Hebrew Nation Online show

Hebrew Nation Online

Summary: This is the podcast version of the Hebraic roots radio show that is on the 1220 KPJC-AM radio station located in Salem, Oregon

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 Mark Call – Parsha “Tazria-Metzora” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2:39:50

This week the regular reading is a "double parsha," including both Tazria, and then Metzorah. (Vayikra/Lev. chapters 12 through 15). But they go together very well, because both largely have to do with a "plague" that is very much NOT to be confused with, or translated as, "leprosy." But that begs several questions (very much things Mark will address!) -- including, first, "well, then, what IS this thing, "tzaraat?" And second, if we don't really know what it is anymore anyway, because we haven't seen 'cases' (much less infections) for centuries, "Why does it even matter?" Ah, and THAT turns out to be a VERY Big Deal! Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa for an examination of why it is still vital that we understand the difference between the "holy and the profane," and the "clean and the unclean." Yeah, that may sound familiar, and now more than ever, but somehow an ancient affliction that we haven't seen in a long time may beat the heck out of it's literal "opposite," a Booga Booga Scary 'flu' (aka, "Covid-1984") that we may not actually SEE much of either, but 'cases' are another thing entirely. And so is Big Brother's Totalitarian, even arguably "satanic", over-response. First, the Erev Shabbat overview of this weeks reading: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/hebrewnation/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/17180611/SSM-4-16-21-Tazria-Metzorah-teaching-podcast-xx.mp3 The Sabbath day teaching goes beyond that anti-parallels between what can be thought of as the 'chastening' or correction aspect of a plague where people are 'unclean,' and told to warn others, while exiled "outside the camp," and a clearly man-made bioweapon where those who are muzzled and in many cases simply not allowed to speak (much less "tweet") at all are NOT symptomatic. Yes, it's a different kind of 'priest' who makes the proclamation now, albeit with far less actual "scientific," clinical data (hence the detail in this portion!), and the cleansing ritual described in Leviticus is arguably far less permanent, or potentially deadly, then The Poke. But there's FAR more to consider! "Tazria-Metzora: Tzaraat, ANTI-Tzaraat, the Evil Tongue, and Praise" https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/hebrewnation/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/17232855/WT-CooH-17-April-2021-Tazria-Metzorah-NEGATIVE-Tzaraat-the-Tongue-and-Praise-podcast-xxx.mp3 The combined two-part teaching is here:

 Haven’t You Heard ~ 04-22-2021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:59

5 things that we need to remember about HaShem, Part 1. How intimate are we with the Father? Do we understand who He really is?

 Haven’t You Heard ~ 04-20-2021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:56

Are you settling for less than HaShem has for you? We need to study the Word for ourselves to get all that He has for us. Don't rely on what you hear, no matter how good it is - study for yourself.

 Defining Biblical Love PART 3 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:52

On this episode of Real Israel Talk Radio - Season 2, Episode 67, Program 3, we are going to continue with a close look into the Bible's lessons on biblical love to help us to better understand how the Almighty Eternal One defines our human attribute of LOVE. So, what exactly is love? Generally speaking, if you ask folks to define it, you will likely get a barrage of varying opinions and definitions. I think, however, what's more important is not so much about how humans define love. Rather, I think our Creator's definition is far more important to grasp and understand. To help us understand the deeper aspects of what Love is really all about, join me in taking some time to consult Deuteronomy 6:5-9 (the Testimony of the Hebrew V'ahavta) as it relates to Leviticus 19:18 along with Yeshua's teaching in Matthew 22:34-40 and Paul's teaching in Philippians 4:8-9. Each of these biblical teaching lessons will give us a definition that is likely different from how we typically hear about the attribute of love and how scripture defines it. Based on how love is typically understood in everyday life,  it seems to come across as something that must be earned or merited in much the same way that we are expected to pay for something that we buy or acquire.  In other words, I should do something for you because you do something for me or perhaps if you want my love then you must show yourself worthy of receiving it. Well, none of this fits in with the definition of divine love in scripture. And especially what often blurs how we should rightfully understand true love is our misinformed viewpoint of Leviticus 19:18, which is translated from Hebrew into English as,"You shall love your neighbor as yourself."  If I am reading the Hebrew correctly and reading it within the right context of all of scripture's teachings on love, Leviticus 19:18 and Matthew 22:39  are rather telling us that Yehovah is loving us and with this, we are to freely give it to others as Yehovah gives it to us. Therefore, it appears from the Hebrew grammar of Deuteronomy 6:5-9 and Leviticus 19:18 that we have incorrectly understood the divine concept of biblical love because it is not about our love for God; rather, it's about God's love for us and what we are supposed to do with it. Join me for this week's episode of Real Israel Talk Radio with Avi ben Mordechai from the outreach ministry of Cominghome. Support the show (https://www.paypal.com/biz/fund?id=23WBKCMBHKDT8/Ancient Roads: Real Israel Talk Radio)

