The Amazing Seller show

The Amazing Seller

Summary: Scott Voelker from The Amazing Seller podcast will be sharing Amazon FBA and eCommerce marketing strategies from his own experience, case studies and interviewing the experts. Discover how you can apply and use these techniques to create a business that will allow you to do what you love, weather it's traveling more or spending time with your family. Scott has confessed that he's not a millionaire, but he has been supporting his family by earning a six figure income per year, 100% online for the past 6 years and most recently adding his Amazon FBA business.. This show will discuss topics like product selection, private labeling, sourcing suppliers, promotions, marketing, list building , brand building, Amazon PPC, Facebook PPC and everything that works (and doesn't work) to help you better understand how to build a successful business you can be proud of.

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 TAS 457: ASK Scott Session #141 – Daily Business Tasks – Hijackers – Launch List and Coupon Codes | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:35

Get ready to ring in the new year with another session of Ask Scott here on The Amazing Seller podcast! This is the place where you’ll find the energy, passion, and motivation you need to go out there and continue to reach your goals and build your ecommerce business. On this episode, Scott shares his thought of the week, goes over daily tasks for sellers, how to know if your listing has been hijacked, what to do when Amazon won’t let you use promo codes, and much more! You don’t want to miss a minute of this fascinating and valuable episode! Exercise your brain, not just your body! As the new year approaches, many well-intentioned people will make New Year’s resolutions and most of them will break them. What are your plans to make changes in 2018 and stick to them? Do you want to lose weight? Change your diet? Exercise more? Spend time with friends and family? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott encourages business leaders like you to make sure that you include a goal to stretch your mind in addition to any plans you have to get your body in shape. As a business leader, this is especially important! To hear more on this topic from Scott, make sure to catch this episode! Daily tasks that will get you on the right track. What does it take to succeed as an ecommerce business leader? What daily habits and schedules empower and support a successful leader? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott opens up and shares his insights on what it takes to lead a productive daily schedule. Scott says that it’s important to come up with a set of things you can do daily that will help you maintain your current business level and things you can do to stretch and grow your business. To get ideas on what to include in both those lists, make sure to check out the resources section that Scott has put together! How do you know that your listing has been hijacked? How do you know when your Amazon product listing has been hijacked? What can you do once that unfortunate event has occurred? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott goes over what to look for, how to respond to a hijacked listing, and most importantly, how to prevent a hijacking from occurring in the first place. According to Scott, most hijacking occurs when you give the product away at a discount. To respond once a hijacking has occurred, Scott says to follow the Amazon procedure to contest the seller who is taking advantage of your listing. You can protect yourself from future hijackings by making sure you are brand registered and you have solid branding on your products with pictures of your branding in your product listing. To hear more on this topic, make sure to listen to this informative episode! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [3:30] Scott’s thought of the week; exercise your brain, not just your body! [10:00] Question #1: What action steps do you take daily to get started? [16:30] Question #2: How do you know your product listing is getting hijacked? [22:00] Question #3: I can’t use the promo code option in the Canada market, what should I do? TRANSCRIPT TAS 457 TAS 457: ASK Scott Session #141 - Daily Business Tasks - Hijackers - Launch List and Coupon Codes [INTRODUCTION] [00:00:02] Scott: Hey. Hey. What’s up, everyone? Welcome back to another episode of  The Amazing Seller podcast. This is episode number 457 and session number 141 of Ask Scott. This is where I answer your questions here on the podcast. Yes, I do it every Friday. We’re going to do it again just after the holidays... LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE

 TAS 456: Your Business TAX TIPS from my CPA (Deductions and More) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:08:28

Its that topic that few people like to talk about, taxes! But with tax season fast approaching, business owners like you need to know the most important information to stay productive. On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott invites Josh Bauerle back on the podcast to talk about all the relevant info sellers like you need to be aware of for the upcoming tax season. Together they cover why bookkeeping is so important, when to outsource a bookkeeper, what you can deduct as a business owner, what to do will inventory that won’t sell, what type of business entities to create and when, and so much more! You don’t want to miss a minute of this helpful episode! Why good bookkeeping is so important. Any good builder knows that if you want to have a solid end product, you’ve got to have a quality foundation. That same truth applies to building a business, if you want to succeed, don’t skimp on the basics! On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from CPA Josh Bauerle as he shares the importance of good bookkeeping. According to Josh, part of the process of keeping organized books is having separate accounts for your business. You need to have a bank account that is specifically set aside for your business, not a mixture of business and personal use. That same principle needs to be applied to your use of credit cards too. Get more helpful advice regarding bookkeeping and much more from Josh on this episode! How deductions can help you save BIG! Did you know, as a business owner, that you have a wide range of options at your disposal for deducting costs associated with your business? As a business owner who is likely running a large part of your business out of your home, there is a list of ways you can use deductions on everyday categories. For instance, you can deduct up to ten percent of your mortgage payments if you work out of a home office. You can also deduct utilities such as internet service and even travel costs! Learn more about tax deductions on this episode of The Amazing Seller with guest CPA, Josh Bauerle! What you can do with inventory that won’t sell. Have you ever been told that you should buy up lots of inventory before the end of the year to use it as a tax write off? Is that sound advice? What should you do with inventory that you can’t seem to sell no matter what you do? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott and his guest, CPA Josh Bauerle go over some helpful options to both scenarios for sellers like you to consider. For the first scenario, Josh says that you can not use the purchase of new inventory as a write off until that inventory has been sold. For the second scenario, Josh says that it is a good idea to consider inventory you can’t sell as “Scrapped Inventory,” this allows you to write off the cost of acquiring that product as long as you document that you’ve disposed of it. To hear the guys expand on both of these topics and much more, make sure to listen to this fascinating episode! Four different types of business entities you should consider creating. As you start building your ecommerce business, you might be left with the question of which business entity you should create. Which option is the best one to select at the stage you find yourself in? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Josh Bauerle breaks down the four options of business entities you can create and roughly when is the most appropriate time to set them up for your business. The four entities you can create are; Sole Proprietorship or if you have a partner, a General Partnership. Limited Liability Company also known as an LLC. S Corporation. C Corporation. To hear Josh break down each option and when it would be best to consider creating the entity that is the best fit for you, listen to this episode to find out! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER

