The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast

Summary: If you’re looking for political podcasts you might want to check out The Christopher Scott Radio Talk Show Podcast. It is an independent channel, and Christopher Scott is considered one of the country’s top political commentators. ​Why is it better? Because it's the most popular independent podcast. Listened to in countries around the world. Often copied, never replicated and never compromised. It's the highest level of integrity available in broadcasting.  ​Chris is an author, speaker and an American political commentator who also offers an independent alternative. Christopher Scott is not just a news host. Much of his political commentary is shaped by perspective of Common Sense by Thomas Paine. ​ Christopher Scott is the author of Common Sense By Thomas Paine in Modern English which he spent over a year translating form the original manuscript. Making him, arguably the authority on Common Sense. This common sense perspective sets his commentary apart from other podcast channels. Because it’s a podcast about ideas it also sets the Christopher Scott Show apart from other political commentators. ​It’s a podcast that belongs in the top 15 political podcast channels to follow. Check it out for yourself.

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  • Artist: Christopher Scott Show
  • Copyright: Copyright Christopher Scott (C/O Blogtalkradio)


 Facebook Drops Record $119 Billion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: Facebook stock just took a massive nose dive. Remember when Zook went to congress? He was a big celebrity. Well, the stock just took a hit to the tune of $119 Billion. It's a record loss. Does anybody care? Is this the beginning of the end for the Face crooks? Why would Facebook be worth so much in the first place? Who would have ever put a value of over $700 billion on Facebook? It's those same people that are blaming data breaches and privacy breaches, it was never worth that much. What has Social media done for us? They've made a giant mess. Election interference, emotional disturbance, fake news, that's been the result of social media. You never heard of Fake news until FB and Google implemented algorithms. They bring these guys into congress and clueless politicians ask the stupidest questions and nobody asked about the data manipulation. All they asked about was privacy. How can anyone expect privacy on the internet? Of course it's not private and it never will be. Nobody asked about the data manipulation.  So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook: Twitter:

 A World of Delusion & Chaos | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: There's a lot of weird stuff that goes on. Not alien weird, people doing and saying weird stuff. Doing stupid stuff, saying stupid stuff. It's gotten so out of hand it's hard to believe that it's even reality. How can you really know what to believe? This is a compilation of current news stories that just doesn't really make any sense. It's out there, right in plain view but there's so much crazy nobody hardly notices. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook: Twitter:

 What if there were no political parties? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: I have a question for you. What purpose do political parties serve? I mean what purpose do they serve for the tax payer? In other words what does it do for us? It's done nothing more than divide us against each other and create a breeding ground for radicals. All promoted by TV and social media that will do anything to get your attention. Whether mad or depressed it doesn't matter to them. Drive traffic, drive traffic, viewers, viewers viewers. Who cares if it takes a little fake news, who cares if it means they sell their soul. I'm wondering if political parties have out lived their usefulness. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook: Twitter:

 Google Fined Record $5 Billion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: Google just got hit with a massive fine for anti-trust violations. This is a big hit in the world of mega corporations. The European Union slapped Google with a $5B dollar fine for antitrust violations claiming Google was engaging in unfair trade practices because they cut deals with phone manufactures to pre-install Google apps on phones. This was something Microsoft got in trouble for a few years ago. Most people when they think of anti-trust laws think of monopolies. That's one element of anti-trust cases but the core principle of anti-trust laws is to maintain fair competition. It doesn't have to be big company and it doesn't have to be a monopoly. When a company has an unfair advantage it's supposed to be regulated so there is health competition. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook: Twitter:

 Little Liberal Radical Taking NY by Storm | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: I don't know if you anything about this young lady Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, 28 years old. She won the democratic primary for the House of Representatives and she's a self-proclaimed socialist. I'm not even sure that's accurate. I'd say she's just more of a radical but some people would say free thinker. I'm open to any of that but let's just say this college graduate is no defender of the constitution. She beat out a long time incumbent that didn't even show up for one of the debates with her. Of course it has people talking, from both sides of politics. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook: Twitter:

 Trump Winks at Putin, Press Freaks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: Go do a google search for Trump winks at Putin and see what comes up. You'll find page and pages on pages of articles about it, I'm not kidding. There's video and analysis, it's endless. Let me ask you as question, what impact does this have on your life? Who cares? Could you imagine if he did something really crazy like leaned in whispered that he'd have more flexibility to negotiate after the election. That probably wouldn't get much news because that's typical politics but winking that's a whole different story. For the life of me I can't understand what the purpose is of this getting so much attention. I know there's people that would say that the press just jumps all over everything Trump does but, what purpose does it serve us? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook: Twitter:

 What does freedom mean to you? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: What does freedom mean to you? If you really think about it, can you define what it means? It's kind of hard. It's kind of like defining love. It has a lot of different meanings. I think there's a lot more talk about love than there is freedom. Look at music, pop culture and religion. They all talk about love. Love and happiness, love your neighbor, love each other. We teach it to our kids but how often do we talk about freedom? But, isn't freedom the essence of love at the societal level? Like the popular saying, "If you love someone, set them free". Most psychologists interpret the practical meaning of that saying to mean a healthy attachment style.  Shouldn't that same logic apply to society and government? How do we have a fair debate about any proposed program or idea without discussing the impact on our freedom? And, yet we don't really talk about it all that much. It's never discussed at all. Is that an indication of our unhealthy attachment to government? Freedom is defined as having the ability to act or change without constraint. A person is free when they have the freedom to do things that are not controlled or prevented by government. Isn't it something we should be talking about. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook: Twitter:

