Yeast Radio with Madge Weinstein show

Yeast Radio with Madge Weinstein

Summary: She is like the fat one in Dreamgirls.

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 YR1278 Several GIRLS! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:08:32

we had an impromptu group grum ETHS/goatse style

 YR1277 BANNED from State to State! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:50:24

HEAR THE GRUM THAT GOT US BANNED FROM USTREAMZ! YR 01162016 SHOW NOTES BY NATALE This evening's grum begins with Madge and Cheryl perusing a new Simply Fayutt video recipe by our favorite Golden Circle member, Matt Peters. Matt cooks up a mess-a-somethin' that steams up our appetite...between breaths. Rob Pickle joins the call as Madge plays a lovely Justin Bieber cover by "Fat Ugly Chick." He hopes to get famous for his helpful tech support. Madge discusses seeing a new "pickle" of her own. Jealous? Dirty Kitchen with Retarded Rob (Pickle) makes his video debut with a new parody of a Simply Sara recipe. Madge gives helpful critiques for future episodes. A video of an open mic public comment forum brings the girls to rapid confusion and amusement as rape fatalities blamed on Obama are discussed in another kooky video. Madge finds another gem or two along the way. Memorable Quotes:
Fat, ugly, obese, black. Is that good?
Cheryl is a cunt. Just accept that she's a cunt.
I love the iPhone Galaxy.
Can you make your face look downsy?
Is this our MLK episode?
Stop eating!!
Blame the triscuits, Madge. Madge throws a surprise call to Cheryl. Unfortunately, law enforcement may have to get involved. Instead of helping Cheryl with her problem, they give her a lesson in counting. Taste test #3 with the Staton Sisters makes it's Yeast Radio debut as Madge attempts to determine which of the two is the least hideous. Vegan haters and a trans woman demonstrating an estrogen application and a vibrating bra also get a viewing by the gurlz. The gurlz attempt to call Thursday but Cheryl fucks it up twice with her inability to not eat during the grum. Steve Harvey has nothing on Cheryl tonight. The third time is the charm (after a lot of yelling by Madge) when Rob picks up the pieces with Thursday. Cheryl joins the conversation to give Thursday a bit of comfort and support but he has to get off the line. More Memorable Quotes:
Is this after her forehead reduction?
She doesn't put it in her puss?
Vooft. Un-vooft.
He could put his prostate on his knee.
No, we're white. We're ok.
He reminds me of a turkey. I'm waiting for the little bag of giblets to fall out.
I know this call was flagged. Madge falls back to the old standby show filler, porn. She scrolls through her tumblr porn blog looking for a jelly donut while Rob searches for the next grum victim. Cheryl calls about an LED sign for sale but she seems to be looking for something a little more personal. The gurlz call about a haunted monkey listed on Craigslist as Debra races home from the School For Girls to join the show but the post might be a bit misleading. Mike joins the grum as the gurlz of the gruesome watch a video of a self fister and tail-dildo aficionado. A delightful surprise tickle's the girl's liyups and funny bones as a special something pops out to startle them to the point of gleeful giggles. Pop goes the weasel! After walking out on her job at the School For Girls when they tried to force her to teach liberal values, Debra joins the grum and talks the girls into calling Thursday Lane again. Debra spreads her celebrity thick when trying to convince Thursday to join her in creating a new dance mix. Madge kicks Rob and Mike off the grum now that Debra has arrived. Heather calls about a scent master for sale on Craigslist. She's specifically interested in "womens' smells" which may or may not include bodily fluids. Heather gets a little personal as the guy tries to figure out her REAL name. Things take a turn for the sexy as Heather gets wet. She probably needs that scent master even more now. Heather talks to a middle eastern man who has his own cell phone business. She sings Britney for him as he tries to explain tech to her. A photo exchange later, Cheryl joins the conversation as Heather's sister. Big deek on deck.

