Yeast Radio with Madge Weinstein show

Yeast Radio with Madge Weinstein

Summary: She is like the fat one in Dreamgirls.

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 YR1208 10 Years of Yeast | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:19

You will most certainly find this 10 year anniversary program to be as anti-climactic as life itself.

 YR1207 Jello Pudding Rape is the new Travon Martin Shooting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:37:52

Hi, Honey. This is a good grum with the three GIRLZ. You will enjoy. Show Notes: Sometimes, in this cruelly unpredictable and harshly lonely society we all share, we find a rare friendship that transcends all other bonds in our lives. So is the fortune that blesses Patti and her chosen companions, Madge, Cheryl and Debra. Already running late for their intimate dinner soirée with Bill Cosby, Patti finds the girls having an impromptu dance off to Beyoncé’s new self titled album. “Bitches, I told you to be ready when I got downstairs!” Patty belted. Debra starts, “Honey, we’re breaking the Internet. Kim Kardashian has nothin’ on us.” But before she could snap the air like Zorro in a pride parade, Patti snapped back, “Honey, the only things you cows are breaking are my floor joists.” Cheryl starts with a comeback but once again, Patti cuts her off. “I ain’t no toilet and I ain’t no tissue. So don’t try to give me any shit. Get your asses in my caddy just as you are. If you bitches make me late for dinner with Cosby, Ferguson, Missouri is not going to be the only place with rioting tonight. I still have to pick up a turkey on the way!” The girls scramble to the car and find their way to the butcher but they have no luck finding a turkey, it being so close to Thanksgiving. The butcher, not wanting to disappoint Patti and the girls for fear of retribution… again, brings out a small package wrapped in butcher paper and twine. Patti eyes the butcher suspiciously but being so short of time, runs to the car and opens the trunk as the girls pile in the backseat. Madge shushes the girls. “Did you hear that? It sounded like a little squeaky voice saying “butterflies.” All three girls look at each other with an expression of frightened bewilderment as a loud hissing and bubbling fills their ears. “Just putting the turkey in the portable fryer back here, girls, so it will be ready when we arrive. Strap yourselves in so we can go as soon as I jump in, Patti demands from behind the pink caddy. ‘Such a petite turkey. I hope it’s enough.” The girls huddled together on the back seat terrified of both the boiling bomb in the trunk and Patti’s erratic driving behavior as they all listen to Aretha Franklin’s freeway of love on the radio. “We’re frying Petite on the freeway of love in a pink Cadillac.” Madge and Cheryl help Debra lug the heavy deep frying pressure cooker into Cosby’s kitchen through the maintenance hallway, lovingly called by the staff, “The RET” (Roofie Extrication Tunnel). All the while, Bill is entertaining Patti in the billiard room. “Care for a game?” Bill says as he pours a drink for Patti from his specially selected bottle. “Why, of course, my dear man. I would love to play with your balls and stick.” Cosby thinks to himself, “You will, Patty Cakes. You will.” “I call this the molester,” He says as he passes the cocktail to Patti. She downs the small, bitter cocktail in one gulp. She feels woozy minutes later. She makes her way to the comfortable wedge chair and sits. Just as she feels herself slipping into unconsciousness, as she wanted all along, she hears Bill whisper into her ear, “i’m gonna pop your puddin’ and make your legs feel like J E L L O!” The girls help the staff prepare the meal before meeting the Cosby himself as instructed by Patti earlier in the day. Madge releases the pressure before opening the turkey fryer. She reaches in with a grasping utensil and pulls out a very oddly shaped turkey.

