Lions of Liberty show

Lions of Liberty

Summary: Join us for THREE unique shows every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Marc Clair hosts interviews with leading libertarian minds on Monday's flagship program. Brian McWilliams provides a shot of culture, comedy and liberty every Wednesday with Electric Liberty Land. On Friday John Odermatt exposes injustice in the broken criminal justice system with Felony Friday. THREE unique shows. ONE podcast feed.

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  • Artist: Lions of Liberty
  • Copyright: Copyright 2013-2016 . All rights reserved.


 ELL Ep 43: Legal Prostitutes and Progressives Screaming at the Sky | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:18:53

In this week's truncated ELL Brian fights through back spasms and prescription drugs to give some quick takes on topics including the fight in Federal Court to legalize prostitution in CA, Progressive anti-Trump wackjobs' plan to "scream at the sky", and the Pentagon advocating women sign up for the draft.  Show notes at Lions of Liberty @BrianMcWilliams @LionsofLiberty

 318. Stephan Kinsella on “Argumentation Ethics” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:57:39

On today's episode Marc is joined by the very first guest to ever appear on Lions of Liberty way back in episode 1 - libertarian legal theorist and author Stephan Kinsella! Stephan answers the quesiton Marc failed to ask in that episode of just how he first became interested in libertarian ideas and went on to become a proponent of Hans-Hermann Hoppe's "Argumenation Ethics." Marc and Stephan go on to discuss the theory - where it originated from, what it entails, and why Stephan believes it to be a superior justification for libertarian private property ethics - moreso than natural rights or utlilitarian/consequentialist ethics.  Enjoy this deep dive into libertarian philosophy! Find the show notes at

 FF 094 - From Trafficking Marijuana to Trafficking the Good Life with Jennifer Myers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:34:19

Today on Felony Friday Jennifer Myers joins host John Odermatt. Jennifer is an author, speaker, federal prison consultant, and advocate for women in prison and youth with incarcerated parents. She is the founder of LA Myers consulting, a prison consulting business that prepares first-time, nonviolent offenders and their families for federal prison. Jennifer also is co-founder of Voices of UNcarceration; a series of creative media production projects that bring to light the impact of incarceration on California families and communities. She is co-founder of R.I.S.E. to Empower, a nonprofit that empowers girls and young women to make positive choices. Her memoir, Trafficking the Good Life, was a finalist in the 2014 San Diego Book & Writing awards.  Listen here as Jennifer shares how she went from marijuana trafficking, to convicted felon and finally to helping so many women in federal prison to adjust and find hope in an otherwise awful situation.  You can find the show notes page >here< Check out the Felony Friday archive for all previous articles and podcasts.    Also, for more Lions of Liberty content check out the Podcast archive!  Submit any qu estions, comments, suggestions, or ideas to This show is not my soapbox, it is a vehicle to communicate and amplify the injustices rampant in the criminal justice system. We need your help to make it the best it can possibly be! If you like what you hear please share it with a friend and subscribe for free via iTunes (don’t forget to leave us a rating and review  ) or the Stitcher Radio App 

 ELL 42: America’s #MeToo Problem | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:47:16

On this week's Electric Libertyland, Brian takes a long hard look at the mutation and obfuscation occurring in the fallout from the Harvey Weinstein allegations and the #MeToo hashtag trending on Twitter. Originally created to give sexually assaulted women a voice, the transformation of the hashtag's users showcases how far the Democrats will go to move attention away from Clinton, and America's real "Me, Too" problem, which has nothing to do with sexual assault. Brian then looks to the ironically named Liberty Act, which seeks to keep the worst of the domestic spying apparatus intact, the bombshell revelation that the FBI knew about Clinton/Russia bribes and money during Obama admin, the New York Times hiring a "gender editor" and finishes up with a well-deserved rant about kids Halloween costumes being considered cultural appropriation. Show notes at Lions of Liberty @BrianMcWilliams @LionsofLiberty

 317. Self-Esteem and Libertarian Burnout with Dr. Michael Edelstein | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:46

In today's show, we take a slightly different path away from libertarian philosophy and politics and welcome in clinical psychologist and speaker Dr. Michael Edelstein. Dr. Edelstein starts off by explaining how he became interested in clinical psychology and how that eventually led him to meet Walter Block and - after several years of debate - to him becoming a libertarian. Dr. Edestein then explains his view on self-esteem, and why he is critical of its promotion specifically by Nathaniel Branden and Ayn Rand. Marc and Michael then discuss the concept of "libertaran burnout" and how passionate libertarians can adjust their expectations in order to avoid this common phenomenon.  For show notes head to

 FF 093 - Eric Holder Snakes his Way Back into Gun Control Debate | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:38

