The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast show

The Christopher Scott Show Talk Radio Podcast

Summary: If you’re looking for political podcasts you might want to check out The Christopher Scott Radio Talk Show Podcast. It is an independent channel, and Christopher Scott is considered one of the country’s top political commentators. ​Why is it better? Because it's the most popular independent podcast. Listened to in countries around the world. Often copied, never replicated and never compromised. It's the highest level of integrity available in broadcasting.  ​Chris is an author, speaker and an American political commentator who also offers an independent alternative. Christopher Scott is not just a news host. Much of his political commentary is shaped by perspective of Common Sense by Thomas Paine. ​ Christopher Scott is the author of Common Sense By Thomas Paine in Modern English which he spent over a year translating form the original manuscript. Making him, arguably the authority on Common Sense. This common sense perspective sets his commentary apart from other podcast channels. Because it’s a podcast about ideas it also sets the Christopher Scott Show apart from other political commentators. ​It’s a podcast that belongs in the top 15 political podcast channels to follow. Check it out for yourself.

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  • Artist: Christopher Scott Show
  • Copyright: Copyright Christopher Scott (C/O Blogtalkradio)


 The Fight That Brought Peace: North Korea | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: Is peace good? After Trumps meeting with Kim in Singapore there are opinions galore. Some praising Trump and many attacking him for every little detail. Isn't it funny the things people will latch onto all the while missing the real point. Peace. Maybe the drug fueled peace activists of the 50's forgot about the 36,914 Americans that lost their lives fighting in the Korean War. If you stood them shoulder to shoulder they'd span 10 miles. Isn't that enough? How many more would give their lives if this war were fought again? There is a legitimate question in all this. How do you make peace with an evil dictator accused of war crimes. Quite a dichotomy. So let me ask this, what's the answer? What's a better solution? Attacking and fighting a war that would probably kill millions and reducing the country to ruble? Would that be a better starting point? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 News & Politics Podcast: Common Sense #255 - Sex Robots and Government Secrets | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: Don’t you think tax payers have a right to know and understand what’s going on in their government? Government transparency is an obligation in a free society. If we’re a free society why is our government keeping so many secrets? THE REAL QUESTION IS IF WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE A GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE, DO PEOPLE HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON? THAT'S QUESTION #1. I saw something the other day that’s quite possibly one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever seen in my life. Have you heard about sex robots? Sex bots, sex dolls it’s all kind of the same thing and prior to seeing this I was kind of on the fence about whether it’s a bad thing. There’s all kinds of sexual prosthetics shall we say. So why would a doll or robot necessarily be bad? Then I came across this:  SEXBOTS 'DANGER' Life-like sex robots could spread STIs, worsen impotence and ‘normalise paedophilia’ SO QUESTION #2 - WHAT ARE THE MORAL AND ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS OF SEX ROBOTS? SHOULD THEY BE REGULATED? SHOULD THEY BE BANNED? ARE THEY A THERAPEUTIC TOOL OR ARE THEY EVIL? So hit the play button!

 News & Politics Podcast: Common Sense #254 - Should Robots Be Allowed to Kill? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: Should robots be allowed to kill? This is a big question as we approach the new age of robotics and so-called artificial intelligence. Do you think machines should be allowed to make the decision to take a human life? At a time when there is broad support for a repeal of the 2nd amendment some people think security would be better in the hands of machines. Jodie Foster spoke about it recently while she was out promoting her new movie. Maybe we should ask the people of Riverdale Maryland where parents say MS-13 gangs have taken over the schools. Fights, knife attacks and even rapes have occurred in this town just outside Washington D.C.. Who's protecting them? So hit the play button!

 News & Politics Podcast: Common Sense #253 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: 1. Last week all across Europe millions and millions of people from Romania to Rome marched in gay pride parades. They waived rainbow flags they carried signs all pushing the idea of gay pride. There were lewd public acts going on in full display of children and there was a photo of a man in his underwear and a prayer shawl and rosery apparently mocking priests. 2. Austria is kicking out about 60 Islamic religious leaders. The response from Turkish Islamicists was threats of war. You have one side saying we demand the freedom of expression at the expense of another person's freedom of association.  3. BREXIT: A New Secret Putin Connection? Here's the big new conspiracy theory. It's the new international Liberal excuse for just about everything. Blame Russia. There’s new reports accusing Russia of meddling in the Brexit vote. It was a referendum vote, how did the Russian meddle in it? 4. Trump fires back on protectionist allegations says “No tariffs, no barriers, that’s the way it should be, and no subsidies,” Trump has been criticized by some for new tariffs he's put in place. Here's a simple question. How can we as a country survive when every year we send billions of dollars out of the country? How do Americans keep jobs when the jobs are constantly going overseas and how is it fair that we keep getting the short end of the stick? 5. Trump meets with Kim. Putin promises to support the effort and even meet with Trump but there's still one big problem regarding peace with North Korea. So hit the play button

