Dueling Dialogues show

Dueling Dialogues

Summary: A Dueling Dialogue based on the politically charged emails exchanged between Canadian leftist, Connor Murphy, and United States Midwestern conservative, Grace Matthews. Both are writers at The Right Left Chronicles. Away from the bubble and the beltway, alone, together or with a guest, Murphy and Matthews squabble over current issues and events that impact everyday citizens in the United States, Canada and elsewhere in the World. It’s unobstructed free speech about politics, media, economy, people, social media, and legislation. Eager listeners with a fascination for presidential politics won’t be disappointed as President Donald J. Trump and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau are usually front and center, and rarely far from the topic of the day.

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  • Artist: Grace Matthews Connor Murphy
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 Assange: Hacker or Journalist? - Dueling Dialogues Ep.166 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:31:18

On today's show: Assange: Hacker or Journalist? Julian Assange arrested when UK police storm Ecuadorian Embassy. He will face charges of violating his parole, and then extradition to the US to face charges for leaking US military documents. Glenn Beck owner of Blaze TV on Sean Hannity's Fox News show, talks about Chicago and community organizers, border crisis linked to Soros' financial backing. Stormy Daniel's lawyer, Michael Avenatti arrested on 36 counts. AG Barr believes Trump was spied on. Operation Leonard back in the news. Aunt Becky, Laurie Loughlin, is going to jail as new charges have been added. Missouri, a satanic temple is suing the state for 3 days delay in getting an abortion. Andrew Scheer refuses to give up, asking Trudeau to sue him. Trudeau's excuse is now global warming? Trudeau gives $16 million to $3 billion dollar corporation, Loblaws, for new fridges. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1554/assange:-hacker-or-journalist?-dueling-dialogues-ep-166/

 Angry White Males and McCarthyism - Dueling Dialogues Ep.165 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:43

On today's show: Angry White Males and McCarthyism The U of Kansas will be offering calls called Angry White Male Studies. Walk Away from democratic party movement is growing. Who creates more Trump supporters, left or the right? Bernie says needs criminals in jail in order to vote for him. Radical immigrants. Judge Jeanine Pirro being blamed for death threats to kill Omar. Border Patrol Chief, Gloria Chavez, speaks with President to support the building of the wall with real data. Kirstjen Nielsen leaving as DHS secretary. Mitt Romney changes his mind and is now supporting the wall. Devin Nunes is going to turn over 8 criminal referrals about behaviour of one to two dozen Obama individuals involved with fake Russian dossier. Definition of McCarthyism. Dean Cain says on Fox News that Alyssa Milano is playing a role that has been written for her. Trump's tax returns still being requested. 71% of wall street believe Trump will win the election. The View looking bad due to books about them. Write a sad story in 3 words. Kirsten Gillibrand's father a part of a sex cult. Trudeau threatens to sue Canada's opposition leader, Andrew Scheer, for libel in calling him corrupt over SNC-Lavalin scandal. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1550/angry-white-males-and-mccarthyism-dueling-dialogues-ep-165/

 Why Mueller Report Must Be Redacted - Dueling Dialogues Ep.164 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:18

On today's show: Why Mueller Report Must Be Redacted Why the Mueller Report will be redacted as Dems want more than the Barr Report. Dems request to censor Fox News. Pelosi tells Creepy Joe Biden, "pretend you have a cold". Hunter Biden and his dealings with Ukraine and a deal with China. Mitch McConnell is killing healthcare. The border crisis. Trump's 25 security clearance requests. Brett Cavanaugh and family have become outcasts. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tosses Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott out of the Liberal Party for "unethical" phone call recording which proved he obstructed justice in LavScam. Trudeau gets snubbed by 40+ young women from Daughters of the Vote, as they stood and turned their backs on Trudeau as he gave his speech. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1543/why-mueller-report-must-be-redacted-dueling-dialogues-ep-164/

 'Mad Politics' by Dr. Gina Loudon - Dueling Dialogues Ep.163 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:43:27