 YR1276 I don’t have a hot tub. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:47:34

Lots of fun in this hot grum! Madge and Cheryl begin tonight's grum by eavesdropping on Madge's neighbors. Debra joins shortly to complete the triangle of snoopers. Madge begs Debra for a link to her previous revelation of the most amazing poop audio she's ever heard while she simultaneously berates Ragan in his failed attempts to share with her. Madge and Ragan finally get their shit together so Madge can play some special clips of our lovely Stacy. The wait was well worth it. Stacy spews forth her words of wisdom and rivalry like a Roman at a vomitorium on harvest day. Madge gives another look at Thursday Lane's video requesting Jewish people call him. That Hall Cough ain't funny! Free Inhabitants unite when the gurls share a video of a poor, innocent free inhabitant feminist who is confronted by a law enforcement officer who won't let her go free. He doesn't know his own laws! Memorable Quotes:
You hit me, mother fucker, and I'll kill you.
You have style, huge clit.
You want it now? Well, bend over and I'll give it to you doggie style.
Vooft. Un-Vooft. Vooft. Un-Vooft.
It's never too late to be racial.
Darth Vader After Dark on Showtime! The next god damn video in the god damn queue shows a god damn crazy lady confronting a stupid god damn man from Vesper City who killed his god damn parents who bore him by god damn rape and made him god damned angry so he slapped her in the god damned face because she was god damned white. God damn it. Debra decides to use her grum time to call about a few items she wants from craigslist but she doesn't get very far. Heather calls about a room for rent. She needs a robust, reliable internet service to keep her home business up and running 24/7. The renter exhibits a special understand of the internet. She may be Stacy's long lost sister. Heather calls Phil to catch up on recent events. She can't fuck anymore since her surgery, but there's nothing wrong with her mouth! Is your stocking full? More Memorable Quotes:
You want me to wax my ass, baby? Leave it a little hairy for you?
The doctor says my pussy has uterine cancer.
Hello? Mr. McFrugal?
What's good for a stomach ache? A big cock.
It's great getting laid in a hot tub.
You wanna smell my poopy? Your pussy? No, my poopy.
I'm 6'4". My shoes are 14 1/2. What would I do with a little cock?
Like the power ball. Oh, the power bottom?
Girdles Galore. Madge, being the loving and caring person she is, calls her neighbor's mother to get information on her neighbor. But voicemail wins tonight's battle yet again. The gurlz call Stacy. Again, she will have none of it at this late hour and almost immediately hangs up on Debra. Call her bayuck! Cheryl has a go at it and is threatened with law enforcement. Heather calls her favorite speed-dial number, the pregnancy hotline. She's looking for money for her abortion. But they quickly catch on and give her the finger in the form of a dial-tone. Heather's No-Abort relationship is as complicated as the one between El Chapo and Sean Penn. Madge blindly picks a random number from times gone by to call. Vibe Line ends up on the other end of the line. Cheryl is looking for a new man! Madge entertains the live audience with multiple streams of intelligentsia erotica while Heather finds herself a mayun on the Vibe Line. Cheryl, again, gracefully bows out of the show to grind her coffee and get some sleep. Rebecca (Heather Dukakis) finds a sultry, deep voiced mayun to talk to who can't quite figure out her name. Invalid entry. Invalid entry. Heather has a better chance of hooking up with this guy than winning the powerball jackpot after jumping to $900 million. Still looking for a new place to live after her husband beat her from state to state, Debra calls for information on an apartment for rent for her and her cat. Her breathing treatment causes a bit of a communication issue.

 YR: Debatin’ with the GARLZ 01.17.2016 Democratic Debate COVERAGE | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 4:32:34

