Summit Life with J.D. Greear show

Summit Life with J.D. Greear

Summary: The gospel of Jesus Christ is the source of our life, a deep well of grace that transforms us and propels us into the world. Join Pastor J.D. Greear each weekday to learn how the gospel can bring new life in you and through you.

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  • Artist: J.D. Greear Ministries
  • Copyright: Copyright 2018 J.D. Greear Ministries


 The Underdog’s Secret, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Even when God reduces our army he’ll be faithful to provide everything we need to defeat the enemy. When God wants to use us he often humbles us. In this refining process, he shapes us into an instrument that can be used for His glory. Our current study in the book of Judges bears an unusual name, Broken Saviors, because the Bible often shows us how God uses flawed characters to accomplish amazing feats. In fact, behind every hero in the Bible, we see a God who remains faithful even though our heroes are often faithless. When you feel like Gideon up against an intimidating enemy without the resources to defeat them that’s when God does his greatest work through us.   It’s possible you feel like an underdog today as you face personal battles that appear unwinnable.  Maybe you’re afraid. Or discouraged. The biblical principles in Broken Saviors will help you understand how to rely on God to give you courage.  

 The Underdog’s Secret | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We Americans love a good underdog story, whether it’s Rudy or Miracle or Cool Runnings … or any N.C. State sports team (Sorry, couldn’t help it). So as we continue our “Broken Saviors” series, we should all be excited about the biggest underdog of the book of Judges—Gideon. Last time, we saw how God made Gideon the hero that he was. God didn’t call the brave; he made brave the called. Now, we’re going to see Gideon in action, but he’s got an unexpected lesson to teach us: when God wants to use us, he often begins by weakening us. God doesn’t need our strength to deliver us. In fact, our strength is often more of a liability than an asset. Gideon learned first-hand that God doesn’t just work in spite of our weaknesses; he works through them. Because if dependence is the objective, then weakness is actually an advantage. Where are you weak today? How do you think God might want to use you in your areas of weakness?

 Calling and Courage, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

It was C.S. Lewis who said, “Courage is one of the least talked about Christian virtues, but courage is essential to all the others.”  During this half-hour, we’ll discover how God took a man like Gideon and prepared him for leadership. And when God transforms our generation, he’ll use ordinary men and women like Gideon who are willing step up and take the lead. God doesn’t reward courage in people. God gives courage to people. It’s a relief to know that our fears are normal and God will infuse bravery into anyone who’s willing to follow him. True courage comes from the presence and the promises of God, and those are given to us irrevocably in the gospel. When Jesus sent out his disciples in the Great Commission, he said  this, “And I am with you always, to the ends of the age. Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations.” The Great Commission begins with the Great Announcement, and the power to go far and do much in the Great Commission comes from confidence in the Great Announcement. That’s what God says to you: “Go mighty man or woman of valor: I  am with you.” We don’t work up courage, it doesn’t come from our personality; it comes from embracing our identity in Christ. It is received as a gift, not worked out. Virtues like courage (all Christian virtues) don’t lead us to salvation; they flow from our salvation. So don’t look to your courage to give you an identity in Christ; look to your identity in Christ to give you courage.

 Calling and Courage | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We’re going to dig into a story about one of the most common and most uncomfortable aspects of life—fear. Most of us would like to be more courageous, to have the capacity to stand up to our fears. But if you’re anything like me, fear often makes you shrink from doing what you know you should. As we look at the story of Gideon, we see a guy who was not courageous, but who God made into a hero nonetheless. Gideon isn’t called because he knows how to overcome fear. It’s exactly the opposite: he learns to overcome his fear once he realizes that God has actually called him. God doesn’t call the brave; he makes brave those he calls. What is paralyzing me with fear? Where do I, like Gideon, lack courage? And where is God calling me to overcome those fears?