 TAS 455: Merry Christmas + My Gift To Help YOU Succeed! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:52

Merry Christmas! Join Scott for this special TAS episode as he expresses his gratitude for a wonderful year with The Amazing Seller podcast. He also goes over some helpful steps that will empower listeners like you go out there and TAKE ACTION! Stick around for the second half of the episode as Scott shares a few stories from his career where he tried various business ventures and learned from those experiences. If you’d like to have a peek into Scott’s backstory and walk away with some great advice that you can put into action today, you’ve come to the right place! Prepare for the New Year, declutter! What is one thing that you could do today to prepare for success as the new year rolls in? Don’t you want to start the new year off on a great note? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott challenges you to take this first step and set yourself up for success in 2018. Scott wants you to choose, right now to start decluttering some aspect of your life. You can start with your email inbox, that junk drawer in your house, or even that room where everything just gets tossed. The point is to start cleaning up and organizing some aspect of your life. If you can do this, you’ll find that you have energy and room in your life to tackle the larger things in life. So what are you waiting for? Go to the START resources and get started! Where are you on your journey of starting your ecommerce business? Have you already started? Great! What’s your next plan to grow your business? If you haven’t started, what are you waiting for? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott encourages sellers like you to take advantage of the resources he has put together so you can go out there take action right now! Listen to this episode as Scott directs you to the “Five Step Private Label Roadmap.” You can also find a link to the resource page that he’s put together at the end of this post in the Resources section. Make sure to listen to this episode to get more helpful insights from Scott! Failure is part of the process, learn from it! How do you view failure or setbacks? Do you hate them and consider it a complete waste of your time and resources? Or do you see these setbacks, challenges, failures, or whatever you want to call them, as lessons to learn from? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he encourages sellers like you to take failure not as a curse but as an opportunity to learn. Scott also goes over several examples from his own journey where he was able to collect lessons and insights from business plans that didn’t “Succeed” as he would have hoped. Find out what you can learn from Scott’s examples and more on this episode! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [3:30] Enjoy your day! [5:00] Scott’s gift to you, 3 Steps. Step #1 Prep for 2018, declutter. [9:30] Step #2 Start, go to the Start Resource. [11:30] Step #3 Focus on one step at a time! [13:00] Just in time learning! [14:30] Failure is part of the process! [15:30] Scott shares some personal stories of how he’s learned from failures. [32:00] Closing thoughts from Scott. TRANSCRIPT TAS 455 TAS 455: Merry Christmas + My Gift To Help YOU Succeed! All right. That was not that great but I did want to wish you guys a happy holiday whether you celebrate Christmas or not. Today is Christmas if you’re listening to this on December 25th 2017. Normally I would have probably just said, “Let’s just skip that episode because, well, it’s a holiday.” You know what? You guys are probably going to listen to this after the fact as well. Actually, I know you are. We have a lot of you that are listeners out there, and I’m going to talk about that here in a second.

 TAS 454: Ask Scott Session #140 – Sourcing Outside China – 3D Printing Products – Utility Patents | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:27