On today's show: 'Mad Politics' by Dr. Gina Loudon Grace and Connor discuss Dr. Gina Loudon's book, "Mad Politics - Keeping your sanity in a world gone crazy." She covers the DNC playbook to control the people through: healthcare, debt and poor people, gun control, welfare, food, income, housing, education, media, teach children, get rid of religion and God, remove places where people meet, race wars and dividing the people. How the left uses plantation politics to launch class warfare. Loudon is very much against cannabis and all abortion. The new 'acting' politicians like AOC and Beto. She also covers how George Soros is assaulting the heart of America and letting the limbs die, the push for Sharia law, the reasons disorders need to be diagnosed, and the 7 deadly sins of socialism. Also how Trump understands and uses brands. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1539/'mad-politics'-by-dr-gina-loudon-dueling-dialogues-ep-163/

 Mueller Madness: Bracket Full of Liars - Dueling Dialogues Ep.162 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:45

On today's show: Mueller Madness: Bracket Full of Liars Mueller madness as his investigation concluded. Should the liars resign? Is Mueller a wuss? Obstruction of justice is left open for the DOJ to decide from evidence. Michael Avenatti up for extortion, bank and wire fraud with Nike. Mark Geragos was charged in the Nike case as well. Geragos is a CNN analyst and Jussie Smollett's lawyer. Omar speaks at CAIR International. In 1952 congress passes McCarran Warner Act, says Muslims can't run for office because of Sharia Law. Quietly this law was repealed in 1990 by John McCain, Dick Cheney, Joe Biden, Al Gore, John Kerry, Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi among others. Sharia Law was not discussed in the repeal. Jussie Smollett charges dropped. Meghan McCain says the media will re-elect Trump in 2020. She believes she can't represent the right well enough on The View. How 2-faced is Fox News going to be with latest Shepard Smith alleged sex assault while Judge Jeanine Pirro is taken off the air? Nancy Pelosi's son charged with securities fraud. Global warming is over. Greenland and Antarctic glaciers are growing again. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1534/mueller-madness:-bracket-full-of-liars-dueling-dialogues-ep-162/

 Is Beto America's Trudeau? - Dueling Dialogues Ep.161 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:40:52

On today's show: Is Beto America's Trudeau? Media takes aim at the John McCain vs Trump feud. Robots and computers bring new challenges to the middle. Why Trump is the last hope for middle class and middle America. Who is Beto and is he America's Trudeau? Trudeau manipulates Google and Facebook in efforts to shut down and cover up LavScam scandal. Opposition launches filibuster requiring 257 separate votes putting parliament into marathon all night session. Opposition wants to hear the truth on LavScam while Liberals continue with gag orders. Is Trudeau rigging the election through allowing 'irregular' immigrants to vote? OECD still investigating SNC-Lavalin. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1529/is-beto-america's-trudeau?-dueling-dialogues-ep-161/

 Alienated America - Dueling Dialogues Ep.160 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:31

On today's show: Alienated America Grace and Connor review the book by Timothy P. Carney, "Alienated America - Why some places thrive while others collapse". For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1524/alienated-america-dueling-dialogues-ep-160/

 Varsity Blues and Other News - Dueling Dialogues Ep.159 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:09

On today's show: Varsity Blues and Other News Laurie Laughlin and Felicity Huffman among others in custody over University entrance scandal, Operation Varsity Blues. AOC has strange questions for Wells Fargo CEO Timothy Sloan. AOC is faces several ethics violations, claims Jeb Bush turned her in. Paul Manafort gets total 81 months in jail and now hit by State of NY mortgage charges. Lisa Page transcripts released from congressional hearings. Says Obama's DOJ told them they were not going to charge Hillary. Fox News' Tucker Carlson under fire for 2010 recordings on radio show. Judge Jeanine says Omar should not be serving in congress because she believes in Sharia law and takes fire from Fox while Omar tweets "Allahu Akbar, life is good." Nancy Pelosi says Trump is not worth impeachment but evicts Pence from his congressional office. Q Anon says Mike Pence a deep state plant? Kim Kardashian will pay rent for 5 years but can't find a place for convict due to past being online. Why are old women having sex cameras in their bedrooms? If not money what is it? Man goes to break into exes apartment and she shoots him in groin. The OECD, a 36-country Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development, is investigating illegal bribes in Trudeau's SNC scandal. Black Canadian Liberal MP Celina Caesar-Chavannes says she was met with hostility and anger when she told Trudeau she was not running in fall election. Trudeau being a self proclaimed feminist, only seems to respect white French women that agree to do what he wants and push his own agenda. Trudeau's popularity and reputation tanks while he holidays in Florida. Political aggregator DuelingDialogue.com for all political news in one place. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1519/varsity-blues-and-other-news-dueling-dialogues-ep-159/

