Ask Drone U show

Ask Drone U

Summary: We’re Drone U, a group of guys who have turned their passion for flight into a profitable business. We love hearing from our fans, and we love helping by answering their questions. That’s why we started the Ask Drone U podcast in 2015. Since then, we are one of the largest, most popular DAILY drone podcasts out there. Each episode features an actual question submitted from someone just like you! We wish we could answer everyone’s question(s), but we’ll do our best to get through as many of them as we can. So plug in those headphones because it’s time to learn together about everything drone: FAA, insurance, business strategies, videography, drone tips, flight techniques, drone tricks, expert advice, cameras, gimbals, and so much more. #askdroneu


 ADU 0041: I just bought an Inspire 1, now what do I do? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 393

Our question today comes from Brian in our own "Breaking Bad" back yard of Albuquerque. Can you imagine what Walter White would have done if he had a drone? Anyways, Brian says that he just bought an Inspire 1 (congrats), now what? This is an example of one of those questions you never think of until after the fact because you're just excited to get your drone. So we can imagine most people can relate to Brian. Therefore, let's get right to it and see what on earth Brian should do now. You'll also have to excuse Paul for his "surfer dude from England" accent he does (don't know what to tell you about that). Did you know you can easily get your drone related questions answered in our show? Just go to and submit your question. It's simple to do, so go check it out now.

 ADU 0040: What's the difference between an S1000 & S1000 Premium? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 244

Our question today comes from John, who is considering stepping up into his first "big" rig for commercial use. He is asking us what's the difference between the S1000 and S1000 Premium? We love these type questions, and we love to see you, John, stepping up into these bigger drones. Thanks for submitting your question. Speaking of that, did you know you can easily get your drone related questions answered in our show? Just go to and submit your question. It's simple to do, so go check it out now.

 ADU 0039: What exactly does it mean to get a "certification"? Can you actually get certified yet? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 650

Our question today comes from several people, actually, who Paul met at International Drone Day. They were wondering what exactly does it mean right now to get a "certification", and can you actually get certified right now? This is a great question right now because we see places throwing out the "certification" word too often and loosely. We've even been guilty of that as well, and this is a great opportunity for us to clear it up. So stay tuned and welcome to the show. Did you know you can easily get your drone related questions answered in our show? Just go to and submit your question. It's simple to do, so go check it out now.

 ADU 0038: I want to make money with my drone. Where do I start? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 348

Our question today comes from Rob in Texas, who is asking us how do I make money with my drone. Rob is like many of you who are passionate about flying your drone, and would even be interested in making money with it. But you're either not sure where to start, or if you're even "allowed" to do it. So we'll tackle this great question today as Paul, who gets paid all the time to fly his drone, goes through all the details that you and Rob need to know to turn your passion into profit. Did you know you can easily get your drone related questions answered in our show? Just go to and submit your question. It's simple to do, so go check it out now.

 ADU 0037: I have an established videography/cinematography business, but I'm new to drones. What should I buy? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 923

Our question today comes from Ed in New Mexico, who is a videographer and cinematographer. He is new to drones, looking to get going in it with his business, and is asking what is the best drone to get? What kind of range will he get with a drone and his video camera? We answer Ed's questions on this episode of Ask Drone U, so let's get started. Get you drone related questions answered in our show by asking at It takes seconds, not minutes to do. Check it out.

 ADU 0036: Why does my battery last longer in lower elevations vs. higher ones? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 373

Our question today is our first ever question from a female pilot. Her name is Tammy, and she is from NoCal (sorry, Paul, it's NoCal, not NorCal). She is asking us why her battery lasts longer in lower elevations vs. higher ones? Paul goes into great detail as to not only why, but the how behind it all. So stay tuned and enjoy the show. Get you drone related questions answered in our show by asking at It takes seconds, not minutes to do. Check it out.

 ADU 0035: I'm ready to move up to a bigger drone. Can I operate them with just one person? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 617

Our question today is a great one as we've been asked if someone who wants to move up to a bigger drone, like an S900, can operate it with just one person? Does a rig like that require more than one person to really get the most out of the drone and camera? If you're considering moving up into a larger drone like this then you'll want to be sure and stay tuned. Get you drone related questions answered in our show by asking at It takes seconds, not minutes to do. Check it out.