On today's show Remso Martinez joins host John Odermatt. Remso is a political commentator, campaign consultant, and multi-media producer living in the D.C. area. Remso is best known for his podcast the Remso Republic.   John asks Remso about his recent foray into investigative journalism, which tipped him off to some shady actions by Virginia Democrats. Remso shares how he discovered that the Democrat Party in Virginia was bringing controversial former Attorney General Eric Holder in to fundraise and in a very strange twist neglected to promote his appearance! When Remso asked local Dems why they were bringing gun walker Eric Holder of Fast and Furious fame for a fundraiser, they pretended that Fast and Furious was #fakenews! You can find the show notes page >here< Check out the Felony Friday archive for all previous articles and podcasts.    Also, for more Lions of Liberty content check out the Podcast archive!  Submit any qu estions, comments, suggestions, or ideas to This show is not my soapbox, it is a vehicle to communicate and amplify the injustices rampant in the criminal justice system. We need your help to make it the best it can possibly be! If you like what you hear please share it with a friend and subscribe for free via iTunes (don’t forget to leave us a rating and review  ) or the Stitcher Radio App  Join the conversation in our private Facebook Group: The Lions of Liberty Forum!

 ELL 41: We Harvey (Weinstein) Knew Ye! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:45:56

In this week's Electric Libertyland, Brian observes the days-long silence from top Democrats on Harvey Weinstein's grope-gate scandal, talks about the United States embarrassing itself at the U.N. discussing death sentences for gays, looks at a Miami Dolphins coach Christopher Foerster being outed on social media as a drug user because "social justice," and examines the insane amount of corruption in Latin American and Caribbean countries' public services. And to wrap it up: will Rand Paul cave on Trump's tax plan in exchange for some love on health insurance?  @BrianMcWilliams @LionsofLiberty

 316. Live Free in New Hampshire - Matt Philips of the Free State Project | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:46:22

In today's episode, Marc is joined by the President of the Free State Project, Matt Philips! The Free State Project is a movement which is in the process of moving 20,000 people to the state of New Hampshire to better enact poltical change towards a more free society while building a upon a community of liberty activists. Matt explains how he first became a libertarian, and what inspired him to join the FSP and move to New Hampshire well ahead of the "trigger" - the signing of 20,000 people to the pledge to move to state within 5 years, which occurred in 2016. Marc and Matt also tackle the issue of guns, and address concersn of those who would fear a lack of government oversight over gun ownerships, as currently exists in New Hampshire.  Find full show notes at

 FF 092 - Make Automatic Weapons 100 Percent Legal | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:48:36

On today's episode of Felony Friday host John Odermatt is joined by Lions of Liberty legal counsel "Rico." After exchanging some pleasantries discussing the MLB playoffs, John and Rico dive into the serious topic of the recent Las Vegas shooting. They start out examining why the gun control crowd and Hillary Clinton have already started to use this tragedy to push their agenda. John and Rico point out that left will push perceived "common sense" solutions, that in reality do nothing to make us safer and absolutely infringe on our liberty.  Instead of debating the left's fantasy solutions, John and Rico discuss a very important question that you won't hear anywhere else: Should automatic weapons be fully legalized?  Tune in to hear the answer to this and much more! You can find links to everything discussed on the show below the player for today's podcast.  You can find the show notes page >here< Check out the Felony Friday archive for all previous articles and podcasts.    Also, for more Lions of Liberty content check out the Podcast archive!  Submit any qu estions, comments, suggestions, or ideas to This show is not my soapbox, it is a vehicle to communicate and amplify the injustices rampant in the criminal justice system. We need your help to make it the best it can possibly be! If you like what you hear please share it with a friend and subscribe for free via iTunes (don’t forget to leave us a rating and review  ) or the Stitcher Radio App  Join the conversation in our private Facebook Group: 

 ELL 40: Vegas, Politicizing Tragedy, Gun Control and Catalan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:42

On this week's Electric Libertyland, Brian McWilliams gets into the Vegas massacre and the gun control discussion. He then talks about Clinton's classlessness, and the Catalan independence violence and vote protests and police brutality ongoing in Spain. @LionsofLiberty @BrianMcWilliams

 315. Is “Evictionism” the Libertarian Answer to the Abortion Debate? Walter Block Explains His Theory | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:54:32

The abortion debate has always been framed in the mainstream discussion as "Pro-Life" vs "Pro-Choice." Meanwhile, libertarians often find themselves in a difficult position when trying to choose a "side" on this debate, as they try to weigh the rights of the mother vs the rights of the unborn child. Today, economist and libertarian philosopher Walter Block joins Lions of Liberty to explain why he believes his theory of "evictionism" is the answer to abortion debate that is consistent with libertarian value. Where do the rights of the fetus begin? Is abortion the same as murder? And what objection does Marc ask Walter that he has never heard in nearly fifty years of discussing this issue? Check out today's show to find out! Pride members will also have access to a bonus, off-air conversation between Marc and Avens O'Brien about the issue of abortion, so be sure to join the Pride today and help us grow the show!

