Yeast Radio with Madge Weinstein show

Yeast Radio with Madge Weinstein

Summary: She is like the fat one in Dreamgirls.

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 YR1264 Lesbian Apple Watch Review | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 15:28

In today's grum, I give a belated review of the Apple Watch after extensive testing and buyturning of said watch. I need more SEO.

 YR1263 Team Fodmap and the Yeast Initiative | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:49:12

It's a night of laughs and love as The Trinity of Fodmap Tastelessness opens with a beautiful melody celebrating the pleasantly plump while, once again, Debra leaves the audience waiting while she fulfills one of her many vices that suddenly needs attention just as the grum begins. Show Notes: Madge moves quickly into a celebration of corpulent culinary delight in the form of Simply Sara which was lovingly snipped together by our very own Debra Wilkerson. Then the girls of gentility decide they need to relax in a bit of yoga with The Angelic Initiative. That's true! Madge must be hungry as she peruses a plethora of fast food based videos but she pulls a Leo LaPorte when showing her desktop. Tune in LIVE next Sunday. You never know what you might miss. One of our lucky listeners wins $3m! He keeps his cool and thinks to record the call. He shares it with the girls. Listen along and send fodmap donations. You know, just for security purposes. Memorable quotes: I love a good customer dispute. How does she swim with the scooter? That's wrong and disgusting. Not allowed! Super trout cream. You've started a whole prolapse renaissance. You should be proud. You're dead, bitch, so shut the fuck up! My breasts are moving to the side. They need a-milkin'. Fodmap. Madge blesses the audience with a couple of literary readings from a nurses forum thread about memorable and touching nursing home encounters. A woman feels the love spreading all over her as she hugs an aging woman in need of love and attention. The warmth spreads even farther as the girls turn to videos from a lover of aromatic white man ejections. The girls crunch more numbers than a supercomputer in overdrive until they finally get a pregnancy help line to answer. Debra has a list of loaded questions for the helpful lady on the line. Not getting anywhere, the calls turn to firearms. Debra wants a long, pink one. Eating tuna and tuna by-products through most of the show didn't satiate Debra's hunger so the trio calls for takeout. But food isn't the only hunger Debra needs satisfied. More memorable fodmap quotes: Jesus is the main dish? What's your T Cell count? I need a hair lip song. DONATIONS! Just masterbate until it comes on. Okay what am I doing now? Is that how you loik it? Why would it take two men to cum? What's she gonna do with an avacado? The lord lays a heavy burden on Debra's heart to call a christian restaurant to thank them for sticking with the word of the Lord and supporting Kim Davis. After the call, the girls want to search a few reviews before showing up. They continue the thought by calling a man of the cloth but get his voicemail. After some begging from Cheryl, The trio resolves to give old, reliable Phil a call. Heather makes her presence known after getting kicked out of her parents' house. She's hoping for a spare bed from Phil. But he just wants to BE the bed. Yeah, that's true. The girls are STILL hungry so they call the christian restaurant back. Cheryl asks Cheryl about the amenities and desserts. B Y O Alter for a $5 discount. Feeling dirty and disgusting from tonight's grum, the girls choose to clean up by calling 1-800-got-junk. K as in Klan. Debra tries to flesh out the details for the sexy sounding Aussie to get a quote for the clean up but she has a meeting with Mayor McMuffin and has to reschedule. A few fatty videos, a bit of small talk and a failed call to one of Heather's legion of lovers take front stage as the show nears a close. Debra got a little heated in the lowers with the Aussie's voice on a previous call so the girls decide it's time to ...

 YR1262 Solo Grum: Diane Rehm nee Merkowski | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 8:25

Another solo grum featuring my buyturn mic. I discuss Diane Rehm on NPR and how fast food garbage saved my life.

 YR1261 Debate with The Girl(s) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:18:20

