Dueling Dialogues show

Dueling Dialogues

Summary: A Dueling Dialogue based on the politically charged emails exchanged between Canadian leftist, Connor Murphy, and United States Midwestern conservative, Grace Matthews. Both are writers at The Right Left Chronicles. Away from the bubble and the beltway, alone, together or with a guest, Murphy and Matthews squabble over current issues and events that impact everyday citizens in the United States, Canada and elsewhere in the World. It’s unobstructed free speech about politics, media, economy, people, social media, and legislation. Eager listeners with a fascination for presidential politics won’t be disappointed as President Donald J. Trump and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau are usually front and center, and rarely far from the topic of the day.

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  • Artist: Grace Matthews Connor Murphy
  • Copyright: All rights reserved


 Strzok is a Joke - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 106 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:45

On today's show: Strzok is a Joke Peter Strzok testifies in front of the special counsel, pretty much all denials. Lisa Page waited to testify until today after Strzok testified as she didn't show for 2 previous appointments for her testimony. Steve Bannon was also in the UK, interviewed by Sean Hannity about comeback to Trump's camp for 2020. Trump visits the UK, shakes up NATO. Clintons travel with Delta airlines in economy class to NYC. Rod Rosenstein indites 12 Russian intelligence officers. Stormy Daniels gets arrested in Ohio, but charges later dropped. Wisconsin woman busted with 82 grams of drugs in her vagina. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1256/strzok-is-a-joke-dueling-dialogues-ep-106/

 Trump Surprises With Opinionated Kavanaugh Pick - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 105 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:45

On today's show: Trump Surprises With Opinionated Kavanaugh Pick New SCOTUS pick is Brett Kavanaugh. President is on way to NATO meeting in Brussels. Putin might be easier to deal with than NATO members. Tweets about NATO. Lisa Page and Peter Strzok have been subpoenaed to appear before the special counsel. Giuliani says interview between Mueller and Trump will not happen until they can answer what evidence they have based the investigation on. Andy McCarthy points out that special counsel is not an independent counsel. Says Rosenstein is calling the shots. Michael Cohen testifies and tells the truth nothing to be concerned about. Mitch McConnell has been getting harassed in public. All soccer players in Thailand rescued from the caves. The Japanese psychic octopus that predicted the Japanese soccer teams record in the World Cup has been eaten after Japan's team loses their elimination game to Belgium. Leaves PETA furious. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1251/trump-surprises-with-opinionated-kavanaugh-pick-dueling-dialogues-ep-105/

 Idiocracy of Open Borders - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 104 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:45

On today's show: The Idiocracy of Open Borders Grace and Connor discuss Independence Day past. Woman climbs Statue of Liberty complains of ICE and wants them abolished for open borders. Has Kim Jong Un duped the president or is he really still in charge? Michael Cohen is folding does he have anything to hurt Trump? Part of Obama's deal with Iran included 2,500 Iranians receiving American citizenship. Was that Obama or Valerie Jarrett? Abortion and the supreme court. US tariff war with Canada. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1246/idiocracy-of-open-borders-dueling-dialogues-ep-104/

 Trump to Name Kennedy Replacement - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 103 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:41

On today's show: Trump to Name Kennedy Replacement Grace and Connor talk about the Capital Gazette shooting. Supreme Court judge Anthony Kennedy leaving in July. Heat is on Peter Strzok as he testifies behind closed doors. Calls from the left want to abolish ICE. After MO Governor Greitens resigns and now charges dropped. Trump to meet with Putin in Finland July 16th. Trump signs hearing aid act. Grace and the Hammer host an Independence Day pay-it-forward idea and plan a book of their experience to be out before the holiday season. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1241/trump-to-name-kennedy-replacement-dueling-dialogues-ep-103/

 Dems Call for Persecution on Political Beliefs - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 102 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:27:41

On today's show: Dems Call for Persecution on Political Beliefs Maxine Waters begs followers to publicly harass Trump supporters. Sarah Sanders gets refused service in a restaurant. Owner of restaurant is Meryl Streep's cousin. Pam Bondi gets heckled at a movie about Mr. Rogers. Trump approval ratings with republicans hits 90%, overall at 46%. Mitt Romney backs off from criticizing Trump. IG reports on Mueller probe say same people involved in Russian probe as email scandal. China flies drones to spy on citizens disguised as birds and attract real birds. Political commentator Charles Krauthammer dies. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1237/dems-call-for-persecution-on-political-beliefs-dueling-dialogues-ep-102/

 Trump to Stop Separation of Immigrant Children - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 101 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:16:50

