Extraordinary Moms Podcast show

Extraordinary Moms Podcast

Summary: Every week, Jessica Dahlquist interviews different moms who share their motherhood journeys and the lessons they've learned along the way. Extraordinary moms are not perfect, but at the root of everything they do is love and an intention to help live their purpose and contribute in a higher way to their families and the world. Let's learn from one another!

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 Episode 70: Redefining Beauty with Katie Crenshaw | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:36

  On today's episode, I am speaking with Katie Crenshaw, a mom of two little ones and a lifestyle blogger. Katie became very passionate about spreading awareness about the importance of redefining beauty when her daughter was born with a capillary hemangioma (a kind of birthmark on her face). I love her message of normalizing our differences and celebrating our uniqueness. She wants strangers to know that this condition her daughter has in only one of her many attributes and it does not define her. I also loved her answer when I asked about what I should tell my kids if they ask about her appearance. It's a great conversation and I know you'll love Katie and her inspiring message. Show Notes:  Her blog Twelve and Six Follow her on Instagram Contact Jessica: Instagram//Facebook//Email

 Episode 69: New Mom Must-Haves | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:18

On the heels of my new mom conversation with Jen Hatzung on Tuesday, I thought I would share a few of my favorite new mom tips and products that really made a difference in my family. Zipper jammies. Forget all those snaps in the middle of the night. Zippers are a game changer! My favorites for summer and the warmer months are the footless ones from Costco. Jack Newman's Nursing Cream... you need to get a prescription for this from your doctor but it makes a huge difference over Lanolin or any other soothing cream. Spend some one on one time with older siblings before escaping for some quiet nursing/feeding time. They are far less likely to interrupt if their needs are met before you go to tend to baby. I wrote an article about it here. Do something for you! Make sure you are on your own list and not just giving endlessly to those around you. It can be a five minute face mask or nail painting session, it can be a walk, or reading a good book. You matter... you deserve to feel good... and when you feel good, you are ready to be the best mom you can be!

 Episode 68: First-time Motherhood with Jen Hatzung | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 57:52

Being a new mom is certainly an adventure. No amount of book reading or class taking can prepare you for this type of life change. Any new mom knows there are AMAZING things about taking on this role and really HARD things, as well. Today I'm chatting with fellow podcaster Jen Hatzung, of She Percolates podcast, about being a new mom to sweet daughter Ellie. Whether you are a new mom or an old mom (no offense!), this will be a relatable conversation that will have you nodding your hands in agreement. Enjoy!     Show Notes: Here from Jen on her podcast: She Percolates Follow her on Instagram Contact Jessica: Instagram//Email

 Episode 67: Mom of the Month | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:53

Hi Friends! I am very excited to bring you an amazing Extraordinary Mom of the Month Winner on today's episode. This month's winner is Chrissi Richards. She's a mom of 5, military wife, and overall awesome mom! Enjoy my conversation with Chrissi. And if you are interested in sponsoring the podcast, feel free to email me jessica@extraordinarymomspodcast.com and let me know about your business. I love bringing you this show and this would be a great way to offer some support.

 Episode 66: Homeschooling with Brooke Greenstreet | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:40

Brooke Greenstreet never intended to homeschool her children, but on today's episode, she will share how she came to the decision that that was best for her kids. Now, several years in, she has learned so much from the experience and her joy for education and passion for differentiating their education almost had me ready to jump onboard myself (almost!)! Whether or not you believe homeschooling is in your future, this is an interesting look at one way to educate children and to reevaluate how we enable them to learn in their own way and according to their own needs. We recorded in February, so we mention how cold it was, which probably seems strange since this is airing in August, but better late than never!

 Episode 65: Letting Go of “Shoulds” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 20:36

How do you think you're doing as a mom? At the end of the day do you focus more on what you did do or what you didn't do? Isn't it sad that so many of us focus more on the things we didn't do or didn't do well, when we may have done SO many things right? On any given day, I fall into the comparison trap and find myself sabotaging my thinking by repeating what I "should" be doing. What if we gave ourself more credit and instead of focusing on what we think we SHOULD be doing, we gave ourselves grace and felt confident in the things we ARE doing. Let me know if this episode resonates with you. What are the things you think you SHOULD be doing?

 Episode 64: OCD and Postpartum Anxiety with Anne Johnson | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:20

Anne Johnson was so excited to become a mom and felt as prepared as she could be. But like many new moms, she was hit with some mental challenges following delivery that shocked her and left her feeling confused as a new mom. While postpartum depression gets most of the attention in terms of postpartum mental health, Anne experienced OCD and anxiety, and thankfully was able to get help for those conditions. I love it so much when women are brave enough to share their stories even when it deals with a particularly difficult point in their life. Anne is not alone in these challenges and our hope is that if you are listening and experiencing anything similar, that you will feel validated and empowered to seek help for yourself. Contact Jessica: Instagram//Email

 Episode 63: A Must Listen Podcast Recommendation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:44

Hi, Friends! This week is super crazy around here, so instead of doing a long Friday episode, I am simply going to refer you to another awesome podcast I listened to this week. I was driving in the car listening to this episode of The Lively Show, and was so struck by its message: Our emotions do not equal our circumstances. We may think that we have to feel certain things in certain circumstances but the truth is that we don't. We can feel however we want, regardless of what is going on at that point in our life. Taking ownership of our emotions was a really empowering thought to me and thought that it might also resonate with you. As moms, there are going to be good days and really hard days, but even on the hard days when you are covered in spit up, or unshowered, or having toys thrown at you, you can still take charge of how you feel and you can choose positive emotions. So have a listen and let me know what you think. We are moving on Sunday so wish us luck! I'm going to need it!

