The Ochelli Effect show

The Ochelli Effect

Summary: Revelation Through Conversation. The Ochelli Effect is listener supported independent Media with That rare honesty and unique perspective you are looking for. News, Alternative History, and culture with a bite.

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 Bar Room Blitz | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Bar Room Blitz The Ochelli Effect 5-16-2019 Storytime Thursday You got a live creation of an audiobook in the form of an experimental Broadcast/Podcast, despite there being no book. At least we hope it turned out that way. Thor’s Day Chuck decided to unplug from the news and see what happens when he verbally tells a story. This is an experiment of sorts to see if Chuck’s style of writing makes sense to the listener. What you get for most of this podcast is a narrative structured in exactly the way Ochelli writes about nearly anything. Working on two books of non-fiction and seeking feedback from listeners to sculpt the style is a fairly odd premise for a podcast. We hope you enjoy this and engage in the process. Also included is a short round-up of reasons for ignoring the news, and frustrations that led to this presentation. Bar Room Blitz The artists contributing to the audio breaks include: Cirrus Minor Greenseed 10 Gauge Renegade Smith (Artist behind The Ochelli Effect Theme) The story “Bar Room Blitz” is the true account of a very small aspect of Chuck’s childhood that he shared mostly because it was the easiest narrative to remember. it has multiple sub-plots and story arcs within it. It is 100% true and the names of the guilty were never actually known. It also happens to be a happy memory that is not going to be included in the two current unfinished books Chuck is working on. Bar Room Blitz Tune In to the 24/7 Stream from to hear Replays Special Shows, Selected Music and The Evolving Vanguard of New Shows @ with the TuneIn App. Thanks to all our listeners and contributors for your support, The Ochelli Effect would not be here without you! If you have any questions for Chuck, or about our shows, please contact us here at The Ochelli Effect or if you want to contribute in some way, please do the same. Join us in Ochelli Chat Room for live shows every weekday 8 pm – 10 pm Eastern Time. Bar Room Blitz – The Ochelli Effect 5-16-2019 Storytime

 Abortion Best Laid Plans | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:00:00

Abortion Best Laid Plans The Ochelli Effect 5-15-2019 Kim When the scheduled guest (Dave Emory) marks the wrong Wednesday on his calendar, It’s time to improvise. Kim had been having some interesting conversations off the air with Chuck, so it seemed like a good idea to get a woman’s perspective entered into The Ochelli Effect Podcast record. The discussion started off with abortion as a topic. Chuck usually avoids it due to his idea that he has little said in the matter and can not presume to speak for women on such a personal issue. In recent discussions with Meria Heller and on his newsfeeds it seems to keep coming up regularly, and there is indeed a shifting reality emerging. The Roe V. Wade decision has been part of the world and political debate during Chuck’s lifetime and seems to have been an established precedent. This appears to be changing as State laws and policies have rapidly restricted access to previously accessible means of dealing with feminine health issues beyond but including abortion. Women with access to Money have nothing to worry about. So although some have called what is happening a “War On Women”, perhaps it is more specifically a War On Poor Women. We all must remember that the position of all policy enforcers is best understood by accepting that your body is the property of Their Bosses. Police committing murder and assault on vulnerable individuals closes out the two-hour discussion for the most part. If we took care of each other better and respected the individuals right to live as they see fit, none of this would have to be discussed at all. Remember to commit random acts of kindness when and where you can. The effect and echo stemming from your actions could potentially change more than you’ll ever see. If everyone made it their practice to truly do a good deed every day it is unknown how much damage could be done to the creeping negativity in this reality. Dave Emory will be on the show next Wednesday Abortion Best Laid Plans (Note to regular listeners) If you have thought of donating to our cause here in the past. Please know that now is a key moment to do so as we expand the network and Chuck is hit with personal expenses due to legal issues. Also, sending your postal address to with the subject heading “Cards” will get you at least an envelope with Ochelli Effect Business cards in it and contributions also get unique randomly selected thank you gifts if the Patron or donating party send an e-mail with “Donation” in the Subject Line. Thanks, Chuck Abortion Best Laid Plans Tune In to the 24/7 Stream from to hear Replays Special Shows, Selected Music and The Evolving Vanguard of New Shows @ with the TuneIn App. Thanks to all our listeners and contributors for your support, The Oche