On today's show: Trump to Stop Separation of Immigrant Children Sh!t has hit the fan with the separation of illegal immigrant children from their parents even though this has been going on since Bill Clinton enacted the law in 1997. Democrats point fingers at Republicans and vice versa. Tariffs still a going concern with more on the way, while Canadians chose to stay in Canada and spend their vacation dollars at home instead of the US. Angela Merkel may lose power by Friday. Germans are fed up with her immigrant policies. House lawmakers want papers from DOJ and FBI. Peter Strzok says he wants to testify, but was escorted out of the building last Friday. Trudeau loses a by-election in Quebec to the PC party. *Apologies for bad Skype audio on this episode For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1234/trump-to-stop-separation-of-immigrant-children-dueling-dialogues-ep-101/

 100th Episode Predictions - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 100 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:55

On today's show: 100th Episode Predictions Grace and Connor make predictions for the 100th episode anniversary special. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1229/100th-episode-predictions-dueling-dialogues-ep-100/

 Will Pardon Lead to Impeachment? - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 99 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:16

On today's show: Will Pardon Lead to Impeachment? Today is 500th day of Trump's presidency. Trump says he can pardon himself but others say that will lead to being impeached. Former advisor, Mark Penn, says Mueller is out to get Trump. Kim Jong Un replaces top 3 generals with younger leaders. Old generals still want the nukes, was this a possible squashing of a coup? Kim cannot pay for his own room in Singapore. Starbucks says Trump is the cause for racism. Supreme court rules in favor of Colorado baker that refused to bake a cake for gay couple. At least 70% of breast cancer does not need chemo. Squatters rights in California. California named as worst place to do business. Google compares California conservatism to nazism. Also, picture of NC's Trudy Wade shows bigot under photo. FBI agent dances and accidentally shoots a man in the leg. At least 25 dead in Guatemala volcano with hundreds injured. Bill Clinton says he's apologized enough about Monica Lewinsky, but still thinks #MeToo was long overdue. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1225/will-pardon-lead-to-impeachment-dueling-dialogues-ep-99/

 The Soros-Creighton Connection - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 98 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:35:19

On today's show: The Soros-Creighton Connection Gov. of Missouri, Eric Creighton, going to resign today due to affair and picture of mistress as well as using a charity list to solicit donations. How is all this connected to Soros? Canada's Trudeau hits back on Trump's tariffs. Kim Jong Un sends letter to Trump via messenger Kim Yong Chol. McCabe desperately throws everyone under the bus. Dinesh D'Souza gives 20K to NY candidate and is sentenced to 5 years in prison. Only allowed 2.6K donations per candidate. Trump announces other pardons today like Martha Stewart. Samantha Bee sends mean tweet to Ivanka calling her the C word. Obama says he was president 10 years too soon. Unemployment hits 18 year low. Companies may suspend cannabis testing for workers. Dr. sues a woman for $1 million over bad Yelp review. Professor gets 20 years for shooting a student in the back of the head that he hired to sell drugs. Over 45% of teens admit to be online constantly. Jerome Corsi says Sean Hannity is the next target of the deep state. Mueller has spent $17 million so far on the Russian Collusion investigation. Melania had benign cyst removed from her kidney and has not been seen in public since. Creates all kinds of trolling rumors. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1221/the-soros-creighton-connection-dueling-dialogues-ep-98/

 Roseanne Barr Moving to Fox? - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 97 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:29:22

On today's show: Roseanne Barr Moving to Fox? ABC cancels the Roseanne Barr Show after a racist tweet. Will she go to Fox? Canadian restaurant bombing in Toronto plays into Trudeau's hand. Trump tweets to 13 angry democrats, which are some of the investigators on Mueller's team. Is an informant the same as a spy? Josh Holt freed from Venezuela. Trump has been responsible for 17 hostages being released from foreign lands since he took the presidency. Ivanka being slammed for Twitter photo where she snuggles with her son, but the images of the immigrant kids in cages were from 2014 under Obama administration. Judges says it's OK for Arkansas to restrict abortion pills how they see fit. Cindy McCain likely to take over for her husband. Storms over the weekend take lives of national guard and two journalists. Experts say 1 in a 1,000 year flood, but some got hit two years in a row in Maryland. Starbucks is closed for real and honest exploration of bias. Chelsea Clinton says Trump degrades what it is to be American. Oprah wins over Michelle Obama in democratic poll. Memorial Day thanks to those that gave their lives for our countries. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1215/roseanne-barr-moving-to-fox-dueling-dialogues-ep-97/

 Trump Pulls Out of Meeting With Kim Jong Un - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 96 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:16