Debra and Madge take you on another debate journey. Show Notes: YR 01172016 Democratic Presidential Debate Tonight's special grum covering the Democratic Presidential Candidate Debate opens with a lonely Madge carrying the show all on her own as Debra is a bit slow making it home from the School For Girls. Madge and Debra discuss the crotchety poise of Bernie Sanders as Debra makes her way home to her closet podcasting studio for a better quality connection. The discussion turns to the most recent Republican debate where Ben Carson talks of EMPs and hackers. Health care takes a front seat in the conversation as the candidates and the gurlz discuss the differences between Bernie's plan to wipe the slate clean and start over which will be much harder than Hillary's approach to do what is possible now. Memorable Quotes:
I wouldn't mind having a fappable president.
Let me talk about Poles.
Donations! Donations! Donations! 
Why didn't anybody tell Bernie to shave his nose?
Oh my God. Now I'm just disgusted.
How do I turn off Hillary?
You look like the old guy who steals cookies at a Bar Mitzvah. Madge begins to be swayed a bit toward Hillary by tonight's debate. The duo discusses the thinness of the iPhone during a commercial break. Debra persuades Madge to share a trans-activist's youtube video who protests Gamestop and Best Buy over a horrible situation, but the video must be continued on the next break as the debate returns. Memorable Candidate Quotes:
(Crickets chirping) Debra gives Madge a few tips on making a "Jelly Donut" ASMR video for youtube. A little secret comes to the surface as Madge discovers a secret behind-the-scenes 4k relationship between Debra and Vince from the live grum chat. Bernie shares his feeling that there is a thaw in the country's relationship with Iran. Hillary thinks it's "one good day" in a years-long relationship and more are needed. Madge shares a special text she previously shared privately with Cheryl. Becoming a bit disinterested in the debate, Madge decides to turn Bernie, Hillary and that other guy down and go back to the "Gamestop" video. A spritz of peppers later, and having their palates cleared a bit, Madge and Debra return to the debate. Memorable Live Chat Quotes (Lots of memories tonight):
 Hillary's aim is attacking Bernie, Bernie's aim is attacking corruption.
 the problem is theres no way hillary can pay for her hair cut on individual campaign contributions
 He's turning into a Dalek I believe
 when is the alien going to come out & eat the others?
 double cobbing is one of my favorite things
 Is he made of colored pastels? Debra shushes Madge so she can hear the candidates talk about privacy issues. Madge dozes off from total boredom. Miracles happen as another commercial break thrusts itself upon the grum so Debra queues up a new remix of September. Heading back to the debate has Hillary talking about getting advice from dear husband on presidential matters. Bernie is asked about his past comments on Bill Clinton's past transgressions. Debra thinks he's a good person for his response. Madge thinks Hillary's vagina is shivering for Bernie like she's doing full-touch splits on ice in a one piece figure skating costume. Madge wishes for a Bernie snot explosion during his closing statements. Debra feels the full brunt of Madge's undeserved eating scorn so she reveals her PTSD derived from Cheryl's constant grum eating. The gurlz move from the live debate to a couple of clips from the last Republican debate between Cruz and Trump. Debra believes Cruz is a corporation construct. Literally. Madge is amazed that there are YUGE lines for people wanting to see Trump's events. More Memorable Quotes:
She pulled a Trump on that one.
I'd cam with him in 240 interlaced.
I'm gonna vomit all over my youtube vagina.
Well fuckin' great!

 YR1275 Fart for Life | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:23:44

another worthless solo grum

 YR1274 UnVooft | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:38:17

Solo grum. Lots of fun. Stacy Chlyups. Some memorable deek quotes from Madge's solo grum UnVooft: I think I see Jesus in Toby's penis Edelweiss is German for ginger deek I menvision stuff, that means I visualize y'all - Thursdee Leen It's a beautiful beef cream colour The one on the left is Rachel Kanns deek This is like miss America but with deek On miss America they have to perform, except your dick has to fuck Reagan in the ass. Put a lemon on that deek I think leprechauns originated from gingers penises I can't find ting tings deek now! Purple Nurple

 YR1273 A Hambone Kind o Crimmy | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 5:08:12

