Dueling Dialogues show

Dueling Dialogues

Summary: A Dueling Dialogue based on the politically charged emails exchanged between Canadian leftist, Connor Murphy, and United States Midwestern conservative, Grace Matthews. Both are writers at The Right Left Chronicles. Away from the bubble and the beltway, alone, together or with a guest, Murphy and Matthews squabble over current issues and events that impact everyday citizens in the United States, Canada and elsewhere in the World. It’s unobstructed free speech about politics, media, economy, people, social media, and legislation. Eager listeners with a fascination for presidential politics won’t be disappointed as President Donald J. Trump and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau are usually front and center, and rarely far from the topic of the day.

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  • Artist: Grace Matthews Connor Murphy
  • Copyright: All rights reserved


 Kavanaugh Decision Delayed - Dueling Dialogues Ep.121 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:10

On today's show: Kavanaugh Decision Delayed Kavanaugh updates. Christine Blasey-Ford accuses Kavanaugh of groping her, Kavanaugh says he wasn't even at this supposed party. FBI is investigating. Dianne Feinstein sat on her letter since July. Incident supposedly occurred 36 years ago. Censorship and fake stories go hand in hand when it comes to multi stream media. Plenty of fake examples after the hurricane reporting. Facebook now censoring anything cannabis. Legalization of cannabis in Canada is more like extreme legislation than legalization. Canadian government will be one of the biggest drug dealers in the world as of Oct. 17th. Legislation is years behind the actual cannabis industry. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1326/kavanaugh-decision-delayed-dueling-dialogues-ep-121/

 Did McCain Start America's Biggest Health Care Crisis? - Dueling Dialogues Ep.120 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:17

On today's show: Did McCain Start America's Biggest Health Care Crisis? Today is 9-11, how things changed across the US and how it related to politics. Meghan McCain gets revenge on Trump at her father's funeral. McCain's thumbs down vote has possibly caused America's biggest health care crisis in history. Individual insurance policies will cease to exist in a few months, and people are just starting to get notified of possibly losing all health insurance coverage in January 2019. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1320/did-mccain-cause-americas-biggest-future-health-care-crisis-dueling-dialogues-ep-120/

 Democrats Pick at Kavanaugh Like a Scab - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 119 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:28:31

On today's show: Democrats Pick at Kavanaugh Like a Scab Kavanaugh hearings continue as democrats take aim at discrediting him at any cost. Protesters hired to disrupt his hearings. NYT publishes anonymous article from Trump insider that pushes the definition of treason. Bob Woodward book has Trump quotes that seem to not be authentic. DOJ finally opens probe on Andrew McCabe. Committee hearing on Google, Facebook, and Twitter, over bias algorithms. Google is a no-show at hearing. Nike hires Kaepernick as spokesperson, while their stock drops. Missouri college drops Nike products. Health insurance woes created by McCain, on our next show. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1315/democrats-pick-at-kavanaugh-like-a-scab-dueling-dialogues-ep-119/

 Russian Collusion Facts - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 118 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:18

On today's show: Russian Collusion Facts Common sense facts about alleged Russian Collusion. These people are all pointing fingers but have zero credibility: James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper, Sally Yates, Loretta Lynch, Bruce Ohr, Christopher Steele, were all not doing their jobs. Are they accusing Trump because they are guilty? Bruce Ohr is testifying right now. Journalist Sarah Carter receives copies from emails between Bruce Ohr and Christopher Steele. Email proves they were nervous about getting exposed. Lanny Davis att. for Michael Cohen is a good friend of Clintons. Backsteps on a lot of statements that were already made. Lanny was used to consult with Washington Post and CNN about meeting at Trump tower. Mexico and US meet trade deal. Where does that leave Canada? John McCain becomes a deity to people that once cursed him. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1310/russian-collusion-facts-dueling-dialogues-ep-118/

 Vote Economy or Vote Impeachment - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 117 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:15

On today's show: Vote Economy or Vote Impeachment Is success Trump's crime? Balance of power is up for grabs. Dems at the forefront. Voting for Economy or Impeachment. Disney comes out in favor of the economy. HR person gives Trump credit. Going to offer employees education with tuition assistance. Target CEO says best economy ever. Dow at record high. Is Omarosa the mole? Omarosa used to work for the Clintons. New York DA considering criminal and civil charges against Trump Organization. CFO gets anonymity, and that leaves Trump's two sons for them to go after. Cohen pleads guilty, why? Two infractions were not illegal. Why so cooperative after his deal. The whole deal makes zero sense. Manafort guilty on 8 or 18 counts. Other 10 charges were dropped. Trump tells Pompeo to not travel to North Korea. McCain stops treatment on his brain cancer and is likely on his last days. Molly Tibbetts' murder was illegal immigrant. Robin Leach dies. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1306/vote-economy-or-vote-impeachment-dueling-dialogues-ep-117/

