Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast show

Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast

Summary: Radio detectives, mystery, murder, double crossers, and hard boiled action.


 Let George Do It – Four Sided Triangle. 490321 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:33

Personal notice: Danger is his stock in trade. If you’ve found yourself in a barrel of trouble, call George Valentine for full details. Today’s adventure begins with a man who was killed in a car crash on a hairpin turn. The victim is said to have been overly cautious. Despite dangerous roads, and foggy conditions, it just isn’t likely that he would have been driving recklessly. George poses as the man, who was a doctor and author. At the upscale party, George mingles to see what kind of rise he can get out of people, and fish for information. Later, he and Brooksie compare notes on what they have learned. The cops come in with the lack of details they have, but are willing to play along with George to get some solid clues to clinch the case. George and Brooksie drive along to retrace the danger hairpin curves when George stops to confront the man who is tailing him. What can he learn from the man? Will the man talk? George leaves Brooksie at the police office, and goes off to investigate one of his brainstorm ideas. What does he hope to learn? Using the guise of dropping ideas for the book that he is going to be writing, he lays some verbal traps for his suspects to bite on. They do, and Danger is sure to follow when they try to poison George. A fake car crash is set up, but when the cops investigate it they know the stories that George has spread, and spot the killer’s lies easily. The deal is done when George enters all in one piece, which throws the killer for a loop. The killer shows them self by going into hysterics.

 Boston Blackie – Kidnapped Murderer. 490316. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

As Faraday is in the middle of interrogating a suspect, Boston Blackie enters, and takes the man away. What is he, nuts? No, just certain that Farraday has the wrong man. Elsewhere, a couple of thugs trail Blackie in a car as Mary drives. The goose chase leads to a bowling alley, and now it’s time for Blackie to interview the man, by roughing him up. Before anything important can be learned though, the two thugs rush in and steal the man away from Blackie, and he seems to be on the kind of ride that he won’t be coming back from. With no criminal in his possession, and no info, Farraday is handy to pick up Blackie and haul him in. Now what? Blackie cools his jets in jail, is he going to just sit there and let Farraday catch the killers on his own? Blackie can clearly break out if he wanted to. Mary visits Blackie with the latest news on the streets from Farraday, and together they make a plan to haul in the two thugs, and disrupt the plans of the gang. There’s a situation where two gangs may be merging, and one where a mobster’s gal is doing all she can to spend all his money, forcing him to increase gang activity. Blackie is able to play on her jealousy, and just might be the thing to drive the gang apart. Mary plays the part of the other woman, and drives the jealous girlfriend crazy. All Farraday needs to do now is just follow the mobster’s gal, right? Simple, right? Farraday is just oblivious enough so the gang situation comes to a boil. When Mary pushes the love triangle scene a little too far, she finds herself in a little danger. Fortunately, Blackie manages to hang just the right kind of carrot in front of Farraday’s nose to spur him into action to solve the case, and rescue Mary before it gets too hot.

 Yours Truly Johnny Dollar – Rebel Wildcatters. 500307. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:32

Investigating a life insurance claim, Johnny dollar pokes around an oil rig. The partner of the rig, Jefferson, is missing. Is he dead? who would want to get rid of him? Jefferson’s wife, his business partner, or someone else? The plot takes an interesting twist when Johnny spots a private detective watching him. Can the privat eye offer any help? Important papers are in the safe regarding the partnership, but what is their importance? Does it matter when the body of Jefferson turns up? The twists and turns keep coming as Johnny guides the listener through the tangle of clues. Pay attention for a key clue to pop up, and you might guess the killer the same as Johnny Dollar does.

 Let George Do It – Your Money or Your Life. 490228. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:30

A desperate man has borrowed money from a racketeer, and wants George to help him give the racketeer what’s coming to him. The man only wanted the best for his wife and the baby she is having. Now he wants out from under the thumb of the loan shark. It’s not just the money, but the oppression that goes along with it. George confronts the racketeer to see what he can learn. Then it’s off to his ppolice department friend in homacide, who can’t do anything to help since there hasn’t been any murders yet. Just some strongarm banking. Brooksie sets her self up as bait to find a weakness with the gangsters. Meanwhile George gets in as a bodyguard for a gangster. Together they put pressure on the racketeer to learn who is at the top of the loan sharking heap. The trail leads from the underworld to a high society mansion. The guy who is mastermind of the organization isn’t a guy, but a gal. Would that make her a mistressmind? A Queenpin? Is she untouchable? How can George collapse this house of cards? There’s a matter of incriminating letter that George has to get for the proof he needs. To get the proof that he needs, he pits the gang members against each other.