Are you fired up and ready for another awesome session of Ask Scott here on The Amazing Seller podcast? This is your place to get the motivation, energy, and excitement you need to push through the tough parts of getting started in the ecommerce arena. On this episode, you’ll hear from Scott as he announces the winners of the Private Label Classroom scholarship giveaways and of course, as always, he’ll answer questions from sellers like you! What are you waiting for? Make sure to listen to this episode and use it as fuel to TAKE ACTION! Just do something! Where are you in the process of running your own ecommerce business? Seriously? What steps have you taken to get closer to your goal? Some people will take HUGE steps to accomplish their objectives while others need to take small steps along the way. Which one is the right fit for you? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he encourages sellers like you to stop listening to your internal excuse and decide to just start! Sometimes you need that strong and forceful voice that compels you to take action! That’s what Scott is here to do. Listen to this episode to get the inspiration you need to get started today! Is China the best place for product sourcing? What about the US and India? Are you at the point in your process where you are looking for sourcing for your product? Have you done your research and looked at the typical options in China? What about sourcing your product from the United State or India? Are these good alternatives to using manufacturers in China? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott shares his thoughts on this subject. Scott says that if you can find a manufacturer in those countries and still make a decent profit, then go for it! He also touches on a trend he has seen with sellers who get a mold made in China then have it sent to the US or elsewhere for the actual production. To hear more about this topic, make sure to catch this episode! Could the use of 3D printing be a game changer? With the rise of 3D technology and other amazing innovations, how will this affect the ecommerce marketplace? Is it a good idea to start experimenting with 3D technology and start making products from home in that manner? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott opens up about 3D printing and if sellers like you should look into it. Scott encourages sellers to go for it and experiment with creating 3D printed products. Why not? If it’s a resource you have access to and you have a good idea to test, then go for it! To hear more insights from Scott on subjects like this one, make sure to listen to this episode! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [2:00] Shoutout to PLC winners! [7:30] Question #1: Is it a good idea to source products from India or the US? [11:00] Question #2: What are your thoughts about 3D printing products? [15:30] Question #3: I’m trying to modify a patented product, is it worth it? TRANSCRIPT TAS 454 TAS 454: Ask Scott Session #140 - Sourcing Outside China - 3D Printing Products - Utility Patents [INTRODUCTION] [00:00:02] Scott: Well, hey, hey, what’s up everyone. Welcome back to another episode of The Amazing Seller Podcast. This is episode number 454 and session number 140 of Ask Scott. This is where I answer your questions here on the podcast and I do it every single Friday. And guess what? We’re going to do it again and I am pumped for you guys to be here and today what we’re going to be talking about... LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE https://www.

 TAS 453: How To Start Selling on Amazon with Zero Money and Profit FAST! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:12

Have you ever wondered what it would take to start consulting for businesses and help them list their products on Amazon? How would you even start that kind of consulting business? What would you charge? How would you grow a team around that business model? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from special guest, Kathleen Kobel. Kathleen takes the time to answer all these aspects of starting a consulting business and helping businesses get started on Amazon. If you want to know what it's like or steps you can take toward helping businesses in your area list on Amazon, make sure to listen to this episode! This could be a perfect first step for someone like you to get started! Taking the leap to get started on a new project. What is it that gives people the confidence and boldness to put themselves and their services out there in the marketplace? Are some people born with it and others not? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he sits down with Kathleen Kobel to discuss how she got started consulting for businesses looking to expand to the ecommerce realm. Kathleen was able to approach businesses with confidence after she took the small step that was given to her in her 9 to 5 job. From Kathleen’s story, sellers like you can come away with the lesson that it takes little steps along the way to build up your confidence. So what’s that one step that you can take today that will move you closer to your goal? Get more helpful lessons from Kathleen’s story on this episode! Honesty and integrity go a long way! What are the values that you deem important when working with a team member or contractor? Do you want them to produce high-quality work more than anything or are there other aspects that are important to you? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Kathleen Kobel talks about her consulting business and why she sometimes turns down prospective clients. You can get the sense when listening to Kathleen talk about her business that she really values honesty and integrity. Because of these values that Kathleen holds, she will let a prospective client know if she thinks that their product won’t be successful on Amazon’s platform. To hear more about Kathleen’s story and how she operates her business, make sure to catch this episode! Where to start connecting with local businesses. If you’d like to ease your way into running an ecommerce business by first approaching brick and mortar businesses to see if they’d let you list their products on Amazon, you might wonder where to start making those connections. On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott and Kathleen talk about some helpful places to start connecting with local businesses. Scott mentions the local chamber of commerce get-togethers as a good starting place and even hosting a meetup for local businesses to teach them about the benefits of selling on Amazon. If you are considering making consulting the first step in your journey as an ecommerce seller, then you don’t want to miss this valuable episode! Helping others get started on Amazon can make you hungry for success! What fires you up and keeps you reaching for success? Is it a goal you have in mind? Is it a certain level of wealth you’d like to live with? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Kathleen Kobel shares her story and how helping others get started on Amazon made her hungry for her own shot at ecommerce success. Whether it’s Kathleen’s taste of building a successful brand on Amazon or your goals of making enough to cover your mortgage payment, whatever it is, you’ve got to identify your “Why” that one thing that keeps you motivated. Get more helpful insights and lessons from Kathleen’s story on this episode! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [4:30] Scott welcomes Kathleen to the podcast.

 TAS 452: (LIVE HOT SEAT) How to Grow and Scale a Brand to 7 Figures in a Crazy NICHE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:55

