The Ochelli Effect show

The Ochelli Effect

Summary: Revelation Through Conversation. The Ochelli Effect is listener supported independent Media with That rare honesty and unique perspective you are looking for. News, Alternative History, and culture with a bite.

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 JFK RFK Assassinations Updates | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:00:00

JFK RFK Assassinations Updates The Ochelli Effect 11-22-2018 Carmine Savastano and Mike Swanson Sinister History never sleeps. Hours before Black Friday, We revisited the original Nightmare on Elm Street. This Thors Day was not only Thanksgiving in the States, But also marks 55 years since The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Naturally, Carmine Savastano joined Chuck to discuss the JFK Assassination. In the first hour, we had the special bonus co-host normally heard on Tuesdays, Mike Swanson. The two authors and Chuck discussed Ed Landsdale, Vietnam, Media silence, and The 2018 Lancer Conference that Carmine and Michael both attended this year. The Second hour Carmine presented some evidence in the RFK case that seems to have been left in unresolved land with the LAPD. It turns out the official investigation into Bobby Kennedy’s murder had in its files a fairly well-documented case for Conspiracy regarding the assassination. The seemingly long-ignored evidence was the centerpiece of Carmine’s presentation at Lancer ( ) last week There is always more to be discovered by those who will work to uncover deeply buried pieces to puzzles with care. Discussions of process and Conspiracy from a fundamental perspective were also included. There is an AFTER EFFECT portion that is in the 2018 exclusives page under media and posted to The Ochelli Effect Patreon page which is not included in this 2-hour podcast version of the broadcast. Chuck has taken some extra rest this week. This will not become a common practice. #JFK55 JFK RFK Assassinations Updates Carmine References: R 1: Senate Select Committee to Study Intelligence Activities, Miscellaneous Files, National Archives and Records Administration,, July 22, 1975 R 2: Operation Mongoose, JFK Investigation Files, R 3: Senate Sel. Comm., Testimony of General Edward Lansdale Re: Cuban Operation, The Mary Ferrell Foundation,, July 8, 1975, pp. 23-24 R 4: RFK Related Individuals of Note, RFK Investigation Files, Chuck adds LINKS: https://youtu

 Blue Chips Orange Dip | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:00:00

Blue Chips Orange Dip The Ochelli Effect 11-20-2018 Mike Swanson and Pearse Redmond Mike Swanson Author of The War State kicked off Tuesday telling us about his trip to Dallas for the recent JFK conferences. In Wall Street, World Chuck and Mike discussed the market behavior and the interesting displays by those who lost in the NYC casino. Plus what did the elections tell us about 2020? Was the Blue Ripple exactly what Trump needed to have a handy Scapegoat for the next 2 years? We also got an update on Mr. Swanson’s bets on political outcomes and the real world effect of the Trump policies best observed by the Art on No Deals and shady steals. News items along the way and some hints that a long-standing MSM gatekeeper may have been disturbed by or friend Carmine were also part of the conversation When next Tuesday happens Chuck suspects there will be a lot more action to cover in the game of Bears versus Bulls. Blue Chips Orange Dip In the second hour, Chuck asked Pearse Redmond if he ever heard the phrase, “feed me to the lesbians”. Apparently, this phrase is a normal part of the Millennial lexicon and a popular T-shirt. Chocolate is another option in its use but the phrase is as follows Interjection “dip me in honey and throw me to the lesbians” (colloquial) Expression of surprise at something incredible. Saudi Arabia and Russian Agent Orange Trump became the focus as Pearse and Chuck tried to make sense of the presser with Donny earlier in the day. Ivanka Trumps e-mail didn’t even get a minute on the show. Is the administration playing 1D Chess now? The idea that arms deals and oil prices would dictate policy in this country being spoken aloud is actually refreshing. Now consider if the dishonest idiot in the office can actually play the complex game of diplomacy required to accomplish anything along those lines. Pakistan and the failing War of Terror rounded out the discussion. Arms dealers gotta deal yo. President Disputes logic and reason at all times should be the headline. CIA Conclusion, Saudi Crown Prince Involvement In Murder, but don’t ask the guy who did the glowing magic orb eight ball dance about it. Battling The “Deep State” is actually being the best weapon of mass distraction ever. Super odd article on JFK Assassination: Hedge Fund guy says sorry for destroying his clients in the market Mike on the Market: http://wallstreet