First and experimental solo grum as I test a mic that I am buyturning. Sorry for the overmoduation on this first portion. Then Cheryl joins me for the democratic turd presidential debate. It's nice. Show Notes: Tonight's special edition of Yeast Radio opens with a lonely Madge Weinstein begging/demanding that Cheryl, who she noticed in the live chat room, join her for the Democratic Presidential Debate which aired on Oct 13, 2015. Tonight's duo trudges on through the stodgy, long-winded debates without Debra who is begrudgingly concluding the last few hours of her community service ordered because of her conviction on an indecent exposure charge behind an abandoned Shoney's. Madge fills the stagnant parts of the debate with bits of media from one of our favorite heavy breathing youtubers and a couple of excellent parodies from some of the show's devoted long-time listeners. Tammy Faye Bakker makes a video cameo giving her melodic opinion on Benghazi. A famous UK (feeding) model also lays out her opinions on healthcare issues to tonight's audience. Video fatties abound but the girls decide to get back to the debate at hand. Memorable Quotes: Anderson Cooper's a bottom, right? I don't care about these faggots. Don't bite my pussy. Cheryl, my butt stinks. Oh now I'm bored again. How come they haven't talked about PrEP or barebacking? I'm laying out so I can be dark like him. With feelings of misery and despair brought on by the debate, Cheryl makes a quick call to a help line to decide if she wants to bring another life into this woeful world. She comes out feeling worse than before. More Memorable Quotes: Do apples make you fart? Is that why his neck is like that? You're making me sleep. Cum on my tits! Cum on my tits! I'm a poor black woman in the south. One last call goes out for bulk creamy soup as the delightful doublet, Madge and Cheryl, prepare to pull the curtain strings on tonight's charming and lively special episode. Don't dare miss out on tonight's debate commentary or we may find the country soon run by an abhorrent blowhard orangutan or a loathsome Wall Street lemming. Don't let this happen Weinstein/Merkowski 2016!

 YR1260 Movies with the Girls watch Rosemary’s Baby | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

In honor of ween month, we watch a horror masterpiece, Rosemary's Baby... Just us GIRLS! Enjoy. Show Notes: Tonight's creepy, crawly, hole-tingling episode sees the 3 matrons of mayhem queuing up Rosemary's Baby in honor of their favorite upcoming religious holiday, All Hallows Eve.  The show opens with a verbal study on Rose Marie from The Dick Van Dyke show. Not too surprising, though, two of the girls didn't quite get the connection so Madge moves right into the main attraction. Memorable Quotes: He's using Simply Sarah bakeware. She's gonna eat his ass out! Look at how he's sitting. And did you see her mammy nipples? It looks like piss... so frothy. The ladies of leisure wax poetic on the ancient culture of the time period. #Triggered memories abound as the threesome rediscover items in the movie long forgotten from their own pasts. More Memorable Quotes: Pannus root? That's why vaginas have women attached to them. DONATIONS! If he still wants to fuck her, something's wrong with him. Cheryl, did you ever have sex with Satan? My vagina? Is it okay? You know what? This is how Obama was born. But if she gets in the closet, where will Tom Cruise go? Over the live chatroom's usual discontent with the movie choice, the girls continue with their tipically poignant commentary. The movie takes us all farther down Satan's ruptured prolapse of a rabbit hole that is this work of art as we approach the twisted conclusion. Don't miss an iota of this first-rate, outstanding episode of Movies With The Girls... or your next pumpkin spiced latte may be laced with a bit of Satan's own demon juice right from his steaming, hooded tap.

 YR1259 Chiffon Shitting Couture with Caitlyn and friends | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:55:52

Oh the GIRLZ have some fun tonight! You'll enjoy it and so will Caitlyn. Eat it out. Show Notes: The girls start the grum with their usual mishaps and mayhem. The Three Stooges have nothing on this trio as they fumble through the first half hour of Cheryl feeding her face and Madge trying to make her stop. The show continues as the girls try to queue up a "masterpiece" video snipped together by Debra. But she makes the entire audience wait because she needs her caffeine fix first. Notable quotes from tonight's grum: DONATIONS! How come they're all faggots? Is she peeing?!? This is like the exorcist. She's peeing! Cheryl, you get dumber every day. You're gonna tell me a story about your goddamned fucking pussy. Private raper. Ok. I got my ducks in a row. Is it true that in the future you're a woman? Um... I have a fucking pussy! Omg we are so fucking soul mates! I was not NOT gonna get him off. Debra serenades the audience with her loverly classically trained voice. Cheryl and Madge, being the jealous ladies they are, snigger at her in the background. Debbie doesn't let it phase her... externally. But a keen ear can tell she seems to slip a little toward one of her psychotic episodes. In the meantime, Madge can't keep her fingers from researching huge celebrity dong. Madge mutes Debra finally as she and the chat room beg for her to stop singing. Tonight's first few calls have Debra, Cheryl and Madge searching high and low for a chiffon dress to wear to a live-cooking buffet but the girls want to know if they offer gluten free dishes for a duckatarian. Special guest star Caitlyn Jenner's attemp to call for a dinner reservations goes just as expected.  Another special guest, Heather Feather, reaches out to a new friend but he's not exactly convinced she's sporting lady liyups. She's not one to give up, though. She searches for a man to fill her empty hole... in her heart... I mean, personally. Fortunately, she finds a soul mate. But things turn quite awkward as the girls learn more about this special man. Here's the thing. Don't miss a second of this action packed stinky-button-tingling episode!