What does it take for leaders like you to build a robust brand in a very niche market? Where do you start? What tools and tactics do you use to attract traffic and build a following? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott and Chris as they sit down with a TAS follower like you! Aaron and his wife started their own beekeeping business where they make skincare products and honey-based products and teach about bees. They started selling on Amazon in January and they reached out to Scott to see if he could help them figure out how to build out their brand. You don’t want to miss this fascinating episode featuring Aaron! Do you have a comprehensive keyword strategy? What is your keyword strategy? Do you have a solid idea of what keywords and phrases your customer base is searching for? What related terms and phrases could help you to connect with a larger audience that would find your product relevant? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott and Chris go over keywords and how sellers like you can use them effectively. Chris makes the great point about using keywords that have to do with the product use and how that aspect of a keyword strategy can come into play. To hear more about this topic and other helpful tips, make sure to listen to this episode! Create helpful and valuable content to build a following! What is the difference between a good brand and a great brand? Content! If you have a product that you use that is part of your lifestyle, wouldn’t it be helpful to have a brand that provided you with free content to help you and educate you? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott and Chris explain how you can elevate your brand to the next level by creating content that benefits your customer base. What is great about having Aaron on the podcast and open to sharing his product and brand is that sellers like you get real-world tangible examples of what this process looks like. Don’t miss this awesome opportunity, make sure to catch this episode! What it takes to build a following on YouTube. Have you ever found yourself wondering what it takes to build a successful and thriving following on YouTube? How do so many brand personalities churn out content that keeps people interested and coming back for more? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott walks through key elements that make up an engaging and valuable YouTube channel. Imagine how a YouTube channel could impact your brand. Make sure to listen to this episode to learn what you need to know to get started and add this important aspect to your larger brand strategy! Don’t wait, start where you are! One of the hardest things to do is to start something new. Many people get really excited about an idea and find themselves going down the rabbit hole of research and gathering a lot of information about a certain subject or business idea only to never take action. Don’t let that be your story! Don’t let all the possibilities out there keep you from moving toward one idea in particular and seeing it through! Listen to this episode of The Amazing Seller and hear from Aaron as he shares his story and how he got his business off the ground. You don’t want to miss it! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [5:00] Jump into the Hot Seat with Scott and his guest! [6:30] Aaron shares his story and how he got started with ecommerce. [11:30] What is the one thing that Aaron is struggling with? [14:00] Aaron talks about his first product. [16:30] Chris and Scott talk about Aaron’s keyword strategy. [26:30] Scott touches on why Aaron should build an email list and create content. [30:30] What will it take for Aaron to build out and expand his brand? [34:30] Scott walks through how Aaron can start a YouTube channel to bu...

 TAS 451: ASK Scott Session #139 – Sales Vanished – Help to Narrow Market – One Product and Email List? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:51

Are you ready for that extra dose of inspiration to move you across the finish line this week? You’ve come to the right place! It’s time for another session of Ask Scott. On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott shares his thought of the week, how to respond when your sales drop to ZERO, what it takes to rank your product in a competitive niche, why building an email list isn’t needed for every product, and so much more! Grab pen and paper, you don’t miss a minute of this informative and helpful episode! Someone is watching you! Look back to those influential people in your life, what was it about them that made such a large impression on you? Was it your dad’s work ethic? Your mom’s ambition? Or your older brother’s innovation? Somewhere along the line, someone made an impact on you and right now, you are having that same effect on someone in your social sphere. On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott encourages leaders like you to think about the people in your life who are watching your actions, especially if you have kids. To hear Scott break down the responsibility of setting an example, make sure to catch this episode! What should you do if your sales suddenly drop to ZERO? Imagine that you are getting your ecommerce business off the ground and you have steady sales, then suddenly, almost out of nowhere your sales drop to zero. How would you respond? What steps can you take to correct the situation? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott addresses this situation that a fellow TAS follower like you encountered. Scott says that one way to figure out how to start fixing the situation is to increase your PPC spending. This will tell you if you can get more views on your listing if those views translate to sales. If they don’t then there are a few other options you can start addressing. Listen to this episode as Scott expands on this subject and more! Is it always the best move to build an email list? If you’ve been around the TAS community you’ve heard from Scott about the importance of building an email list. If you haven’t, make sure to search the resources for more information on that subject. But the truth is, there will be some products and some brands where building an email list isn’t the best use of your resources. Make sure to listen to this episode of The Amazing Seller as Scott explains the few exceptions to this rule. You’ll also hear about how to compete in a niche market and so much more! Don’t miss this informative episode! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [4:30] Scott’s thought of the week; you are being watched! [10:00] Question #1: My sales dropped to ZERO! What should I do? [18:00] Question #2: How do I rank my products in such a competitive niche? [27:30] Question #3: Does it make sense to build an email list for every brand/product? TRANSCRIPT TAS 451 TAS 451: ASK Scott Session #139 - Sales Vanished - Help to Narrow Market - One Product and Email List? [00:00:03] Scott: Hey. Hey. What’s up, everyone? Welcome back to another episode of The Amazing Seller podcast. This is episode number 451 and session number 139 of Ask Scott. This is where I... LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Shopify Flex Watches The Profit NEW To The Blog and Podcast? I created a Page Just for You called…START HERE! If you enjoyed this episode share the love with your friends…Click To Tweet the show. Subscribe To Be The First To Receive Updates and NEW Podcast Episodes

 TAS 450: Zero to $200k in 8 Months (Roller Coaster Ride of Ecommerce) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 56:36