 ADU 0034: How can I make the overall life of my battery last longer? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 669

Our question today comes from Andrew in Arizona. He is a friend of Paul and would like to know how he can make the overall life of his batteries last longer. He said he currently gets about 40 or so cycles out of a battery. Paul gets around 100 out of his. So how does he do it? Stay tuned and he'll go through all the tricks and tips to get more life out of your batteries. Get you drone related questions answered in our show by asking at It takes seconds, not minutes to do. Check it out.

 ADU 0033: What is the hardest shot you've had to get with your drone? What did you learn from it? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 696

Today we once again have one of our current members joining us live, and actually in studio for our show today. His name is Andre, and this show is even more unique because we take our question today from Kyle in Florida, answer it from an expert pilot perspective, and then have Andre answer it from his perspective of a fairly new drone pilot. Kyle's question is what is the hardest shoot you've had to do with your drone? Stay tuned and learn all kinds of things from two pilots with different skill sets, but both with a passion for flying. We'll even go through the lessons learned from having to get such a difficult shot, and what we'd do different next time. BTW, here is a link to the video Paul talks about in this episode: Get you drone related questions answered in our show by asking at It takes seconds, not minutes to do. Check it out.

 ADU 0032: Where can I buy an RTF drone with a built-in FPV set-up? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 482

Today we're actually taking a question from one of our members live during the show. His name is Enrico, he lives in California and would like to know where he can buy an RTF drone with a built-in FPV set-up? This is a great question that you and many others may be wondering. So stay tuned as we talk it through with Enrico live. Get you drone related questions answered in our show by asking at It takes seconds, not minutes to do. Check it out.

 ADU 0031: Can I legally shoot a drone out of the sky if it's over my property? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 475

Our interesting question today comes from Joseph in Texas. He is asking if he can shoot a drone out of the sky if it's over his property? With all the debate about airspace and who "owns" the airspace above a house, this is probably a question more people are thinking about than would care to verbalize. But we're not afraid to tackle it, and we very much appreciate the submission, Joseph. Get you drone related questions answered in our show by asking at It takes seconds, not minutes to do. Check it out.

 ADU 0030: What are the negative things in the recent proposed regulations by the FAA? How will we be affected if those don't change? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 761

Our question today actually comes from a meeting we had today with the office of a local Congressional Delegate. They asked us what are the bad things in the recent proposed regulations by the FAA? What things in there will have a negative affect on the drone industry? As the proposed regs came out, so many people were focused on the positive aspects (including us) that we all forgot to address some of the concerns. So let's get right down to it in this episode of Ask DroneU. Get you drone related questions answered in our show by asking at It takes seconds, not minutes to do. Check it out.

 ADU 0029: How can I get a Plex 4K camera on a drone? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 423

Our question today comes from Cody. He is a videographer and would like to know how he could get a Plex 4K camera on a drone? This is a very interesting question. The detail a camera like this will pick up is insane, and it's about 13 times heavier than a GoPro. So you'd really have to create a custom set up for this. We go into how to do this on our show today. Get you drone related questions answered in our show by asking at It takes seconds, not minutes to do. Check it out.

 ADU 0028: How do prop guards affect the drone and flying, and should I use them? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 549

Our question today comes from Robert in Slovakia, who wants to know how prop guards affect the flying of a drone, and if he should use them? We go through all the details about prop guards on this show, and why we typically do not recommend them. Get you drone related questions answered in our show by asking at It takes seconds, not minutes to do. Check it out.

 ADU 0027: Today we break from the norm and...answer 5 questions in one show! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 542

Yes, today we are breaking "rank" and mixing things up a bit. Instead of just one question today we are answering...wait for it...five different questions! So let's get started. Question #1: What are some basic video settings for my Phantom Vision+? Question #2: Can you please recommend a good GPS unit? Question #3: What is your favorite flight controller? Question #4: Can I fly the Phantom 2 without wi-fi? Question #5: Do you do catch landings, and how do you do it safely? Get you drone related questions answered in our show by asking at It takes seconds, not minutes to do. Check it out.


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