Extraordinary Moms Podcast show

Extraordinary Moms Podcast

Summary: Every week, Jessica Dahlquist interviews different moms who share their motherhood journeys and the lessons they've learned along the way. Extraordinary moms are not perfect, but at the root of everything they do is love and an intention to help live their purpose and contribute in a higher way to their families and the world. Let's learn from one another!

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 Episode 55: Looking Back on Baby’s First Year | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:58

Hi Friends. It was Jackson's 1st birthday on Wednesday and it got me all nostalgic and reflective about how far we've come in the last year. Today I'm sharing what I've learned about myself as a mom, especially in this past year. Nothing has the power to test, refine, and grow you like motherhood. It's not just a job, it's a whole new world that you enter into. Hope you enjoy my musings/ramblings.

 Episode 54- Parenting a Child with Dwarfism with Leslie Spencer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:07:00

Leslie Spencer is an extraordinary mom of two children, one of whom has dwarfism. She is a huge advocate for children with dwarfism and really emphasizes how this is only one aspect of her daughter. We have a great conversation about her journey coming to terms with that diagnosis and what she wishes parents would tell their kids about children like Lilah. I loved chatting with Leslie and had so many powerful takeaways from our conversation. Show Notes: Follow her on Instagram Learn more about Achondroplasia Connect with Jessica: instagram//Facebook//Email

 Episode 53- June Favorites | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:35

Hi Friends. Thought I would share with you some of my favorite things from June. It's a mixed bag of fun, and I'd love to hear what you are loving this summer. Leave a comment! Gilmore Girls on Netflix. A super cute, light series to watch in your down time. "Where'd You Go Bernadette?" and "Rising Strong" Baby Pool (even for the big kids) The Lively Show Podcast episode 150  

 Episode 52: Helping NICU Mamas with Jessica Olsen | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:37

Jessica Olsen is a mom of four, and her story of motherhood is extraordinary. After a difficult first pregnancy, she went on to have twins when her daughter was only 19 months old. When her daughter Nora contracted an illness that sent her back to the NICU shortly after coming home, that is when she really became tested. Her experience in the NICU has led her to start an organization that supports other NICU moms and moms on bedrest, and she loves sharing her story to encourage other moms.   Show Notes:  Helping NICU Mamas Instagram: @helpingnicumamas and Website: https://fundly.com/bringing-some-home-to-their-holidays-2015 Contact Jessica: Instagram//Facebook//Email

 BONUS: Episode 51- Life as a Military Spouse with Alexis Scheid | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:44

Happy Fourth of July! In honor of this patriotic holiday, I wanted to bring you a bonus episode honoring military families. Once I became a military spouse and becoming a part of this amazing community, I developed a newfound appreciation for the sacrifice and strength of these families that are called to serve. It's not just about the men and women in uniform, it's a sacrifice for the whole family. So thank you to all those who serve and allow me to live in this free nation. Today I'm talking with my friend Alexis Scheid, who is an Army wife and mom of four little ones. She epitomizes the definition of an amazing military spouse, as someone who has been forced to move several times, including an overseas move to Germany, survived solo parenting as her husband was deployed multiple times, and even faced the prospect of giving birth while her husband was deployed. She is strong, she is optimistic, and she is proud of her husband and the work these soldiers do. I loved chatting with Alexis, and you are going to love her too. Baby Bode just a few days after our interview! Show Notes:  Watch the video of Sam surprising Alexis a few weeks before she was due to give birth to their third child. Contact Jessica: Instagram//Facebook//Email

 Episode 50- What Would I Tell My Pre-Motherhood Self? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:40

Episode 5-0! Can you believe it? It has been such a fun ride figuring out how to start a podcast, actually doing it, and then getting to interview such incredible women every week. I have learned so much from each and every once of them and I hope you have as well. So thank you for listening and for all your wonderful feedback. It's so encouraging to me knowing that these podcasts are something you look forward to and they give you that boost you need on those days when being a  mom is just hard! Today I am answering that final question I always ask my guests, "What would you tell your pre-motherhood self?" Listen in for my answer. I actually recorded this two weeks ago before leaving on vacation, and as I listened back to it today I had tears in my eyes. On the days when I'm tired, I forget that I'm extraordinary. I forget how far I've come. I forget that I have a story to share, too. I forget that I am exactly where I want to be. It's easy to forget those things. And I'm so happy that now I have an audio reminder that I can go back to whenever i am feeling down, or inadequate, or like I have NO idea what I'm doing. This episode is as much for you as it is for me. Please share with your friends if you're loving the podcast!   Contact Jessica: Instagram//Facebook//Email

 Episode 49- Parenting a Child with Cancer with Kady Lieber | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 52:45

A year ago, Kady Lieber had plans of travelling Europe with her husband and two daughters. They had been living in Switzerland for several years and were about to embark on a season of travel, when their youngest daughter Ava started exhibiting some concerning symptoms. On the very day there were supposed to fly to their first destination, instead they found themselves going through a 10 hour brain surgery, in attempts to remove their daughter's brain tumor. Their story is remarkable, and today Kady will share how they got through that very challenging time. The thing I admire most is how they chose joy every day and their spirit of kindness and optimism was contagious to those around them. Ava is a fighter and we wish the very best for their family in the months ahead. Show Notes: Visit her site Tava Adventures Follow their family on Instagram Follow Jessica: Instagram//Facebook//Email

 Episode 48- Mom of the Month | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:52

Hello and thanks for being understanding about this episode's delay. We have had a fun two weeks in San Diego visiting our family and while I sometimes think I can do it all, scheduling the interview with this month's extraordinary mom simply fell by the wayside. But let me tell you... it's worth the wait! Today I'm honoring Nicole Vacher as our Extraordinary Mom of the Month. Nicole is a mom of two boys, one of whom is deaf, and raises them as a single mom. She was nominated for being positive in all seasons of her life, encouraging others, and inspiring everyone she meets. As soon as I started chatting with her, I understood that I was talking to someone special. Enjoy my interview with Nicole!

