Hebrew Nation Online show

Hebrew Nation Online

Summary: This is the podcast version of the Hebraic roots radio show that is on the 1220 KPJC-AM radio station located in Salem, Oregon

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 Mark Call –Parsha “Lekh Lekha” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:18:14

Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa Fellowship for a two-part study of the first parsha in the life of the first of the patriarchs, Abram -- before and up to his name change. It's known as "Lekh Lekha" (Genesis chapters 12 through 17) because the first unique words, and indeed the start of his walk before Yahuah, is "Get the OUT..." of the place you are, and go to the place I will show you. Is is surprising at all that those words still apply today? First, the Erev Shabbat (Friday evening) overview and intro: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/hebrewnation/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/31133314/SSM-10-30-20-Lekh-Lekha-teaching-podcast-x.mp3 The Sabbath Day teaching is again about some parallels. Abram, before he was renamed, had a 'narrow path' of his own to walk. And he was human, he made some mistakes. Perhaps just as interesting, from our perspective today, he 'came out of' a pagan place, as was told to go to 'the land' -- but that too was in fact a pagan place. It's what we can learn about his 'walk before Me' en route that we need to pay attention to 'in such a time as this.' “Lekh Lekha: 'Get Thee OUT!' - Then and Now - so 'Walk before Me' “ https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/hebrewnation/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/31135859/WT-CooH-10-31-20-Lekh-Lekha-Get-thee-out-walk-before-Me-How-NOW-podcast-xx.mp3 The combined two-part teaching is here:

 Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:53

News, commentary, and an extended summary of not only the week just past - for 31 October, 2020 - but what is almost certainly coming next.

 Drive Time Friday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:09

This week's Drive Time Friday won't be a discussion or panel affair. (Please keep Jeff Gilbert and his family in your prayers.) Instead, however, host Mark Call decided that there was SO much information -- even just overnight! -- that needed to be covered in these last few days leading up to the Intended Chaos, that this show had to be done. Please listen, forward it, and let people know, while any time remains.

 “Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:49

This week a special guest joins host Mark Call to talk about some key aspects of what we should consider as we "come out of" a world that seems poised to get even more chaotic at a 'date certain' associated with an election, widespread fraud, and the unrest intended to follow. Celeste Solum will be familiar to many through her work of, among other things, warning people what is coming via alternatives to the 'major media' and controlled press. What some may not be aware of is her depth of Torah-based understanding. Join Mark and Celeste as they discuss where we are, and what matters most now, from preparing our homes, to preparing for the coming famine and 'Mark of the Beast' that will accompany the intended fallout. As mentioned during the show, Celeste Solum and her work can be found at ' www.ShepherdsHeart.life and www.CelestialReport.com The alternatives to Apple and Google (Gulag) and their Big-Brother Enabled tracking phones mentioned can be seen at www.freedomphone.net

 Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Jeremiah chapter 3 conclusion | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:39:25

This week the Torah teachers wrap up the detailed look at one of the most blunt, and thus ignored, indictments of BOTH of the "two houses" in Scripture (along with the companion 'second witness' of Ezekiel chapter 23). This is why "return to Me" is so important.

 Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:54

News and commentary for Thursday, 29 October, 2020. October isn't over yet...

 Living Torah | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:09

Why did Terach leave Ur? Why was Abram chosen to leave Haran? How did he know where he was to go? How did Lot know what the Garden of Eden looked like? What does that have to do with us today, or is it all really about today? Joinedtohashem.org

 10.27.20~Hebrew Nation Morning Show~3Wise Guys | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:40:34

The Wise Guys talk to Bonnie Harvey regarding the new "Days of Noah" show coming back to Hebrew Nation Radio.  They also have a bit of fun reviewing crazy facts, while providing ways to keep extended families together even when there are disagreements.  Don't miss out.  3wiseguys@hebrewnation.net

 Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:54

News and commentary for Wednesday, 28 October, 2020.