Crimmus Eve Grum: A Hambone Christmas! It's the most wonderful grum of the year! And it opens with a special rememberance in the form of a clip from the Diane Rehm Show... on infinite repeat. Santa, I want earplugs for Crimes! Show Notes: Our first Christmase Eve surprise is a big revelation. Debra shows herself on cam! We finally get to see the true Debra Wilkerson. But me thinks she's had a little snip-snip... or maybe a lotta snip-snips. The festive mood continues as the madams of mahem share a video of a christian lady full of the holiday spirit... and a bit of racism. Okay, a lot of racism, and anger, toward Middle Eastern Brazillians. The spirit of of giving continues as our favorite ladies share a new video from our old favorite, Simply Sara as she prepares pfeffernusse for holiday gorging. Dust clouds to tace! Never getting enough of this lady with a HUGE heart for food, Madge queues up another episode. This time, Sara prepares a lasagna for our pleasure. Madge decides to plump up the show with more crimmus spirit by playing an old heart warming favorite, 12 Days of Crimmus by Cheryl Merkowski followed by the memorable Prolapse Prolapse Prolapse. Memorable Quotes:
You should put your balls an inch apart.
No, I heard you actually eating!
'Cause you're a fat pig.
Fiiiiive golden teeth.
I would like Debra to masturbate for Edith. Vooft! Madge shares a portion of a politically themed erotic audio book called Casino In the Kremlin (find on to mixed reactions from the live grum chat. The Donald who has assumed the Presidency, lands in Moscow to meet with his lusty Russian counterpart, Putin. Anita (Heather) calls a pregnancy hotline after a bad reaction when she told her family she's with child at the family holiday get-together. Gasps of shock can be heard when Cheryl, Anita's sister, reveals the family's plan to get rid of the problem. Debbie decides to catch up with Stacy and their shared soap stories. Brace your neck for a tennis match of back and forth one-uppers. Debra feels sorry for Stacy's run of bad luck so she prepares a few holiday treats for her. More Memorable Quotes:
You should have listened to mom!
It's gonna be an African baby.
Hambone, hambone Tryin' to eat. Ketchup on his elbow. Pickle on his feet.
I gotta pan and I gotta plan, honey.
Leave the Jew in the office and let him think about Kwanza.
When I cry, my nipples get hard.
Dog's don't have souls.
What was that? A Dildo?
When you die, honey, you get married to Jesus. Back to the heart enlarging... umm heart warming kitchen of Simply Sara and her heepy tablespoons of chicken soup but the recipe is paused for a call to one of Heather's many, many man-pets. She finds a true connection with him through their shared love for The Donald and 32 Ds. Cheryl pops on for a bit of sisterly love on this special holiday. Don't forget your pets this holiday season! They need love and affection, too. This very special Crimmus episode winds down with a new Sara parody by our very own Matt Peters, a quick call to the very same, and a count down of the night's special Crimmus donations to the gurlz. Don't miss a crumb of this episode or Santa will stuff you with his cookies and milk... from both ends!

 YR1272 Whatever… Late… Grum | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:39:03

Yeast Radio begins tonight with Madge, who had a major dental procedure and is higher than Snoop Lion at a Willie Nelson cookie swap, introducing a "Hello" parody for Debra to perform live. But, as usual, one of the girls is eating. Madge doles out her usual punishments. The girls discuss a couple of popular series to watch as Debra prepares her home studio for the performance. Unfortunately, Debra falls flat on her face so Madge has to school her in the art of lyrical rhythms. Debra feels the shame of her failure and disappears for a bit. Debra introduces a new Phil ditty before the girls discuss Debbie's new purchase-returns. Debra finds out she's surrounded by angels in a call to a psychic. Phil joins the call to determine his fate but he has other things on his mind. Men are like dawgs! The girls go full Leftovers on Phil as he gets off a second time but he just wants to talk to Debra. The psychic caller gives a post-phil reading then moves on to Sylvia Browne and other topics. Memorable Quotes: He didn't pull out? I gotta go cath, honey. Did you blow your load? Let's get going here bitches. Simply Sara's got some money. She's got a tan as well. The girls call an old friend, Stacy, to probe her about her surgery outcome. Bad luck has moved in and taken over Stacy's very existence just as her kids try to lock her up. She and Debra discuss chemo, Muslims, Valerie Bertinelli and pregnant kids. Mr. Peter's latest Simply Sara Parody hits the spot as the women of the weird share the newest post from this excellent breathe-heavy long time listener... to tace. Chicken's dooooone. More Memorable Quotes: Can you let Troy talk? We let you dumb bitches talk all the time. Can you like, lick one of your nippies? Rub the lotion on it's skin, bitch. Shit on the table and make a Natalie sculpture. She could tell us where Johnny Johnson is. No! We want him to OPEN his hole, you dumb bitch. We should call this show "being on hold." Troy makes a special appearance as Madge begs him to show deek. The conversation turns to Troy's artwork and his past experiences with the spirit world versus weight loss. Dirty snowballs and animal sacrifice enter the conversation when Cheryl and Madge ask about anal play and spiritual hotpockets. A promise of Naked Troy next week has the girls all in a tizzy. The ladies attempt to call Diego (Thursday) but get his voicemail instead. "Mange" leaves a loverly message offering his corned beef flatulence services. A special call to versatile Matt Peters blesses the show with a shot of crazy book quotes, Hillary Clinton, eggs in the basement of the White House, and blue apron food delivery.  Matt stays on as the girls reach out for information on a vitamix, vooft model. Tech support with Matt... to tace. Right on queue, Cheryl voices her desire to end the episode so the girls decide to wrap up tonight's installment of demented deliciousness. Don't miss a speck of this splendid spectacle or Madge will spike your spirits with her leftover percocet, Bill Cosby style.

