The 5 AM Miracle with Jeff Sanders: Healthy Habits • Personal Development • Rockin' Productivity! show

The 5 AM Miracle with Jeff Sanders: Healthy Habits • Personal Development • Rockin' Productivity!

Summary: The 5 AM Miracle is a podcast dedicated to dominating your day before breakfast. My goal is to help you bounce out of bed with enthusiasm, create powerful lifelong habits, and tackle your grandest goals with extraordinary energy. For more information on achieving your own 5 AM Miracle visit

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  • Artist: Jeff Sanders: Author of "The Free-Time Formula"
  • Copyright: © Jeff Sanders Productions, LLC


 How to Consistently Achieve Your Ideal Week [Podcast #065] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:54

How often do you feel like you are totally in control of your schedule? In this week's episode of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast I discuss how to consistently achieve your ideal week. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: seanmcgrath via Compfight cc It's remarkable to me how many people never feel in control of their daily lives. Don't get me wrong, I'm a part of that group way more often than I would like to be. Thankfully, I figured out how to design my ideal week and stick to it over, and over, and over again. Resources Mentioned in the Show UPDATE: Since the launch of this episode, the Ideal Week Template has joined a package of FREE resources for anyone who buys my book, The 5 AM Miracle: Dominate Your Day Before Breakfast. In that package, you get all of these 7 templates for FREE: * The 5 AM Workbook * Daily Rituals Template * Ideal Week Template * Weekly Review Template * Monthly Review Template * Quarterly Review Template * Annual Review Template Announcements * Next week on the podcast I will be interviewing Stu and Lisa Gray, co-hosts of The Stupendous Marriage Podcast. We have a great conversation about what it takes to have a great marriage and balance personal goals with children at home, as well as what an ideal day looks like with a very busy schedule. Download the Script Here you have access to the script that I use to record each episode. This is not a complete word-for-word transcript, though it does provide you with a detailed account of what I do to produce every episode of this podcast. Download the script. ← Previous Episode Next Episode →

 How to Design Your Life On Purpose: An Interview with Jess Lively [Podcast #064] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:49

Are you ready to live with more intention? This week's episode of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast features an interview with Jess Lively, host of The Lively Show podcast. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: Jess Lively There are some guests who have just as much energy and passion as I do . . and then there are guests who blow me away! Jess Lively is a wildly passionate person on a mission to change the world. This interview is full of great ideas, values, and principles that can help you live with more intention and design your life on purpose. Resources Mentioned in the Show * 10 Miracles ebook [free download] * Focus@Will [productivity music based on neuroscience] * 7 Habits of Highly Effective People [book by Stephen Covey] * [Jess' website] * The Lively Show Podcast [hosted by Jess Lively] * Life With Intention Online [Jess' online course] * Free Mastermind eBook [from Jess] * The 5 AM Miracle Community on Facebook [I'll approve your request within 24 hours] Announcements * I will be hiking part of the Appalachian Trail from September 19-23, so I will not be available to respond to emails during those dates. * Next week on the podcast I will discuss how to create your ideal week. Download the Script Here you have access to the script that I use to record each episode. This is not a complete word-for-word transcript, though it does provide you with a detailed account of what I do to produce every episode of this podcast. Download the script. ← Previous Episode Next Episode →

 Breathing Room and Boundaries: How to Work Hard Without Burning Out [Podcast #063] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:24

I am back from my sabbatical and super excited to share a TON of new breakthroughs, ideas, and strategies. In this week's episode of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast I discuss the incredible importance of breathing room and boundaries. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: skyseeker via Compfight cc There is no doubt that taking time off matters a lot. The question is, have you prioritized and scheduled time off? Today I share a few strategies I learned while slowing the pace of my life, plus I talk all about the many new breakthroughs I had and how those affect the podcast. Tip of the Week This week’s tip is a great way to hold yourself to daily deadlines and stay motivated while working. * Timer [online timer] Resources Mentioned in the Show * Take my Rockin' Productivity Survey [it's quick, I promise] * Request to join The 5 AM Miracle Community [facebook group] * 10 Miracles: The Top 10 Must-Have Tools for Productivity Junkies [FREE eBook + audiobook] * The 5 AM Miracle: A Proven Plan to Dominate Your Day Before Breakfast [FREE eBook + audiobook] * Get on the early notification email list for Ambitious Coaching [my premium coaching program] * Trek 7.3 FX [my new hybrid bicycle] * Gravity Boots for Inversion [a fun and bizarre fitness activity] * Michael Arnstein [ultramarathon runner] Announcements * To join The 5 AM Club, get a FREE copy of my new eBook: 10 Miracles: The Top 10 Must-Have Tools for Productivity Junkies, AND jump-start your morning, visit * If you’re looking to significantly boost your productivity, I think you would love The 5 AM Blueprint, which is an affordable way to get direct, customized feedback from me to create an effective schedule for your ideal day. You can learn much more at * In next week’s episode of the podcast I interview