 The Messianic Message: The Migration of the Order of Melchizedek | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:00

The purpose of teaching you about Melchizedek is so that you will understand the role of Israel on the earth, how Israel was selected by YHVH and why. It is a big deal to have the Creator of everything make such a selection as this, a people to rule and reign with Him once they learn to subject themselves properly to His authority. The roles of the Order of Melchizedek and Israel are exactly the same – to bring the world to Yeshua YHVH Elohim. If you understand this, you will understand your role in YHVH’s Kingdom (which is the Order of Melchizedek) and why it is so necessary for you to do His will by keeping His commandments that Israel keeps failing at. And you will know what kind of government is about to set foot on the earth again to destroy the current wicked world government. Visit The Messianic Message for the latest teachings!  JOIN THE NEW BEAST WATCH NEWS FORUM to discuss teachings at The Messianic Message and prophecy updates at Beast Watch News. DISCLAIMER! WHEN I SAY THE WORD “JEWS”, I MEAN THE RELIGIOUS JEWS, THE CHABAD CABAL AND OTHER JEWISH LEADERSHIP AND THOSE FROM THE HOUSE OF JUDAH WHO SUBSCRIBE TO CHABAD’S EVIL DOCTRINES. I DO NOT MEAN CULTURAL JEWS OR ALL JEWISH PEOPLE!

 S1E4. Kadosh Shachah – Holy Worship – Kittara (Rebroadcast) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:26

The Greek root names sake gives away its evolution, stemming from a similar linage as that of the dulcimer.  However this gives rise to not only the guitar, but also the modern stringed instruments for orchestration.  After scriptural citation of its use we will hear an excerpt about an odd instrument called the Theorbo.   Video links: 1. Kittros http://www.katapi.org.uk/Movies/VPlayer-jwp7++.php. 2. Theorbo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVabz8LneI4&app=desktop Podcast Streams Anchor https://anchor.fm/kadosh-shachah Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/kadosh-shachah-holy-worship/id1472295079 Google Podcasts https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy9jODE0ODg0L3BvZGNhc3QvcnNz Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/00nCHOB2eR8XberphEmIRi Pocket Casts https://pca.st/3o49 Breaker https://www.breaker.audio/kadosh-shachah-holy-worship Radio Public https://radiopublic.com/kadosh-shachah-holy-worship-6nVNky  

 Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:05

News and commentary for Tuesday, 27 October, 2020. We have a senile criminal running for president. And the press tries to pretend that's normal. It turns out he's a creepy pedophile, along with his chip-off-the-ole-block son, but that's not even news. And he's not only blackmail-able, but evidently even a surrogate for the Communist Chinese Party and their progressive AmeriKan foot soldiers. And the press won't TOUCH that. Is there a problem here? Guess what it means is coming.

 Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:54

News and commentary for Monday, 26 October, 2020. How much more "in your face" can it get? "Swing state" Pennsylvania Supreme Court [sic] swings the open mail vote fraud ax, while the wastestream media no longer even pretends to report the actual truth. But much more is being muzzled.

 Flashpoint | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:00

The Sanhedrin is ready to replace what secular body?  Will this bring an end to the evils that plague mankind? What is China getting ready to do if Trump wins the election? How will this impact the world? What did Dimitru Duduman see concerning the timing of the foreign attack upon America? What are the only two choices available to us concerning end times?  Please join Steven ben Nun and Bonnie for another look at what might be occurring sooner - even imminently? - rather than later.

 Now Is The Time w/Rabbi Steve Berkson – The Fear of Yahweh – Part 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:09:20

“And now, Yisra’el, what is YHVH your Elohim asking of you, but to FEAR YHVH your Elohim…”Deuteronomy 10:12. This statement is the basis for this new, expanded teaching now on video for the first time. In this second installment Rabbi Steve Berkson takes us into the rebellion of the Israelites found in Numbers 14 and how their lack of respect (fear) for what Yahweh had said kept them out of the Promised Land except for Yehoshua (Joshua) and Caleb, who had a “different spirit” in him. When the going gets rough do we believe the words of Yahweh or do we “Ba’al” out? Then Rabbi unpacks the meanings of the prophet/King David’s writing of Psalm 23. Don't miss out on new teachings every week. For more information about MTOI (Messianic Torah Observant Israel), visit our website at http://www.mtoi.org Join us on Social media! Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mtoiworldwide Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mtoiworldwide Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/mtoiworldwide We are located in Cleveland TN. If you would like to know more about us, we would love to hear from you! Feel free to visit us on our website wwww.mtoi.org, email us at admin@mtoi.org or call us at 423-250-3020. Join us for Shabbat Services & Torah Study LIVE Streamed on our Main YouTube Channel every Shabbat at 1pm (EST) and every Tuesday for Torah Study Live Stream at 8pm (EST)


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