 Trump, Cohen, and Taxes. What You Might Not Have Heard - Dueling Dialogues Ep.158 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:24

On today's show: Trump, Cohen, and Taxes. What You Might Not Have Heard Michael Cohen sues Trump for $1.9 million dollars for attorney fees from the time he got in troubles. Cohen met with Schiff for 10 hours before his testimony. Manafort gets 47 month sentence with 9 months for time served. Judge, T.S. Ellis says you don't want Manafort, you want to charge Trump. Do people with money do better in court? Jexodus is Jews exiting the democratic party due to congresswoman Omar's remarks against Israel. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib says she will have articles for impeachment for Trump by month's end. DNC chairman Perez says no DNC debates for Fox News. Updates from Canada on Trudeau and the corruption over SNC-Lavalin scandal. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1515/trump,-cohen,-and-taxes-what-you-might-not-have-heard-dueling-dialogues-ep-158/

 Legal Troubles for Trump, AOC, and Trudeau? - Dueling Dialogues Ep.157 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:10

On today's show: Legal Troubles for Trump, AOC, and Trudeau? Border at crisis, during Feb. 76,000 people came across the border, crossings up 90%, 55 people per day need medical attention. Fisher Sand and Gravel Co. says they will build 234 miles of wall for $1.4 billion. AOC and chief of staff in hot water for funneling donor money into a LLC slush fund. Dems asked for documents from White House. Over 80 people to testify in front of the Judicial Council. David Axelrod, former COS for Obama, says this totally looks like a witch hunt. Congresswoman Omar and her anti semitic comments. New depression drug, Ketamine, will be in pill and nasal spray. White supremacist flyers are coming out "European Roots, American Greatness." HIV cured in UK man, he is second person to kick the disease via stem cell treatment. Top 100 polluted cities are all in China and India, no Green Deal or carbon tax will fix this. Trudeau trying to divert attention away from SNC scandal. Climate change and lunar space program announcements as well as government investments in the tech industry. Yesterday, Trudeau cancelled a climate change rally in Regina to attend a PDAC convention in Toronto. Event sponsor is SNC-Lavalin. The 11 people named by former AG Jody Wilson-Raybould who pressured her on taking a reparation deal with SNC-Lavalin. Jane Philpott, the Toronto-area Liberal MP resigned Monday afternoon from her cabinet post as head of the Treasury Board and cites, "Loss of confidence in the Trudeau government over the handling of SNC-Lavalin." Gerald Butts, principal secretary to Prime Minister, resigned on Feb. 18th. Butts testifies today in front of the Justice Committee (7 Liberals, 4 opposition). He would not take an oath before his testimony. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1509/legal-troubles-for-trump,-aoc,-and-trudeau?-dueling-dialogues-ep-157/

 Will Trump and Trudeau Be Indicted After Netanyahu? - Dueling Dialogues Ep.156 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:08