 Calling All Leaders, Both Male and Female, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

We continue through our Broken Saviors series, we’re looking at a story that has a very personal significance to me. I’ve got three daughters—aged 11, 9, and 7. (My wife and I snuck a little boy in there at the end, but it’s still a house full of women.) So as we hear about Deborah—the first and only female judge—it speaks to what I hope for my daughters, what I dream for them, and what I pray over them. The church needs more Deborahs, strong godly women to step up and use the gifts God has given them. We need Deborahs in the home, speaking courage into their family’s lives. We need Deborahs in ministry, calling us to give and pray and go and sacrifice. We need Deborahs in society, women who lead with wisdom, courage, and faith. But this message isn’t just about women. It’s a call to every one of us, to lead with courage and to get off the couch of cowardice. Because none of us is sufficient to lead in our own power. But all of us rest in the power of a sufficient God.

 Calling All Leaders, Both Male and Female | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

This passage in Judges has special significance for me, as a dad of three smart, high-spirited daughters. This passage speaks to what I hope for them, dream for them, and pray over them. It is the story of Deborah, the only female judge. Guys, don’t zone out. There is plenty here for you, too. Yes, we are here to help you ladies be better wives and mothers if that is a role God has given to you. But we are also passionate to see those of you whom God has called to be leaders become those leaders.

 Southpaw Savior, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Nobody enjoys pain. In fact, when we suffer, we look for any means possible to escape. But according to Scripture, sometimes God uses our pain to draw us back to him. Follow along as we trace the footsteps of an Old Testament character. His story helps us understand God’s compassion and love, even when he chooses to discipline us. God can use anyone, even the most unlikely people, to serve his purposes. It all begins with simple steps of obedience. That’s one of the many lessons we find in Judges chapter 3.

 Southpaw Savior | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

God exposes the Israelites for their lack of courage. Through their example, we’ll discover how to overcome our fears and choose faith instead. God often uses the most unlikely people to accomplish his purposes. Left-handedness, believe it or not, plays an important role in teaching us how God works in the world. One of Israel’s first judges was a southpaw. His name Ehud (ay-hude).

 The Causes and Cure for Spiritual Inconsistency, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

As flawed human beings, sometimes we get complacent about following God. Our failures defeat us. And before long, we begin to compromise and let things slide. Pastor J.D. explains how we can find power and freedom in following Christ. Chapter two, verse four says that when Israel saw the damage they had caused to themselves and their children, they wept, but evidently they didn’t repent. Repentance means making changes. What does that look like for you? Changing your habits? Getting your family involved in the life of the church so that church is less a religious event and more a community you belong to? Resolve to obey God fully in all things.

 The Causes and Cure for Spiritual Inconsistency | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The book of Judges is kind of like a museum of Israel’s spiritual history—particularly the first two chapters that we are going to look at today. In them you get a snapshot of Israel’s rocky history with God; you see them go up and down in their faith, sometimes hot, sometimes cold, usually just lukewarm. There are certain temptations they can’t seem to shake. I feel like it is something most of us can relate to? Do you ever ask: “Why do I up and down so much spiritually?” A lot of us feel like we are spiritually bipolar. One week I’m super-Christian; the next I’m not even sure I believe. “Why are there some sins that no matter how hard I try I can’t seem to get rid of?” “Why do I have so little joy, spiritually?” Everybody else seems to really have it together. I just feel like I am dragging myself along. Am I doing something wrong?” These first two chapters are Israel’s spiritual struggles recounted and explained. You’ll see yours in theirs. And out of them we’ll draw three core principles the writer uses to shape the rest of the book.

 Proud Man, Suffering Girl, Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Proud Man, Suffering Girl, Part 1

 A Place For His Name, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A Place For His Name, Part 2

 A Place For His Name, Part 1 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

A Place For His Name, Part 1

 The Confusing Experience Of Faith, Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Confusing Experience Of Faith, Part 2

 The Confusing Experience Of Faith | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

The Confusing Experience Of Faith


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