Earn Your Happy show

Earn Your Happy

Summary: Ever wanted a business bestie and life coach that could follow you around, get you totally pumped and ready to take massive action on your goals? That’s exactly what Lori Harder and her guests will do. You’re going to learn the tools and strategies that are proven to help you grow yourself, your confidence, your income and your business! Each week you can choose from interviews, quickies and even a question and answers segment featuring YOU, the listener! You will learn how to market your business, navigate tough conversations, challenging family + friend dynamics and create the tribe you need in order to live your dream life. This podcast is a mix of the practical + spiritual and shares the raw truth about what it takes to EARN YOUR HAPPY.


 279: How to Become the REAL You with Drew Canole | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:27

My friend, founder of Organifi and now author, Drew Canole is back on the show and I couldn’t be more happy as I feel a bit like I need to redeem myself after my last interview with him – I can’t believe how nervous I was last time!

 278: What You Have To Do NEXT in Order to GROW | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:35

The purpose of life is growth and progress. We are all meant to find what makes us fulfilled and happy, but sometimes that’s the thing we fear the most. As an exercise, I want you to write down the 10 things you’re most afraid of – big or small. These are your next steps. From here, circle the least scary step – or perhaps the scariest step. Whichever you choose, act on it, no matter how uncomfortable or scared you are. Rejection or failure is inevitable, but the biggest gifts are on the other s

 277: How to Become the Person Who Makes BIG Impact with Tom Bilyeu | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:27

Similar to my journey, Tom grew up in a family who struggled with their weight, and broke the pattern by choosing to pave a healthier way for himself and as result change the trajectory of his life at the same time. That’s why today he’s so passionate about helping others who struggle with their weight. However, Tom is the first to acknowledge that it’s not always an easy path. In fact, when it comes to success in weight loss or a business or career, nothing is guaranteed – except the pain or strugg

 276: Anxiety and Productivity Hack! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:00

Today I’m talking about the vital topic of taking action and curing those moments where you’re just sitting in pain thinking. The last week (typically in the mornings is when I struggle the most), I’ve been overthinking – everything. Have you ever caught yourself in a downward spiral like this? And it’s during moments like these that I’m really trying to work on shortening the amount of time they last. Here’s my hack – even though I drag my feet sometimes...

 275: Go With Your Gut - The Journey of Releasing Emotional and Physical Weight with Robyn Youkilis | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:59

I had such a great time connecting with Robyn during this conversation. If you’re someone who struggles with your relationship with food, this episode is a must listen! After much trial and error, Robyn now teaches others that it’s OK if you don’t have it all figured out. It’s all about finding a formula that works for YOUR body and adheres to what your intuition is telling you and keeps you in alignment. I know you're going to enjoy this episode!

 274: Why Being Out Of "Alignment" Helps You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:29

Typically, when it comes to being in alignment, we’ve always talked about lining it up with our true purpose or highest potential. While I still believe this is a part of it, I also think a bigger part of it is being aligned with your truth in the present moment.  In order to feel this “truth” you have to sometimes be out of alignment and feel those feelings. Sometimes this means feelings of darkness and ugliness or worry and insecurity. It’s super important that we not stay in these feelings to

 273: Turn Pain and Fear into Courage and Learn How to Talk to Anyone with Alex Banayan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:21

I love a good story and today’s guest, author Alex Banayan has a great one. Alex shares with us his seven-year book journey that lead him to interview some of the world’s most successful people to show how they broke through and launched their careers. Alex had to navigate through his fears and obstacles as well. From disappointing his family and losing his father to insecurity and being turned down by potential interviewees, Alex was persistent and now helps others conquer obstacles of all kinds

 272: The SECRET To Reaching Your Next Level | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:29

This past weekend I spoke at the Thrive event in Las Vegas and I came to the realization that my life is one big classroom. You see, I got sick the morning of the day I was supposed to speak with food poisoning; I wasn’t going anywhere for a while. It was like life was flashing a big neon sign with a message that was impossible for me to ignore. One thing I’ve come to realize though is that: “Every single thing that happens can be a breakthrough lesson and everyone can be a teacher.”

 271: How to Live a Rich Life: 4 Stories and Lessons with Chris and Lori Harder | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:30

I’m so excited, as always, to have my husband, Chris Harder, back on the show and today we’re sharing some of our most impactful stories that have helped lead us to the full-circle rich lives we’re leading now. We’re far from perfect and that’s exactly why we love sharing our ups and downs with as many people possible – even if they’re super embarrassing. Tune in to hear our stories and lessons we’ve learned along the way and let us know if you can relate.

 270: Take Your POWER Back NOW! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:49

Today’s episode is all about freeing yourself from the labels that hold you back and knowing that you’re the only one who has that power to do so. How often have you heard, “I have such anxiety when it comes to speaking in front of people”? Hand raised over here because I’ve definitely said it to myself before. But here’s where we change it. We don’t “have” anxiety. We “do” anxiety. We don’t “have” no energy. We “do” no energy. And it’s in this doing that we have the cho

 269: Making Big Changes in Unconventional Ways with Henry Ammar | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:02:58

Pure goodness exudes from Henry and it’s no wonder since he’s made it his mission to boost self-love and self-confidence by creating practical transformative experiences through fun dynamic events that infuse pop culture with empowerment. Listen in to hear all about Henry’s journey thus far, what he’s doing to help others, what’s coming up and what he sees happening down the road. I personally can't wait to see all of this ideas come to fruition; any event with him will make a huge impact on th

 268: Uncover the Beliefs Your Current Tribe Is Reinforcing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:22

Just a head’s up that today’s topic may be a touch overwhelming for some, but I don’t want anyone to get too worried, because when it comes to shifting and changing a person’s beliefs – it’s actually never-ending.   I’ve discovered recently just how important it is to take inventory of one’s tribe, aka the people who we’re spending the most time with. Keep in mind that this can be actual people, television, podcasts etc. I like to also call them reinforcers.

 267: Ways to ATTRACT WEALTH Rather Than Chase It with Patrice C. Washington | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:33

I had such a great time talking with Patrice – she is such a down-to-earth, purpose-driven woman who relies on faith and her own unique calling to help others find theirs as well. I hope this episode empowers you to break free from any limiting beliefs that you have about yourself and helps you step into your highest purpose and calling.

 266: Why I Believe You DON'T Have All You Need Inside You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:26

When I first started my podcast, I knew nothing…I mean nothing about starting a podcast. So I started researching (Google) and finding others who could help me get it off the ground. I was not meant to create all the things by myself. For this particular endeavor, I had the idea and it was up to me to move it forward. It was literally a matter of asking the right questions.

 265: Why Your Story Is The Most Powerful Thing You Can Share with Cayla Craft | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:01:54

Having grown up in a broken but happy family, Cayla Craft knew she was meant to do big things and help people. However, she first had to change the lens she was viewing her life through. In order for her to create what she wanted out of life, she had to ditch the mentality of “I am nothing,” and instead share her story to help others. There were so many moments I related to throughout our conversation and I know many of you will as well. I would love to hear what those moments are! Happy listening!


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