 Calmng Harp Episode #16 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:00

In this episode, I want to share with you the music from Psalm 91. Some give Moses the credit for writing this psalm as Psalm 90-100 are traditionally called "The Psalms of Moses". Whether Moses or David wrote this Psalm 91 is not a major issue since the words of this psalm are eternally applicable to our lives. Many people call this their 911 psalm - where they turn when they are in trouble - since it is filled with promises of how our Heavenly Father promises to take care of us, even sending His angels to keep us from dashing our foot against a stone. This is one psalm that I have put words to in the music and even though I am not the best singer, I will share those words with you in this episode. I also share some of an article I just posted for the Map issue of Masters of Health magazine: http://mastersofhealthmag.com/ Produced by - Steve Rees - Harpist If you like what you hear please subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE3s... To find us on Social Media: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/peregrinnatti Calming Harp Page: https://www.facebook.com/Calming-Harp... If you would like to write a testimony of how this music has helped you email me at: steve@calmingharp.com

 Calming Harp Episode #15 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:00

In this episode I am sharing a recording that I made at the request of one of my listeners for some music in 174 Hz which is considered a healing frequency. I also decided to share some comments I have been receiving from my listeners to show how positively this music has been in people's lives. Finally I share the results of some research projects that studied the physiological effects of music and how it helps us heal and be in health. Produced by - Steve Rees - Harpist If you like what you hear please subscribe: http://youtube.com/peregrinnatti To find us on Social Media: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/peregrinnatti Calming Harp Page: https://www.facebook.com/Calming-Harp... If you would like to write a testimony of how this music has helped you email me at: steve@calmingharp.com

 Calming Harp Episode #14 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:00

In this week’s episode, we will hear from the album “All Nature Sings” and the track is titled “Birds” which is available at https://calmingharp.com/ I wanted to use this track to emphasize the freedom that we can have even with a lot of negative stuff happening all around us. The birds don’t worry about how they are going to get their next meal or where their shelter will be. They have the freedom to go where they choose to go, when they choose to go. Some even transit thousands of miles from North to South hemispheres every year. I present this episode to challenge us to look above the chaos that is swirling around us and enter a life of freedom and shalom. It is possible! Produced by - Steve Rees - Harpist If you like what you hear please subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCE3s... To find us on Social Media: Facebook https://www.facebook.com/peregrinnatti Calming Harp Page: https://www.facebook.com/Calming-Harp... If you would like to write a testimony of how this music has helped you email me at: steve@calmingharp.com

 “Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:47

Alexis de Tocqueville is said to have written that "America is great because America is good," and that if and when that ceases, America will cease to be great. And while there is some dissent about whether or not he actually WROTE it, it's true nevertheless. And it's also now obvious that AmeriKa-with-a-K is not only no longer good, but the regime in the swamp, with the help of Hellywood, most of the media, and what is undeniably the 'Whore Church,' or worse, is succeeding in making it Downright Evil.

 Drive Time Friday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:03

Randy Yarborough, David Justice, and Mark Call discuss the news of the week. And, as we're getting used to, it's pretty much reprehensible. But it's how we respond to the War on Truth, which has, after all, been a long time coming, and warned about by Scripture for far longer than that, that matters.

 Days of Noah | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:00

A Lutheran pastor accepted a call to a church that was only a stone's throw from the Newark Mounds of Ohio?  What was his experience?  Are we now in the Days of Noah?  Is the shot, ostensibly for Covid, part of the Mark of the Beast system?  Join guest LA Marzulli and Bonnie for a look into our own "state of the nation" assessment.

 Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:31

News and commentary for Thursday, 1 April, 2021. Notice that the only thing that DOESN'T sound like April Fools are the actual jokes.

 Living Torah | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:01

The sacrifices are a connection of the natural and spiritual realms. Many will read with drudgery, but we should read with anticipation of a day yet to come. Our present revelation is nothing compared to what will be. Joinedtohashem.org

 The Messianic Message: Jeremiah Study – Jeremiah and the Last Kings of Israel – Part 2 Lesson 4 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:00

Jeremiah, Zephaniah and Nahum prophesied at around the same time about the coming destruction on Jerusalem and the House of Judah. Find out what they had to say because it pertains to what is happening right now! Visit The Messianic Message for the latest teachings and JOIN and participate in our online Tabernacle of David Restored midrash every Tuesday. Contact Kimberly Rogers-Brown at kimberly@tabernacleofdavidrestored.com for the time and link to the study room. JOIN THE NEW BEAST WATCH NEWS FORUM to discuss teachings at The Messianic Message and prophecy updates at Beast Watch News. Listen to or read all of the Melchizedek teachings here. DISCLAIMER! WHEN WE SAY THE WORD “JEWS”, WE MEAN RELIGIOUS JEWS, THE CHABAD CABAL AND OTHER JEWISH LEADERSHIP, THOSE FROM THE HOUSE OF JUDAH WHO SUBSCRIBE TO CHABAD’S EVIL DOCTRINES. WE DO NOT MEAN CULTURAL JEWS OR ALL JEWISH PEOPLE!

 3.30.21~Hebrew Nation Morning Show~3Wise Guys | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:39:52

Benjamin Baruch author of "Day of the Lord is at Hand" and "Out of the Darkness" speaks with the Wise Guys about spirit led preparation for YHWH's Kingdom. If you are experiencing doubt, confusion, and fear for our present day, tune in and listen to this conversation. 3wiseguys@hebrewnation.net

 Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:53

News and commentary for Wednesday, 31 March, 2021.


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