Why Mueller Report Must Be Redacted - Dueling Dialogues Ep.164

Dueling Dialogues show

Summary: On today's show: Why Mueller Report Must Be Redacted Why the Mueller Report will be redacted as Dems want more than the Barr Report. Dems request to censor Fox News. Pelosi tells Creepy Joe Biden, "pretend you have a cold". Hunter Biden and his dealings with Ukraine and a deal with China. Mitch McConnell is killing healthcare. The border crisis. Trump's 25 security clearance requests. Brett Cavanaugh and family have become outcasts. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tosses Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott out of the Liberal Party for "unethical" phone call recording which proved he obstructed justice in LavScam. Trudeau gets snubbed by 40+ young women from Daughters of the Vote, as they stood and turned their backs on Trudeau as he gave his speech. For a list of source links, visit http://therightleftchronicles.com/podcasts/1543/why-mueller-report-must-be-redacted-dueling-dialogues-ep-164/