 Episode 47- Book Club “The Fringe Hours” with author Jessica Turner | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:14

I am so excited to bring you another Book Club episode today and feel so honored to be chatting with the author of a book I just loved! Jessica Turner is the author of "The Fringe Hours", a book encouraging women to care for themselves, utilizing the underrecognized pockets of time that are wasted on any given day. Called a "permission slip for self-care" by some, this book will not only help you reconcile that guilt that some may feel when considering taking time away to care for your own needs, but also give you practical tips on how to find those fringe hours and what to do with them! Self-care should not be just one more thing on the to-do list, but instead should be something we enjoy and look forward to every day. You're going to love getting to know Jessica! Show Notes: Buy "The Fringe Hours" Check out the book website for more info and worksheets Her blog "The Mom Creative" Book of the Month Club that she LOVES! http://Craftsy.com Contact Jessica: Instagram//Facebook//Email

 Episode 46- Honoring the Extraordinary Dad behind the Emily Effect with Eric Dyches | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:35

Happy Father's day to all the Extraordinary Dads out there! While this podcast may focus mainly on the moms, there are plenty of dads doing incredible work in the lives of their family as well. So, we're breaking for tradition here on the podcast and I'm having my first Extraordinary DAD on the show today, and  you'll see why. Eric Dyches is the husband of the late Emily Dyches, who lost her life after a battle with a postpartum mood disorder. After her passing, he was left to raise 5 kids on his own and to figure out where to go next. He became very passionate about spreading awareness about maternal mental health and started an organization called The Emily Effect. He wants women to know about the resources available to help women in need and to help women everywhere realize that his wife was extraordinary, confidence, capable, and beautiful... but she was not immune to mental illness. No one is. His message is powerful and I'm so thankful that he is courageous enough to share their story. Show Notes:  The Emily Effect website News Feature on the Dyches Family

 Episode 45- Parenting Children with Diabetes with Amy Merkley | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 42:43

Amy Merkley is an extraordinary mom, who has two sons afflicted with Type 1 Diabetes. After a very scary diagnosis with her first son, their family had to face a new normal and to this day, she has yet to sleep through the night, as she continues to wake up to check her boys' blood sugar. I learned so much about juvenile diabetes and she debunks several of the myths associated with the disease. What I love most is that while diabetes has altered their life in some really hard ways, she also recognizes the things that they've gained. It's an uplifting chat and you are going to love getting to know Amy!

 Episode 44- 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Jessica | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:33

Hi friends. In an effort to get to know each other a little better, I have come up with 15 facts that you probably don't know about me. They are fun, they are random, and in no particular order. So in case you wondered about my hidden talents, where I grew up, and all the random jobs I've had during my life... enjoy!

 Episode 43- Learning to Live After a Loss with Kelsey Nixon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:02:55

Kelsey Nixon is most commonly known for her bubbly personality on the Food Network and Cooking Channel, as she hosts the show "Kelsey's Essentials" and has been featured on various other cooking programs. I first learned about her when she competed on the show, "The Next Food Network Star," when she came in 4th place. Since then, she has authored cookbooks and has recently launched her own HSN line of cooking products. She lives in New York with her husband and darling son, Oliver. But what you may not know about Kelsey is that this past year, she suffered an incredible blow when her second son, Leo, was born prematurely and eventually passed away after a month in the NICU. For the first time, Kelsey is opening up about her NICU experience with Oliver, followed by the heartbreaking loss of Leo. What I love about Kelsey is that she is not ashamed to share about her journey with grief. There is no timeline or proper way to grieve and there will never be a day when she is not thinking of Leo. But how does one keep living? How do you continue to be there for your other child/children when you are struggling to put one foot in front of the other? We go into some of those questions, and I know you are going to love her and feel compassion for this extraordinary mom. Show Notes:  Author of "Kitchen Confidence" www.kelseynixon.com Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest Video of Ollie's 66 days in the NICU Contact Jessica: Instagram//Facebook//Email

 Episode 42- Tips for a Successful Summer with Stephanie Marston | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:39

Hi friends! Summer is upon us and you might be someone who is really looking forward to it or you might be kind of dreading it! Either way, I figured we could all use some ideas to help make the summer successful. Stephanie Marston is the summer master, and has really figured out a great balance between having fun and implementing the must-dos. Make sure to check out the links below for all the summer resources we talked about! Show Notes:  Check out classes and activities at local libraries, Michael's Arts and Crafts, YMCA, Rec Centers, local gymnastics centers, Vacation Bible Schools at local churches, etc... Power of Moms Summer Camp Kit and a great summer ideas podcast Ideas to consider: Pick a theme or value of the week to focus on Write up a summer bucketlist of activities to do with your kids Have daily themes to give your weeks some structure ("Make it Monday" "Friends Friday) Have a "Yes Day" where the kids get to dictate the day!

 Episode 41- Enduring Physical Pain with Morgan Adams | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:48

Morgan Adams is the mom of a darling son named Cubby, who lives with her family in the Bay Area. She had been an athlete for her whole life and conquering physical goals was something she always took pride in. When the time came to start her family, she was so excited to meet her little guy! However, after a traumatic delivery, she went on to be diagnosed with PTSD and even after a year since the delivery, still experiences physical pain on a daily basis, due to a nerve injury. Morgan candidly shares about this trying experience and the lessons that she's learned about overcoming obstacles and finding joy even in the midst of pain. She's an incredible mom and I know you'll love getting to know Morgan. Contact Jessica:  Instagram//Facebook//Email


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