15 Minutes to Freedom show

15 Minutes to Freedom

Summary: 15 Minutes to Freedom is an unfiltered daily dive into the life lessons and mistakes of Ryan. Using his life experiences as an unfiltered guide, Ryan puts his experiences in perspective to help you expand your own life. Topics range from the importance of owning your truth, tapping into your own spirituality, and much more. The sole purpose of this daily show is to offer relatable guidance, provide information, and inspire you to re-align and take action!

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 E249 Tactical Training Part 4 - The Pit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:40

The places we least want to go offer the biggest possibility of growth. We bury painful memories for a reason, most frequently because we don’t have the capacity to deal with them. Today I’m going to walk you through a tool called The Pit. The purpose of The Pit is to find a moment in your dark side and bring it to the light. How do we do that? By confronting it head on. This is likely to be painful, but it will absolutely be transformative.

 E248 Tactical Training Part 3: Goal Setting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:10

Without a goal, how can you ever expect to get to where you want to go? It’s simply not possible. When it comes to goal setting, the problem for many of us is that we set time based goals based on external things. What makes it even worse is that we tend to unconsciously set goals that aren’t even for our own fulfillment. Today I explain how to set goals that come from within and why it’s important to create action steps within every goal.

 E247 Tactical Training Part 2 - Finding Your Why | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:04

For so many of us, our “Why” has become something other than ourselves. Our “Why’ is the new house, the new car, the new job, the raise, or any other type of external validation you can think of. I’m here today to challenge that type of thinking and explain to you why it can be detrimental to have a “Why” that doesn’t directly serve you. Questions, comments, requests? Feel free to contact me at ryan@gsdmediagroup.com. I’d love to hear from you.

 E246 Tactical Training Part 1 - Purpose | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 16:03

2019 is fast approaching, which for many of you marks a chance to start anew and make serious change in your life. My goal is to help you do just that. Today begins a seven part Tactical Training series aimed at giving you the tools necessary to level up your life. First, we start with purpose. Why? Because without it, life is inherently meaningless. Purpose is the foundation that an incredible life is built upon.

 E245 Ryan & Lindsay - Conspiracy Theories | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:50

Do you believe everything you hear? What if I told you Lindsay can speak with the dead? Or that the Federal Reserve is actually a business? Would you believe me if I said the technology exists for hyperspace travel? This world isn’t always what it seems, and sometimes it takes leveling up your consciousness to see things clearly. Today Lindsay and I take a trip down the rabbit hole to dig into some of my favorite conspiracy theories. Buckle up and open your mind.

 E244 M.A.P. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:05

There is a way to get anything you want in life. The problem for most of us is that we don’t have the ability to see out of our current situation due to our past experiences. Today I’m here to explain to you a tool for pulling yourself above your circumstances and reaching a life you couldn’t imagine. It all starts with a Mentor, requires Accountability, and is centered on a plan. Tune in to see how the M.A.P. Protocol can change your life.

 E243 Amber Balcaen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 47:43

Today on the show I have professional race car driver and CMT reality star Amber Balcaen. Amber digs deep into her start as a race car driver. Listen as she details going from go karts to NASCAR and everything between. What’s more? Amber is offering a unique opportunity for anyone who’s ever wanted to get involved in NASCAR. She’s currently looking for sponsorship for the upcoming season and needs your help. Listen to find out how!

 E242 Gift Ideas | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:14

Attention last minute shoppers! If you’re still struggling to find a gift for that special someone in your life, today I’m here to help. In today’s episode, I lay out some of my favorite things you can use to surprise anyone dedicated to becoming a greater version of themselves. These items cover every price range, and include things such as books, glasses, float spa trips, and so much more. Tune in for a unique gift that’s sure to put you on the nice list.

 E241 What Is Coaching? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:58

For any long-time listener, you’ve certainly heard me talk about the importance of coaching. Coaching has truly transformed my life, and my experiences with other coaches is what inspired me to get into the industry. Today I do something that many coaches would never dare to do; I’m sharing my methodology and practices for everything I do. If you’ve ever wanted to know exactly what I do, this one is for you.

 E240 1 of 7 Update Part 2, Plus 1 of 5 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:23

After putting out an opportunity for seven individuals earlier this year, I share two incredible stories of the phenomenal change that has occurred over the first 60 days. If you're interested in this type of change in your own life, I’m extending a brand new opportunity. Listen to this episode to find instructions on participating in 1 of 5 and see how you can get involved. Follow instructions closely or you won’t be considered.

 E239 And? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:21

At some point in our life, we come to a decision where we believe it has to be one thing or the other. While it’s true there are points in life where we need tomato sacrifices to devote our time to something else, many times it’s simply our mind creating barriers that don’t actually exist. In today’s episode, I explain how I helped a listener realize that he could have everything he wants in his life and provide you with tools so you can do the same.

 E238 Ryan & Lindsay - The Real | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:35

Social media, the internet, and media in general have an incredible power to create false perceptions. It’s quite easy for us to consume one piece of content and extrapolate it to mean something entirely different. After an episode a couple weeks ago where Lindsay and I shared a bit of a heated exchange, I received a lot of feedback from concerned listeners. Today Lindsay and I clear the air and discuss how we’ve moved on from that tense situation.

 E237 Old School | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:01

As Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” At some point in our lives all of us have been ingrained in old ways of doing things. Perhaps some of you are there right now. As I’m preparing for a fight in March, I found myself there as well. In today’s episode, I’ll describe my situation, how I’ve learned from it, and offer up some strategies for how you can make change in your life.

 E236 TJ Floyd | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:00

TJ Floyd, my college roommate, Finance Director at Sonic Automotive Group, and all around great friend, drops in from South Carolina for a fun episode of nostalgia. We discuss dorm-life, late night trips to the emergency room, and TJ’s vivid memory of my testicles. We also discuss how interrupting patterns can have a monumental impact in you life and the lives of those around you. Questions, comments, requests? Feel free to contact me at ryan@gsdmediagroup.com. I’d love to hear from you.

 E235 Keep It Simple | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:39

Our brain is wired for complexity. Nature and society has programmed us to believe our problems are far more complicated than they are. This creates fear and prevents or delays us from taking action. The easiest thing to do? Keep it simple. In today’s show, I outline how a MAP (Mentorship Accountability Plan) Protocol can help move past the blocks you’ve created for yourself. Questions, comments, requests? Feel free to contact me at ryan@gsdmediagroup.com. I’d love to hear from you.


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