Philip Marlowe – The Big Book. ep103, 500929

Detective and Mystery – Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Hanging out with a policeman friend, Philip is present when the call to respond to a murder scene comes in. Listen in as Philip gives the descriptive account of the tragic scene, and the young life that was cut short by the hit and run driver. The matter is well in the hands of the cops, but soon Marlowe is drawn into its mess. <br> Friends of the dead actress convince Philip that something fishy is going on. Love interests, talent agents, hints at blackmail, they all play into getting Marlowe on the track of justice. What will Marlowe learn at the studio from Mr Monroe? <br> Meeting back up with Matthews, the cop, Marlowe presents his case. Will the cops be interested in considering the death as a murder? <br> Given the green light to proceed on his own, Philip heads to Beverly Hills to put on the pressure.<br><br> As secrets get revealed, and loose ends tied… the audio cuts out. <br>