 Why You Need a Stalker [Podcast #062] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:43

Being as productive as possible requires more than self-discipline, more than a great task manager, or even an amazing accountability partner. Sometimes you actually need a stalker. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: Compfight

 How Many #1s Are On Your To-Do List? [Podcast #061] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:12

On any given day my task manager, Nozbe, displays anywhere from 5 to 25 different tasks that I have scheduled for myself. For years I thought of these tasks as a list of priorities, but a few months ago I threw out that term. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: Compfight

 Selective Ignorance: How to Choose What Not to Watch [Podcast #060] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:29

Three days before the new year began, my wife, Tessa, and I cut our television cable subscription. We made the decision to not only save some money, but to also salvage a few brain cells at the same time. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: schmilblick via Compfight cc Back in episode #75 of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast, I shared a rather unusual Tip of the Week. I briefly shared my perspective on television news media. More importantly, I said that news was “hell on earth.” I also shared in this previous blog post, Never Watch the News: Here's Why, more of my feelings around the news and its impact on your life: “Fear sells newspapers. Death, destruction, mayhem, and sensationalism are all wonderful marketing tools that glue your eyeballs to the tube, paper, and website. News media outlets are profitable because you can’t stop watching all of the horrors of the world flash before your eyes.” Today, I expand on my discussion, respond to an anonymous hater who calls himself Batman, and share how you can choose to be selectively ignorant. The Joy of Selective Ignorance Let's open up this can of worms with a brief definition of ignorance: lack of knowledge or information. To be selectively ignorant is to intentionally choose specific facts, or sources of information, that you wish to simply not know about. In other words, you are purposely deciding that there is just some stuff in the world that you don't want on your mind, in your memory bank, or on your television. Most of us believe that ignorance is a bad thing. I disagree. I have proven to myself that ignorance around specific topics, and from certain sources of information, can be enormously beneficial, productive, and profitable — not only for me, but for those I serve as well. Batman54331 doesn't like my opinion. Here are his thoughts posted on iTunes a few days after my podcast episode went live: Normally, I never give the light of day to haters like Batman. I would typically just delete the non-constructive comment and move on. However, this comment was on iTunes where I have no control over what shows up and what doesn't. Contrary to Batman's thoughts, I wasn't promoting illiteracy, gullibility, or a total lack of critical thinking. In fact, from where I sit, watching the news could actually make someone LESS of a critical thinker and MORE gullible (easily persuaded to believe something). And let's not forget that watching the nightly news has nothing to do with your ability to read. To be fair to Batman, I have watched comedy news shows quite a bit in the past, which I did for the humor, not as a source of news. What Does It Do For You, Really? Imagine what happens to your brain when it is exposed to disgusting images, horrible announcements,

 The Best Daily Habits for Content Creators: My Talk at PodCamp Nashville [Podcast #059] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:32

I am still in “Monk Mode” so the content this week is a bit unique. In this week's episode of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast I share my talk at the PodCamp Nashville Conference: The Best Daily Habits for Content Creators. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: Jeff Sanders This was my first ever talk at a conference, so bear with me when I talk insanely fast and say a few ridiculous things. Also, you can watch the video, download the audio, and view the slides of my presentation right here. I'm on a Sabbatical! During the month of August I will be in “Monk Mode,” meaning that I am hunkering down and working hard on a few key projects that need my full attention. So, there will be no “Behind the Scenes” or “Tip of the Week” segments for now, but I will be back on September 8th with all new content. Resources Mentioned in the Show * Video, Audio, and Slides of my presentation at PodCamp Announcements * To join The 5 AM Club, get a FREE copy of The 5 AM Miracle eBook, AND jump-start your morning, visit * In next week’s episode of the podcast I will be sharing my interview on the 90 Days to Abundance Podcast. Download the Script Here you have access to the script that I use to record each episode. This is not a complete word-for-word transcript, though it does provide you with a detailed account of what I do to produce every episode of this podcast. Download the script. ← Previous Episode Next Episode →