 Richard Diamond – Butcher’s and Protection Racket. ep37, 500107ep37, 500107 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

The life of a private eye is feast or famine when it comes to steady clients. Today Richard Diamond has a feast day, when a butcher enters his office with a problem over extortion. Angelino and his butcher friends have just hired Richard by paying off in meat products. The meat and food puns come fast and furious, as the wisecracking Richard weighs in as a butcher in disguise. He may be a good investigator, but his customer service skiills need work. Facing off with the thugs, Richard refuses to pay off. When the extortionists start breaking up the shop, Richard does some of his own breaking bad on them. The encounter ends with someone getting a thump on the head. After his little nap, Richard is all the more determined to deal witth the thugs, although Angelino is ready to give in to them. What will he learn when visiting his pals in the police department? All Richard has to go on is the names, Red and Carl. The extortion ring is too big for the small time heavies, and Richard visits the gang boss, Tiny Easter. Revenge on the thugs is the goal, but if Richard can take down Easter, it’ll be icing on the cake for him. Fists fly, heads are thumped, and the cops are clued in on the site of Richard’s final revenge to shut down the criminals. By the time the blazing guns go silent, all that’s left is for Walt and Otis to come in to clean up. But who will get the last laugh?

 Black Museum – The Brass Button. ep6, 520205 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:20

A simple brass button, common to any military parade ground, is the focus on solving the latest featured crime in the Black Museum. A young woman with artistic inclinations is approached by a man who has designs on her. Will she cooperate in being nice with him? Lets just say that Janette Morgan was found dead two days later. The shocking news sets the sleepy little town on edge. Jimmy Meyers is the star of the investigation once police come roundd to ask questionas. He describes his day at delivering the mail, and how he discovered the bvody. How does his timeline of events help when paired with other forensic data? A manhunt begins, with a brass button playing its key role to find a killer. The investigation turns up the unusual, alterrnate lifestyle of Janette, and her preference of avoiding relations with men. Her unfinished final sketch leads to possible clues of who her killer might be. The major of a local camp of Army engineers is approached. A short list of men who were off base focuses the attention of Scotland Yard inspectors. Is it the corporal who delivers mail? Or the small, nervous private who was absent without leave, and reluctant to tell where he was? More questioning from other witnesses is sure to bring the matter to an end. Stay tuned for the court decision, and the final word from Orson Wells.

 Boston Blackie – Blackie Gets A Song Published. 490202. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:19

Mary approaches Boston Blackie about talking to a publisher friend. She wants him to plug a song that her cousin wrote. Blackie actually plays piano and sings a few bars. Who knew he could do that? Blackie is a pretty decent musician, but he thinks the the song is lousy, but takes it to his friend anyway. In the music producers office, a woman becomes hysterical when a body is found. It was her husbands partner in the music business. Farraday grills her over being his prime suspect. She may have had reason to do it, but Blackie feels that there’s more to it. As things progress, Blackie might be able to get the woman off the hook,but will it place her husband, and Blackie’s friend in the hot seat? In checking financial records, Blackie finds a clue to another party who might have good reason to commit murder, and benefit financially from it. Just when the wife has been released, events emerge that cast doubt on her, and her husbands innocence. It’s a wide open mystery again, but first Blackie has to bring in the mysterious third suspect. Blackie presents the crew of suspicious characters together in the police department for Farraday. Blackie has found the key to the murder in the song he resented to his friend. The victim named his killer in song just before he was gunned down. Just in case there’s doubt, Blackie tells Mary, and Farraday all the gory details of how he figured it out.