 Suspect Sky Type Thing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:59:59

Suspect Sky Type Thing The Ochelli Effect 11-16-2018 Suspect Sky We’ve heard from these guys before. Adrian D’Amico and Gary Long from a collective effort known as Suspect Sky Joined Chuck for a friar’s Day Discussion What is suspect sky? Is there a reason to believe we are among many worlds thriving and bursting with Life? How would life and the organization of it be classified by outside observers? In a soon-to-be-released book, Adrian and Gary tackle the general question of Alien Life from many different perspectives. What is the “Oumuamua” object? What do we know about the smallest and largest clusters of life on Earth? Chuck asked many questions about the thought processes involved in examinations of topics ranging from Visitor abduction to what is known about the star in our solar system. Is reality itself a simulation? How can conflicting theories come together to form a single explanation? Ants are fascinating creatures. What is The “WOW signal” and how does it relate to the phenomena of “Fast Radio Bursts”? Do our eyes see all there is to see? Is the sky a suspect that is altered by your observation? The above topics along with many others were covered. What is a Type 5 Civilization? You can get in touch with Suspect Sky to pre-order the upcoming book, offer information of interest or generally inquire about their work by e-mailing: Suspect Sky Type Thing Suspect Sky Online: Suspect Sky Type Thing RELATED REFERENCES: Gary Long does a show called The Roda Less Traveled: Tune In to the 24/7 Stream from to hear Replays Special Shows, Selected Music and The Evolving Vanguard of New Shows @ with the TuneIn App. Thanks to all our listeners and contributors for your suppor

 Mercury Rising Party Time | File Type: image/png | Duration: 0:00

Mercury Rising Party Time Trans Resister Radio & Uncle The Broadcast Presented by OCHELLI.COM Trans Resister Radio/Uncle LIVE 11-16-2018 (Producers Note A) This past Friday started with Mickey Mouse, Concentration camps, and Cockroaches battling mice in the mind of Aaron Franz. Feel Free to read that line again, and No the author is not stoned. Queen and Art versus business become the discussion. Talent and craftsmanship do not seem to determine success. Show Notes From Aaron: TRR 208 On this show, Aaron talks a bit about art, music and the creative process. Producer, Chuck Ochelli joins to give some insight from his experience working as a musician. topics include: art, music, creating, talent, practice, fame, making a living, Bohemian Rhapsody, Queen, Freddy Mercury, Fat Bottomed Girls, rock music, painting, drawing, Vincent Van Gogh, depression, Bruce Springsteen, New Jersey, touring band, session musicians Utp 114 Uncle and Aaron gear up for their upcoming New Years Eve special. Be sure to be there live this December 31st on Ochelli dot com, and streaming via some of Uncle’s social media as well. topics include: iTunes reviews, dollar store wine, New Year’s Revolution, live radio, Ryan Seaquest, Dick Clark, podcasting, live streaming (Producers Note B) The night ended with cheap wine and Dick Clark. Also, we discussed the upcoming Uncle special Broadcast for New Year’s Eve. Mercury Rising Party Time Tune In to the 24/7 Stream from to hear Replays Special Shows, Selected Music and The Evolving Vanguard of New Shows @ with the TuneIn App. Aaron’s Main Hub indeed a different kind of show and we hope it continues to break its mold. Though Chuck Ochelli is the behind the scenes producer, Aaron Franz is the creator of this content. Thanks to all our listeners and contributors for your excellent support, would not be here without you! If you have any questions about our shows, please contact us here at, or if you want to contribute in some way, please do the same. Join us in Ochelli Chat Room for live shows every Friday 10pm-12am Eastern Time. Mercury Rising Party Time