What does it take to build a successful and thriving ecommerce brand? Is it possible for the average person to start an ecommerce business from the ground up or do you have to have prior experience in order to succeed? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott and Chris as they share the backstory of the new brand and where it stands today. The guys also go over their month by month numbers, how they recovered from going out of stock, takeaways from new sellers like you, and much more! If you are ready to get started with your own ecommerce business, you don’t want to miss this detailed and helpful episode! Look around you, there is likely a successful product nearby How do successful ecommerce brands find their products that perform so well? Is there a secret tool they use to find out if a product will be successful? How can an average person hope to find a good product to sell online? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott and Chris explain how sellers like you can find a product and build a profitable brand. The guys go back to the tool they’ve touted time and time again, the touch list. Take a look around you, chances are you’ve got a successful product within reach. To hear them explain how this concept works and much more, make sure to listen to this episode! Why you should use email lists and social media channels Why do so many ecommerce brands take off while others seem to never gain steam? What is a good way for an ecommerce brand to put its best foot forward? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott and Chris stress the importance of utilizing email lists and social media channels to gain a following for new ecommerce brands. If you’ve been hesitant to follow Scott’s advice to build an email list and connect with social media avenues to grow your brand, think again. The guys explain how using those tools to connect with a prospective customer base and drive sales. Don’t miss this helpful episode! Don’t be afraid to start with multiple product variations! As you get started building your ecommerce business, how many products should you start with? Should you only focus on one product or should you consider multiple products or variations of one product? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott and Chris as they give their opinion of how many products you should start off with. Scott encourages new sellers to go with a product that can have multiple variations if at all possible. He also goes on to explain why it's best to launch more than one product for your brand. To hear Scott expand on this topic and provide more helpful insights, listen to this episode! Plans for future brand expansion What should be the long-term goal of an ecommerce business owner selling on Amazon? Should they continue to grow their reach on the platform or consider expanding to other ecommerce platforms like Walmart? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott and Chris share their plans for the expansion of their brand. While the guys explain that Amazon is the best place to get started and test new products, they also share why it’s important to have an eye on the future and the possibility of taking your brand to your own platform. Listen to this episode as the guys go deeper into this topic and much more! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [1:30] Scott and Chris share the backstory of their brand. [13:00] Scott runs through early numbers for their brand. [15:00] Chris talks about running out of inventory and using preorders. [18:00] Getting back in stock and moving into the 4th quarter. [21:00] 3 takeaways from Scott. #1 investigate the market. [31:30] #2 email lists and social channels. [35:30] #3 add multiple skus and multiple products.

 (8 REAL STORIES from Sellers) Lessons Learned After Launching and Selling Products on Amazon | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:45

There are so many advantages in life when you get the opportunity to learn from someone who has been where you intend to go. Would you take the time to learn from ecommerce sellers who started out and went on to success? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott presents lessons and insights from eight of his students from the Private Label Classroom. This is your opportunity take in the lessons and perspectives of regular people just like you who have started their own ecommerce business. Make sure you have pen and paper nearby, you are going to need it! Why you shouldn’t take income too early. If you are like most ecommerce sellers, you’ve probably started this journey to draw an income and quit your day job. What if you draw an income too early and end up damaging your business? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from one of Scott’s Private Label Classroom students as he cautions against the impulse to draw an income early on. John explains that one of the best ways to grow and expand your business as you get it off the ground is to reinvest your profit back into the brand and put off drawing a personal salary. To hear more helpful insights from John and other students, make sure to listen to this episode! Make sure you have a clear roadmap before you get started! What is your roadmap for getting started and launching your first product or your next product? How do you plan to drive sales and expand your brand? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear about why it’s so important to create a clear and direct roadmap as you get started with building your business. Don’t allow yourself to get two steps down the road without having the next steps outlined! Avoid confusion and discouragement by taking the time to develop your strategy. Learn more from Scott and the stories of his students on this episode! Don’t forget to build an email list! Imagine how helpful it would be to your brand to have a way to connect with your customer base. What would it mean for your sales strategy if you could push discounts and deals directly to a large collection of customers? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, one of Scott’s Private Label Classroom students, Rich, shares why he wishes he had started building an email list early on in his business. If you are still wondering why you should invest in building an email list, listen to this episode! You’ll get to hear from people who were just like you when they got started! Learn from their mistakes and their advice! Hear more on this helpful episode! Get the help you need to get started and avoid getting overwhelmed. There is no reason for sellers like you to feel like you are all alone in your journey to build an ecommerce business! Take the time to get connected to the TAS community via Facebook and consider joining a Private Label Classroom! Through these resources, you get to connect with people who are struggling to get started and can help you as you research products and troubleshoot issues that come up in your brand. At the end of the day, it’s all about taking that first step and getting started, maybe the first step for you is to connect with the TAS community. Hear more about how to get started on this episode of The Amazing Seller! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [4:30] John shares his perspective as a new seller. [8:00] Jared opens up about lessons he has learned from getting started. [10:30] Why a clear roadmap can make all the difference. [11:30] Bill talks about what he’s learned along the way. [13:00] Rich shares about his struggles with product selection and building an email list. [16:00] Jonathan goes over lessons he has learned from starting his business. [21:00] Bob talks about failure, recovery, and driving toward success.