 YR1271 Just Two Girlz | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:36:02

Just Madge and Choryl tonight... joined by BLauqe Simply Sara.

 YR1270 Movies With The Girls Take on Clueless | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:03:28

Madge's clueless plastic surgeon doesn't want her doing any activity where balls fly at her nose. There goes her social life. Madge and Debra queue up Clueless for tonight's Movies With The Girls. Join the girls, Cher, Dionne, Tai, Josh and the rest of the Clueless cast in tonight's compelling episode of Movies with the Girls. Proded by a question from the live grum chat, Madge explains how his mother got her an A grade in school. The girls touch other topics including Alzheimers, The Martian and 3D movies, "Let's Get Retard in Here," what's for dinner and nose jobs. Debra explains how her face was ruined by a Whole Foods face soap and the following ordeal with management. She finally found resolution when she received her rape-card in the mail. The ethnicities of the actors come into question as the girls discuss their use of mayo and the shear amount of refrigerators in one house. Memorable Quotes: Thing-a-ma-bobbie. A black person having a nice house? Come on. Is that before you had your period? Why didn't you know about things like that. I put that shit on my face and it started burning like Bernie Sanders' campaign. Oh my god, camel toe! It's not really a void of food. It's a void of Apple products. Is that Charo? I don't really remember. I was high in college. Mostly I just sat under a tree and smoked pot. Debra and Madge examine the fruitarian diet when Debra mentions that Ashton Kutcher became ill after following in the footsteps of Steve Jobs. He lost more weight than Honey Boo Boo's Mama June in her new blue jeans. A quick technical issue leads to a revelation that Madge shouldn't use airplay to send files during a grum. Madge has to catch the video up to the live audience. Adjustments may be necessary. More memorable quotes: He's such a stud in this movie but I hate him. Oh. This is a rape. Oh my lord. Look at that girl's fupa. What's wrong with a unibrow? Is he gonna fuck her in the mouth? Debra, I made a fart. I want to see his penis. Do they show it? Madge explains that she overly-long silence is because he's reading about Donald Trump having a book of Hitler speeches by she bed and that she’s doing a bit of online shopping. Someone's getting a dish drying mat for Christmas! As Cher and her beau shop their way through the mall, Madge and Debra discuss the intricacies of buying a Polo shirt, Church's Chicken, Ralph Lauren, Izod and Nautica. Some retail therapy may be in the girls' future... and a lot of returns a few weeks later. Even more memorable quotes: This coming from someone with an Apple watch... and an abortion. #Donations. It's sad when you see gays dressed like that now. Lazy bitch! Big girls in the movies looking at the camera. They put a donut on top of it. I'm gonna buy you a set of lead straws. Hold on a second. Girdle piss. You know what? I'll call you later. Don't call me again. The dyad of the indignant discuss their displeasure in diminutive traffic violations and the disproportionate rage it generates as Debbie discovers generously proportioned lady extras moooo-ving around in the background of the movie. Madge peruses Amazon for a travel cup for coffee as Debra tries to talk her into a set of copper straws to go with it. Debra hints at how most packages arrive damaged and the law won't allow broken glass to be shipped back. Hint. Madge continues her quest for the perfect travel cup with advice from debra and the live chat room and Debra critiques personals Craigslist postings in the meantime. Debra can be heard taking private notes in the background for later. Debra calls a Craigslist ad when she comes across a blowout sale for a quee...

