Ep. 20 | The Future of Fitness

2020 FIT Podcast show

Summary: We’re often asked “Is this CrossFIt thing a fad?” Invariably, our answer is YES. But it is only a fad in that we’ll continue to pursue what is best for our clients as it relates to programming, equipment and getting them results. These things change overtime as we learn better methods for applying the craft and CrossFit gives us the freedom to operate in any way we see fit. The important part of CrossFit and what we believe the future of fitness to be is not the workouts or the results you get but rather the Community that you surround yourself with that we so desperately need. You have home, the office and for a lot of us church, but now the gym is that other place where you can find yourself with positive people who work hard and you get to see multiple times per week. The future of fitness is happening now and it’s a beautiful thing!