 Why You Need to Track Every Accomplishment [Podcast #058] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6:40

Among all of the productivity strategies I use, this strategy is the most satisfying in the big picture sense. I have been tracking my own accomplishments since 2007, when I graduated college, and the results have been eye-opening. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: Jeff Sanders I believe everyone (including you) should be tracking every accomplishment, personal and professional, big and small, massively influential and seemingly inconsequential. And yes, this picture above is me celebrating one of my successes. I may have been dancing at someone else's wedding, but I'll make any excuse I can to let go of my daily demands and just let loose. Why You Need to Track Every Accomplishment Tracking my own accomplishments has been extremely beneficial on many levels. As we begin the new year this is the best time to begin tracking your own successes. Here's why: 1. It's Too Easy to Focus on the Negatives When you think back on the last year of your life, it's easy to remember what went wrong, what didn't happen, or what could have been. Acknowledging where you excelled is a great reminder that your life is awesome. Seriously, say that out loud, “My life is awesome!” Okay, I know you didn't do it because no one ever does. But, just take a moment and recognize that life is more than the disappointments. Awesome things happen every day. Just look for them, you'll see. For my wife's 28th birthday I stole a great idea from Darren Hardy and made a list called “28 Reasons Why I Love My Wife.” I spent a few weeks compiling the list based on daily interactions, conversations, and subtle things she did for me, for herself, and for others. When I finally delivered the list to her on her birthday, she was floored. Well, I like to think so. She did cry and say that it was the most thoughtful gift I had ever given her. (She still carries this list with her in her purse every day.) This list was better than flowers, better than dinner and a movie, and even better than a new puppy. Why? Because I acknowledged her. I conveyed how much she mattered and why her life is awesome. You can do that same thing for yourself. Just make a list. I discussed making a Past Accomplishments notebook in Evernote in my blog post: 7-Must Have Notebooks in Evernote. 2. Past Behavior Predicts Future Behavior One of the best ways to know how your new year will go is to look at last year. Odds are that you will repeat last year . . . unless you make some serious changes. Looking at your past accomplishments can act as a great motivator to continue kicking butt well into the next quarter, and even throughout the year. If you want to make your next year better than your last, this is a great time to plan your projects based on what you want to see on your past accomplishments for this year. Which projects mean so much to you that you would regret not doing them? Which goals would radically change your life more than any other? One of the best things about my own list of accomplishments is that I can see my past plans coming to life. I can visually see where I followed through and completed projects I was excited about.

 As I Turn 30: My Best Advice for Anyone in their Twenties [Podcast #057] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:46

Are you ready to optimize the best decade of your life? In this week's episode of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast I share my best advice for anyone in their twenties. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: Jeff Sanders I entered my twenties with incredible optimism and abundant ignorance (a killer combination for ambitious living) and left my twenties with a little more wisdom. Today I share some of that wisdom with the hope that you also have crazy ambitious goals you're working towards as you near your next awesome decade of life. Behind the Scenes For the next 5 weeks I will heading off on a sabbatical. I'm not going anywhere and I will continue to release new blog posts and podcast episodes, but there are a few important changes you should know about. * Announcing My Summer Sabbatical: 5 Weeks at a Slower Pace [blog post] Listener Question Colin from St. Louis asks me about high energy on a meat-based diet. You will almost certainly find my answer intriguing. Tip of the Week Have you ever wanted to block facebook and get more work done? You can do that and so much more with this great tool. * StayFocusd [Chrome Extension] Featured Content In this week's episode I discuss my best advice for anyone in their twenties. * The Top 10 Choices I Made in my Twenties that Changed my Life Forever. * The Top 3 Mistakes I Made in my Twenties (that you should avoid). * My Best Advice: Top 5 Strategies to Make Your Twenties Fan-Freakin-Tastic! Resources Mentioned in the Show * Graduated and Clueless [my book] * Productivity and Marriage: An Interview with My Wife, Tessa [episode #22] * My Unlikely Story of Ditching Meat for a Raw Vegan Diet [episode #52] * The Total Money Makeover [book by Dave Ramsey] Announcements * To join The 5 AM Club, get a FREE copy of The 5 AM Miracle eBook, AND jump-start your morning, visit * In next week’s episode of the podcast I will be beginning my sabbatical and sharing my interview on the Kick Ass Dad Podcast. Download the Script