 YR1269 Hello | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:46:44

Hello is the name of this grum with the three girls doing lots of fun things. Tonight's show opens with a semi-blowout prologue followed by Madge arduously trying to figure out her new iPad Pro and explaining to the girls why her impenetrable extreme-hoarder condo is in it's current state. Debra begins to weave a tale of celebrity spotting as Madge streams on periscope. Unfortunately, no one knows how to share the link for the live listeners. Cheryl finally figures it out and posts it to the live chat room just in time to see Trotsky licking his lips, dreaming of hasenpfeffer. Back to Debra's adventure about meeting Mink Stole at a screening of Desperate Lives has her getting a bit upset about not actually getting to meet or ask her questions to the Goddess of Disturbance. Even so, Debbie was still so moist with the experience, she slid off the chair. After a bit of technical difficulties, the show resumes with a short youtube segment featuring our favorite breathless superwoman Simply Sara and her new creation. The girls lament about a recent grum and it's uproarious guests. They decide to give another call to one of them about a room for rent but the language barrier proves problematic. Madge practices her fluent spanish with the caller but he's not having it and hangs up. A call back has the girls using google translate with him with no progress to speak of. Memorable Quotes: God you're so stupid. Leave Stacy alone! That was Adele you dumb bitch! Everybody on Earth knows that song! Is there an anal douche wand in the shower? She's rubbing her clitoris. #Donations Uncle Joey's. He's fuckin' 'em. Gene Boojipski! You're practically asleep when you do this god damned show anyway. What's the difference? Yeast Radio is where people go when they leave The View. As Debra searches for a numbie to call, the daughters of distate queue up a new video from Matt's new house. He channels our beloved Sara between breaths. Cheryl calls a craigslist ad about a room for rent. Dorm life may be in her future. #AnalDoucheWand Madge announces an annual bukake event via Yeast Radio Golden Circle on facebook. Become a member of YRGC today and you, too, can cum on Nate's face! That's true. Madge queues up a video from Lynn and Jamie but quickly gets bored. She closes it out quicker than Cheryl wanting to end the show every week. Instead, she plays a song that reminds her of Noah. Heather and her boyfriend call a "transitional living house" for information. Unfortunately, Heather can't even visit her beau at the house. So the girls call an old favorite, Phil Gene. After listening to Adele's Hello on permanent loop, Heather can't seem to speak any other phrases. The gals throw in the crunchy towel and skedaddle as Cheryl begs to end the show. Don't skip a grain of this grum because... well, it's short. But it's packed full of delightful deliciousness!

 YR1268 Crazy Lady Beats Gay Postman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 3:05:34

Ragan Fox joins Debra and Madge today for a nice grum. Sorry for the click bait. Not really. Show Notes: Tonight's grum opens minus one of the girls as Cheryl has some personal business to tend to (I.E. Tanning her prolapse for the winter). The duo of delight begin the show with an extended Youtube With The Girls segment including {breath} Simply Sara's new {breath} videos, crazy ladies, racists, angry grandmas, fraudulent perpetrators and methed up citizens. Ketchup mustard. Memorable quotes: What's better than dick? Money. Her face is meltin'. Maybe he ran into her vagina, raped it a little bit with a spoke. Mary's got a blubber cunt that won't quit. Welcome to another episode of Simply Parking. That's so creepy. You hear how white he sounds? He's a hottie... even though I'm a lesbian. Ragan joins the girls as Madge shares a postcoital photo of a listener and his halloween night conquest. Madge peruses provocative porn while the girls discuss who to call first. Let the calls begin! Debra thinks about a change in her life so she makes a few calls. First is a call about a Compton craigslist listing with rooms to rent. She needs to know if they'll accept her medical marijuana usage and maybe join in with her chiffon addiction. Not getting far, the girls call about another room for rent but the language barrier causes a few issues... and a few laughs. It's the Golden Girls all over again. A call to a pregnancy hotline leads to a heated debate between Heather and the No-abortee. She doesn't seem to notice the gay porn playing in the background. Or maybe she does. Another call about a room for rent finds Debra counceling the renter with a few issues of her own. The distressed woman has 99 problems but a... well, she has 99 problems and she tries to one-up Debbie with each one of them. More memorable quotes: Hang on. There's a cumshot. All three holes. Yeah. She dipped the dog in chocolate and ate it! He hit me in the face with a frying pan. The show winds down with the duo plus Ragan muse over the calls of the night. Debra debuts her new single (ringtone). Don't skip a single segment of tonight's grum or Stacy will hit you over the head with a frying pan!

 YR1267 Debatin’ with the GIRLZ- Republicunt #3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:12:16

