Episode 69: New Mom Must-Haves

Extraordinary Moms Podcast show

Summary: On the heels of my new mom conversation with Jen Hatzung on Tuesday, I thought I would share a few of my favorite new mom tips and products that really made a difference in my family. Zipper jammies. Forget all those snaps in the middle of the night. Zippers are a game changer! My favorites for summer and the warmer months are the footless ones from Costco. Jack Newman's Nursing Cream... you need to get a prescription for this from your doctor but it makes a huge difference over Lanolin or any other soothing cream. Spend some one on one time with older siblings before escaping for some quiet nursing/feeding time. They are far less likely to interrupt if their needs are met before you go to tend to baby. I wrote an article about it <a href="https://powerofmoms.com/bringing-home-baby/">here</a>. Do something for you! Make sure you are on your own list and not just giving endlessly to those around you. It can be a five minute face mask or nail painting session, it can be a walk, or reading a good book. You matter... you deserve to feel good... and when you feel good, you are ready to be the best mom you can be!