Casey, Crime Photographer – The Miscarriage of Justice. 471002.

Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: A woman is acosted on the street by a man claiming to be her father in law. The back story is that her husband was killed, and the man's son was sent to prison for it. Carlos is now being released when her aledgedly dead husband is discoveed alive. In the meantime, she has remarried. Lot's of room for jealousy and murder. <br> In the Blue Note, Ann williams, Ethylbert, and Casey talk over the subtle nuances of the case. will Carlos be out for revenge over being jailed for nothing? In public, he claims to want to simply return home and live a quiet life with his father. Dad is a bit more emotional though. <br> Sure enough, the woman ends up dead, and all evidence points to Carlos or his dad. It's all too neat for Casey, so he and Ann review the motives and opportunities of their suspects. Is it really Carlos out for revenge? Is dad just covering up for him, and ready to take the fall for his son? Maybe her new husband is taking advantage of the situation to cast blame on Carlos? <br> Casey has it figured out, and now all he needs to do is spring his trap. A surprise ending awaits, but Casey just might fall into danger before justice is done. Sit tight, and the whole mystery will be explained in the Blue Note.<br>