As I Turn 30: My Best Advice for Anyone in their Twenties [Podcast #057]

The 5 AM Miracle with Jeff Sanders: Healthy Habits • Personal Development • Rockin' Productivity! show

Summary: <br> Are you ready to optimize the best decade of your life? In this week's episode of <a title="Subscribe in iTunes" href="" target="_blank">The 5 AM Miracle Podcast</a> I share my best advice for anyone in their twenties.<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <a href="">← Previous Episode</a><br> <a href="">Next Episode →</a><br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <a href=""></a>Photo Credit: <a href="" target="_blank">Jeff Sanders</a><br> I entered my twenties with incredible optimism and abundant ignorance (a killer combination for ambitious living) and left my twenties with a little more wisdom.<br> Today I share some of that wisdom with the hope that you also have crazy ambitious goals you're working towards as you near your next awesome decade of life.<br> <br> <br> Behind the Scenes<br> For the next 5 weeks I will heading off on a sabbatical. I'm not going anywhere and I will continue to release new blog posts and podcast episodes, but there are a few important changes you should know about.<br> <br> * <a title="Announcing My Summer Sabbatical" href="" target="_blank">Announcing My Summer Sabbatical: 5 Weeks at a Slower Pace</a> [blog post]<br> <br> Listener Question<br> Colin from St. Louis asks me about high energy on a meat-based diet. You will almost certainly find my answer intriguing.<br> Tip of the Week<br> Have you ever wanted to block facebook and get more work done? You can do that and so much more with this great tool.<br> <br> * <a title="StayFocusd" href="" target="_blank">StayFocusd</a> [Chrome Extension]<br> <br> Featured Content<br> In this week's episode I discuss my best advice for anyone in their twenties.<br> <br> * The Top 10 Choices I Made in my Twenties that Changed my Life Forever.<br> * The Top 3 Mistakes I Made in my Twenties (that you should avoid).<br> * My Best Advice: Top 5 Strategies to Make Your Twenties Fan-Freakin-Tastic!<br> <br> Resources Mentioned in the Show<br> <br> * <a title="Graduated and Clueless" href="" target="_blank">Graduated and Clueless</a> [my book]<br> * <a title="Interview with Tessa" href="" target="_blank">Productivity and Marriage: An Interview with My Wife, Tessa</a> [episode #22]<br> * <a title="Ditching Meat" href="" target="_blank">My Unlikely Story of Ditching Meat for a Raw Vegan Diet</a> [episode #52]<br> * <a title="The Total Money Makeover" href=";camp=1789&amp;creative=390957&amp;creativeASIN=1595555277&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;tag=gradandclue-20&amp;linkId=IGDINJQIRI3IJLGI" target="_blank">The Total Money Makeover</a> [book by Dave Ramsey]<br> <br> Announcements<br> <br> * To join The 5 AM Club, get a FREE copy of The 5 AM Miracle eBook, AND jump-start your morning, visit <a title="The 5 AM Miracle" href="" target="_blank"></a>.<br> * In next week’s episode of the podcast I will be beginning my sabbatical and sharing <a title="Kick Ass Dad Podcast" href="" target="_blank">my interview on the Kick Ass Dad Podcast</a>.<br> <br> Download the Script<br>