 Iranian Chinese Water Torture | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Iranian Chinese Water Torture The Ochelli Effect 5-14-2019 Mike Swanson and Pearse Redmond n the first hour, the Author of The War State Mike Swanson discusses with Chuck the latest wave of tariffs in Trump Trade War with China. Mike also breaks down some basic ways to understand manufacturing paradigms as they emerge. Michael also covered the recent losses in the Dow and talks about some of what he is publishing lately. Is the economy booming for you? Has Kim Jung Un actually punked Trump? As the war on terror continues to terrorize, are you feeling good about Iran becoming Iraq 2.0 in the propaganda paradigm? What criminal will Trump be told to pardon next to cultivate support from the rest of the scum of the earth? Why do farmers committing suicide to think that’s a better option than detaching themselves from the Trump Train? Pearse Redmond covered the recent events in one gulf that remind us of other times political posturing was and catastrophic events had something to do with a Gulf. Iran is not Iraq. Other topics included Porkins Policy Radio and the seemingly dangerous devotion to inciting the end of days by John Bolton and Mike Pompeo. Pearse also explains to listeners how truth is often buried in articles deeply enough that 99% of readers won’t even bother to dig into the contradiction table. Iranian Chinese Water Torture Mike Swanson: Associated Titles: The Origins of the Roman Empire: The Roman Army and Political Power Kindle Edition by Dennis Swanson (Author), Michael Swanson (Foreword) Swanson’s Publishing Company Will Release Walt Brown’s Judyth Vary Baker in Her Own Words on June 1st Kindle JVB Book: Straight From The Author Signed if Requested Postage Included (In The U.S.) Judyth Vary Baker In Her Own Words $19.95 Master Chronology of JFK Assassination (Complete on CD) $50

 Washington Babylon Counterpunching Africa | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Washington Babylon Counterpunching Africa Porkins Policy Radio 5-14-2019 Ken Silverstein OCHELLI.COM Proudly Presents Prorkins Policy Radio LIVE (Notes From Pearse) In the first hour, I went solo and talked about some recent developments in the West African nation of Burkina Faso. I started off with the recent hostage rescue operation by French special forces which freed 4 tourists. I talked about the political instability that Burkina Faso has been facing over the past several years. I also talked about the rumors that the hostages were going to be handed over to the Macina Liberation Front in Mali. I spoke about the rise of jihadi groups across West Africa and how much of it unfolded in 2012 with the ouster of Mali’s president Amadou Toumani Toure. I also discussed the role that France continues to play as a colonial overlord in West Africa. I finished off by looking at a recent attack on a church in northern Burkina Faso and how it might link to gold mining in the country, and how this is exploited by groups like the neocons. In the second hour the founder of Counterpunch and Washington Babylon, Ken Silverstein, joined me. We started off by talking about Ken’s latest media project Ken talked about the structure of the site and the unique way they are approaching both journalism and political reporting. Later we talked extensively about The Intercept and the myriad problems facing the billionaire-funded outlet. Ken talked about the recent scandal where yet a third whistleblower has been sent to jail after cooperating with The Intercept and Jeremy Scahill. Ken talked about his own time at The Intercept and why he ultimately had to walk away. Ken and I trashed Glenn Greenwald and also talked about the theory that The Intercept is, in fact, an intelligence operation to entrap whistleblowers. Later we talked about some of Ken’s reporting looking at the NRA spending scandal and why Wayne LaPierre paid $14,000 in rent for a summer intern. We finished the conversation by looking at the situation in Venezuela. Ken also teased a bombshell story he is writing on Marco Rubio. Washington Babylon Counterpunching Africa REFERENCES:

 Corpora Hominum Occidit | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Corpora Hominum Occidit The Ochelli Effect 5-13-2019 No Callers Same old Gulf looks the same as the New Boss in swag nation. Is the anything to the “sex Strike”? Trump-style Socialism is at full tilt boogie while war criminals get pardons and white house praise for being mighty white. Chuck asked for calls and didn’t get any, but you got a rant alongside some news and breakdowns of the key modus operandi of the actual “deep state” which despite the idiocy of Q is actually just the establishment that put an orange face on its permanent puppet POTUS. He also reads from The Newsvandal Rundown and adds a few new audio pieces in during breaks. Wrestling with the mentality of midgets that contort their minds to mendacity and mutilate reality to perform the function of a Trump apologist. Chuck faces the cartoonish suggestion of one one of his own hosts regarding a potentially honorable action from Agent Orange 45. People are strange. AOC and The Bern form a tag team of liberal stupid while Jackie Ho celebrates military moms on the condition that they are only the mighty white ones. Plus The joke hosting Real Time fails so profoundly in understanding the nature of women for hire, Chuck begins to suspect that Bill Mahr is the Left’s answer to Alex Jones. Rashida hits the third rail of Israeli politics since American discourse on the subject is owned by Israel and she is a Palestinian, this is no surprise. As Trump prepares to retaliate for not being punished over his criminal activity how much more abuse of power and lack of accomplishment will it take to end his cultish supporter’s illness of loyalty? How’s the trade war treating you? Is the imaginary boom in the economy busting you? How is that love affair with Kim Jung Un going? Is the stock market going to drop more than the 617 points it fell today? Will Trump Junior be as good a liar as daddy? Is the Chinese trade war confusing you as much as Chinese finger-cuffs confuse Trump? Corpora Hominum Occidit References:

 Kennedy Execution Baker Demolition Part Two | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Kennedy Execution Baker Demolition Part Two The Ochelli Effect 5-10-2019 Walt Brown Like last Friday the assassination of JFK was the primary focus on The Ochelli Effect. Walt Brown Ph.D. came back to discuss 11-22-63 and much more. Listener feedback got the ball rolling for the conversation. Chuck and Walt discuss the progression of paradigm shaping events that carried The United States and the rest of the world through the eras of WW2, The Cold Wars early years, and the President striving for peace in 1963 surrounded by “hawks”. Walt also talked about adventures in publishing, asking friends for pictures, laser tag years in the JFK Research community. There are a few package deals you can get of Walt’s work(See Below). In the second-hour listener questions kept the discourse flowing and we received a LIVE call-in from the infamous “Bpeote”. discussions of the U2, Lee Oswald’s value as a Patsy, and the non-witness to history Judy Baker dominated most of the remaining time. Chuck also got to put the question to Walt that is always asked of him as a guest on other shows when he is invited to discuss the JFK Assassination. Chuck all of Dr. Brown’s work with a special emphasis on The Kennedy Execution, Judyth Vary Baker: In Her Own Words. and The Master Chronology of the JFK Assassination. Kennedy Execution Baker Demolition Part Two Straight From The Author Signed if Requested Postage Included (In The U.S.) Judyth Vary Baker In Her Own Words $19.95 Master Chronology of JFK Assassination (Complete on CD) $50 The Kennedy Execution $35 by itself $50 with JVB Book Walt Brown PO BOX 174 HILLSDALE NJ 07642 USA Other Titles? Outside The United States? E-mail Walt Brown: PayPal Kennedy Execution Baker Demolition Part Two Previous Shows with Walt Brown: Walt on Black Op Radio (Posted The Day Before our LIVE show): Kindle JVB Book: Tune In to the 24/7 Stream from to hear Replays Special Shows, Selected Music and The Evolving Vanguard of New Shows @