 Dragnet – Big Almost No-Show. ep138, 520131 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:00

Homicide Detail. A man is missing, and its up to Joe Friday to fine him. Partner, Ed Jacobs joins Joe on the overcast day in Los Angeles. They interview Ralph’s sister, who is mystified over the disappearance. How was his business doing? Was there any money owed? Did any friends have motive to harm him? Moving on to other business acquaintances and friends, one name kept coming to the front, Andy Howard. Damage in Ralph’s apartment could offer a clue. Will the landlady know something about the body hiding in the Murphey wall bed? In voiceover Joe describes the mundane progress in searching for Andy. Returning to the sister, Joe learns about a fight between Ralph and Andy. Pawn shops are investigated in hopes of locating a missing TV. Identifying tattoos are learned about, and the trail to Andy gets closer. Now going under the stolen identification of Ralph, Andy has made dates with girls. Will one of them work with Joe in turning in the killer? Working with San Diego cops, a stakeout turns up nothing. Andy is finally picked up, but will his airtight alibi hold up? Joe uncovers the truth of what happened between friends.

 Richard Diamond – Thomas Jason Case. ep36 491231 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:32

A client, Thomas Jason, needs to hire Richard on a matter involving an inheritance. Should the man change his will? Richard agrees to visit Thomas and the family, but first a visit to his policeman friends to learn background on the Jason family.

 Big Town – The Fatal Fix. 490125. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:33

When professional gambling rings move in, sportsmanship moves out. On the waterfront, a woman is roughed up and left. She’s lucky the gangsters didn’t just finish her off, but a kindly bum takes her to Steve Wilson for help. The mob boss isn’t happy with the job his thugs did with the girl, and wants her back, or at least to stay quiet permanently. In the newsroom, Lauralai shares details of a news story with Steve. A phone call comes in from Willie, the waterfront bum to fill Steve in on events. What is the secret that the mob doesn’t want told? Before Willie can take the girl to meet Steve, the mobster is back, roughs up the bum, and takes the girl. Harry the Hack drops off Steve and Lauralai, but where is Willie? Just when Steve was about to send out a search party, Willie stumbles in with the story. It has to do with gambling, and rigged sports events. Steve is on the move, and tries to set up a trap to make the mobsters show their hand. There’s murder brewing, but will Steve get to the girl in time? What was the girls role in the matter? Her story comes out in the arguments as she is abducted and taken to the desert. With her being tucked securely away, the mob gets ready to take bets on the upcoming game. Quick Steve! Do something! Steve tries, and is caught, and disarmed. Stay tuned to the exciting conclusion to see how Steve gets himself out of his latest mess. It may take more than just talking his way out. In the end, the racketeers are stirred up enough to go at each other’s throats, and the girl is taught a lesson to leave the world of crime alone. Don’t even dabble at the fringes of it.

 Dragnet – Big Court. ep137, 520124 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:58

Robbery detail. After a criminal has been brought to justice, a detective’s job isn’t done until his day in court. Join Joe Friday and partner Ed Jacobs, as they sit in on court proceedings. Testimony is given from the wife of the robbery victim. She shares details of how the defendant robbed her husband at gunpoint. She describes the activity, what was said, the timeline of events, and who was present. A recess before cross examination, gives Joe and Ed time to take a break and discuss the crime. In voiceover, Joe goes into deeper details of the crime, and his confidence in whether they have a solid case. The preliminary court passes the case to the next level in the justice system, but the detective’s still have work to do. In voiceover, Joe continues to describe the evidence against the defendant, and more courtroom action is presented. The cross examination finds weaknesses in testimony. Joe’s voiceover speeds the proceedings along, and tells how ballistics and other evidence supports the case. Despite all the favorable points, the case could be lost if police can’t locate a missing sailor. When he is located on his station on Midway Island, his commander sends the Seaman First Class back to testify in court.