 YR1258 MWTG Watch Mandingo | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Enjoy this fun as Debra and Madge watch Mandingo and comment on it. SHOW NOTES: The Jefferson's next door neighbor makes an appearance in tonight's movie, Mandingo. The girls drool from both ends from this masterpiece of the male and female form as it unfolds before them in all it's full frontal revelation. Diana Ross, Angela Bassett, Nellie Olsen, Ben Franklin, Titty Oneal, Rosie O'Donnell and Bill Cosby also make cameo appearances. Notable quotes from tonight's grum: A Christmas raping for everyone! Ho ho whore. Look at them titties! I do declare. I'll never swallow again. I nevah nevah nevah done it! Mayhaps her titties are itching. Dick ain't racist. She slip her sucker! She's gonna crochet him to death. He doesn't jack off either so he just fuckin' blew a 2 liter bottle. Grab a titty, baby. The girls want to share the experience with their good friend, Phil so they give him a ring during the movie. The short but sweet call ends amicably and the girls get back to the movie. Sex, adultery, murder and interracial relations color the experience for the girls as the tension builds until the natural conclusion of one of the best Movies With The Girls episodes ever! Don't miss a second.

 YR1257 Collision of Energies Gone Awry | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

Crazy bitch night on Yeast Radio. Lynn reports on Collision of Energies Gone Awry. Whew!!!!! WAKE UP GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE STREET!

 YR1256 Matzoh Balls, Gefilte Fish, and KITTY KAYUTTS (meow) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:07:27

A nice grum for the High Holy Days with Cheryl, Debra, and Madge. It's fun and not the least bit repetitive. Meow. Show Notes: YR1256 Begins with a brass remix of Too Heavy On My Feets(X1000). Debbie is on Jenny Craig. Andy Novus and Chris Dufrense. Madge punishes Cheryl because she won’t stop eating. Cheryl Simply Sarah K-Hole. No more video of Madge during grum; fap to GC member pics instead. Puked a dick. Musical Interdlude: Dirty old egg sucking doge. MC Rage – Fuck the Macarena. Pink Ribbons Inc. Debbie calls the Helpline and asks for help getting a mammogram. #PSL Give Debbie a zipcode. Fatboy Slim – Because We Can. Debbie gives Cheryl and Madge instructions for a PetSmart phone call. Matzah balls, gefilte fish. PetSmart Call. JEEN BUHGYPSY! Simply Sara clips. Cheryl ruins a call by being civil. Hold music and cat sounds. Many more failed calls. Stanky’s! Several different calls involving cats sounds. Mystery listener calls the Lyps Line. Call the Lyps Line: +1-347-688-3787 or +1-FIRM-UTERUS. The Girls call Steve so he can beg for Chiffon. Fisting video with Cheryl cough noises. They call Steve back. Heather Feather is at the chiffon apartment by herself with a bunch of cats and a gun. She asks Steve to give her encouragement so that she can fend off the cat attacks. She kills one and then goes to find Cheryl. Debbie plays Cats in the Cradle and it makes Steve hang up. They call him back. Heather explains to Steve that when you’re in the room with the chiffon you’re not supposed to stay in it. The cats are there to kill the mice that eat the chiffon. Cheryl and Steve chat. and conspire against Heather. Cheryl leaves to blow her nose. Heather and Steve conspire against Cheryl! Steve is just in it for the chiffon! He has money and is also in if for the French kisses. Steve says nothing when he talks. Cheryl outs Heather about her Lupus. Heather pisses on the carpet. Steve will let Cheryl prolapse in his mouth as long as it will get him high. Heather outs Cheryl about her AIDS. Heather tells Steve that pot is for blacks. Cheryl kills most of the chiffon cats. Leslie Jordan calls the Trucker Prayer line to pray the gay away and ask questions. They pray together as he gets hit by a train. Joan Collins Bio. Debbie and Ragan; car twins. Donations. Donate through paypal to

 YR1255 Debating with the GRRLZ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:28:03

We were debating with the GIRLZ!

