Bar Room Blitz

The Ochelli Effect show

Summary: <div class="fusion-fullwidth fullwidth-box nonhundred-percent-fullwidth non-hundred-percent-height-scrolling" style="background-color: #ffffff; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px;"><div class="fusion-builder-row fusion-row "><div class="fusion-layout-column fusion_builder_column fusion_builder_column_1_1 fusion-builder-column-10 fusion-one-full fusion-column-first fusion-column-last 1_1" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 20px;"> <div class="fusion-column-wrapper" style=""> <div class="fusion-text"> <p>Bar Room Blitz</p> <h2><em>The Ochelli Effect 5-16-2019 Storytime </em></h2> <p>Thursday You got a live creation of an audiobook in the form of an experimental Broadcast/Podcast, despite there being no book. At least we hope it turned out that way.</p> <p>Thor’s Day Chuck decided to unplug from the news and see what happens when he verbally tells a story.</p> <p>This is an experiment of sorts to see if Chuck’s style of writing makes sense to the listener. What you get for most of this podcast is a narrative structured in exactly the way Ochelli writes about nearly anything.</p> <p>Working on two books of non-fiction and seeking feedback from listeners to sculpt the style is a fairly odd premise for a podcast. We hope you enjoy this and engage in the process.</p> <p>Also included is a short round-up of reasons for ignoring the news, and frustrations that led to this presentation.</p> <h2><strong><em>Bar Room Blitz </em></strong></h2> <p>The artists contributing to the audio breaks include:<br> Cirrus Minor<br> Greenseed<br> 10 Gauge<br> Renegade Smith (Artist behind The Ochelli Effect Theme)</p> <p>The story “Bar Room Blitz” is the true account of a very small aspect of Chuck’s childhood that he shared mostly because it was the easiest narrative to remember. it has multiple sub-plots and story arcs within it. It is 100% true and the names of the guilty were never actually known. It also happens to be a happy memory that is not going to be included in the two current unfinished books Chuck is working on.</p> <h2><strong><em>Bar Room Blitz </em></strong></h2> <p>Tune In to the 24/7 Stream from to hear Replays Special Shows, Selected Music and The Evolving Vanguard of New Shows @ <a href=""></a> with the TuneIn App.</p> <p>Thanks to all our listeners and contributors for your support, The Ochelli Effect would not be here without you!</p> <p>If you have any questions for Chuck, or about our shows, please contact us <a href="">here at The Ochelli Effect</a> or if you want to contribute in some way, please do the same.</p> <p><a href="">Join us in Ochelli Chat Room</a> for live shows every weekday 8 pm – 10 pm Eastern Time.</p> <h2><strong><em>Bar Room Blitz – The Ochelli Effect 5-16-2019 Storytime<br> </em></strong></h2> <p></p> </div> <div class="fusion-clearfix"></div> </div> </div></div></div> <img class="lazyload" width="1" height="1" style="display: none;"><img class="lazyload">