive!

 263: Further Your Business and Relationships through Collaboration, NOT Competition with Jaclyn Johnson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 55:31

Jaclyn and I talk about her rough start as a naïve 23-year-old entrepreneur who didn’t know what she was doing, lessons she learned from it and why it helped her become the wildly successful CEO Creative & Cultivate she is today. She also shares why Creative & Cultivate is thriving and why she hopes to help others with her new book, WorkParty, by providing tips on how to run a business, how to start thinking like an entrepreneur and how to maintain friendships, relationships and partnerships along the wa

 262: Oprah, You, Me, Bahamas and Manifesting 101 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:35

Today’s episode is a super special quickie and it involves something I’ve been manifesting for years. While I was wrapping up my three-week European vacation I received notice that I was selected to be a speaker on one of the Oprah Magazine Cruises – yes, THE Oprah! My mind is still whirling from this news. I firmly believe that this opportunity came up after I finally cleared enough stuff to make room for it while I allowed myself to recharge and get away on my trip. You'll be surprised on my thou

 261: Why It "Pays To Be Brave" with Angie Lee | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:48

You’re going to love today’s guest, Angie Lee, as she’s a wise old soul at the core but not even 30 years old! She and I go back 10 years to a fitness camp we attended together. Since that time she’s become this powerhouse businesswoman who loves sharing her light and knowledge with others. I hope you enjoy a good mixture of silliness and seriousness because you’ll get a big dose of both in this episode! Don’t be surprised if you’re ready to write your own book or host an event after listen

 260: Are You Sacrificing Yourself or Your Dreams Just to Fit In? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:34

Recently, I’ve seen a lot of people calling out the following quote:   “He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away.” – Raymond Hull We’ve all been guilty of this at one time or another, and I think it’s been such an a-ha moment for people in the book because it’s giving others permission to step even more into themselves regardless of what other people will think. So what part of yourself have you been whittling away in order to make someone else happy???

 259: Choosing Different Paths for a Thriving Body and Life with Koya Webb | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:25

Yogi and wellness coach, Koya Webb, personifies the word love. We were fortunate enough to chat in person, but I know you’ll feel her warm energy through the recording as well. And with a platform that encourages people to “love yourself, love others, and love the planet,” it’s no wonder. Koya offers so much valuable insight and if you get one thing out of our conversation it would be to stop and truly tune into what your body is saying. You never know what it will tell you if you pay attention.

 258: How to Give Yourself What You Need The Most | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 11:54

I hope this message prompts you to take a moment today to figure out what you need the most, move through resistance and lean in.  For me, sitting in resistance was not serving me. It was time to lean in and start asking myself questions instead. What would it look and feel like if I was back in the groove of things? What if I let go and enjoyed it? What would that look like? I realize that letting go can be hard and it takes a lot of thought. Trust me, that has been me for the last week! Listen in.

 257: How to Make a Comeback with Tim Storey | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:51

Today’s guest, Tim Storey, is someone I’ve wanted to have on Earn Your Happy since before it was officially a thing. So you can imagine that I was practically levitating from excitement (and let’s be honest, I still am) to chat with him. If you’ve never heard of Tim, you’re missing out because he’s a master at moving people into action and helping people turn setbacks into comebacks. Seriously, when Tim speaks his energy comes out of his pores! Listen in on this great interview with Tim Store

 256: How to Change a Belief That's Holding You Back | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:49

I just wrapped up my three-week trip traveling through Europe and phew – it definitely rocked my world! Yes, the experiences were amazing, but as a person who loves her rituals and who has habits that are deeply ingrained, it felt a bit daunting at first. If I would have taken this trip five years ago, I would have left 20 pounds heavier because I would have just given it the all-or-nothing approach. Anyone else? So what was the difference of taking this trip now? Listen in and we'll chat!

 255: Why Providing Value Is Key When Building Your Brand and Community with the Skinny Confidential | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:50

In this episode, you’ll hear about how this power couple met (and came to work together), the ins and outs of branding and why community, patience and adding value is key when trying to grow your business or brand. With all this valuable content, it’s no surprise that they’re now passionate about helping others grow their platforms, too. There are so many takeaways in this episode and I can’t wait to hear how you implement them!

 254: The Difference Between What Our MINDS SAY and WHO WE TRULY ARE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:00

Today I want to talk about the difference between the things we say in our mind and what we really are. It’s time to call out those things we want to do, but never do because our minds offer up an alternate story as to why we can’t. Using writing as an example, “I want to write a book, but I’m not a good writer.” Guess what? Neither was I and that’s why you find really good editors, writing coaches and other skilled people to help you through it.

 253: The Three Biggest Traits of a Leader with Bedros Keuilian | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:04

This is an information-filled episode sure to inspire you to up-level your game and take action today! I can’t wait to hear your takeaways! Today as an author, speaker, and business consultant, Bedros is able to share his unique wisdom with people through his businesses, speaking engagements and his upcoming new book, Man Up. He emphasizes that we are all much stronger than we think and it’s up to us to get resourceful and “man up,” and become the person you’re meant to be.

 252: How To Make The Most of Your Daily Energy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:55

I feel that energy is the most valuable commodity – and how awesome is it that it’s something we can help control? So with that in mind, what are you giving your energy to today? Ever notice that when you’re feeling low energy or tired that the things that seem big, scary or stressful seem even bigger, scarier or more stressful? When this happens, we know we’re not supporting that habits that keep us fully energized.

 251: Walk in Like You Own the Place with Cara Alwill | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:41

I am so I love with today’s guest, Cara Alwill Leyba, author, entrepreneur and founder of The Champagne Diet, and I know you’ll love her too after listening to our conversation. Cara vulnerably shares and is super transparent about the unglamorous side of business. She does this in an effort to show other women what it really looks like when things fall apart and how we can shift our perspectives, find the good and remember who we were before things fell apart. This is such an empowering episode!

 250: How to Be Friends with Influential People | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:38

Today we’re talking about who you have to become in order to start creating, manifesting and maintaining relationships in your life. Not long ago, I had a desire to hang out with higher-level friends. Now, don’t get me wrong, the friends I had at the time were great friends, but I was looking for something a little deeper. I wanted to have a true tribe of people who had a more expanded mindset, financial thermostat, bigger goals and no limits on their beliefs or possibilities. So let's talk about how


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