318. Stephan Kinsella on “Argumentation Ethics”

Lions of Liberty show

Summary: <p>On today's episode Marc is joined by the very first guest to ever appear on <em>Lions of Liberty way back in episode 1</em> - libertarian legal theorist and author Stephan Kinsella! Stephan answers the quesiton Marc failed to ask in that episode of just how he first became interested in libertarian ideas and went on to become a proponent of Hans-Hermann Hoppe's "Argumenation Ethics." Marc and Stephan go on to discuss the theory - where it originated from, what it entails, and why Stephan believes it to be a superior justification for libertarian private property ethics - moreso than natural rights or utlilitarian/consequentialist ethics. </p><br> <p>Enjoy this deep dive into libertarian philosophy!</p><br> <p>Find the show notes at <a href="/LionsOfLibertyPodcast/episode/LionsOfLiberty.com/318">LionsOfLiberty.com/318</a></p>