 Cannot kill the battery | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:00:00

Cannot kill the battery The Ochelli Effect 11-15-2018 Jeffrey Matte Synthetic life was the topic on Thors Day. Jeffrey Matte returns to discuss how emerging technology is just the beginning of what is to come from the grand agenda the owners of Earth are pushing. Black Mirror and some products to comfort those who have lost someone are just the first indications of what is planned. Birth rates declining, as toxins are tested on the population, and the Human Family is in deep trouble. This discussion was a bit darker than Jeffrey and Chuck have had previously. Is the Blade Runner reality coming soon to a reality near you? Are sex robots, and mimics of dead people created from their social media the wave of today that becomes another step in the evolution of destruction? Is there a suicidal aspect to the elitist blueprint? Is the best technology being tested on this planet and perfected for use off-world? How are designer babies and CRISPR going to erase the mistakes of the original designs? What is the nature of the beast we call “Business”? Cannot kill the battery FIND JEFFREY MATTE: The subject of Stupidity was brought up but not explored enough so please go to this page for more info. At the end of the show, a brief discussion about the Prison environment that is being built for the animal kingdom and the human family has distinct phases. For more info please visit this page. Please note it’s still under construction. Cannot kill the battery LINKS: http

 Stolen Future Stephen Singular | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 0:00

Stolen Future Stephen Singular The Ochelli Effect 11-14-2018 Stephen Singular Chuck had a chat with Best Selling Author Stephen Singular about his new book regarding the 2000 election. It just may prove to be more relevant today than we want it to be. This interview breaks down some of the finer points in the book and reveals the true nature of investigative journalism. Stolen Future: The Untold Story of the 2000 Election “This is an important book with new, deep reporting. It is chock-full of information, insights, and analysis that will intrigue both current readers and future historians.” —Dan Rather CHUCK IS NOT A FAN OF DAN RATHER, but he wrote the most concise description In The Cards is the title of an earlier novel related to the subject In The Cards Description: From: Before the Robert Mueller investigation and before the Russians hacked the 2016 Presidential election, the Americans did it to themselves. What really sent the 2000 election in Florida into chaos and how did that change the course of history, while setting the stage for everything happening today? And why has this story never been told? Until now. A handful of people tried to stop the voter meddling when it started and to warn the nation and the media about what could happen next. That wasn’t in the cards, but something else was… Author: Publisher of Stolen Future: Buy The Book on Amazon: Referenced during the interview: Stolen Future Stephen Singular Tune In to the 24/7 Stream from to hear Replays Special Shows, Selected Music and The Evolving Vanguard of New Shows @ with the TuneIn App. Thanks to all our listeners and contributors for your support, The Ochelli Effect would not be here without you! If you have any questions for Chuck, or about our shows, please contact us here at The Ochelli Effect or if you want to contribute in some way, please do the same. Join us in Ochelli Chat Room for live shows every weekday 8 pm – 10 pm Eastern Time. Stolen Future Stephen Singular – The Ochelli Effect 11-14-2018 Stephen Singular

 Nuclear Winter Revisited | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:00:00