On location from Whole Foods: The TURD Republicunt Debate Show Notes Tonight's special episode opens a bit late with a few technical difficulties as Debra, who is on site at the Whole Food Republicunt Debate, tries to get her mic working and Madge tries to find a source for the audience. Debbie tries to fill the time with an attempt to interview a bystander which ends in silent failure. The girls get into full commentary swing as Ted Cruz calls out all the other candidates like a full on reading on Rupaul's Drag Race. The trio of the governed try their best to follow every word, but they lose focus occasionally. The conversation often sways to topics such as Simply Sarah, girdles, hospital bills and investments. A break in the debate finds Madge writing a letter and Debra sneaking away to purchase a bit of pizza and ice cream to energize her for the short remainder of the show. Memorable Quotes: They're not even lined up from short to tallest. Why are you so fuckin’ ugly? She couldn't get a job at Best Buy! Why is he talking about fucking donuts!?! How do you know who these people are? I haven't seen them. Who is Sallie Mae? She's a cunt. I’d sit on his face. I mean, yeah. Why not? I put my chocken down on the spacebar and stopped the recording. Cheryl has an abortion scrapbook. Barf on my tits. Yet another ad break in the debate has the girls discussing chest-shitting and painful vaginas but it quickly gets back on point. As the debate comes to a close, Debra and her mobile crew are pushed out of the closing Whole Foods and rush to make the last showing of Goosebumps off Broadway. On the way, she talks Madge into playing a video from a concerned trans activist citizen reporter who's rights are continually trampled on by those in power bottom. Don't miss a smidgen of tonight's special debate coverage or you put yourself and the country in peril by making the wrong choice. Who are we kidding? There is no right choice from tonight's debate... Except Weinstein/Merkowski 2016! republicunt

 YR1266 Movies with the Girls Presents The Worst Witch (Grum) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:57:22

Today on MTWG, we watch an old movie starring Mrs. Gee and some GARLZ. Show Notes: Movies with The Girls opens tonight with a random assortment of conversational topics that culminate in the trio of travesty arguing about what movie to premiere for the audience. Against Cheryl's adamant protests, they finally land on Brainiac because it's a short movie so Cheryl can leave early. Unfortunately, they discover it's not even in English! A bit more back and forth has the girls winding up on Youtube with the movie The Worst Witch. Debra has a Facts Of Life molestation flashback when Edna Garrett (Charlotte Rae) appears on the screen. Memorable Quotes: Now the movie is playing so we can ignore it. They're making Meth. Look! There's a penis behind her. Did Mrs. Garrett forget to go to acting school? Girsl!! Oh my god that thang's big. It looks like a donkey. As usual, the movie takes a back seat as Debra desperately tries to get everyone interested, Cheryl tries to get the movie to end so she can leave and Madge makes fun of Mrs. Garrett. The girls muse about what it would be like to fly on broomsticks. Sadly, the trio would probably crash to their knees faster than Cheryl at Fleet Week. Hillary Clinton makes an appearance during a lull in the movie to laugh at the GOP's questioning about her personal time. Debra laments about how they gang-banged her. More Memorable Quotes: It looks like a pussy. Donations! Does Mrs. Garrett only do school for girls shows? Ain't nothin' open after 12 o'clock 'cept legs. I'd kill her before I kill myself. We aren't on drugs and that's the pathetic part. Movie's duuuuuuuun! Madge chooses to infuse another lull in the movie with a clip from a poignant, heated documentary about obesity in the work place but Debra will have none of it. She override's Madge's video with a call to Kroger then a call to a pregnancy help line. Sadly, neither call gets very far. Another attempt gets through to a Kroger representative. The girls need to know their credit limit so they can stock up for the holidays, but the rep isn't very helpful. Debra can't afford her baby's formula after her initial plan of breast feeding fell through because of the accident. She calls a pregnancy center help line for advice. Kayla gets an earful as Debra vents about Cheryl's lack of support and cooperation. Wasn't there a movie involved in this grum somehow? Hillary gets on Cheryl's last nerve so the girls decide to change it up by calling a 24/7 christian restaurant. Debra wants to watch the hearings while eating chicken fried... anything but they don't have a television. Cheryl calls back to talk with other Cheryl and place an order of pudding and steak, but Phil interrupts with a special question for Cheryl the waitress. What cup size do you serve? Heather gets her panties in a wad after a rude interaction with a waiter so Madge tries to calm her down with an injection of the Angelic Initiative. Unfortunately, it has the opposite effect on Cheryl who insists on checking out what's new with Simply Sarah. They all compromise by calling for information on Dump Meals by mail. The grum winds down with threesome discussing Debra's discovery of a kid's chat listed right next to the adult chats that she frequents. If your trick gives you tea and leaves to change the laundry, just go ahead and take a seat right over there. Madge announces breaking news from Dollar Tree and the girls make a couple more final call attempts which go hilariously wrong. The night's donations are coming up a bit short so Debra resolves to take one for the team by making a little money on the side. A call to a hotel has the girls looking for an acceptable w...

 YR1265 Puke on my Tits | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 13:52

A Prairie Home Dung Pile. Puke on my Tits. Solo cargrum.


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