 Ancient Chinese secret Poem | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Ancient Chinese Secret Poem Trans Resister Radio & Uncle The Broadcast Presented by OCHELLI.COM Trans Resister Radio and Uncle LIVE 5-10-2019 (Aaron’s Notes) TRR 228 The tension between China and the United States is undeniable. What it all may be leading to is impossible to say, but trying to understand our current situation is a useful thing to do. Marlon Ettinger calls into the show to help Aaron do just this. topics include: China, CCP, Xinjiang Provence, Uyghur, reeducation camps, concentration camps, propaganda, geopolitics, development, economics, military, Trump, Xi Jinping, technology, real estate, North Korea, South Korea Utp 135 Another wonderful broadcast featuring live callers. Sef the Poet comes on the line to tell us a little bit about a whole lot. Don’t follow him, follow him. Uncle is overjoyed to have someone pointing in the right direction. topics include: live comedy, JP Sears, @sefthepoet, poetry, speaking, religion, Christianity, volunteering, business cards, sword store, Riverside, inspiration, life-altering events, out of body experiences, messages from beyond, crocodile Gandhi Ancient Chinese Secret Poem (Producers Notes) We started late due to a problem hearing Aaron. Set-up phones. Had No idea where this was gonna go. Had to bust Aaron’s balls about the Cards. Seth “The Poet”, I’d love to have a spoken word battle with that guy. Hope no one calls the cops on Uncle with a sword in the mall. Ancient Chinese Secret Poem Tune In to the 24/7 Stream from to hear Replays Special Shows, Selected Music and The Evolving Vanguard of New Shows @ with the TuneIn App. Aaron’s Main Hub indeed a different kind of show and we hope it continues to break its mold. Though Chuck Ochelli is the behind the scenes producer, Aaron Franz is the creator of this content. Thanks to all our listeners and contributors for your excellent support, would not be here without you! If you have any questions about our shows, please contact us here at, or if you want to contribute in some way, please do the same. Join us in Ochelli Chat Room for live shows every Friday 10pm-12am Eastern Time. Ancient Chinese Secret Poem  

 Mystery Science Theater 2019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Mystery Science Theater 2019 The Ochelli Effect 5-9-2019 Carmine Savastano What happens when seemingly scientific reality clashes with the iron bubble some people have around their belief systems? Is there one extreme position in the debate that can claim to be more insane than any other extreme position? Carmine and Chuck discuss this as rationally as possible regarding “Climate Change” and the alleged “Green New Deal”. Is there any valid reason to think that human activity has not impacted the environment significantly? How long will dogma continue to trump reality? Are the waring tropes of denial and panic doomed to duel eternally? Reconciliation between propaganda and reality is common in debates and establishment of operative plans to handle emerging disasters. There is a terrible disparity between the obvious dangers in environmental ignorance and alarmist views on the topic. The only clear results seem to be a lack of action, preparation, and any advancement in education on the one thing that really should be a universal concern among all people. With only one planet there seem to be 1,000 ways to damage it, and a 50,000 to deny or warp the reality of what should be of primary concern to all people. Is there any reason to believe we are past the point of “No Return” when it comes to the changes we have no choice but to acknowledge? Hardly anyone talks about Nuclear waste as a prime issue, but radiation keeps radiating. Chuck and Carmine discuss this all while setting a tone for a few shows in the future that will expose the serious damage that is done to living things by ignorance and misinformation guiding the actions of humanity. Does anyone really know for certain that all the wounds mother earth has suffered can be healed? Should we actually be talking more about how far gone some aspects of the natural matrix are, instead of still struggling to get people to acknowledge there is a problem. Carmine also tells us a bit about how his website has evolved from a spot online to display his book into something much more diverse in content. Mystery Science Theater 2019 Carmine’s Notes: Reference 1: “Climate Change: How Do We Know?”, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Reference 2: The Basics of Climate Change, The Royal Society, Reference 3: John Rennie, November 30, 2009, 7 Answers to Climate Contrarian Nonsense, Scientific American, Reference 4: Pediatrician: Transgender ideology causing child abuse, July 2