 The Beginner’s Guide to Mastering the Basics of Evernote [Podcast #056] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:10

UPDATE TO THE TIP OF THE WEEK: After I recorded this episode, Darren Hardy made a change to his Success260 mentoring program. The website has changed to and the start date has moved back one week to July 28, 2014. Are you as intimidated by Evernote as I was when I started? In this week's episode of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast I share how to master the basics of Evernote, my favorite tool for capturing ideas and managing all of my projects. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: digitalART2 via Compfight cc Back in 2008 I signed up for Evernote, try to use it for about a week, and then gave up for over three years. When I began using it again, I couldn't believe how amazing it was. There is more to Evernote than meets the eye and that's what I want to share with you today. If you are an Evernote newbie and would like a quick tutorial on how to get started, listen to this week's episode and get ready to take notes! Behind the Scenes Do you know that feeling when a bunch of tiny details all add up in your head and you have one of those “Aha!” moments? I had that experience every single day last week. It was magical. In the Behind the Scenes segment I will share why I believe those moments happened and how you can get similar results. Tip of the Week This week I answer a listener question from Tina about raw vegan marathons. * Getting Started as a Raw Vegan [blog post] * The 80/10/10 Diet [book by Dr. Douglas Graham] * Nutrition and Athletic Performance [book by Dr. Douglas Graham] I also discuss Darren Hardy's new daily mentoring program, that is totally free! * Success260 [daily mentoring for achievers] Featured Content In this week's episode I discuss how to master the basics of Evernote including, * Why Evernote is the best digital tool for note taking. * How to use the blank slate you see when you first get started. * How to create notes, notebooks, and stacks for optimal organization. Resources Mentioned in the Show * Evernote [how to remember everything] * Evernote Premium [the awesome pro account] *

 Running 3,000 Miles: An Interview with Nicole Antoinette [Podcast #055] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 45:25

Have you ever set your sights really high? No, I mean higher than that. This week's episode of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast features an interview with Nicole Antoinette, a wildly ambitious runner on a mission to make it all the way across America, on foot. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: Nicole Antoinette It's a rare occasion for me to meet someone who blows away my own big goals. Today you will meet Nicole Antoinette. She is not just a marathon runner — she is a CRAZY ambitious runner who is willing to see just how far she can really go. If you get anything from this interview it will be nothing less than incredible inspiration to push for bigger goals than you ever thought possible. Enjoy! Behind the Scenes Two weeks ago I took the advice of Michael Hyatt and read a book he claimed was the best book he has read in the last 5 years. * Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less [book by Greg McKeown] * Less But Better: What it Takes to Become an Essentialist [my blog post about the book] Tip of the Week This week I answer a listener question from Monika, who asks if I use Neti Pots for nasal congestion or sinus issues. Learn more about Neti Pots. * Joe Johnson Sinusitis Remedy: The Secret to Treating Seasonal Allergies [blog post] * Learn more about the Sinus Remedy I Use [website of Joe Johnson] * Leave a Voice Message: If you have a question or comment that you would like me to address on the podcast itself, I highly encourage you to send me a voice message, which I will play on the show. You can also email me your questions and comments. Featured Content In this week's episode I interview Nicole Antoinette and we discuss, * What inspired Nicole to set her sights on running all the way across the United States. * How many miles per day she is planning to run. * Why she began planning this big adventure 2 years in advance.

 The Top 10 Energy Boosters for The Chronically Fatigued [Podcast #054] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:56

Do you want to feel incredibly energized instead of unbelievably tired? In this week's episode of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast I discuss the top 10 energy boosters that will have you bouncing out of bed with enthusiasm! ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: Compfight

 The Most Important Skill in the 21st Century [Podcast #053] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:32

