2020 FIT Podcast show

2020 FIT Podcast

Summary: 2020FIT Podcast is redefining health for everyone. From nutrition and fitness; coaching and motivation - we're discussing it all. We talk with industry experts on how to improve our lives through exercise, nutrition and general education while building a healthier lifestyle. For more, visit www.2020.fitness.

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 Ep. 28 Final Mixdown | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:20:24

This week I sit down with Kevin Ward, the co-founder of SwingFit, as he shares the secret to shooting under par and everything you'll ever need to know to play great golf. As much as I wish that were true, Kevin shares a bit of his story coming up in the game of golf, playing at KU and then on the pro tour, and how he now uses his experience to help others not only play better but to feel better from the work they're doing in the gym.

 Ep. 27 | Sitting Down With an Ironman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:50:14

What does it take to do an Ironman? This week we sit down with Andrew Komer, who just became a 4x Ironman by completing Ironman Lake Placid. He shares with us the story of how he got hooked on the training and how the challenge of the Ironman has made relatively difficult tasks easier by comparison.

 Ep. 26 | Setting Goals & Sharing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:26:11

Getting to where you want involves setting a specific target. We've had the conversation every now and again with clients of, "I'm not getting the results I want." Our response is then, "What are your goals?" More times than not, goals are just floating around in people's heads, not being written down or expressed to others. This week we urge everyone to write down their goals, regardless of the category they fall into - health, relationships, or professionally to help you not only realize where you are, but where you're going.

 Ep. 25 | You'll Get More Than What You Pay For | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:15:07

Today we make a shameless plug/justification for the monthly investment in joining a fitness community. We hear a lot about the high cost of joining not only 2020 but other personal fitness communities. To quickly lay out the benefits, you receive programming, guided coaching from a staff that cares about you, the latest and greatest thinking in the fitness world, you don't have to think, great equipment, accountability provided by the community as well as surrounding yourself with a group of people that will push you. We can't think of money that would be better spent as proper health will have a positive impact on all facets of your life.

 Ep. 24 | Life Lessons from Flying F-16s with Anthony Quirarte | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:14

Anthony Quirarte is a former F-16 fighter pilot and overall impressive human being. Like a couple of grade schoolers, we sat down with him to pick his brain about flying the Fighting Falcon at Mach 2 but quickly learned what was most impressive was the mindset he took from flying to fighting cancer when his career in the military was cut short. He shares some great stories about surviving, both in training, in the air, and now on the ground.

 Ep. 23 | Outsource your Motivation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:40

The saying goes, "you're the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with." This dramatically applies to who you workout with. Are you surrounding yourself with the right people to help you make the right decisions to help you reach your goals? The fastest way to improve your motivation is to outsource it to others as that will help keep you on track. Get the results you're after by surrounding yourself with others that will help lift you up.

 Ep. 22 | 2020 2.0 and Laying out the Plans for Our Upcoming Addition | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:52

From day one we've just tried to make our facility a little better today than it was yesterday. For those that have been around you've seen some big changes over the course of the last couple of months. Today we talk about how this is only the beginning. To build the community that we're after, we're going to need more space and with that comes an exciting addition to the facility we already have. Our three main reasons for the expansion are:  1) Provide a greater impact on our community by being able to offer more classes at more times 2) Create a training environment for professional coaches to hone their craft with our amazing client base 3) Establish a space to gather at the gym, just not IN the gym We're excited to share this initial news and look forward to keeping you updated on the progress as we roll along!

 Ep. 21 | The Hustle of Starting Mer-Sea & Co. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:31

Lina Dickinson, co-founder of Mer-Sea & Co., a lifestyle brand based here in Kansas City shares her story of taking an idea from a home office to now working with national brands such as Anthropology and Tommy Bahama. She inspires with her positive attitude and the fact that she did all this with 4 young children.

 Ep. 20 | The Future of Fitness | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:13:48

We’re often asked “Is this CrossFIt thing a fad?” Invariably, our answer is YES. But it is only a fad in that we’ll continue to pursue what is best for our clients as it relates to programming, equipment and getting them results. These things change overtime as we learn better methods for applying the craft and CrossFit gives us the freedom to operate in any way we see fit. The important part of CrossFit and what we believe the future of fitness to be is not the workouts or the results you get but rather the Community that you surround yourself with that we so desperately need. You have home, the office and for a lot of us church, but now the gym is that other place where you can find yourself with positive people who work hard and you get to see multiple times per week. The future of fitness is happening now and it’s a beautiful thing!

 Ep. 19 | How Cancer is Beat by Community | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:04

We had the pleasure of sitting down with Lene Yeo and learning about her fight with cancer and how it affected not only her, but her family and entire support system. She credits her community with helping her through the most difficult times and giving her a new perspective now 11 years on the other side of being cancer free.

 Ep. 18 | Pec Stick = Pool Season + Stable Shoulders | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:42

In modern life, we spend a lot of time looking forward at our phones, computers, etc. In this episode, we talk about how to improve your shoulder stability, and therefore reducing pain in the shoulder, by using a device called a pec stick. Not to mention it’s now pool season and everyone wants to work on their ‘bod’ a bit...the peck stick might be your answer!

 Ep. 17 | Improve Your Skin, Performance, & Tolerate the Heat This Summer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:21:01

This week we dig into a simple, yet incredibly important topic, in Hydration. It's a tool most of us realize needs to be taken seriously yet falls by the wayside when we get busy. We share the WHY behind being hydrated and HOW you can take some simple steps to ensure you're doing what needs to be done so you can improve the quality of your skin, get better in the gym, and be able to own the heat this summer. Quick takeaways include: Use magnesium oil. Drink 20 oz of water upon waking. Count how many times you go to the bathroom. Take electrolyte supplements. Put salt in your coffee. Carry a big water bottle. Weigh yourself before/after workouts to calculate sweat loss.

 Ep. 16 | 2x the Results in 1/2 the Time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:57

As much as we'd like to disagree, more is not always better. This week we do a short-form podcast to help explain our new 25 minutes FIT program and the benefits short, intense training has on your health and ultimately your results. We started this program a couple of months ago to accomplish three things, 1) Provide a tough workout, 2) Create intensity WITH safety in doing simple movements that have a low chance of injury, and 3) Help you be more efficient with your time. We believe we've stumbled on something special and look forward to experiencing it first hand.

 Ep. 15 | "You're only as sick as your secrets" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:45

This week is a special episode as we get to sit down with an inspiring person in Drew Komenda as he shares a story many of us would potentially work to keep out of the public eye. Drew has a battle with alcoholism and is now over 10 years sober in that fight and is an inspiration to the rest of us who want to live a happy, healthy and fun life. He reveals it all and further identifies how critical it is to surround yourself with positive and supportive people. Now he has the opportunity to help others overcome their addictions whether they be food or substance-related. Jeremy and I both left the conversation inspired and hope it does the same for you!

 Ep. 14 | Redefine Wellness in 21 Days | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:38

Shared suffering is something we've become very good at in regards to pushing ourselves in the gym. We're looking to take this theme and use it to create a community around daily challenges that we will all be participating in over the course of 3 weeks. In this week's podcast, we discuss the Redefine Wellness Challenge that will be taking place at 2020 Fitness starting May 14th and the WHY behind each of the daily challenges. The challenges include: 1) Screen free 2 hours before bed 2) 20-24 hour fast 3) Eat Whole30 for a day 4) Get 8 hours of sleep 5) Take a 2 minute cold shower 6) Spend 5 minutes with your feet in the grass 7) Concentrated breathing for 5 minutes


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