 Jeffrey Matte 102 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Jeffrey Matte 102 Jeffrey Matte 5-7-2019 Ochelli.Com Presents: JEFFREY MATTE live Jeffrey’s notes: Today I’m discussing the concept that the USA = The REPUBLIC was lost at the bare minimum 1871. The US is now a Corporate Democracy, not a Republic. The US flag today is correctly displayed vertically as indicated on the side of a Major NASA building as well as the Capitol building. It’s similar to the image of the Mercury Dime with its Fasces. Notice that the Axe head is on the left. The same with the US flag as well as the military salute is a representation of a Fasces. The 13 red and white stripes represent a bundle of sticks the original 13 colonies. I also discuss how the presidential medal of freedom to Tiger Woods. I humbly ask that the current president consider Jordan Maxwell as a genuine recipient of this honor. He has fought for Freedom for over 60 years. If you know how to reach President Trump and can inform him of this fine American. He continues to work 24/7/365 to promote education and what the founding father did when the Republic was born. Also, I mentioned President Trump talk truth about the relationship of the UN with the US. Skip to 10:20 to here the statement I’m referring to. it only for about 1 minute. In the second hour, I talk about how the Obama administration gave away the Internet to the UN. Please watch the video of a Cyber Expert. Here is an example of how the Media creates confusion about this factual event by discrediting the act and individual talking about it. If you want to know more about the fasces here is an important video and please notice the rods are black which means control in my INT COLOR CODE. It’s called the SPEAKERS MACE = FASCES….. Comprised of 13 rods to bring about order and control to an unruly member in Congress. I humbly request that President Trump take action and produce an executive order to ban the word Minority from all State and Federal forms to eliminate bias and second class citizens in America. Also please bring a bill into law or sign an executive order to make it illegal to not accept cash at any vendor at every level. If you want to know more about my research please visit my website. and more importantly please WATCH THIS VIDEO. Also… please support the Ochelli network. Any f

 Oily Tears Socrates Wept | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:00:00

Oily Tears Socrates Wept The Ochelli Effect 5-7-2019 Michael Swanson and JP Sottile Philosophical dissection and vivisection fuel the discussion in the first hour with Mike Swanson. Chuck asks what Michael thinks is yet to come in the economic calamity that seems to be lurking just over the horizon while asking all the time, “Who is actually benefiting from the allegedly thriving economy”? Does the idea of Iranian assets in Venezuela make any sense to anyone? One fabricated crisis after another is aiding the anxiety content of your humble host. Mike is also publishing a book exposing another con-artist who calls herself Judyth Vary Baker. Chuck also shares his anxiety over the dangers of saber-rattling and the fictions that dictate the selection of the latest fabled enemy in the grand game of friction. Does the military-industrial complex itself stand to be the only consistent winner in the game of bones and false thrones? Mike tries to explain the odd Fed situation and there is no choice but to give the orange clown prince of the GOP some attention along the way. Oily Tears Socrates Wept JP Sottile tells us his Opus Rex on Trumpus Maximus is nearly ready for publication, and that might be greasy, but it is sure to be oily. JP also walks Chuck through his reason for stating that Trump is without a single redeeming quality in his narcissistic grab bag and. Many Presidents have been rats, but even rats have actual empathy. Plus the casino Buffett serves about the same purpose and provides the same level of clean food as a mid-day strip club offers in it’s spread, but we can only expect a slightly less dirty experience at a Trump property. Make no mistake, America is firmly in the grips of an uninformed real estate hustler from Queens who lived on The Pump-and-Dump business model previous to his career as Political scumbag-in-chief. Oily Tears Socrates Wept LINKS To CONTINUE Learning: Oily Tears Socrates Wept Mike Swanson: Associated Titles: The Origins of the Roman Empire: The Roman Army and Political Power Kindle Edition by Dennis Swanson (Author), Michael Swanson (Foreword)

 Unclear Skies post 911 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:00:00