On today's show: Will Trump and Trudeau Be Indicted After Netanyahu? Will Trump and Trudeau be indicted after Netanyahu? Trump walks out on North Korea's Kim Jong Un, but is Kim still in charge? Pompeo brings pics of nuke sites to the meeting. Trump says he believes Kim Jong Un that he didn't know about US teen Otto Warmbier when it was happening. Are Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Nancy Pelosi basically blackmail democrats that don't vote with other dems? AOC is being investigated by the FEC for payments to her boyfriend. President of Greenpeace, Patrick Moore, tweets to AOC and calls her a twit over her Green Plan. Michael Cohen testifies multiple times this week as the lies continue. Kushner's security clearance not approved by FBI is old news being recycled. Megyn Kelly has 2 serious offers to return to TV in October. Yahoo Finance says 63% of millennials regret buying their home do to hidden costs and maintenance. Emotional support pitbull attacks a child at a Portland airport. Colorado runner says he wrestled a mountain lion, turns out to actually be a kitten. Keto diet side effects: Keto crotch and nail polish remover breath. What HR and recruiters look at when people apply for jobs. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1504/will-trump-and-trudeau-be-indicted-after-netanyahu?-dueling-dialogues-ep-156/

 Is AOC an Aspiring Dictator? - Dueling Dialogues Ep.155 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:04

On today's show: Is AOC an Aspiring Dictator? Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez an aspiring dictator? Her plans include no airplanes, cars, cows, or babies as apparently we all only have 12 years left on the planet. She's a 29 yo former bartender from NYC where only 4% voted her into office. AOC is vocal on "dark money" from billionaires as she causes Amazon to pull out of NYC $3 billion deal. She continues pushing her socialist Green Plan at a cost to taxpayers of over $90 trillion. Where is she getting support from? What are her effects on the democratic party? For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1500/is-aoc-an-aspiring-dictator?-dueling-dialogues-ep-155/

 Jordan Peterson's '12 Rules for Life' - Dueling Dialogues Ep.154 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:50

On today's show: Jordan Peterson '12 Rules for Life' - Dueling Dialogues Ep.154 Grace and Conor review anti PC and Canadian, Jordan Peterson's book, 12 Rules for Life an Antidote to Chaos. Peterson makes sense of the crazy world we live in. Trudeau's approval rating tanks amid scandal. Trudeau fired AG Jody Wilson-Raybould allegedly because she refused to be influenced on SNC-Lavalin criminal trial. The company is charged with allegedly defrauding Libya of well over $100 million, alleged illegal donations to the Liberal party. SNC-Lavalin's biggest shareholders are the Quebec civil servant union and Saudi Arabia. Chief advisor to Trudeau, Gerald Butts, recently resigned. Liberals unanimously vote to keep the investigation closed to the public, Wilson-Raybould abstains from voting with her party and she hires ex-supreme court justice as legal council on what she can and cannot say. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1496/jordan-peterson's-'12-rules-for-life'-dueling-dialogues-ep-154/

 Political Insanity - Dueling Dialogues Ep.153 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:36:27

On today's show: Political Insanity - Dueling Dialogues Ep.153 Politicians just don't seem to get it. Cory Booker thinks everyone should be vegan, others are signing on to AOC's Green Dream. AOC only had 4% voter turnout in her district. Ted Cruz wants to use $14 billion of El Chapo's money to build the wall. Congresswoman Omar had to apologize for anti semitism remarks saying Israel has bought politicians. She was elected as a Somalian Muslim extremist, Obama put 70K refugees in her area before her vote. New candidates and dems are all for late term abortion, while at the same time dems try for religious votes. Meghan McCain keeps melting down on The View. The wall continues to be a thorn and causing havoc in the government. In other news: Jeff Bezos getting a divorce, Amazon pulls out of NY $3 billion deal while AOC applauds, and Colin Kaepernick takes a $60-80 million settlement from NFL. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1492/political-insanity-dueling-dialogues-ep-153/

 'Hillbilly Elegy' by J. D. Vance - Dueling Dialogues Ep.152 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:52

On today's show: 'Hillbilly Elegy' by J. D. Vance Grace and Connor review the book, Hillbilly Elegy, by J. D. Vance. Poverty, race, pessimism, marriage, and drug abuse, among working class whites and how they choose to support Trump. The book is about to be made into a Netflix movie directed by Ron Howard. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1487/hillbilly-elegy-by-j-d-vance-dueling-dialogues-ep-152/


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