 On today's show: Trump Deports a Nazi - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 116 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:30:08

On today's show: Trump Deports a Nazi President Trump sends 95 year old Nazi back to Germany after last 2 presidents fail to do so. Do you partake in reckless behaviour? #MeToo is being replayed by race and immigration after the movement was a Hollywood flop. Should the Afghan war be privatized. Trudeau yells at an old lady in Quebec, calls her racist over her illegal border crossers question. Puts free speech to question in Canada. Wells Fargo caught doing illegal activity again. Inflation is starting to pinch middle class in the midwest. Bill O'Reilly attacks the news industry via tweet. Molly Tibbetts body found and ID'd. University of Iowa student that went missing back in July, so far the suspect is a pig farmer. Manafort trial jury still deliberating. Iran unveils a fighter jet. Changes everything in the middle east. Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, would rather go by constitution of South Africa than the US. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1301/trump-deports-a-nazi-dueling-dialogues-ep-116/

 Cuomo: American Was Never Great - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 115 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:15

On today's show: Cuomo: American Was Never Great - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 115 Andrew Cuomo says America was never that great. This coming from someone born with a silver spoon. Manafort trial is deliberating on second day, if no consensus is reached by Monday, might be mistrial. What would failure look like on Mueller's investigation? Omarosa says she has made over 200 illegal recordings during her job on Trump's team. John Brennan loses security clearance. Why do 4 million people still have security clearance, many which are no longer in the job in which clearance was needed. Mexico and US to agree on NAFTA. Canada is not in the talks. Sarah Huckabee Sanders might be leaving the white house. What employer would hire her? or, will she run for office herself? Aretha Franklin passes away at age 74 as the world mourns her loss from pancreatic cancer. She was a big influencer and made a huge impact on women's rights and race relations. Trump blames imported Canadian lumber for the California wildfires. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1298/cuomo-american-was-never-great-dueling-dialogues-ep-115/

 Fired Strzok is Broke, Begs for Taxpayer Cash - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 114 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:57

On today's show: Fired Strzok is Broke, Begs for Taxpayer Cash Peter Strzok is finally fired from FBI. Strzok starts a Go-Fund-Me page to help pay his legal bills. Omarosa's tell all book comes out today, Trump team takes legal action against her non-disclosure agreement. Bruce Ohr will testify in 2 weeks in front if congressional committee. The movie, Mile 22, comes out on Friday, one of the characters is based on Steve Bannon. More than half of democrats identify as socialist. More terrorism in London with vehicular manslaughter. UK Freedom of Speech fighter Tommy Robinson out on bail. The tearing down of historic statues. If we erase history by removing statues, history will repeat itself. Instead erect an opposing statue. Gluten free politics. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1293/fired-strzok-is-broke-begs-for-taxpayer-cash-dueling-dialogues-ep-114/

 Trump Derangement Syndrome - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 113 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:32

On today's show: Trump Derangement Syndrome Is Trump Derangement Syndrome a form of paranoia? Melania Trump's parents become US citizens in chain immigration as Trump works to stop chain immigration. War in Gaza seems imminent as missiles fly overhead. Pandering politics, Pelosi says a vote for dems are a vote for immigration as she banks on more immigrant voters. Ben Shapiro offers Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 10K for a debate, which she wisely turns down. Congressman Bob Goodlatte sends out subpoenas to dems over Russian collusion. Manafort trial has been delayed for 4 hours today, is deal going to happen? Amtrak drops support for Toys for Tots. Might be the end for the charity as Amtrak takes the left track. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1289/trump-derangement-syndrome-dueling-dialogues-ep-113/

 Win Primaries or Face Impeachment - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 112 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:53

On today's show: Win Primaries or Face Impeachment Today is primary voting day. Trump needs to win the house or face possible impeachment, black vote starts to move towards the Trump camp. Republicans, Candice Owens and Charlie Kirk, were having breakfast in Philly when they get attacked with eggs and water thrown at them. President steps up Iran sanctions. Increases to take hold in November, will not do any business with countries that do business with Iran. Canada at war with Saudi Arabia on women's rights. Diplomats expelled, foreign students ordered to return to Arabia, all flights to Canada cancelled. Missouri has Proposition A, the right to work, lots of bad info on this topic floating around to try and prevent the vote from passing. People are for better border security, not the wall but more security. Manafort trial is in full swing, Rick Gates testifies and admits to scamming money from Manafort. Is Don Trump Jr. in trouble for lying? Is the president in trouble? For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1286/win-primaries-or-face-impeachment-dueling-dialogues-ep-112/

 Racism Becoming New Political Strategy? - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 111 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:19