Unclear Skies post 911 Porkins Policy Radio 5-7-2019 Jenna Orkin OCHELLI.COM Proudly Presents Prorkins Policy Radio LIVE (Notes From Pearse) This week writer and journalist Jenna Orkin joined me to discuss her book Ground Zero Wars: The fight to reveal the lies of the EPA in the wake of 9/11 and clean up Lower Manhattan, and the ongoing health problems caused by the World Trade Center dust. Jenna started off by telling us where she was on 9/11 and how the day unfolded for her. She talked about the fact that her son went to Stuyvesant High School at the time and how this led her to research the health effects of 9/11. We talked about the lack of clean-up at Stuyvesant and the desire to re-open the school one month after the attacks. Jenna and I talked about how this decision mirrored the official government response to the cleanup of Lower Manhattan and the re-opening of places like Wall Street. We then discussed exactly what was in the dust itself, including asbestos, Mercury, lead, and radioactive material. Jenna explained how the EPA used antiquated tests in order to hide the high levels of toxicity in the air. Jenna also talked about the science behind many of the EPA tests and how the logarithmic scale of measurement measures substances like asbestos. Later we talked about key figures responsible for covering up the environmental disaster. We looked at EPA head Christine Todd-Whitman who repeatedly lied by saying the air was safe to breathe. We also touched on her husband’s ties to Citigroup who benefited from the EPA’s decision to lie about the safety of ground zero. Jenna and I also talked about James Connaughton who headed the White House Council on Environmental Quality, and how he manipulated press releases from the EPA. Jenna also brought up Connaughton’s connection to the law firm Sidney Austin Brown & Wood which had offices in the World Trade Center. Unclear Skies post 911 We finished the conversation by talking about the legacy of the EPA. Jenna and I talked about how the EPA has only gotten worse since 9/11. Jenna also spoke about the need for us as citizens to take personal responsibility in the face of traumatic events like 9/11. We touched on the state of the 9/11 research community as well. Jenna finished off the conversation by talking about her work with the late great Michael Ruppert. Chuck and I rounded out the episode by talking about Ruppert’s legacy as well as the work that goes into producing a live radio show. Unclear Skies post 911 LINKS:

 Special Dogmatic Theology Twenty Four | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:00:00

Special Dogmatic Theology Twenty Four The Ochelli Effect 5-6-2019 Jordan Maxwell This is the end, my friends. After 24 (Official) Episodes of Special Dogmatic Theology Jordan and Chuck decide to end the series. Next Monday Jordan will begin a new series on The Ochelli Effect more focused on Astrological aspects of Religion as it relates to the New Testament. Get ready for Astro Theology with a planned beginning 5-13-2019. In this discussion listener questions and an opening set of thoughts from Chuck about how modern-day charlatans use the legitimacy of religion to push their hidden agendas, while others are simply “useful idiots”. Jordan talks about the symbolism of those at the left and right of Christ in the portrait of “The Last Supper” and the story of the “crucifixion”. Other listeners inquire about the city of London. Jodan gives a new book recommendation on an older text. The truth of scripture is not in its historical accuracy but in the code. When is the age of Pisces over, and does the latest struggle for primary resources have other meanings? Who is the Lord of This World? Is any place on the planet special? Can you learn to read the code that is all around you? We thank you for having listened to this series and hope you will join us for the next one. Special Dogmatic Theology Twenty Four THE ONLY WEBSITE THAT IS JORDAN MAXWELL (Join The Research Society or make a donation) Jordan Highly Recommends: Special Dogmatic Theology Twenty Four Tune In to the 24/7 Stream from to hear Replays Special Shows, Selected Music and The Evolving Vanguard of New Shows @ with the TuneIn App. Thanks to all our listeners and contributors for your support, The Ochelli Effect would not be here without you! If you have any questions for Chuck, or about our shows, please contact us here at The Ochelli Effect or if you want to contribute in some way, please do the same. Join us in Ochelli Chat Room for live shows every weekday 8 pm – 10 pm Eastern Time. Special Dogmatic Theology Twenty Four – The Ochelli Effect 5-6-2019 Jordan Maxwell

 Kennedy Execution Baker Demolition Part One | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Kennedy Execution Baker Demolition Part One The Ochelli Effect 5-3-2019 Walt Brown When Mike Swanson told me he thought Walt Brown’s book “The Kennedy Execution” was at the top of his personal list for suggesting reading material for the JFK Assassination curious reader, I was skeptical. Walt Brown had already published the most lengthy and informed work on the overall case by producing his 30,000+ pages of Chronology on The JFK case. I thought, what more could he have to say? I was wrong. Walt Brown joined us for the first of two shows that will begin to explore what else there is to be said. The Kennedy Execution: Six Seconds That Saved The Military Industrial Complex’s “Cold War” is a unique and highly informative volume. On the subject of the  Assassination, it provides a greater context about the people responsible for the public execution of the 35th President. Walt indeed had a bit more to say on the JFK Assassination after all. A rather textured discussion on the evolution of the Military Industrial Complex and the concept of American Military tradition take up the first hour. The second hour is a shallow dive into the deeply explored regions of who and why as told in The Kennedy Execution. However, The hour is punctuated with talk about a brand new book from Walt. Judyth Vary Baker In Her Own Words crushes the fiction perpetrated on the research community and the public at large by the Queen of JFK Assassination Myth Makers with 300 pages of knowable facts contrasted against, you guessed it, her own words. Kennedy Execution Baker Demolition Part One Judyth Vary Baker In Her Own Words can be acquired by: Sending $19.95 to: Walt BrownPO BOX 174HILLSDALE NJ 07642 Outside the USA E-mail Walt: “If you think Judy has anything of value to offer, you should really get this book and learn how bad of an assumption that is” – “This book shows the reader why Me and Lee needs to be in the fan-fiction section” – Chuck Ochelli – Kennedy Execution Baker Demolition Part One We also highly recommend “The Kennedy Execution” which can be acquired through the author along with many of his previous works We are looking forward to next Friday when we continue talking with Walt about these two books and much more. The Master Chronology: Tune In to the 24/7 Stream from to hear Replays Special Shows, Selected Music and The Evolving Vanguard of New Shows @ h