 YR1206 Pebbles in the vagina, or, Can i sit on the baby table holder and rub myself? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:09:52

Yeah well it’s just Madge Weinstein and Debra Wilkerson today as Cheryl was out celebrating her umpteenth abortion. Show notes feuwerthcoming. Lots of crap. [ price check 50mg viagra | natural viagra substitutes | viagra by online | low price cialis | viagra experiences | alternative to viagra | buy href viagra | viagra propranolol | herbal vigor | wholesale generic viagra in canada | how much cialis | what is cialis | buy generic cialis expressdelivery | buy online order viagra | viagra how it works | best cialis price | cheap viagra from uk | viagra mail order uk | buy viagra now | discount lowest price viagra | viagra dosages | how can i get some cialis | veega | where to purchase viagra | get viagra fast | viagra discussions | generic viagra | viagra prices | female herbal viagra | female pharmaceutical viagra | canadian generic cialis | generic pack viagra |

 YR1205 NO NO NO NO! NONO™ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:20:48

A new YEAST with Cheryl Merkowski, Debra Wilkerson, and Madge Weinstein. Look forward to show notes soons!NO NO NO NO™ SHOW NOTES (by Brine): The rapid clacking of jewel-toned fingernails fills the air as Bruce Jenner taps phone numbers into his iPhone 6+ (to make his hands look smaller). "Madge! Cheryl! Hi! I'm calling you gals to invite you to my transgender themed soirée at my Malibu waterfront home. I've just had it completely redesigned with and eclectic mix of Martha Stewart designs and Oprah's wonderful kitchenware. I could not get Debra to answer. I just got a quacking voicemail message. So please pass along the invitation." Debra and Cheryl grab all of their things to meet up and get ready at Madge's place since Debra needs to pick up a package that she had shipped there, anyway. She was embarrassed to have it shipped to her own house. "Thank goodness your palatial home has three full bathrooms," Debra says with a twinkle in her eye to the trio after arriving at Madge's place. "I like my privacy. Speaking of privacy, where is my package?" Debra snatches the package off of the table and half walks half runs to the nearest empty bathroom like those old lady mall walkers in sweats and head bands in the late 80s and early 90s. She rips through the cardboard packaging faster than an ebola medical worker in Liberia opening a package of hazmat gear. Ripping the clamshell packaging open with her bare teeth, the few real teeth she has left, she pulls out her new adult toy. Unfortunately when she ordered her Ducks Unlimited Spiral Duck Penis sex toy, she did not realize it required a 240 volt wall outlet. Frustrated, she runs outside and steals the battery from Madge's souped-up golf cart and runs back to the bathroom. Through a flurry of quacks, squeals, screams and sandpaper-like repetitive sounds that can be heard across Madge's vast, palatial property, Debra finally satisfies her fowl craving… For now. Madge whispers to Cheryl, "That's not normal." After Debra shoves her new fowl feathered friend into her suitcase-like Michael Kors designer knockoff from Nordstrom, she gets ready for the event. She feels bad for taking so much time with her new toy but she soon discovers that she wasn't the only one who needed extra time to get ready. She finds Madge helping Cheryl, who is bent over the toilet, with her no!no! Laser hair removal system. Startled by the door swinging open, Cheryl clinches and her prolapse pops out. "Oops! A little laser treatment on your prolapse won't hurt I guess," Madge says as she jerks the laser gun away from the area and wipes splashed errant prolapse moisture from her face. All dressed to the nines, the girls managed to make it to the event where they make their rounds introducing themselves and chitchatting with the Kardashian elite. Madge, wanting to impress the crowd, decides to bestow her clairvoyant abilities upon everyone. Not failing to mention multiple times that her abilities were featured in the movie, Days Of Future Past, now on Blu-ray, Madge predicts some not-so-shocking events including Tim Cook coming out of the closet and the Pope revealing that he is the actual antichrist. Sufficiently enthralling the crowd with her accurate predictions, Madge feels accomplished with her days work in promoting herself. Unfortunately that is short-lived when Cheryl and Madge realize the crowds attention has turned to ghostly sounds of sensual quacking and moaning. Immediately realizing what is going on, Cheryl races around trying to find Debra and her new toy to put a stop to the embarrassment. Madge runs up to Cheryl holding Debra's found purse open revealing the duck toy. But there is no sign of Debra anywhere. The sounds multiply as now there are many simultaneous sensual sounds of quacks and honks.  Cheryl and Madge look at each other as they both realize that they saw a du...

