Earn Your Happy show

Earn Your Happy

Summary: Ever wanted a business bestie and life coach that could follow you around, get you totally pumped and ready to take massive action on your goals? That’s exactly what Lori Harder and her guests will do. You’re going to learn the tools and strategies that are proven to help you grow yourself, your confidence, your income and your business! Each week you can choose from interviews, quickies and even a question and answers segment featuring YOU, the listener! You will learn how to market your business, navigate tough conversations, challenging family + friend dynamics and create the tribe you need in order to live your dream life. This podcast is a mix of the practical + spiritual and shares the raw truth about what it takes to EARN YOUR HAPPY.


 204: Why GROWTH Doesn't Always FEEL GOOD | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:04

Growth doesn’t feel good all the time. I’ve mentioned this before, but the past couple months it’s been proven even more as I’ve noticed that my career and life are at totally new and different levels. Don’t get me wrong, this all feels amazing…but it’s ALL new things and quite honestly, it’s a bit overwhelming and scary. There is so much that I don’t know about where I’m at and I’ve come to the realization that I need to be OK with that. This mucky, but glorious spot means more growth

 203: How to Make the Adjustments to STAY ALIGNED with YOUR GREATER VISION with Regan Hillyer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:40

I could have talked on and on and with Regan – I was soaking it all up! She offers so much knowledge and even talks about her different rituals that help her stay aligned with her goals and mission. If you’re looking to gain more clarity around your goals, this episode is a great kickstart! Enjoy!

 202: FAITH Means Trusting THIS... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:05

If you’re feeling fear around something and/or a pull on your soul, go for it and ignore all the background noise within and outside – I’m living proof. Trust me, after creating a podcast, network marketing and writing a book, I’ve come to trust my soul to guide me in the right direction. But in order to do so, I have to consistently keep chipping away day by day at my goals.

 201: Break The Habits That Are Holding You Back with Andrea Owen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:51

If you’re a person who beats themselves up on the regular or struggles with perfectionism, people-pleasing, control, the idea of being strong, perfectionism, etc., this episode and her new book are the perfect tools to help you let some of that go and focus on your happiness and live a kick-ass life. Andrea covers a ton of mind-shifting topics including what habits she struggles with the most, fear of failure (and success), writing her second book and why she’s learned to surrender to all of her emotio

 200: How To MAKE MORE TIME and ENERGY for Your Goals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:09

I don’t know about you, but I love the natural reset that occurs with a new year. It’s a way to reset our intentions and make sure our time and energy are in alignment with our goals. But often times, this extra time and energy never come around because we’ve already taken up the “extra” with anxiety and stressful thoughts that don’t serve us. So today we’re talking about how we can get more time, energy and willpower. And the simplest (but not necessarily the easiest way) is to clear your

 199: Upgrade Your Vibration with Peta Kelly | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:02

A lot has changed since Peta Kelly was last a guest on Earn Your Happy. She’s had a baby, written a book and created multiple businesses. And no matter what happens in her life, I love how she always goes in flow. Peta has found that this state of flow has been necessary to balance motherhood, business and writing a book. Tune in to hear what Peta’s book-writing process looked like, what she still struggles with and how she hopes to help millennials discover the new way to live, lead, earn and give.

 198: Our PLANS FOR SUCCESS in 2018 with Chris Harder | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:05:02

Don't Miss This Special Conversation with my Husband! First and foremost, we’ve both done a lot of reassessing and have gotten really clear and laser-focused on what we want to see and do this year – individually and as a couple – both in business and in play. Find out what we’re working to get rid of and what we’re working to align ourselves with more – some things may surprise you! We’re putting it all about there in this super candid conversation – you don’t want to miss it!

 197: How to FREE YOURSELF from JUDGMENT with Gabby Bernstein | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 54:21

One of my favorite (and most frequent) guests, Gabby Bernstein is back, and I know you’re all just as thrilled as I am. We even joked that she should be a co-host (you never know, right?). Today we’re talking about judgment, and I personally couldn’t agree more with the importance of talking about this topic. Judgment is the root of so many problems and whether we’re judging others or ourselves, it’s so bad that we barely realize we’re doing it.

 196: Find The Courage To Live The Life You Were Meant For | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:05

Can you believe it? This is my last official quickie of 2017! What a ride 2017 was. And before I get into things here, and no matter what happened, I want you to acknowledge everything that happened – good and bad – and how it’s helped you learn. Try to reframe the word failure, because it’s not always about winning or failing, it’s about learning or… learning. Yes! Can you we agree to take the word failure out of our vocabulary? As Nelson Mandela once said, “I don’t lose. I either win or

 195: How to Tap Into Your Creative Intuition Quickly with Liana Louzon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 53:41

If you’re a creative or longing to get MORE creative, be sure to listen in to hear how Liana taps into both her intuition, gets in her “zone,” and as a result creates a springboard for creativity. Originally from Russia, Liana made her way to Canada at the age of 14 and shares her journey of assimilating and learning a new language. While there were times of struggle, Liana learned to tap into her intuition and has since used that very skill to forge ahead in her creative businesses.

 194: The Soul PULLS, The Ego PUSHES - Goals and New Year's Resolutions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:41

With the New Year a week away, goals and resolutions are at the forefront of everyone’s mind. And while this is a super exciting time of year, it can also be super overwhelming, too. Especially if you don’t feel you were successful with the previous year’s goals. So here’s what I suggest this year (and every year for that matter): Focus on RIGHT NOW, and you’ll figure out the HOW later. “It’s now about the how, it’s about knowing what you desire.”

 193: How Pleasure Helps You SHOW UP BIGGER in Your Life and Business with Arielle Loren | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 58:17

There are so many interesting things to know about today’s guest, Arielle Loren, I don’t even know where to begin! A former sex columnist and founder of an erotic magazine, this now marketing agency owner encourages all female entrepreneurs to empower themselves and do all the things that bring them pleasure. Be sure to listen in as we talk about tapping into this power and how keeping honest and authentic lines of communication open with others and ourselves can lead you to your ultimate happiness.

 192: How to Avoid Trashing Your MINDSET and Environment | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:14

The other day I was talking with a friend about my recent trip to Nosara, Costa Rica. And one of the things we were talking about was their relationship with Mother Earth. The people there are so conscious of what they are putting out and also regulate what others bring in and take out. For example, there are very few garbage cans and even throwing away a gum wrapper was a challenge. So why am I telling you this? Well, I realized there was a lot of similarity to this and our own thoughts.

 191: How to Grow Your Business by Growing Yourself with Andy Murphy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:00:16

I love learning new things and I kind of geek out when a ton of scientific knowledge is dropped. And this is just one of the many reasons why I loved talked with entrepreneur, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) expert and mind coach, Andy Murphy. Tune into learn what NLP actually is, how it can help retrain your thoughts and belief systems and help you in all areas of your life.You don’t want to miss this knowledge-packed episode!

 190: How To Move From INTERESTED to COMMITTED | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:10

New Year’s is just around the corner and I know that several of you are already working on your resolutions. However, are you just interested in your goals or are you committed? When you’re just interested, it may feel like your committed, but in the back of your mind you’re always looking for a way out. You haven’t set a date, you’re not risking anything or putting anything on the line. You’ve still got the opportunity to get out at any time. When you’re committed – you’re all in.


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