 TAS 448 – The Story of The $6,810.91 Day (Ask Scott Session #137) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:43

What does it take to have a successful Black Friday or Cyber Monday for your ecommerce business? How can you extend that success to the rest of 4th quarter? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he goes over his new brand’s recent Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales numbers. If you’ve been around the TAS community for very long, you know that Scott’s not bragging when he shares these numbers. He wants to motivate sellers like you and give you the tools you need to experience the success that he enjoys. Make sure to listen to this episode as Scott reveals six takeaways from his recent successful sales numbers. Build an email list What is an effective way to test new product ideas? What will it take to drive sales and strategically spike your sales at any given point in time? Imagine what it would mean to have a constant connection and your finger on the pulse of your customer base. On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he stresses the importance of building an email list. Many long-time TAS followers know that Scott is passionate about getting all his listeners on board with building their own email list. For good reason! Scott and his team have seen the power and effectiveness of an email list and how it can help launch a brand into sustained success. To hear Scott expand on this topic and much more, make sure to listen to this episode! Make sure you have real expectations One of the most frustrating things in life is to go into an endeavor expecting one thing only to get a completely underwhelming and disappointing result. Have you had one of those experiences lately? Don’t let that be the case for your venture into building an ecommerce business! If you follow the advice and insights that Scott and his team share, you won’t hear any “Get rich quick” concepts or “Overnight success” stories. Scott wants to help sellers like you succeed but he’s not willing to talk the talk without having walked the walk. Listen to this episode of The Amazing Seller as Scott explains how he runs the TAS community and why it’s important to tune out the voices who make big promises with little effort! Lay the groundwork before you can experience success As Scott teaches, if you want to succeed, you’ve got to put in the work. He often gets asked, “Is it too late to get an ecommerce business up and running even in the throws of the 4th quarter?” Scott always responds by saying that it is never too late to start but it’s important to know you probably won’t see results for a while. In his experience, it all comes down to laying the right groundwork before you can expect to see the results you hope for. To hear more about Scott’s story and what it takes to build a successful ecommerce business, make sure to listen to this episode of The Amazing Seller! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [3:00] The new brand’s success on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. [9:00] Scott breaks down his recent Facebook post. [13:30] The advantage of laying the groundwork. [15:00] Scott’s 6 takeaways from Black Friday/Cyber Monday success: #1 Just Start! [16:30] #2 Launch multiple products. [20:30] #3 Be patient. [22:00] #4 Build an email list. [25:30] #5 Real expectations. [28:00] #6 Never give up. [30:00] Scott recaps all 6 takeaways. TRANSCRIPT TAS 448 TAS 448 - The Story of The $6,810.91 Day (Ask Scott Session #137) [INTRODUCTION] [00:00:03] Scott: Well hey, hey what’s up everyone! Welcome back to another episode of The Amazing Seller Podcast. This is episode number 448 and session number 137 of Ask Scott. This is where I... Click Here to Download Transcript ...

 TAS 447 – How to Make Enough Money to Leave YOUR JOB (Action Steps + RANT) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:25

Don’t you wish that you had a personal coach or a mentor who would come along and help you develop a roadmap and action plan so you could reach your goals? Do you have an idea of what a solid action plan would look like? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott and his team as they share some helpful insights and ways you can get started today to move toward your goals. Don’t hesitate! Take this opportunity and follow through on the exercise and steps that Scott teaches on this valuable episode. Grab pen and paper so you don’t miss a minute of it! Why you need to establish a real and tangible goal. If you have any hope of moving from where you are to where you want to be, you’ve got to have a compelling and desirable goal to reach for. What is that goal for you? Do you want to go on more trips with your family? Do you want to make enough money to cover your mortgage each month? Whatever that one thing is that will move you and motivate you to embrace change and keep pushing when things get tough, you’ve got to identify it and write it down. If your goal stays in your head, you’ll never reach it. Listen to this episode of The Amazing Seller as Scott and his team discuss the significance of creating a tangible goal and working toward it. You don’t want to miss this powerful episode! Sit down and make an action plan. Once you’ve identified your target goal, you need to start making a plan to achieve your goal. But where do you even start? Imagine if you had a whole community of people who were trying to reach their goals too. What if that community also had a whole toolbox full of resources to help you tackle even the toughest parts of your journey to succeed as an ecommerce seller? That is exactly what the TAS team and community are here for! Listen to this episode of The Amazing Seller as Scott and his team explain how you can make an action plan and get started on your goals today! Work your way backwards from your goal. Make sure you aren’t overcomplicating your roadmap to success. You don’t have to have every single detail spelled out right away. Just get started, take the first couple of steps and learn as you progress. On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott explains how you can work your way back from your target goal to develop your action plan. Don’t get stressed out. Commit to making the changes you want to see and dedicate yourself to asking questions and learning along the way. To hear more about how to get started, make sure to listen to this informative and inspiring episode! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [4:00] Scott’s RANT. [6:00] What is your “Why?” [9:00] Get real with your finances! [13:00] What is your plan? Scott goes over action steps. TRANSCRIPT TAS 447 TAS 447 - How to Make Enough Money to Leave YOUR JOB (Action Steps + RANT) [INTRODUCTION] [00:00:03] Scott: Well hey, hey what’s up everyone! Welcome back to another episode of The Amazing Seller Podcast. This is episode number 447 and today what I want to do is share with you how to... LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE   NEW To The Blog and Podcast? I created a Page Just for You called…START HERE! If you enjoyed this episode share the love with your friends…Click To Tweet the show. Subscribe To Be The First To Receive Updates and NEW Podcast Episodes

 TAS 446: TAS Behind the Scenes and Vision for 2018 and Beyond! (Recorded Meeting) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:01:24