 YR1204: ALS Rape | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:54:22

Not only to we help the cause ALS Rape Awareness™ (along with the ice bucket challenge of course), but we also delve quite deep into Transmanism. Is that a word? Find OUTK on this FOUR HOUR episode of Yeast Radio!

 YR1203: Ate Grankeeds | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

She got ate granKEEDS. More fun with Debra, Cheryl and myself. Someone make show notes pls.. Show Notes: 0:00:00 Debra is a fancy racist with a chauffer Cheryl was in an elevator that smelled like a McDonald’s salad Madge is eating a non-vegan salad Crab Vagina is the only vegan listener Cheryl’s prolapse song Marcel Adams died “Important” by Mz. 007 “Yeah” trashy video Tennessee Twerker on Maury New Sylvia sound bites Debra’s girls know when she’s close Sylvia had a Fleshlight Dick slips and lip slips Sassy children on Maury 1:00:00 Oprah’s tour NOAB0RT hotline charges for calls now Cheryl talks to Kayla on the pregnancy hotline Debra talks to Wondy’s Cheryl talks to Apelebee’s Madge saw a movie called Blackbird starring Monique Debra leaves a voice message 1 Grindr update Donations rundown part 1 Debra reads USA Today A transsexual wants to be on the show Cheryl reads Beyoncé parody lyrics Debra leaves a voice message 2 Debra leaves a voice message 3 Madge farts Debra talks to 1-800-tOT-bUNK? Madge has technical difficulties 2:00:00 Madge has a moral compass regarding Build-A-Bear Workshop Cheryl talks to an attorney Debra talks to an abortion clinic Cheryl talks to a cruise hotline Donations rundown part 2 iPhone 6 and Leo Laporte discussion 3:00:00 Madge is pretending to not have a job so that she can get more donations Madge got a new cock ring Yeast Radio Live ideas 10th Anniversary of Yeast Radio in November

 YR1202 Taco Bloat Shitting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:09:24

More than just taco bloat is disgust in this star studded grumhole. Ragan Fox joins Cheryl Merkowski, Debra Wilkerson, and myself for a fun combination of GURL talk and MEAN spirited prank calls. HOTLINE! Madge’s family got the cleaning lady a Samsung phone Madge only accepted 2 hookers from the duerm Wanda Wisdom is not ready to do ETHS yet Madge’s nephew got the wrong tamale Debra’s calls to Fussy Taco Burrito Kings Cheryl calls Fussy Taco Burrito Kings Show and tell Pat's nephew peed in the church bushes Cheryl saw a CNT license plate Priests for Life Debra calls for an interview Debra calls Flying Fish Leaked racist Sylvia audio! 1:00:00 Donations rundown part 1 Madge can’t decide where to shit Andy Melton’s birthday yesterday Madge shits for a voice message Yeast Rado 10th anniversary in November This American Life discusses venture capital Debra calls a party line Ragan calls a man and fails at being a woman Debra calls a man, Cheryl scares him off Debra calls a #N0ABORT hotline 2:00:00 Cheryl calls a restaurant Cheryl calls a pharmacy Ragan goes to bed Donations rundown part 2 Madge’s old coworker quote Girlfriend/Boyfriend discussion Madge’s airplane woes “Leather and Lace” by Stevie Nicks and Don Henley Madge and Debra chit chat and Leo Laporte Madge switched hosting for Yeast Radio Debra goes to bed “Hitler in My Heart” by Antony and the Johnsons Techno and cycling 3:00:00 More techno and cycling

 YR1201 Apple Watch Trout-Filled Waterbed | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:20:32

