Calling and Courage

Summit Life with J.D. Greear show

Summary: We’re going to dig into a story about one of the most common and most uncomfortable aspects of life—fear. Most of us would like to be more courageous, to have the capacity to stand up to our fears. But if you’re anything like me, fear often makes you shrink from doing what you know you should. As we look at the story of Gideon, we see a guy who was not courageous, but who God made into a hero nonetheless. Gideon isn’t called because he knows how to overcome fear. It’s exactly the opposite: he learns to overcome his fear once he realizes that God has actually called him. God doesn’t call the brave; he makes brave those he calls. What is paralyzing me with fear? Where do I, like Gideon, lack courage? And where is God calling me to overcome those fears?