 Episode 62: Dancing with Cerebral Palsy with Christina Smallwood | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:36

Christina Smallwood's darling daughter has gotten a lot of attention lately, as they started an internet dancing campaign to try and raise money for a life-changing surgery for her Cerebral Palsy. After adopting Finley, they learned of her diagnosis and have done everything possible to give their daughter a full and happy life. Today, we're going to chat about their decision to adopt a child with special needs, what she hopes for her daughter, and how parenting a child with special needs has changed her as a mother. Such an inspirational family. Show Notes:  Follow Finley on Instagram Www.doyoudaretodance.com & link to video: https://youtu.be/gy7pe33PnvY Contact Jessica: Instagram//Email

 Episode 61: Getting Noticed at the Pool (and some favorite recipes) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:38

As summer rolled around this year, did you commiserate over it being swimsuit season again? Did you get disappointed that you didn't lose the 5 pounds you planned on losing? I've been there. But let me tell you, this year, I'm not letting my body keep me from living the life I want to live and enjoy every activity that I want to with my kids! I may not be noticed at the pool for my svelte physique... but I can get noticed for enjoying the beach or the pool with my kids! I can get noticed for my huge smile! I can get noticed for being an extraordinary mom. If your swimsuit doesn't fit, buy a new one. If your jeans don't fit, buy a size up. Find a way to be comfortable and happy in your skin today. Sure you want to strive to be healthy and fit, but being a certain size does not need to be the barometer for our ability to feel confident. Segway... did you love Mel's episode on Tuesday? I love so many of her recipes, but I wanted to link to four of my very favorites that we have on repeat at our house. What are you cooking up this summer? Chicken Tikka Masala Two Sauce Lasagna Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole Honey Lime Enchiladas

 Episode 60: Talking Motherhood with Mel’s Kitchen Cafe Blogger Mel Gunnell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:19

Mel's Kitchen Cafe is one of my absolute favorite recipe blogs. It has provided tried and true recipes since very early on in my marriage, and in addition to blogging about her delicious food, Mel has also given her readers a glimpse into her life of raising 5 kids, as well. Prior to this interview, I already felt like I knew Mel, and as we got chatting, it felt like we had been friends forever. I think that is part of why her blog has been so successful. Today we're going to talk chore charts, menu planning, recipe ideas, and who she "can't be friends with!" Be sure to check out her site and let me know if you try any of her recipes. She's amazing! Show Notes: Be sure to check out Mel's Kitchen Cafe for delicious recipes Favorite recipes: Cornbread and honey butter, cowboy dinner, spaghetti, Sweet and Sour Chicken, Creamy Alfredo, Pao de Queijo Follow Mel on Instagram Contact Jessica: Instagram//Email

 Episode 59- Mom of the Month Award Winner | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:36

  You are going to be blown away by our Extraordinary Mom of the Month Award winner today. Our winner is Danielle Stepp and is she is not only an extraordinary mom of a 7 month old baby girl, but she is currently undergoing the battle of a lifetime fighting Hodgkins-Lymphoma. She is the definition of strength and my conversation with her was the dose of perspective I needed today. We wish the very best for her continued recovery and love for her whole family! Be grateful today for all the blessings in your life. Show Notes: Follow Danielle on Facebook Contact Jessica: Instagram//Email

 Episode 58: Motherhood Identity with Ashlyn Carter | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:04

Do you ever struggle with feeling like "you" since becoming a mom? Being a mom changes you, there's no doubt about it, but it doesn't mean that you stop being a person with their own needs and wants. For some, this transition happens more naturally, and for others it can prove to be quite a struggle. And with each new season and stage of parenting, I think your identity continues to evolve. Today I'm talking about this topic with my friend, Ashlyn Carter. She's a mom of three and just recently started a Vlog documenting her life as a mom. We talk about transitioning out of the professional world and focusing on how to continue pursuing your passions. She shares how an unexpected pregnancy ended up being the perfect event to shift her perspective, and much more. You're going to love Ashlyn. Show Notes:  View her Vlog Follow Ashlyn on Instagram Connect with other mom through the MOPS organization Contact Jessica: Instagram//Email

 Episode 57: Are You in a Time of Waiting? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:58

The Navy has a saying... "Hurry up... and wait." It's an annoying but true little phrase talking about how there seems to always be a sense of urgency about things and then once you do your part, it's typically followed by radio silence! It's infuriating! But you don't have to be in the military to endure your own times of waiting. Waiting on an answer, a diagnosis, a phone call, a package, a test score, a job response. Waiting is part of life and while there's no getting around that, I found in my own times of waiting that there are a few things I have done that have helped me to endure this time in a more constructive and peaceful way. Perhaps these four tips will help you if you are in a period of waiting today.

 Episode 56: International Living with Lindsey Wintch | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:23

Lindsey Wintch and I first met when we were both living in Ann Arbor, Michigan. My husband was attending law school and unlike most of the people we met there, she was not affiliated with the university! Her husband was a pilot, she was a nurse, and like us, they had yet to grow their family.  Over the three years that we lived there, Lindsey and I became great friends and we both ended up having three boys! After law school, we relocated to San Diego, and her family also took off for an amazing adventure when her husband took a job to fly for an airline in Qatar. They have been living there for over three years now and today Lindsey will share what life has been like living in the Middle East, and because they have flight benefits from her husband's job, they have also been able to experience some amazing travel. She'll share her favorite places and tips for travelling with little ones. You'll love getting to know Lindsey! Show Notes:  Blowup Travel Carseat Airbnb.com and Homeaway.com Favorite read alouds: Charlotte's Web and Stuart Little Contact Jessica: Instagram//Facebook//Email


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