Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast show

Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Radio detectives, mystery, murder, double crossers, and hard boiled action.


 Boston Blackie – Madame Sina Fortune Teller. 490420. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:03

Having some fun at a carnival, Blackie and Mary decide to try out a fortune telling machine. The madam in the machine promises to foretell Blackie's future, and impending death. Blackie is skeptical, and doesn't believe the fortune of danger. He tells Mary about what the madam said, but just doesn't believe it. Elsewhere, a man is being tossed off the carnival for being a pickpocket. The angry man wants his girlfriend to leave with him, but she's fine with her job at being the girl in a monkey suit. At her resistance, he threatens to kill her. Still at the carnival, Blackie has managed to find other true believers in the madam. Just then a shot breaks the noise of the ambient carnival noise. It's madam Zena, inside the monkey suit, and her prediction of death seems to be her own. Farraday is on hand at the carnival. Where is Rhoda, the monkey suit girl? The search is on, but she's no where to be found. Mary makes the rounds with Pops, the carnival owner. Blackie learns about the pickpocket, and when he turns up, Farraday jumps on the obvious solution and apprehends the man. Rhoda finally shows up, and is weeping as she feels responsible for the madam's death. Blackie heads off to the jail to get the scoop from Cooper, the pickpocket. Blackie takes Farraday back to the carnival to put the pressure on the hard of hearing carnival owner, who breaks under pressure. Blackie reveals a twisted plot of an imposter, and his guilt.

 Big Town – Angel of the Street. 481019 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:31

The power of the press is a flaming sword. Hold it high, guard it well. One chilly night, Violet sells flowers on the street in the theater section of town. She would rather die, trying to live a life free from crime and vise, but her friend Johnny has other morals. Can she keep him from getting himself in too deep with gangster, Chick larson, and the racket he runs? After getting roughed up for her efforts, Violet takes her worries to Steve and Lauralai. Will Steve be able to stand up to the gangsters, and protect Johnny Nolan? Does Johnny even want to be found, or have the kind of help that Steve might offer? Will Johnny still be so impressed by his idol, Chick, once he learns about the treatment he gave to Violet? Violet is hurt bad, and might lose the will to live if she thinks Johnny will choose the way of life on the streets. Will Violet live or die? It's up to Johnny, and whether Steve can fight his way through the crowds of gangsters.

 Boston Blackie – Jewelry Store Owner Is Killed For A Watch. ep222, 490413. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:08

A man and a woman who seem to be anything but a pair of thugs, enter a jewelry store to steal a watch, and kill the store owner. The reason seems to just be on a whim. Mary gets to Blackie's apartment to find a strange woman who claims to be a former high school classmate. Mary doesn't remember her, but the woman fills her in. After the wierd encounter, we find out why it took place. It's the woman from the opening scene, and her accomplice talks with her about setting up Boston Blackie to take the fall for the jewelry store job. As Mary is telling Blackie about her odd events, Farraday barges in to confront Blackie for the latest murder on the streets, which is yet another set up for Blackie by our mystery thugs. Blackie attends the funeral and talks to the mom of the latest victim, and assures her that he'll find the killer. Blackie has a handle on the case, a bad guy who he put behind bars has gotten out, and getting some revenge. In an odd twist of fact checking, it's uncovered that the woman accomplice actually is a girl who went to high school with Mary. Blackie once again has to fill in Farraday about the finer points of the clues, and look past the obvious evidence on Blackie. Given a little time, Farraday lets Blackie do his work, and close in on the bad guys. To try to keep Blackie off balance, they plan to kidnap Mary to use as a shield as they make their get away. Using the cops as his safety net, and being a half step behind the crooks, Blackie sets out to catch up to them before harm comes to Mary. Through his amazing tracking ability, Blackie rushes in just in time.

 Big Town – Double Murder. 481012 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:03

The story of the big city newspaper, and news man Steve Wilson. Each week the behind the scenes drama of a new headline is presented. In this strange case of double murder, it begins a few months ago on the waterfront where a couple of thugs are dumping a body. Back in the newsroom, star reporter, Lauralai talks to editor Steve Wilson about a missing person case. Guess who's missing? That's right, the body that was just dumped. The woman's twin sister is the one who is bringing up the story to the paper. Steve puts the pressure on the mobsters to shake things up and see what shakes out. His hunch pays off, but as the bodies pile up, he digs himself deeper into danger. Not to mention that at the same time, Lauralai goes out on her own investigation among the seedy characters in the city. Everybody meets back in the newsroom to share notes. With the mobsters on the move, can they be stopped before more people are murdered? Steve has a plan for a trap, but will it work, or will the twin sister just end up dead as well? these are ruthless characters they are dealing with in Big Town. Watch for a last minute plot twist for a happy ending to this crime thriller.