 FF 091 - Bikinis and Basketball | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:42:06

Join host John Odermatt as he goes it alone for this episode of Felony Friday. During this episode John plays America's fastest growing podcast game show "Is it a Crime, and Should they do Time" throughout the entirety of the show. John covers trending news topics from Bikini baristas to the NCAA basketball scandal. You can find the show notes page >here< Check out the Felony Friday archive for all previous articles and podcasts.    Also, for more Lions of Liberty content check out the Podcast archive!  Submit any qu estions, comments, suggestions, or ideas to This show is not my soapbox, it is a vehicle to communicate and amplify the injustices rampant in the criminal justice system. We need your help to make it the best it can possibly be! If you like what you hear please share it with a friend and subscribe for free via iTunes (don’t forget to leave us a rating and review  ) or the Stitcher Radio App  Join the conversation in our private Facebook Group: The Lions of Liberty Forum!

 Electric Libertyland Ep 39: NFL and Nuclear Tweeting With The Johnny Rocket Launchpad | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:38:10

On this week's Electric Libertyland, Brian McWilliams is joined by the cast of the Johnny Rocket Launchpad, to talk about the NFL anthem flap, Trump's tweets that may lead to nuclear war, a Senate vote for an $80B increase in defense spending, Betsy DeVos rescinding Obama's Title IX "Dear Colleague" letter, and an Ohio bill that would make it illegal to abort babies testing positive for Downs Syndrome. Show notes at Lions of Liberty @LionsofLiberty @BrianMcWilliams

 314. Libertarians in Living Rooms Drinking Liquor: Hijinks Ensue w/ Mike Brancatelli | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:08:23

Get ready for one of the most absurd, rambling, all-over-the-map liberty podcasts ever recorded. If crassness and taking nothing seriously isn't your bag, you may want to skip this episode. Something tells us you won't want to, as the "Libertarians in Living Rooms Drinking Liquor" are joined by the former co-host of "Part of the Problem" with Dave Smith and current host of the "Mikeadelic" podcast, Mike Brancatelli! Mike joins Marc, Brian and Odie to toss back some adult beverages and riff on topics including the return of Rand Paul, a failed attempt to discuss Cassidy-Graham Bill, Harrison Ford's nazi punching and faultly plane landings, the the best bad B-movies, and tackle the question "Who Would Blow up the Asteroids in a Libertarian Society?", and debate who did more damage to libertarianism in the last year - Gary Johnson, or Christopher Cantwell? And the fun doesn't end here! Sign up now for the Lions of Liberty Pride for as little as $5/month, to get access to our 30 minute, even drunker bonus segment with Mike Brancatelli.  PLUS! Hang around until the end of the show for a special FREE Preview of the "League of Liberty" podcast, which features Marc along with Chris Spangle of "We Are Libertarians", Rodger Paxton of "The LAVAFlow Podcast" and Johnny "Rocket" Adams of the "Johnny Rocket LaunchPad." This is a new podcast that will be availalbe exclusive to Lions of Liberty Pride members or paid supporters of the other 3 aforementioned podcast.   

 FF 090 - Shane Claiborne Shares Why Christians are Wrong on the Death Penalty | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:41:00

Shane Claiborne joins the Felony Friday show to discuss a subject that is pretty controversial, the death penalty. Shane is a Christian activist and author who is one of the founding members of the intentional community, the Simple Way, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is a graduate of Eastern University, where he studied sociology and youth ministry. Shane has an impressive resume. He worked alongside Mother Teresa during a 10-week term in Calcutta. He spent three weeks in Baghdad with the Iraq Peace Team and took daily trips to sites where there had been bombings, visited hospitals and families, and attended worship services during the war. - Claiborne is featured in the documentary The Ordinary Radicals, and he co-directed the three volume Another World is Possible series. In 2011 he declared his unwillingness to pay taxes to fund U.S. military activity and withheld a portion of his income taxes meant to correspond to the percentage of the federal budget spent on the military, donating that money instead to charity. Shane is the author of the book Executing Grace: How the Death Penalty Killed Jesus and Why It's Killing Us. You can find the show notes page >here< Check out the Felony Friday archive for all previous articles and podcasts.    Also, for more Lions of Liberty content check out the Podcast archive!  Submit any qu estions, comments, suggestions, or ideas to This show is not my soapbox, it is a vehicle to communicate and amplify the injustices rampant in the criminal justice system. We need your help to make it the best it can possibly be! If you like what you hear please share it with a friend and subscribe for free via iTunes (don’t forget to leave us a rating and review 


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