Ancient Chinese secret Poem

The Ochelli Effect show

Summary: <div class="fusion-fullwidth fullwidth-box nonhundred-percent-fullwidth non-hundred-percent-height-scrolling" style="background-color: #ffffff; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px;"><div class="fusion-builder-row fusion-row "><div class="fusion-layout-column fusion_builder_column fusion_builder_column_1_1 fusion-builder-column-10 fusion-one-full fusion-column-first fusion-column-last 1_1" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 20px;"> <div class="fusion-column-wrapper" style=""> <div class="fusion-text"> <p>Ancient Chinese Secret Poem</p> <p><em><strong>Trans Resister Radio &amp; Uncle The Broadcast Presented by OCHELLI.COM</strong> </em></p> <p>Trans Resister Radio and Uncle LIVE 5-10-2019</p> <p>(Aaron’s Notes)<br> TRR 228</p> <p>The tension between China and the United States is undeniable. What it all may be leading to is impossible to say, but trying to understand our current situation is a useful thing to do. Marlon Ettinger calls into the show to help Aaron do just this.</p> <p>topics include: China, CCP, Xinjiang Provence, Uyghur, reeducation camps, concentration camps, propaganda, geopolitics, development, economics, military, Trump, Xi Jinping, technology, real estate, North Korea, South Korea</p> <p>Utp 135</p> <p>Another wonderful broadcast featuring live callers. Sef the Poet comes on the line to tell us a little bit about a whole lot. Don’t follow him, follow him. Uncle is overjoyed to have someone pointing in the right direction.</p> <p>topics include: live comedy, JP Sears, @sefthepoet, poetry, speaking, religion, Christianity, volunteering, business cards, sword store, Riverside, inspiration, life-altering events, out of body experiences, messages from beyond, crocodile Gandhi</p> <h2>Ancient Chinese Secret Poem</h2> <p>(Producers Notes)<br> We started late due to a problem hearing Aaron.<br> Set-up phones.<br> Had No idea where this was gonna go.<br> <a href=""></a><br> <a href=""></a><br> Had to bust Aaron’s balls about the Cards.<br> Seth “The Poet”, I’d love to have a spoken word battle with that guy.<br> Hope no one calls the cops on Uncle with a sword in the mall.</p> <h2>Ancient Chinese Secret Poem</h2> <p>Tune In to the 24/7 Stream from to hear Replays Special Shows, Selected Music and The Evolving Vanguard of New Shows @ <a href=""></a> with the TuneIn App.</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>Aaron’s Main Hub <a href=""></a> indeed a different kind of show and we hope it continues to break its mold.</p> <p>Though Chuck Ochelli is the behind the scenes producer, Aaron Franz is the creator of this content.</p> <p>Thanks to all our listeners and contributors for your excellent support, would not be here without you!</p> <p>If you have any questions about our shows, please contact us <a href="">here at</a>, or if you want to contribute in some way, please do the same.</p> <p><a href="">Join us in Ochelli Chat Room</a> for live shows every Friday 10pm-12am Eastern Time.</p> <h2>Ancient Chinese Secret Poem</h2> <h2><em><strong> </strong></em></h2> <p></p> </div> <div class="fusion-clearfix"></div> </div> </div></div></div> <img class="lazyload">