 Casey, Crime Photographer – The Miscarriage of Justice. 471002. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:44

A woman is acosted on the street by a man claiming to be her father in law. The back story is that her husband was killed, and the man's son was sent to prison for it. Carlos is now being released when her aledgedly dead husband is discoveed alive. In the meantime, she has remarried. Lot's of room for jealousy and murder. In the Blue Note, Ann williams, Ethylbert, and Casey talk over the subtle nuances of the case. will Carlos be out for revenge over being jailed for nothing? In public, he claims to want to simply return home and live a quiet life with his father. Dad is a bit more emotional though. Sure enough, the woman ends up dead, and all evidence points to Carlos or his dad. It's all too neat for Casey, so he and Ann review the motives and opportunities of their suspects. Is it really Carlos out for revenge? Is dad just covering up for him, and ready to take the fall for his son? Maybe her new husband is taking advantage of the situation to cast blame on Carlos? Casey has it figured out, and now all he needs to do is spring his trap. A surprise ending awaits, but Casey just might fall into danger before justice is done. Sit tight, and the whole mystery will be explained in the Blue Note.

 Philip Marlowe – The Big Book. ep103, 500929 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:21

Hanging out with a policeman friend, Philip is present when the call to respond to a murder scene comes in. Listen in as Philip gives the descriptive account of the tragic scene, and the young life that was cut short by the hit and run driver. The matter is well in the hands of the cops, but soon Marlowe is drawn into its mess. Friends of the dead actress convince Philip that something fishy is going on. Love interests, talent agents, hints at blackmail, they all play into getting Marlowe on the track of justice. What will Marlowe learn at the studio from Mr Monroe? Meeting back up with Matthews, the cop, Marlowe presents his case. Will the cops be interested in considering the death as a murder? Given the green light to proceed on his own, Philip heads to Beverly Hills to put on the pressure. As secrets get revealed, and loose ends tied… the audio cuts out.

 Danger Doctor Danfield – Harriet Miller. 460929. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:35

The human mind is like a cave, and psychologist Dr Danfield has the inside scoop to understand it's inside workings. A phone call from a woman has the jealous side of his secretary, Miss Fairfax pumped into high gear. The temptation to dive into the murder investigation is too much. Besides, it involves some friends of Dan's who find themselves in trouble. The police are yet to be contacted, and Dan has a look at the aledged suicide scene with the objective eye of a scientist determined to make a study of it. Human drama escalates to drive his friend harriot to tears. More players emerge on the scene, but Dr Danfield keeps his cool head, and the information only serves to round out his profiles on the players. Does the good doc have the right man to charge for murder? what was the missing element that convinced Dr Danfield of the motive for murder? How did he piece it all together? what are yu doing reading this for? Download the show and enjoy the tangled trip through mobsters, cops, and a web of lies. The doc battles brute force with wits, and dodges personal danger along the way. But wait, there's still a surprise twist as the killer is revealed. PS: with all his insightfulness at understanding the human mind, will Dr Danfield ever make sense of why Miss fairfax has been so catty today? Maybe he has, and will direct some study of her human nature her way. If you know what I mean.

 Yours Truly Johnny dollar – The Search for Michelle Marsh. 490925. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:18

Johnny Dollar finds himself on the track of a missing persons report, and his insurance company is worried they may have to pay out to the sister of Michelle March if it turns out that she's dead. Johnny finds himself in Boston, and at the scene of a murder. His credentials pull some weight, and the cops let him continue his investigation. It doesn't take long and Johnny is in a deep crack between two rival gangs. Are the cops just setting him up to take a fall, or do their dirty work for them? After fighting his way clear, Johnny finds Michelle, who is in even deeper between the cogs of gangland rivalry. Both sides want her, and want her dead. Once Johnny finds her, Michelle agrees to be bait for a trap. The well orchestrated event goes down, but as in real life, things begin to go wrong fast. Will Johnny survive when the two gang leaders face off? Will he be stuck in the middle with Michelle? And where is that police back up that was supposed to be there?

 Candy Matson – The Fortune Teller. 510921. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:45

Candy has been out of town, and has a desperate caller that needs her help. A woman is afraid that her husband is losing his mind. Candy goes to interview the woman, Alison Grey. Her husband is a decent man to her, but is ruthless in business, and has made plenty of enemies. He has been missing, and the worst is feared. Candy pops in to visit her friend Rembrandt Watson. Mrs Grey is a common acquaintence, and the chatter both helps to do some character development, and to put Candy on the trail to a fortune teller. Candy goes to share some ideas with her boyfriend, Police detective Ray Mallard. Then Candy and Rembrandt are off to the fortune teller. What secrets can be learned there? Candy isn't convinced by the performance, of the fortune teller, and more questions are raised at the medium's office that need answered. The curious Candy returns back to the fortune teller on another night, Candy is a little more snooppy,and turns up the bodies of her client and the missing husband. There's a scuffle, a shoot out, and a rescue by Rembrandt. Still confused? Candy talks with Ray Mallard to fill in all the details about how the clues led her to solving the crime. Note: This date seems to be wrong, and that it occurs earlier in the series, but I'm not sure where to put it, so here it is.