 YR1254 Truckin’ with the GIRLZ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:16:52

Comcast made Cait want to be a woman. Find out why as we pray with the trucker trucking' along.

 YR1253 Simply FAYUTT | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:38:00

Today we enjoy watching our favorite obese fayutt cooking show together and with you, our gentle audience.

 YR1252 A Burden’s Burden | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:25:38

More yeast with the there GARLZ and many calls. Burden. Show Notes by Taylor Hag Hayundz A cacophony of Big Meets Bigger clips and ‪#‎technicaldifficulties‬ begin the show. Madge, Cheryl, and Debra discuss omissions from last program. Dooty clip from Scott and witch laugh from Patt. Aunt Boo serves personal hygiene tips about apron belly stank and tells the haters to kiss her moonpie. Donald Trump vs. Joan Rivers. Gene Jujitsu. Autotune Debbie. Dr. Nowzaradan (nosegarden). Madge is too shy to be on cam anymore Anne Coulter supports Donald Trump. Kleiner Perkins Selfie Gun. No abort helpLYEEN calls. Musical Inturdludes. Gay chat line. Heather Feather calls Joe and gets shot. Nylon Inspector (AKA Roger, Baby!) call. Heather gets fed to the chickens. Heather and Cheryl chat with Scott and call up their “stepfather” Phil for a twosome. Debra calls American United Taxi to rescue her from an urban neighborhood. She gets transferred to the “suburban” division. Cheryl calls Then Cheryl calls Caroxl Wr1ght and talks to a nice man about some very intimate produx for a very long time. The call starts at 1:48:00 Debra is VERY patient waiting for the call to be done but finally kills the call with ApplePay at 2:43:00! Almost an hour long call! Donations, donations, donations! Some girl talk and Sylvia Brown Clips. Girls all say good night and a Yeast dance mix ends the show. Donate to Yeast Radio at

 YR1251 Doody | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:37:52

Another nice grum with the GIRLZ. Lots of calls and girl talk... and doody! Show Notes The girls offend their guest so bad that the foot fucking art segment gets edited out of the show. Madge gets new furniture. Destroys it in her sleep. Golden Circle Kabala showdown. Then the girls talk about the presidential candidates and our police force. Phil is saying, “ You wanna ride a BONE honay.” Cheryl’s first at bat for No Abort calls and strikes out after not giving a trigger warning for Donald Trump. Heather Feather calls the Help Line. Dooty trigger warning. Lots of unvetted numbers and audio mashups. Medical Direct Phone call. Ragan and Heather’s cousin, Stacy Feather, ruin the call. Then Cheryl, Heather, and Stacy call Phil. Phil hits it off with Stacy and then Madge gets dirty. The girls question Phil about his “heart attack,” and then give him another one. Debbie admits she is “altered,” after the chat calls her out. Debra calls the California Chicken Café. Richard Dooty. Wax Vac phone call. Trigger warning. Debra fucks up the call with an offensive word. Cheryl calls back. Debbie demands to speak to a supervisor but still needs her sauna pants! Kayla Butterniggle. Debbie did NOT take Claritin, Zyrtec, AND Benadryl. Hugh Hugh Jenkins submits a vetted number in the wrong chat room in exchange for a donation. Cheryl ruins the call, for a change, by mentioning the caller’s spouse. Madge expresses her impatience with Debra. Debra begins to sing a Lana Del Ray song then commits audio suicide. Heather makes a call. Says thank you a lot. “If you are younger than 40 I would like to ask you to leave this chat.” Trigger Warning. Cheryl joins the call for fun group sex, and then Heather has a terrible accident. Cheryl and Heather are covered in bloodurineandfeces. They make the caller cum with some sensual dooty talk. Then Heather calls Steve; he is the chiffon smoker from Church of Debra episode 52. She introduces him to Cheryl. Turns him onto Chiffon. The girls analyze Steve and Heather’s mental health. Debra gives out too much information. Donations recap including ,”Taylor Faggerty” shaming. Madge and Cheryl make sure Debra isn’t going to kick the bucket from her drug cocktail. Edith Bunker suggests that listeners make suggestions on over the counter drugs Debbie should take. Donation notes. Donate to the girls at through Paypal ( and bitcoin.

 YR1250 I Release You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:18:51

Don't worry about the title. It's been too long since we recorded thissy grum that i don't remember what we talked about. I'm guessing we called some idiots. Whatever. Release it.


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