YR1268 Crazy Lady Beats Gay Postman

Yeast Radio with Madge Weinstein show

Summary: Ragan Fox joins Debra and Madge today for a nice grum. Sorry for the click bait. Not really.<br> <a href="http://yeastradio.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/yr1268web.jpg"></a><br> Show Notes:<br> Tonight's grum opens minus one of the girls as Cheryl has some personal business to tend to (I.E. Tanning her prolapse for the winter). The duo of delight begin the show with an extended Youtube With The Girls segment including {breath} Simply Sara's new {breath} videos, crazy ladies, racists, angry grandmas, fraudulent perpetrators and methed up citizens. Ketchup mustard.<br> <br> Memorable quotes: <br> What's better than dick? Money.<br> Her face is meltin'.<br> Maybe he ran into her vagina, raped it a little bit with a spoke.<br> Mary's got a blubber cunt that won't quit.<br> Welcome to another episode of Simply Parking.<br> That's so creepy. You hear how white he sounds?<br> He's a hottie... even though I'm a lesbian.<br> Ragan joins the girls as Madge shares a postcoital photo of a listener and his halloween night conquest. Madge peruses provocative porn while the girls discuss who to call first. Let the calls begin! <br> Debra thinks about a change in her life so she makes a few calls. First is a call about a Compton craigslist listing with rooms to rent. She needs to know if they'll accept her medical marijuana usage and maybe join in with her chiffon addiction. Not getting far, the girls call about another room for rent but the language barrier causes a few issues... and a few laughs. It's the Golden Girls all over again.<br> A call to a pregnancy hotline leads to a heated debate between Heather and the No-abortee. She doesn't seem to notice the gay porn playing in the background. Or maybe she does. Another call about a room for rent finds Debra counceling the renter with a few issues of her own. The distressed woman has 99 problems but a... well, she has 99 problems and she tries to one-up Debbie with each one of them. <br> More memorable quotes:<br> Hang on. There's a cumshot.<br> All three holes. Yeah.<br> She dipped the dog in chocolate and ate it!<br> He hit me in the face with a frying pan.<br> <br> The show winds down with the duo plus Ragan muse over the calls of the night. Debra debuts her new single (ringtone). Don't skip a single segment of tonight's grum or Stacy will hit you over the head with a frying pan!