 News & Politics Podcast: Common Sense by Christopher Scott | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:21:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: Do you trust the media? The Washing Post says that political polls are accurate. Do you believe it?19 Year Old Marine Deployed to Okinawa died during 3 mile run.Is Trump keeping his campaign promises?What are the moral and ethical questions of drone use by police?Are we living in a time of racial tension?Why do so many people want underground bunkers?How long do trees live? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Summer Camping: A Dying American Activity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: You can't get tent camping sites any more. If you can there overpriced and a large camp site is about the size of a postage stamp. Is tent camping dead? The popularity of camping has actually increased but more people are going in RV's and that's changing the whole camping landscape. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Will We Soon Know How to Predict Disease | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: I enjoy talking about technology because there are some mind blowing developments going on. Changes that could literally transform society as we know it today. It could make for a very interesting future. Then there's technology and advancements that are messing with human beings. The idea of disease prediction probably seems pretty benign but is it? There are still ramifications. What happens when we're talking about children or unborn children. What happens if the test falsely predicts a fatal disease? Would you want to know or would you rather take your chances and see how it goes? Anything involving genetic manipulation raises moral and ethical questions. Where do you stand on the issue? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Gas Prices Going Through The Roof Could This Push Electric Vehicles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: Some analysts are saying gas prices are set for a 25% increase by 2020 due to environmental regulations on ships. They believe these regulations, once they go into effect will push oil to $90 a barrel. It seems hard to make a doomsday case out of that. I wouldn't be surprised if it led to the development of more efficient ships and growth in that industry but that's another story. My question: how high do gas prices have to go before it makes economic sense to switch to electric? It's a move that some countries and big companies are betting heavily on. In fact it's predicted that over the next few years 40% of all power generated will come from solar. But, that doesn't take into account the massive demand that could be created from electric vehicles. How's all that balance out? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Obama's New Book: Calls Trump a Cartoon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: Why is it legal for politicians to regularly get multi-million dollar book deals and speaking fees? How is that in the best interest of the tax payer? How is the common person supposed to get a government that represents the people when the politicians are busy brokering book deals? Who pays for these books? How are the deals made? It's all a mystery. Now, even government staff is jumping in on the action. James Comey in an unprecedented move published a book detailing his time at the FBI and an ongoing investigation.  Why aren't we hearing any more about that? Question one - how is it fair and legal this continues to go on? Question two - why won't Trump get the same book deal as Obama? You'll have to tune in to find out. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 GUN CONTROL: The Latest Attacks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: If you were under the impression that the gun control movement was taking a break you'd be wrong about that. The gun control movement is going as strong as ever even attacking on multiple fronts going as far as using the bible as a tool to spread their propaganda. Despite all that do not be convinced that gun control is popular because it's not and I can prove it. With one simple statistic I can prove it. Over 300 million guns are owned in this country. More than one firearm per person. So if gun control is what people want, why are so many people buying guns? The gun control lobby wants us to believe we need to talk about gun control. They want us to believe it's now time to talk about what they call common sense gun laws. I have an idea. Why don't we talk about why we need the freedom to own guns? Maybe too many people have forgotten why. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Nearly 23% Of Millennials Live With Mom, Up From 13.5% In 2005 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: Why is it so popular to pick on millennials? When did it become popular to discriminate based on age? More young people are living home longer. This isn't a new phenomenon it's been happening for years. Are more young people living with their parents longer because of economic or social change or both? Is it necessarily a bad thing? Aren't more parents also moving in with their children? Could it be that the value of family is being found again? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 The War on Democracy: How Our Elections Are Stolen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:10:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: How are elections decided? It sure doesn't seem like elections represent the will of the people. At least not all the time. There's a lot to set up this discussion but, a few pieces of common ground. Can we all agree that corruption is bad? That a balanced budget and lower debt are good? And, that a good government is a government that operates efficiently, making the most impact for the lowest cost? Aren't those goals we can all agree on? Then, why doesn’t it happen? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 How To Create a Top Rated Podcast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:39:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: I genuinely believe that right now podcasting is the best way to get a message out. Ideally a radio show and a podcast. You'd kill it. But a podcast can be much better than a lot of radio stations at least for certain topics and interests. Say you own a landscape business - could do a weekly podcast, talk about what you did that week. And build the heck out of your business with it and there's no reason something like that can't be on the radio. Local stations would pick that up. Either way I have people ask me all the time, what kind of studio do I have, how did I get listeners, how do you create a show and I'm going to tell you all of that. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 You're Answer To This Say's Everything About You Politically | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: What if I told you there was one question that will basically define everything about a person politically? I'm warning you this goes a little deep but if you take it all in I think you'll see the point. It's an age old question that has been pondered for years. Ironically the answer is split 50/50. Maybe that's the reason there's so much division. To fully understand this requires an understanding of human nature. So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:

 Why Hasn't Trump Been Impeached? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:00

On this episode of the Christopher Scott Talk Show Podcast: Why hasn't president Trump been impeached? I first talked about this six months ago. Since that time millions of dollars have been spent on the Mueller investigation. Where's the evidence? Where's the charges? Six months ago certain democrats said president Trump was a danger. This is the key question in all this. Who is he a danger too? So hit the play button! Visit: Facebook:


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