What is holding you back more than anything else? In this week's episode of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast I discuss the most important skill in the 21st century. All of us, myself included, need to master this skill if we ever want to achieve our biggest goals. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: Cristiano Betta via Compfight cc I recently attended a webinar with Darren Hardy, publisher of SUCCESS Magazine, and he unveiled what he believed to be the most necessary skill for success in this century. I was hesitant to believe Darren at first because what he suggested seemed so obvious. But once I fully understood the vast implications of not mastering this skill, I knew how spot on he was. Behind the Scenes My running injury from last summer has yet to fully heal, so I'm taking my athletic endeavors in a new direction and I need some advice on purchasing a new bicycle. If you have any suggestions or recommendations on what I should buy, email me or leave a comment below. I would greatly appreciate it! Tip of the Week This week's tip is a great life lesson from the famous Samuel Clemens. “I have been through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.” – Mark Twain Featured Content In this week's episode, I discuss the most important skill that all of us need to master. * What is the most important skill? * How can I make consistent improvement towards mastery every day? * What are the real life implications of getting better at this skill? Resources Mentioned in the Show * SUCCESS Magazine [published by Darren Hardy] * Insane Productivity [program by Darren Hardy] * Essentialism [book by Greg McKeown] * Nozbe [my favorite productivity system] * Steven Pressfield [author] Announcements * To join The 5 AM Club, get a FREE copy of The 5 AM Miracle eBook, AND jump-start your morning, visit * For my next podcast episode I will be discussing the top 10 energy boosters for the chronically fatigued. If you just never seem to have enough energy, tune in for practical tips to jack up your energy right away! Download the Script Here you have access to the script that I use to record each epis...

 My Unlikely Story of Ditching Meat for a Raw Vegan Diet [Podcast #052] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:16

Have you ever seriously considered a diet without fried chicken, steak, or (heaven forbid) bacon? In this week's episode of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast I discuss how (and why) I made the radical decision to ditch meat for a vegan diet. This is a fascinating story. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: Daveness_98 via Compfight cc If you knew me growing up throughout my high school and college days, you would know the massive quantity of food I ate at every meal. I had no limits. I ate everything. I thought of myself as a human trashcan. Fast forward a few years and the vast majority of my diet is fresh fruits and veggies. How did this transformation take place? That's the “meat” of the content in today's episode. Enjoy! Behind the Scenes I'm back from Europe with a few insights that shed some light on the importance of fresh perspectives. * Podcasting 101 Tutorial: How to Launch Your Own Professional Podcast [blog post] Tip of the Week This week's tip is my response to two questions about kombucha from a podcast listener, Ryan from Arizona. * How can you brew kombucha without carbonation? Is it possible? * What is the best brewing temperature for kombucha? Is a hot garage a good place? * Health Benefits of Kombucha and How to Brew it at Home [episode #37] Featured Content In this week's episode, I share my story of transformation from a mindless meat eater to a conscious raw vegan. Specifically, I discuss . . . * What initially caused me to let go of eating meat. * Why I believe I can only be at my best as a vegan. * How you can easily begin your transition to eating healthier foods today. Resources Mentioned in the Show * Steve Pavlina [Personal Development for Smart People] * 7 Intoxicating Reasons to Drink Green Smoothies [blog post] * The China Study [book by T. Colin Campbell, PhD] * Food Inc. [documentary] * Food Matters [documentary] *

 The Productive Person: An Interview with Chandler Bolt [Podcast #051] | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:38

Are you ready to radically change your lifestyle and be incredibly productive? I hope so! This week's episode of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast features an interview with Chandler Bolt, author of The Productive Person and founder of Self-Publishing School. ← Previous Episode Next Episode → Photo Credit: Chandler Bolt Chandler Bolt is one of those rare people who is both wildly ambitious AND successful at a young age. He started a business in college and has already kicked off his twenties with effective daily habits that are sure to make him an even bigger rock star in the years to come. In my interview of Chandler we talk about everything from morning routines to daily affirmations. Most importantly, we discuss his living situation, surrounded by other ambitious entrepreneurs at all hours of the night. Behind the Scenes There is no Behind the Scenes segment this week, as I am still on vacation, but I will be back next week. Tip of the Week This week's tip is a list of the tools I use to build this website. Many people who completed my recent survey said that one of their biggest goals was start their own blog and/or podcast. * List of the Tools I Use to Build This Website, Blog, Podcast, and Videos Featured Content In this week's episode, I interview Chandler Bolt and we discuss: * How Chandler managed college while starting a business at the same time. * Why pre-work is necessary to tackle major goals. * How Chandler is able to live with 6 other entrepreneurs in the same house! Resources Mentioned in the Show * Chander Bolt [Creator of Self-Publishing School] * The Productive Person [book by Chandler Bolt] * Book Writing Software: Which Is Best? [Self-Publishing School Blog] * Breaking Out of a Broken System [book by Chandler Bolt] * [Chandler's Email] * Andy.


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