 Garrison Magazine Issue One | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:00:00

Garrison Magazine Issue One The Ochelli Effect 5-1-2019 Randy Benson and Joe Green Imagine a Magazine in digital and physical form that lets you keep up with a diverse universe of Deep Political research both historical and current on subjects. OK, Stop imagining. Garrison The Magazine has been launched to do what many journals have done in the past and go beyond its predecessors. Chuck talked with Randy Benson and Joseph Green about their roles in the publication. Randy Benson is the filmmaker behind the documentary “The Searchers” and with the magazine is a columnist ranting in print with Blasts From Benson. His unique view of the philosophy and history he is contributing to is discussed at length in hour one. Joe Green gives us his side of the story in the second hour He also provided the listeners with a bit more context on Journals of this type and an interesting illustration of curious characters one can encounter in the research universe by attempting to describe Gorden Novel as an example of the repeating cast of “Bad Pennies” that just keep coming up constantly in situations that are and surround the world of hidden history. Garrison Magazine Issue One (A Note From S T Patrick): The editor and staff of ‘garrison.: The Journal of History & Deep Politics” would like to thank Chuck Ochelli and “The Ochelli Effect” for helping to spread the word on what we know is important work. Though the print copies of issue 001 of “garrison” have sold out, we are still offering the PDF as an e-magazine. Listeners to “The Ochelli Effect” can order the PDF of “garrison” at this location: Keep listening to Chuck Ochelli and keep reading “garrison.” Thank you, S.T. Patrick Editor, garrison. The Journal of History & Deep Politics Garrison Magazine Issue One – LINKS – Garrison (The Magazine): Randy Benson: Joe Green: Joe Green’s Publisher, Publishing Company and Associates:

 Facebook Myopia Dystopia Amblyopia | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Facebook Myopia Dystopia Amblyopia The Ochelli Effect 4-30-2019 Mike Swanson and Pearse Redmond On TYR’s Day, A Cornucopia of Phobias and fabricated amblyopia deconstruct dreams of utopia. Michael Swanson started things off by examining the evolving social media/advertising head games driving personal interactions, Fame, and many walks of shame. Facebook is for grandpa. The toxic anti-social media platform has been a thing for nearly a generation. What happened to your news stories and inspirations for outrage? Is it about to become more fertile digital soil for cults of personality to blossom within? Venezuela is the focus in the second hour. Pearse Redmond and Chuck break down the alleged uprising and even speculate about the reality that may be unfolding while the MSM runs it’s standard mocking bird programming. Is anyone else reminded of “The Bay of Pigs”? Are fake news and the anti-social media going to continue dominating public perceptions? Will the truth remain trapped behind enemy lines on the far side of the great Fire Wall? Are the resource pirates with private armies merely utilizing the digital weapons developed in the internet age to make the repeating blueprint of regime change and population control continue far beyond 2020? Stay tuned! Facebook Myopia Dystopia Amblyopia Mike Swanson: The Origins of the Roman Empire: The Roman Army and Political Power Kindle Edition by Dennis Swanson (Author), Michael Swanson (Foreword) Pearse Redmond: Related Links for Hour 2: https://ww


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