Nuclear Winter Revisited The Ochelli Effect 7-10-2018 Mike Swanson and Jp Sottile A Strange Tuesday on The Ochelli Effect becomes an unplanned look at The threat of Nuclear weapons and the dangerous games played on the global grid. Mike Swanson remained on the show for a rare two-hour discussion. JP Sottile had an issue but will return. What is the plight of Jerome Corsi? After a short rant from Chuck on Stan Lee and a few other things, Mike talked about items in the news. Is the alternative media just another Psy-op eggroll? The mention of some history regarding near misses at a potential third world war while JFK was President provoked conversations about the history of Doomsday weapons. Where do The Atomic fears of yesterday leave us Today? What can the pop-culture tell us about the awareness; level today? Is there an idiot in charge of “The Button” How can an attempt at peaceful resolution bring the world to the brink of a war resulting in an “Electric Funeral” for all and “Killer of Giants” bringing extinction to the whole planet? Strategic madness and belligerent rhetoric are dangers for every living thing on earth. Are indictments our next hope for peace? Is Trump Junior being groomed to succeed his father? The Art of No Deal is in full swing. Somehow, a man who knows nothing about legitimate fist-fights is in charge of the most powerful military machine in human history. Have we learned nothing since devastating Japan with Fat Man and Little Boy? If North Korea is able to fool Donald Trump, isn’t there a reason to worry when casual discussion of atomic weapons is now just good talking points at cult meetings like MAGA rallies? Is the current POTUS going to be known in history as The Little Man Fat Boy? If there is a large enough mistake or foolish endeavor by the current leadership perhaps history will not record it since survivors are required to do so. What might happen at the G20? Does American first require The “Ugly American” behavior we have come to expect from the current administration? Nuclear Winter Revisited RELATED LINKS:

 Special Dogmatic Theology Part Fourteen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:00:00

Special Dogmatic Theology Part Fourteen The Ochelli Effect 11-12-2018 Jordan Maxwell On a Moon Day Jordan Maxwell Returns. Chuck begins the show talking about the death of Stan Lee and how comic books could easily become the religious texts of the future if the human Family decides to live long enough. So, Jordan Maxwell and Chuck continue the series of discussions on religion. This episode examines the Gangster nature of Religion and the State itself. Listener questions and comment are entered throughout the two hours. Is The “Mafia” just a design for crime bosses? Is Statism a religion? Where is Rome? Criminal Justice and The Statue of Liberty are both what the names suggest they are. Cults are built on the same framework mainstream religion is. Leaders throughout history have backed their claims of power with divine rights. Is one murderer equal to gangs? Are all acts of murder equal? Does Jordan see a way out of the Matrix? Is the structure of Empires the same no matter the culture or Deity? We got some suggestions on authors Jordan appreciates. This series will continue until Jordan thinks it is complete. Please send in questions for our nest discussion. Special Dogmatic Theology Part Fourteen THE ONLY WEBSITE THAT IS JORDAN MAXWELL (Join The Research Society or make a donation) EXTRA LINK: Tune In to the 24/7 Stream from to hear Replays Special Shows, Selected Music and The Evolving Vanguard of New Shows @ with the TuneIn App. Thanks to all our listeners and contributors for your support, The Ochelli Effect would not be here without you! If you have any questions for Chuck, or about our shows, please contact us here at The Ochelli Effect or if you want to contribute in some way, please do the same. Join us in Ochelli Chat Room for live shows every weekday 8 pm – 10 pm Eastern Time. Special Dogmatic Theology Part Fourteen – The Ochelli Effect 11-12-2018 Jordan Maxwell

 Canadian Cannabis Confirmation Bias | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:00:00