On today's show: Racism Becoming New Political Strategy? Could micro aggressive racism be defined by white people screaming and fighting with other white people accusing them of being racist and xenophobic, is white vs white a part of their political strategy? Are conservatives abandoning main stream movies for less political sources like Hallmark? Sarah Huckabee Sanders and CNN's Jim Acosta get into a fight, Acosta storms out of press session because she wouldn't say mainstream media is not the enemy of the state. President Trump speaks in Tampa, sign saying Q is here seen in crowd while the crowd chants "CNN sucks." Chicago democrats call for Rahm Emanuel to resign. They would be happy for Trump's help with crime in Chicago. Cowboys' Quarterback, Dak Prescott getting push backs about standing for the anthem. Not against the movement, but he's at work and he'll take his protest off the field. Apple becomes first trillion dollar company publicly traded. Trade wars with China have Wall Street skittish. Cabinet members talk about election security, pledge commitment to stopping it. Welcome home ceremony for bodies of 55 Korean war casualties returned from North Korea. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1280/racism-becoming-new-political-strategy-dueling-dialogues-ep-111/

 Trump's Wall, Qanon, and Tommy Robinson - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 110 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:52

On today's show: Trump's Wall, Qanon, and Tommy Robinson Immigration and border security. Trump threatens to shut down government to get his wall. Maxine Waters calls Trump a bully. DACA and Trump getting rid of catch and release and immigration lottery. Koch brothers against Trump's immigration policies. Trump says he will meet with Iran in person, no conditions. Gen. John Kelly's year anniversary yesterday. Trump asks him to stay until 2020. Facebook goes into teleconference removing 32 accounts attempting to influence midterms. Who is Tommy Robinson? Qanon's latest breadcrumbs. Kim Jong Un is not in charge of North Korea. Kim sends back remains of 55, up to another 50,000 other human remains. Could Mueller and Rosenstein also be inside to drain the swamp? Kimberly Guilfoyle asked to leave Fox because of fighting #MeToo and she was also mean to subordinates and allegedly showed pictures of male genitalia often. Paul Manafort's trial starts today. No charges have to do with Russia. Sarah Silverman makes jokes about molestation and pedophelia. Offends many people in the midwest. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1276/trumps-wall-qanon-and-tommy-robinson-dueling-dialogues-ep-110/

 Can Socialists Win in 2020? - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 109 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:18

On today's show: Can Socialists Win in 2020? Can socialism win in 2020? Too late to save private health insurance. Secretary of state Pompeo testifies in front of congress. Next summit with Putin will take place in 2019. Trump aims sights at Twitter for censoring right wing accounts. 11 congressmen voted to impeach Rod Rosenstein for failing to turn over documents. Democrats want to compensate separated illegal immigrant families. Toronto shooter was Muslim, Liberals put a spin doctor on the case to say it was only mental illness not Islamic extremism. After US and EU conference yesterday, dow jumps. Tariff deals pending for Mexico and Canada. Housing market is due to tank. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1271/can-socialists-win-in-2020-dueling-dialogues-ep-109/

 On today's show: Fake FISA Frenzy - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 108 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:43

On today's show: Fake FISA Frenzy The FISA warrant allowing to spy on Trump, was based on fake dossier. Warrant has now been redacted. Shows evidence that Obama spied on Trump as an opponent not because of any Russian collusion. Cohen tapes a conversation with Trump discussing paying off playmate Karen McDougal. Trump hits record approval at 45% overall and 88% among republicans. Trump warns Iran to not screw with the U.S. via Twitter. Comey says vote democrat, now he says dems are losing their minds because of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Newsmax says Trump sanctioned Russia 22 times. Toronto mass shooting leaves 2 dead and over a dozen hurt. Kimberly Guilfoyle starts to date Donald Trump Jr and Fox bumps her off the air after 10 years. Judge Jeanine Pirro writes a book, Liars Leakers and Liberals. Whoopi Goldberg kicks her off her show and possibly even spit on her. Was to appear on Bill O'Reilly's show, but that will not happen. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1266/fake-fisa-frenzy-dueling-dialogues-ep-108/

 Trump-Putin Meeting Part of Qanon Awakening? - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 107 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:25:26

On today's show: Trump-Putin Meeting Part of Qanon Awakening? Trump's Russian meeting makes enemies as democrats and republicans turn on him. Louis Gilmer on judicial committee says that Russia is not the main player in tampering. Who and what is Qanon? Was the Trump-Putin meeting a part of the Qanon movement to remove the deep swamp and fight the NWO or the Illuminati? Qanon names Saudi royal family (now removed), George Soros, the Rothchilds, the Clintons, the Bushs, and Obama as all part of a secret society for the NWO and massive corruption to rule the world and control population. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1261/trump-putin-meeting-part-of-qanon-awakening-dueling-dialogues-ep-107/


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