 Yours Truly Johnny Dollar – Cuban Jewel Matter. 510919 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:26

Stolen jewels are on their way to Cuba, and its up to Johnny to intercept them. Posing as a reporter, Johnny finds himself in a Cuban jail on the way to find his man. Dodging through the streets, close on the heels of Carnes, Johnny runs into a dame. The jewels are recovered, but not for long. A thump on the head is just one more set back for Johnny. Sharing the important details with the cops, Johnny has to hit the streets once again. It's back to the dame. Wouldn't it be bad if the Cuban investigator was told that Johnny's insurance company knew nothing about him? That's only the beginning of the complications that Johnny has to deal with before he gets some answers. Finding himself a wanted man won't stand in the way, once Johnny is hot on the trail of his betrayer.

 Richard Diamond – The Jerome J Jerome Case. 490917 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:32

Richard's reading of the want ads is interupted when an eccentric millionaire enters his offfice to offer services as a bodyguard to our hardboiled hero. Why would Richard be needing a bodyguard? He talks to his favorite gal, Helen over the phone about his kooky client. Though he sounds harmless, Richard thinks that the situation could brew into a real storm. The light hearted banter is broken when Richard's policeman friend, Walt phones to relate his story of the wacky bodyguard, and a fresh body. The story gets more wierd when Richard and Walt go to the scene. A sealed room in a mansion now turned into a public museum, and the eccentric Jerome who pops into and out of the scene out of the control of either the cops or Richard. What onnection does Jerome have to the body, and how did he manage to find it? Enough clues are found to identify the dead woman, and get a lead on a possible killer. A timeline is built on the room and the swindle that the dead secretary might have been involved in, and the lid is kicked off a batch of lies surrounding the estate of the millionaire who owned the mansion. Motives are revealed as Richard confronts the killer. Not only is the crime explained, but jerome reveals some secrets of his own. At the end of the day, Richard unwinds with Hellen with a song.

 Philip Marlowe – Sound And The Unsound. 510915. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:02

In his shabby apartment, Philip gets connected with his next case. The landlady has been hearing suspicious tapping sounds, and wants Philip's expertise in figuring it out. Mr Larry seems to be hiding something, but the problem seems to be all in the imagination of the landlady. Then a gunshot is heard. Time to get the cops involved. Homer, the security guard, is suspected in playing a part by Marlowe, and he finally catches up to the man. Played by Arthur Q Brian. Marlowe keeps poking around to stir things up. Some truth comes to light about royalty that fled their homeland, and more drama related to it. Who is the killer? What's the motive behind the mystery? In the end, Marlowe explains it all.

 Big Town – Blind Justice. 480914 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:44

The power of the press is a flaming sword. Use it wisely. Reporter Steve Wilson is on a quest to spread justice across his city. Racketeers pay a visit to Anna and Mike. After Mike is gunned down, his blind sister Anna goes to Steve with her story. If the men who killed Mike knew the only witness against them is a blind woman, they might let her live. Using the fact that they aren't aware of Anna's blindness, Steve Wilson and Lauralai hide Anna, and set a trap to catch those murderous gangsters. Steve falls into the hands of the gangsters, but even after taking a beating he won't talk. Can his cabbie friend, Harry, rescue him? When Lauralai shows up, will the thugs believe her when she claims the warehouse is being surrounded by the cops? By now it's too late, the gangsters have already shown their hand, and guilt is no longer hanging on the testimony of a blind witness.

 Let George Do It – Valley Sunset. 490912. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:02

Rachel has written a strange letter to tell how she is a prisoner in the Fresno area. It's enough to send George to wine country to get to the bottom of the mystery. On the ranch, Rachel is the only woman around, a teenager actually, and she tells George about a plot of murder between her father and uncle. Is it true? Or just an attempt for attention for a lonely girl who just wants to be like other girls her age? Can George break through the family secrets? Going to the local lawman, George shares ideas on the case, but not before murder makes an appearance. Has George learned something that might help in solving this mystery? A cover up, theft, and blackmail are involved. Will the family skeletons be peacefully laid to rest? George explains it all at the end.

 Dragnet – Big Winchester. ep114, 510816 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:38

Homicide Detail. An elderly man is found shot to death in his home. on the surface, it looks like suicide, but is it? Joe Friday reports to the doctor for his annual physical. A cop's life is never far from duty, and when a phone call arrives, Ben Romero is on the other end to let Joe know about the dead man the partners are to investigate. In voiceover, Joe fills in the crime scene details in the cottage of the 58 year old retired grocer, Martin Lattimer. A contraption that held a Winchester rifle in place is described as the murder weapon. The crime scene tech points out a problem with the angle of the shot that makes this a definite murder. Neighbors are questioned, but who would want to harm the lonely old man? Involvement in a lonely hearts club is uncovered. Could jealousy be the motive? A stakeout on the cottage goes into affect, and only time will tell if the criminal will returnto the scene of the crime. The payoff is a killer with a poinient outlook on how good kids grow up to a life in crime


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