The Underdog’s Secret, Part 2

Summit Life with J.D. Greear show

Summary: Even when God reduces our army he’ll be faithful to provide everything we need to defeat the enemy. When God wants to use us he often humbles us. In this refining process, he shapes us into an instrument that can be used for His glory. Our current study in the book of Judges bears an unusual name, Broken Saviors, because the Bible often shows us how God uses flawed characters to accomplish amazing feats. In fact, behind every hero in the Bible, we see a God who remains faithful even though our heroes are often faithless. When you feel like Gideon up against an intimidating enemy without the resources to defeat them that’s when God does his greatest work through us.   It’s possible you feel like an underdog today as you face personal battles that appear unwinnable.  Maybe you’re afraid. Or discouraged. The biblical principles in Broken Saviors will help you understand how to rely on God to give you courage.