Have you ever wondered what is going on behind the scenes of The Amazing Seller? What is the team cooking up for 2018? How do they plan to expand their reach and help sellers get their ecommerce business off the ground? On this episode, you’ll get a special peek behind the scenes with Scott and his team as they talk about plans for 2018 and beyond. You don’t want to miss out on this unique and fun look at what the team has cooked up. Make sure to listen to this special episode! Why Amazon? As the ecommerce industry continues its upward trajectory, many business leaders wonder if it is still the best option to start and build a business on Amazon’s platform. Is it still worth it to start your ecommerce business on Amazon or are there better options out there to explore? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott and his team as they explain why Amazon is still the best platform for sellers like you to get started on. While the guys admit that there are good options out there for expanding your ecommerce business away from Amazon, it is still the go-to platform for getting your business off the ground. To hear the TAS team dive deeper into this topic, make sure to listen to this episode! What is success? What is your definition of success for your business, especially starting out? Do you expect to get rich quick or become an overnight success story? What if you just break even in your first quarter of profits? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott and his team talk about keeping a healthy perspective on success as you start your ecommerce business. Don’t expect to go out there and have your brand hit it out of the park right off the bat. Learn from the guys at TAS and get a good view on what to expect as you build your business. Hear more from Scott and his team on this episode! Helping others and delivering value. How do you know that Scott and his team are dedicated to helping sellers like you make the most out of your ecommerce business? They continue to deliver value and quality content week after week aimed at helping you learn from their successes and their mistakes. So what are you waiting for? Take them up on their advice and get started with your ecommerce business today! Find out what steps you need to take to join the TAS community and get the ball rolling. Learn more on this episode and check out the resources section located at the end of this post! Challenge Yourself! Do you really want to build an ecommerce business? Seriously? How bad do you want it? Is it just a good idea that you find interesting or are you willing to really put your money where your mouth is? Are you ready to go out there and risk failure in order to find success? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott and his team talk about digging deep and finding the motivation you need to fuel your journey toward success. If you want to succeed, you’ve got to know your “Why” and really go after it, sacrifice put in the hard work, and see what all of your efforts will get you. Get more helpful tips and insights on what it takes to grow your business and more on this episode! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [2:30] Scott and his team jump into the conversation. [5:30] TAS plans moving into 2018. [12:30] Why the TAS team encourages people to start their business on Amazon. [23:30] What is success? What are you benchmarks? [29:00] Plans to help TAS followers get started in 2018. [41:00] Helping others and finding success in the process. [47:00] Scott shares the stories from two TAS followers about getting started. [54:00] Challenge yourself! There are no excuses! [57:00] Closing thoughts from Scott. TRANSCRIPT TAS 446

 TAS 445: Ask Scott Session #137 – PL Roadmap Recap – Launching Products for Sales and Reviews – Variations Strategy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:22

It’s that time again! After last week off, another session of Ask Scott is back! Scott took last week off from the Ask Scott Sessions to continue his five-part series that spelled out a Private Label Roadmap. If you want to check out the roadmap, check out the “Start” link in the resources section at the end of this post. On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott provides his usual thought of the week and then he tackles topics including product reviews, getting started without a mailing list, product variations, and more! You don’t want to miss this informative episode! Is it too late to start in the 4th Quarter? As many ecommerce sellers are in the throws of 4th quarter and the holiday shopping season, Scott often gets asked if it’s too late for new sellers to get started. His answer is a resounding NO! On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott explains why, even now, is a great time to list your product and get started selling. Don’t buy the lie that there is a perfect time to start. You can get started right now and begin building momentum for your brand. Listen to this episode as Scott breaks down why sellers like you should get started even in the middle of 4th quarter, you don’t want to miss it! Stop Making Excuses! Is it easy to launch your own ecommerce business? No, of course, it’s not easy. But it doesn’t have to be as daunting and intimidating as so many make it out to be! On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott explains how sellers like you can take steps to getting started with your businesses today. The biggest thing you have to decide is to refuse to accept any excuses. Don’t accept excuses from others and especially don't’ accept excuses from yourself. Now it the time! Jump in and put your first plan into place. If you need a good roadmap, make sure to check out the resources that Scott has put together in the resources section at the end of this post. Don’t make any more excuses! Hear more from Scott on this episode. Should You Have Friends and Family leave reviews? As you launch your product and are eager to drive sales and get your brand off the ground, you might be wondering if you should call on friends and family members to review your product. Is that still a good idea? How do you send them the product if you are giving it away to them? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott as he gives an update on this topic. Scott encourages sellers to stay away from using this strategy to get reviews started for their product. Instead, Scott says it's best to focus on getting clicks and sales, then the reviews will follow. To hear him expand on this topic and much more, make sure to listen to this episode! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [4:00] Is it too late to start in 4th quarter? [5:30] Stop making excuses! [14:30] Question #1: How can I get my products to friends and family to test? [23:30] Question #2: What do you recommend to launch a new product in a new category without a mailing list? [28:30] Question #3: How do I decide which variations to promote for my product? TRANSCRIPT TAS 445 TAS 445: Ask Scott Session #137 - PL Roadmap Recap - Launching Products for Sales and Reviews - Variations Strategy [INTRODUCTION] [00:00:03] Scott: Well hey, hey what’s up everyone! Welcome back to another episode of The Amazing Seller Podcast. This is episode number 445 and session number 137 of Ask Scott. This is where I... LINKS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Ad Sense  

 TAS 444: PL Part 5 – Launch and Promotions to Get sales and RANK | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 59:51

