ADU 0041: I just bought an Inspire 1, now what do I do?

Ask Drone U show

Summary: Our question today comes from Brian in our own "Breaking Bad" back yard of Albuquerque. Can you imagine what Walter White would have done if he had a drone? Anyways, Brian says that he just bought an Inspire 1 (congrats), now what? This is an example of one of those questions you never think of until after the fact because you're just excited to get your drone. So we can imagine most people can relate to Brian. Therefore, let's get right to it and see what on earth Brian should do now. You'll also have to excuse Paul for his "surfer dude from England" accent he does (don't know what to tell you about that). Did you know you can easily get your drone related questions answered in our show? Just go to and submit your question. It's simple to do, so go check it out now.