 Richard Diamond – A Christmas Carol. ep35, 491224 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:31

Presenting the kind of story filled with the usual street thugs and police to present the classic Christmas tale from Dickens. Dick introduces the parts and the players as the play begins. Scrooge bosses his frozen employee, Bob Crachet, and brushes off his nephew’s jive talking greeting with a humbug, and the desire to make a few extra Christmas bucks. Richard offers voiceover to move the story along, and show how former partner Jacob Marley visits. Modern lingo and pop culture peppers the dialog as the Christmas Ghosts take turns visiting. Visiting his hard upbringing, Scrooge finds it wasn’t all.bad. Old Fezzywig, and more, but there’s more in store to get old Scrooge squared away. The Ghost of Christmas present whisks Scrooge away to see the Christmas cheer in the Crachet family. Sights of cheer and misery are seen, then the final spirit. The mood turns somber as Scrooge is shown his fate. Has it changed his heart? Will he get the chwance to make Christmas right for himself and everybody else? I think you know how this ends. Scrooge cleans up his act, spreads Christmas cheer, and even pulls a prank on his overworked assistant.

 Molle Mystery Theater – Ladies In Retirement, AFRS. 460118 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:45

An installment of the Mystery Playhouse. An aging woman in a flaming red wig sings on the stage, a ghost of a time gone by. Albert butters Ellie up to cover a petty debt. The kind hearted old Ellie seems to be an easy mark for people with needs, or a hand out. How much of a drain on her emotional energy can she take? What might happen when she reaches her breaking point? Ellie is good at taking up the slack for the moochers around her, and keeping their secrets. When Alfred and Lucy sneak around, looking for ways to steal just a little more from the old gal, they stumble on a few secrets that Ellie had been keeping. What skeletons have they inadvertently dredged out of her closet? What next? Blackmail? More murder? Who can be trusted? Will Lucy and Alfred be in danger over the secrets they learned?

 Dragnet – Big Juvenile Division. 520117 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:40

Homicide Division. Trouble has been brewing with juvenile gangs on the street. Fights are rumored to be breaking out, but you don’t know where. Learning about the gangs with partner, Ed Jacobs, Joe Friday gets briefed on the climate of gang wars. Gangs building alliances to fight other gangs. Home made knives and weapons, and ringleaders imported in from the midwest. Will it help to mobilize parents to break the hold the ringleader has over their kids? Joe describes the range of responses from parents. Approaching Mrs Lawson, the mother of the ringleader, will she be cooperative? Does she know the depth of her son’s activity? How will young Robert react to Joe’s warnings? Mr Lawson is even less cooperative, but Joe does his best to get word out to as many parents as he can. The call comes in.. the gang war is on. Joe describes the fighting, weapons confiscated, and ruined young lives. What about Robert? How has he fared from his denials of gang involvement? Interviewing Robert’s girlfriend, details of how the gang fight started are revealed. The explosive start is a melee of confusion as knives come out to do their damage. Crime lab technicians, the coroner, and others clean up the mess, as teens are hauled in. Joe continues to report on how the survivors will be processed by juvenile bureau. And who blames the police the most for not protecting their sweet little delinquents? for not stopping them? For not caring enough to keep them from fighting? The parents of the delinquents.

 Box 13 – The Dowager and Dan Holiday. 490116. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:03

An old woman writes for help from Box 13, but only if the owner of the box is a man, and meets her qualifications. The old woman is very wealthy and a known recluse, and of course Dan Holiday’s curiosity is peaked. The eccentric lady interrogates Dan, and she’s not a woman who is used to do anything but give orders with the expectation of having them followed. She is scanty with what exactly Dan is to do, other than just show up at a dinner and show no signs that any of her behavior isn’t shocking to him. The dinner is one with her grandson, and his female companion. The old lady suspects the girl only wants the grandson’s inheritance, and has a plan devised to force the girlfriend to show her true colors. In her own way she really cares for her grandson’s happiness, and just wants him to be careful. To demonstrate, she arranges a similar situation by having Dan pose as her younger lover.The grandson suddenly gets a taste of what it feels like to have a gold digger horning in on grandma’s money. When grandma wears her family jewels on the town, they come up lost, but found in Dan’s apartment. There’s a definite power play between grandma and grandson, and it has Dan confused as to why he is stuck in the middle. To cover the angles, Dan confronts the girlfriend. Is she really such a gold digger? Did the grandson swipe the jewels to finance his elopement? Is grandma holding back on her reasons for wearing the jewels? The whole set up involves some fake diamonds. So who did what to who? It’s a matter of everybody holding a fragment of the truth, and it takes Dan to put the pieces together. In the end it all shakes out for a happy ending when Dan solves the mystery.


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