The Messianic Message: The Migration of the Order of Melchizedek

Hebrew Nation Online show

Summary: The purpose of teaching you about Melchizedek is so that you will understand the role of Israel on the earth, how Israel was selected by YHVH and why. It is a big deal to have the Creator of everything make such a selection as this, a people to rule and reign with Him once they learn to subject themselves properly to His authority. The roles of the Order of Melchizedek and Israel are exactly the same – to bring the world to Yeshua YHVH Elohim. If you understand this, you will understand your role in YHVH’s Kingdom (which is the Order of Melchizedek) and why it is so necessary for you to do His will by keeping His commandments that Israel keeps failing at. And you will know what kind of government is about to set foot on the earth again to destroy the current wicked world government.<br> <br> <br> <br> Visit <a href="">The Messianic Message</a> for the latest teachings! <br> JOIN THE NEW <a href="">BEAST WATCH NEWS FORUM</a> to discuss teachings at The Messianic Message and prophecy updates at <a href="">Beast Watch News</a>.<br> <br> DISCLAIMER! WHEN I SAY THE WORD “JEWS”, I MEAN THE RELIGIOUS JEWS, THE CHABAD CABAL AND OTHER JEWISH LEADERSHIP AND THOSE FROM THE HOUSE OF JUDAH WHO SUBSCRIBE TO CHABAD’S EVIL DOCTRINES. I DO NOT MEAN CULTURAL JEWS OR ALL JEWISH PEOPLE!