The Underdog’s Secret

Summit Life with J.D. Greear show

Summary: We Americans love a good underdog story, whether it’s Rudy or Miracle or Cool Runnings … or any N.C. State sports team (Sorry, couldn’t help it). So as we continue our “Broken Saviors” series, we should all be excited about the biggest underdog of the book of Judges—Gideon. Last time, we saw how God made Gideon the hero that he was. God didn’t call the brave; he made brave the called. Now, we’re going to see Gideon in action, but he’s got an unexpected lesson to teach us: when God wants to use us, he often begins by weakening us. God doesn’t need our strength to deliver us. In fact, our strength is often more of a liability than an asset. Gideon learned first-hand that God doesn’t just work in spite of our weaknesses; he works through them. Because if dependence is the objective, then weakness is actually an advantage. Where are you weak today? How do you think God might want to use you in your areas of weakness?