After you’ve gone through all the steps to research, source, and list your product, now it’s time to launch it and start driving sales. What is your launch strategy? How can you put your brand in the best position to succeed once you’ve gone live? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott and Chris as they go over this final part of a successful launch strategy. The guys touch on how to discount your product accurately, getting your product to rank, how many reviews you need, the difference between feedback and reviews, and so much more! If you are ready to take your brand to the next level, make sure to listen to this informative episode! Discounting your product As you launch your product, you want to make sure you do everything you can to put it in a position to succeed. One of the best ways to accomplish this goal is to drive sales to your listing right out of the gate. On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott and Chris share how sellers like you can drive sales by offering a limited time discount on your product. The guys have adapted their approach over time but the goal remains the same, discount your product in a way that brings value to your customers and drives sales. You shouldn’t be focused on making a profit at this point, a good rule of thumb is to try to at least break even. To hear the guys explain this process even further, make sure to listen to this episode! How many reviews do you need to get started? For a long time, the common wisdom for ecommerce sellers launching their product was to make sure that you have a ton of reviews for your product as soon as possible. Because of this common wisdom, review groups and all other ways of eliciting reviews became prevalent. Is this still the case? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott and Chris as they open up about reviews and why they don’t put a ton of stock into this line of thinking. Rather, the guys suggest that sellers like you focus on driving sales, then organic reviews will follow! There are also steps you can take to encourage your buyers to leave reviews without violating Amazon’s terms of service. Make sure to listen to this episode to hear more about this subject! Quick Start Strategy As you product listing gets off the ground, you want to help it along by using either PPC or sponsored ads. What is the best way to use these helpful tools for ecommerce sellers? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott and Chris provide a quick start guide that will give you what you need to jump in with these tools. Find the top 10-20 keywords. Create a manual campaign with a daily ad budget of $25 a day or less. Let your campaign run for 7-14 days. Then download the search term report. Use the data from the search term report to find what keywords your buyers are using. Spend more on winners and cut the losers. To hear the guys break down the quickstart guide in detail, listen to this episode to hear more! You don’t want to miss it! Focus on where you are! As an emerging business leader, it can be easy to get overwhelmed quickly. It’s understandable that you want to make sure that all the pieces are in place so all of your hard work pays off. But make sure you pace yourself! The last thing you need to get bogged down by the pressure to hurry up and move on to the next phase before you are ready. On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Chris provides some helpful insight that could make a huge difference to sellers like you. His advice is simple yet important, focus on where you are. Chris and Scott have lots of helpful advice to pass on, listen to this episode to hear more! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [6:00] Scott recaps the 10x10x1 strategy.

 TAS 443: PL Part 4 – Listing Creation and Pre-Launch for a Successful Launch | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:36

What are the components of a successful product launch? What does it look like step by step to set up a product listing and position it for the best possible results? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott and Chris as they dive deep into what sellers like you need to focus on so your first product listing goes off without a hitch! The guys cover optimizing your listing, how to use the right keywords in your title, writing an effective product description, why you should create an email list, and much more! You don’t want to miss this critical episode! Optimize Your Listing! When you first create your product listing, you want to set it up for success and follow the best advice so it's poised for the best results. But don’t get so focused in on this step that you become paralyzed in the process! Do your best, your product listing doesn’t have to be perfect at this point in the pre-launch process. You can always go back and tweak things here or there to make your listing as competitive as it can be. To find out what it takes to get started on the best foot, listen to this episode of The Amazing Seller as Scott and Chris give you all the info you need to submit your listing and get the ball rolling! Using the right keywords in your title Do you know how to use keywords effectively in your product listing title? Where do you even start when it comes to using the right keywords? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, you’ll hear from Scott and Chris as they walk through what keywords are and how sellers like you can make the most of your product listing. The guys say that the best place to start with keywords is to take a look at your competitor's listings and which keywords they use. They also suggest thinking through how most buyers will describe the product you are listing, that way, you can predict what keywords they will use when searching for your product. To hear Scott and Chris expand on this topic, make sure to catch this episode! The best way to use bullet points When you put together your product listing, make sure you think through how you will use your bullet points. Don’t assume that this part of the process is something that is a throwaway or unimportant, this is an area where you can use the keywords that you wanted to use in the title but ran out of space for their use. On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott and Chris go over the best way to use the bullet points section of your product listing. Scott sees the bullet point section as an easy and scannable list of benefits and features of your product. Find out how you can take advantage of the bullet point section and the product description section of your product listing by listening to this episode!   Why you should create an email list Once you’ve landed on a product and you’ve done the hard work of getting your listing ready, you need to start thinking about your bigger picture strategy. How will you build your brand and set yourself up for success? On this episode of The Amazing Seller, Scott and Chris open up about the significance of building your own email list and how to use it to drive sales. What are you waiting for? The list building strategy is proven and provides a multitude of ways for sellers like you to leverage your list to improve your brand. To hear more about building an email list and how you get started, listen to this episode! OUTLINE OF THIS EPISODE OF THE AMAZING SELLER [0:03] Scott’s introduction to this episode of the podcast! [4:00] Why is the pre-launch phase so important? [6:00] You’ve got to have an optimized product listing. [10:30] Creating a product listing. [13:00] Understanding and using the right keywords in your listing title. [22:30] The best way to use bullet points. [26:30] Writing an effective product description.


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