A wildly different Yeast Radio Group Grum (not really) as Debra, Cheryl, and I make some nice girl talk followed by calls to our usual "friends" and some new ones! Hint: Apple Watch. Hint: Trout. Hint: FEEESH SHOW NOTES: Today finds Madge, Cheryl and Debra on a mini-vacay heading to the apple event with tickets provided in an elegant and foreboding invitation. Failing to get a room at The Peabody which was filled due Cindy McVain's personal obsession with sexually charged swirls of corkscrew shaped duck penises, they find all the other hotels packed to bursting with rotund, nerdy types who's social skills barely rival those of Nell played by Jody Foster. They finally find a decent room with your average radioactive trout swimming in the clear water mattress. Unbeknownst to them, as they slept, bedbugs, having been indirectly irradiated by the proximity to the trout, climbed all over and inside Cheryl's plethora of protruding prolapse. It doesn't end there. The previous room occupant was none other than The late Oprah Winfrey. When she died earlier in the day, her spirit joined with that of the bedbugs and trout, and so into Cheryl as well. Oprah's spirit reacted badly to her prison of fleshy surroundings with the fury and omnipresence of a demonic possession so powerful, Jesus, himself, soiled his sacrament. Morning came and after an Uber trip to a google car ride to The Flint Center, the three women find themselves waiting patiently with the rest of the audience totally unaware of the malignant hellion spirit rumbling below biding it's time until... " more thing." As the audience stands and cheers, the Oprah Demon takes over Cheryl where she finds herself running on to the stage. Loathsome liquid raunch spews forth onto the first few rows from Cheryl's vibrating lapse. Only three things could be heard among the silently shocked spectators. Tim cook's feeble attempt to continue through the interruption in the background, Squirts of squalid soiled spirit-soup and Cheryl's vile verbage. "You get a shart and YOU get a shart and YOU get a shart and..."

 YR1200 SOLO GRUM TIME! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:16:40

Just me and my lesbianism talking about you, the audience, about how badly my vagina smells during Baddha Konasana. Other stuff too.

 YR1199 Cindy McCain uses Duck Rape Glory Holes in the Penthouse… Is That Normal? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:55:07

New grum for YOU with Cheryl Merkowski, Debra Wilkerson, and Madge Weinstein. If you want show notes, WRITE THEM YOURSELF! Show notes: Penetrative probe finds Cindy McCain goes afoul of our fine feathered friends. You may want to skip the duck l'orange as it may contain a bit of extra protein. Hi. I'm Cheryl Babymagee running for office against Cindy McCain. Our sources confirm that Ms. McCain May be involved in large scale institutionalized rape of ducks. Fact: public records show that Ms. McCain frequented the famous Peabody Hotel from 1993 through 2006. Fact: the Peabody is known for it's daily parade of ducks. Fact: ducks often disappeared during her penetration Parties at the Peabody. A reliable source confirms that she heRd intensive quacking coming from Ms. Mccain's room on a regular basis. When confronted, Ms. McCain brushed it away as having a bad cold. Do you want this festering foul philanderer elected to office? Don't decide to deliver these disgusting duck dickers into public power. Vote Cheryl Magee In November. Paid for by the DUCK Family Unified Center of Research Society. (DUCK-FUCRS)

 YR1198 Bugging Rachel | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:46:40

R@chel K@nn and I catch up. This is really good. No joke.

 YR1197 Debra & Madge GURL Talk (2nd half of YR1196) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:36:11

After GRUMPY Cheryl left the other day, Debra got off work at the Snickers buffet and stayed on the show chatting with me. This is that. Also, some calls! ;)

 YR1196 Part 1 Doody Bottles | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:29:32

This grum was so BEEG, we had to split it in two. This, the first part, is myself, Cheryl Merkowski, and Ragan Fox. We talk nice and then make some cawuls. wewuw.

 YR1195 Horses at the School for GIRLZ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:36:32

Cheryl Merkowski and Debra Wilkerson join madge for a horrible night of terrifying pro-life abortion workers and colon blowers. We are certain you will enjoy this here grum, unless you are named Jasmmine.

 YR1194 Foul Demon from the Pits of Hell | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:20:48

Some lovely phone calls in addition to the usual bantered. Cheryl and Debra get treated less than kindly by a seemingly kind Christian womyn.


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