Trump to Stop Separation of Immigrant Children - Dueling Dialogues Ep. 101

Dueling Dialogues show

Summary: On today's show: Trump to Stop Separation of Immigrant Children Sh!t has hit the fan with the separation of illegal immigrant children from their parents even though this has been going on since Bill Clinton enacted the law in 1997. Democrats point fingers at Republicans and vice versa. Tariffs still a going concern with more on the way, while Canadians chose to stay in Canada and spend their vacation dollars at home instead of the US. Angela Merkel may lose power by Friday. Germans are fed up with her immigrant policies. House lawmakers want papers from DOJ and FBI. Peter Strzok says he wants to testify, but was escorted out of the building last Friday. Trudeau loses a by-election in Quebec to the PC party. *Apologies for bad Skype audio on this episode For a list of source links, visit