 Pistol-Packing Judge Accidentally Drops Gun in Courthouse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:44:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: A judge is charged with a misdemeanor after he accidentally dropped his pistol in a Cook County Courthouse on the Chicago's south side. People will have all kinds of opinions about this. The courthouse is a prohibited area where guns aren't allowed. He has a permit and he's legally allowed to carry. How's he supposed to do that between his house and the courthouse? Why don't they have a place for him to check his weapon? I brought the story up for those of you that don't understand what I'm talking about when I talk about restoring the 2nd amendment. The laws have made it so hard to carry it's a liability for law abiding citizens. We've made the criminals the victims and the law abiding citizens the criminals just for wanting to protect themselves. It's not just carrying in the wrong place that will get you into trouble. If you say the wrong thing or post the wrong thing online you can run into trouble. It's become an all-out assault on gun owners. As a matter of fact it doesn't even have to be you, if your kid happens to say the wrong thing in front of the wrong people you can end up having a problem. State police in Millstone Township NJ tried to confiscate the firearms of an Army veteran because of an accusation at his sons school. Why don't we ever hear the good stories live the woman in Dallas Texas that saved her two children from a carjacker? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook: Twitter:

 How much worse can flying get, smaller bathrooms, groping, and worse | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: When was the last time you flew? Was it a good experience and if it was do you think you just got lucky? That's kind of my expectation any more. I figure there's a good chance it's not going to go well and when it does it's a nice surprise. It's kind of a shame because I used to love flying. It was such a feeling of freedom and it was exciting. But, over the years it's changed. The big changes were after September 11, 2001. I remember in the first two or three years after that they'd tell you to arrive at the airport three or four hours before your flight was scheduled to depart. The security was insane. They didn't know how to handle it. Things have gotten a little better but I still wouldn't call it an fun and easy process. It's not just the security. Flight delays and hours long periods trapped in the plane waiting on the tarmac. These stories happen all the time. Fights in the airport, irrational passengers, it's all become a regular occurrence. And, it's not just the passengers. Sometimes the pilots act a little goofy too. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook: Twitter:

 Feds Collect Record Taxes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: Have you ever wondered how much money the government takes in? It's about three trillion dollars taken in by the federal government and another three trillion dollars taken in by state and local governments. Six trillion dollars taken in by our government. That's $20,000 a year for every man woman and child in the country. Then there were the tax cuts. We were told that but cutting taxes would spur economic growth and actually increase tax revenue. Well they did, sort of. Tax revenue as whole is down because of the corporate tax cuts. So where does all that leave us? It might be a good idea to include the trade deficit in this conversation because tariffs are going up too. But, that hasn't stopped another record. June was a record trade deficit too. All those goods are going to be taxed at an increased rate. How's all this balance out you ask, hit the play button! Visit: Facebook: Twitter:

 Joe Rogan on Immigration, Big Surprise | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: Why is it that there's so many celebrities out there, that think that because a lot of people listen to them that their right? Or, that what their saying, or what they believe is right? Look it's not for me to decide who gets to take a stand on what and how people choose to use their platform. That's not for me to say but I'll damn sure come out and point out when somebody says something stupid. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook: Twitter:

 Vacations, Stay-cations and Man-cations | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:06:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: If time and money were no object where and what would you do for vacation? If you had no boundary's what would you do? It's an amazing idea when you think out it. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook: Twitter:

 Americans CRAZED and DELUSIONAL in mass number | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:03:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: I put together a list of things that have happened just this week. When you look at these stories together it really makes it seem like the country's coming off the rails. Normally all you get from the news is the hottest sound bites, click bait and breaking news repeated over and over again. You never get to see the totally of the insanity. And, it's like there are mass numbers of people that are crazy and delusional. Why is it happening. I have a few theories. The wide spread use of videos available on our cell phones, the internet and cable news are a few. Social media also plays a big role because it creates a distorted perception of reality. And, it's well known that even sane people when exposed enough to insanity will themselves become psychotic. With everyone spending so much time on social media it's not so hard to explain why so many people are acting irrationally. But, there's another part of this story. The desperate political attempts by radicals who are calling themselves democrats. The incidents are coming faster, becoming more intense and more aggressive. What's all this leading too?  So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook: Twitter:

 PREACH open borders free trade: COMPLAIN about foreign business interests | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:56:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: It's funny how the same people that preach open borders and free trade complain about people that have business interests in other countries. CBS ran a story trying to tie Trumps old lawyer Michael Cohen to Russia. The headline reads Sanctioned Russian oligarch linked to Cohen has vast U.S. ties. Supposedly this Russian had real estate investments in the US and contributed money for political campaigns. Somehow this has people up in arms. How is it the same people pushing open borders and free trade freak out every time they find out a Russian has business interests here? Or that an American had business interests in Russia. Isn't that what open borders and free trade is supposed to look like? The largest influx of foreign nationals isn't from Russia at all. It's China and Canadians are second. You might be surprised where their moving too. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook: Twitter:

 DEMS Blast 'RECKLESS' Jobs BOOM… | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: More people are working than ever before. There's a record number of people working in this country.  162 million employed, about 62% of the population. Not bad when you factor in disabled, incarcerated, retired and children that can't work. But, not everybody sees this as good news. Of course not. That's because Trump is president and everything bad is bad and every good is bad. That's how the Trump haters work. The DNC even issues a statement about it. Instead of addressing the issue head on they complain about losing the recent SCOTUS case that gutted the corrupt unions. Meanwhile there were changes made to social security that affect every single working tax payer. And, nobody had anything to say about it. Maybe now you'll see what I mean when I keep talking about the distractor media. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook: Twitter:


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