On today's show: Trump Pulls Out of Meeting With Kim Jong Un Kim Jong Un says he may not show up in Singapore, now Trump will pull out of meeting as well. American in China gets brain damage after acoustic attack. Trump signs bill to roll back banking regulations. George Nader, convicted pedo, may be Mueller's star witness, tying Trump to foreign money for his campaign. Trump pardons former heavyweight boxing champ, Jack Johnson, after his death for transporting a white woman over state lines in 1923. Fed. Judge says first amendment says Trump can't block anyone on Twitter. BBC will air interview with Steve Bannon next week. Kushner gets full security clearance. NFL and Roger Goodell are pussies, teams will be fined if players kneel during anthem. Netflix now worth more than Comcast. Amazon limiting returns and banning people that are habitual returners. Good Morning America is taking over Today's Show's audience. Going to add another hour to the show at noon, replacing the show The Two. Elon Musk is setting up a site to check credibility for journalists. The book Night and Day by Ozark's Technical Community College. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1211/trump-pulls-out-of-meeting-with-kim-jong-un-dueling-dialogues-ep-96/

 FBI Spies Are Worse Than Watergate - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 95 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:22:32

On today's show: FBI Spies Are Worse Than Watergate Possibly there was more than one FBI spy in Trump's campaign staff? Trump says this is worse than Watergate. Alan Dershowitz should set up a 911 commission and don't work on prosecuting. Trump meeting with South Korean leaders and Kim Jong Un may not be at meeting in Singapore. Paul Ryan asked to step down instead of retiring. Gina Haspel is now head of CIA. Stacey Cunningham is first president of the NYSE. Al Gore says we should terminate Trump for ethical reasons. Dems moto for midterm elections is drain the swamp. Trump has muddied the swamp. Obama's signed deal with Netflix. Pope tells a homosexual that God made him that way. Congrats to newly married Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Woman in Langley, BC, gets charged with biological substances used as a weapon when poops at a till and throws it at employees of a Tim Horton's Restaurant.

 Mueller Fails to Indict Trump - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 94 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:40

On today's show: Mueller Fails to Indict Trump Mueller will not indict the Trump while he is president. Giuliani may challenge legitimacy about the entire investigator. Spy identification may come out in the next few days.  North Korea threatens to cancel peace talks. Kim Jong Un is not happy about military exercises. Rep. Steny Hoyer dem. Maryland. Ready to fund the wall in exchange for saving DACA. DHS says most illegals ready to cross do not qualify for entry. Michael Avenatti, Stormy's lawyer, has made 147 TV interviews since March 7. Also, owes 100's of thousands in back taxes being investigated by bar association. Trump works to lower drug prices. Is this interfering in capitalism? City of Boulder, CO., votes to ban AR-15's. Socialists win 4 seats in Pennsylvania. Talk about the royal wedding. Markel's family seems to be self destructing. BC and Alberta fight over pipeline in Canada. Trudeau writes a blank check to cover costs of pipeline investors. Alberta enacts a law to shut off oil and gas to BC. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1203/mueller-fails-to-indict-trump-dueling-dialogues-ep-94/

 US Embassy Opens In Jerusalem - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 93 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:24:58

On today's show: US Embassy Opens In Jerusalem Opening of embassy in Jerusalem, Kushner gives a speech. Ivanka also attends. Trump says Israel has the right to determine where their capital is located. Lots of protesters have been killed. North Korea to dismantle nuke site. Meeting between Trump and Kim Jong Un set for June 12th, in Singapore. Former CIA director John Brennan says Kim Jong Un is duping Trump. States to allow sports betting. Couple of democrats are willing to vote for Gina Haspel as CIA director. Tesla reorganizing and cutting expenses. GM will quit making sedans following Ford. NYT's writer says media is addicted to covering Trump. Margot Kidder dead at 69. Second amendment divides democratic party. Four injured in knife attacked in Paris. Canadians as well as some minorities having money confiscated by police. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1199/us-embassy-opens-in-jerusalem-dueling-dialogues-ep-93/

 FBI Operative Planted in Trump's 2016 Camp - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 92 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:23:59

On today's show: FBI Operative Planted in Trump's 2016 Camp National eat what you want day. FBI operative planted inside Trump team during the summer of 2016 to spy. North Korea prisoners released. Hillary thinks about moving to New Zealand. John McCain says he got a call from Obama thanking him when he voted against new healthcare system. Jerry Seinfeld says Trump jokes don't interest him. Whoopie wants the Trump to be waterboarded. Republican Eric Greitens takes a pic of a girl that says was not consensual, she is suing. Also faces taking a charity list and uses it as a list to solicit donations. Every politician does something similar. Fire at parts plant, forces Ford's F 150 truck production to be put on hold affecting 1,000's of jobs. UK proposes jail time for online hate speech with sentences of 6 years. Canadian woman loses her job after hate rant. Big pharma takes in $11 billion in opioide sales. Most jobs available in US history. Donald Trump Jr. is now dating Kimberly Guilfoyle from Fox News. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1194/fbi-operative-planted-in-trumps-2016-camp-dueling-dialogues-ep-92/


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