Ep. 14 | Redefine Wellness in 21 Days

2020 FIT Podcast show

Summary: Shared suffering is something we've become very good at in regards to pushing ourselves in the gym. We're looking to take this theme and use it to create a community around daily challenges that we will all be participating in over the course of 3 weeks. In this week's podcast, we discuss the Redefine Wellness Challenge that will be taking place at 2020 Fitness starting May 14th and the WHY behind each of the daily challenges. The challenges include: 1) Screen free 2 hours before bed 2) 20-24 hour fast 3) Eat Whole30 for a day 4) Get 8 hours of sleep 5) Take a 2 minute cold shower 6) Spend 5 minutes with your feet in the grass 7) Concentrated breathing for 5 minutes