Canadian Cannabis Confirmation Bias The Ochelli Effect 11-9-2018 Roundtable A good footnote for a Friday night show must now be an epitaph for a once aware critical thinker lost in cognitive dissonance. Chuck asked Brian Richards to return and a Roundtable was formed. A solid discussion about cannabis and the collective delusion of mass media goes well in hour one. Meria Heller drops in joining Barry Prince and Brian Richards discussing Cannabis and the newly minted situation in Canada where it is imperfectly legal. South Park and the story arch get a quick mention as do the election of dead and felonious GOP candidates selected on Tuesday. It is always good to hear from “The Mouth That Roars”, Meria Heller. When the questions of leadership and how it all relates to your reality became part of the conversation we went to a break. The second hour began with a cameo from Brians son and a call in from our friend “Tech”. (Portion of show notes missing due to an angry host) Canadian Cannabis Confirmation Bias The final portion of the show winds up being about the Islamic boogeyman brought to you by Barry Prince. After examining over 400 datasets attempting to verify Barry’s claim about the homeless shelters Chuck makes an interesting discovery. Barry offered a Youtube video from a “Conservative” party politician in Canada claiming some “Facts” about the issue of illegal immigration into Toronto and how Homeless shelters are occupied by Asylum seekers and Refugees. Chuck examined government and private data regarding the particulars over the course of several hours. The data viewed objectively reveals that 2 “conservative” politicians back each other’s claims with no data shown, The “Liberal” politician gives rhetorical slogans in place of answers, The CBC “fact checks” by asking people to confirm statements without providing any evidence to verify or disprove assertions, and Barry repeats the part of the story which backs his beliefs. The conclusion is drawn and only reveals that propaganda is rather effective in transforming baseless allegations into “Alternative Facts”. Fear and Identity politics welcome the divide and conquer paradigm with open arms. Why is it Nigeria, Hungary, and China are not mentioned by Canadians fearing the invading hordes when they constitute the top three countries the most profound challenge to Whit Canadian Culture is profoundly challenged? There is something to be said about repeating lies and how they become accepted. It is a sad day when you can’t convince a friend he is a pawn when your friendship was forged in the fires of discovery. All of us must be vigilant to avoid this pitfall. Sadly Mr. Prince has chosen hate over knowledge. Please test your own conclusions and ours at all times. If he could step outside of his echo chamber, would see himself as part of the new sheople? If ignorance is bliss, wisdom is built from misery. We must challenge the agend

 Itunes Reviews Paradise Burning | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:59:59

Itunes Reviews Paradise Burning Trans Resister Radio & Uncle The Broadcast Presented by OCHELLI.COM Trans Resister Radio and Uncle LIVE 11-9-2018 Show Notes by Aaron Franz TRR 207 Aaron reads reviews of Trans Resister Radio written by listeners and posted to iTunes. He also talks to producer Chuck about making media, audience participation, and online activities in general topics include: iTunes reviews, listener feedback, communication, podcasting, broadcasting, live radio, hosting a show, encouragement, audience participation, communication, listening to podcasts at work, underemployment, YouTube comments, Twitter, life in the First World Utp 113 Uncle starts the show off with a typical dollar store beer review and moves on to a rousing conversation with his favorite caller, SunshineOn. Uncle and Aaron learn that they have a lot to do before they go out on their next camping trip. topics include: Baja Brewing Co Blonde Ale, dollar store, camping, wildfires in Malibu, the desert, survivalist skills, trapping jackrabbits, California, Ed McMahon, Vince McMahon Related Links: Producer notes for Itunes Reviews Paradise Burning: In this episode, Aaron shows appreciation for his fans new and old. We discuss the Twitter game. YouTube comments don’t count. Uncle continues to shine with Sunshine. Plus he asks his favorite caller on a camping trip. Fridays are always fun with these guys. Itunes Reviews Paradise Burning Tune In to the 24/7 Stream from to hear Replays Special Shows, Selected Music and The Evolving Vanguard of New Shows @ with the TuneIn App. Aaron’s Main Hub indeed a different kind of show and we hope it continues to break its mold. Though Chuck Ochelli is the behind the scenes producer, Aaron Franz is the creator of this content. Thanks to all our listeners and contributors for your excellent support, would not be here without you! If you have any questions about our shows, please contact us here at, or if you want to contribute in some way, please do the same. Join us in Ochelli Chat Room for live shows every Friday 10pm-12am Eastern Time. Hunting Season Will

 Halloween 2018 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:00:00
 Richest Survive Wealth Disparity | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:59:59

Richest Survive Wealth Disparity

 JFK Assassination Myths 14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:59:59

JFK Assassination Myths 14

 ham wallet California | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:00:00
 Publication Privateers Market | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:59:59

Publication Privateers Market


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