Hebrew Nation Online show

Hebrew Nation Online

Summary: This is the podcast version of the Hebraic roots radio show that is on the 1220 KPJC-AM radio station located in Salem, Oregon

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 Daily Audio Torah ~ Week of May 17, 2021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:00

Journey with me through the entire bible in one year focusing on the biblical calendar, the Sabbath, the Feasts, and the Torah reading cycle! In this broadcast, you will be listening to two days of readings from the scriptures. If you would like to listen EVERY day, just go to DailyAudioTorah.com and listen in! We have many voices, interpretations, and points of view out there, but there is nothing like listening to the crystal clean, pure Word of God in your life! It is living water for your spirit! So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17 Now let’s continue our journey through the entire bible in one year.

 Haven’t You Heard ~ 05-20-2021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:00

Having confidence in something means having an assurance that leads to action. Trust in the Lord is a faith that lets us boldly serve. Part 2 of 7 steps to make sure you’re leaning on the Lord.

 Haven’t You Heard ~ 05-18-2021 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:01

To trust in the Lord means more than believing in who he is and what he says. This is part 1 of 7 steps to make sure you’re leaning on the Lord .

 Jerusalem Next: Do You Really Want To Know Just How Dangerous China Is? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:00

China, the United Nations and Bill Gates have on thing in common: They all appear in the Book of Revelation! Listen to the full length podcast at BeastWatchNews.com. Visit Beast Watch News for the latest prophetic updates and The Messianic Message for the latest teachings! JOIN THE BEAST WATCH NEWS FORUM NEW! Join the Tabernacle of David Restored every Tuesday for in depth discussion of our Bible studies. Email Kimberly for details! VISIT The Messianic Message for fresh Kingdom teachings.

 Defining Biblical Love PART 7 – Bearing the Burden of Ahava | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 49:50

On this episode of Real Israel Talk Radio – Season 2, Episode 71, Program Part 7 we will again address the biblical definition of love with an emphasis on "Ahava," the Hebrew word for "Love." We are going to take a 50-minute detour from 1 Corinthians 13:4 of the New Covenant to have a close look into a few biblical passages that are based on the Hebrew word "Ahavah" and its three-letter root "Ahav," which is derived from "Yahav" - Yud Heh Vet. This term in Hebrew refers to untying a load of anxiety or worry, caring about someone's needs, or bearing someone's weight as well as to loosen or untie a heavy burden that might be weighing another person down. This three-letter Hebrew root also presents us with a two-letter "parental" command which is spelled as Heh Vet and means "Give!" The idea of "hahv" in Hebrew is a word of command that can mean I give something or perhaps I might expect someone to give to me. Scriptural context will tell us much. For example, Proverbs 30:15, Daniel 5:17, and Genesis 30:1, among many other places. In the Bible, if there is no justice then there can be no love. Conversely, where there is justice, there is love. This is precisely what Yeshua taught us with his lessons on love from John 13 when he washed Peter's feet and when he defined that one who wishes to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven is one who becomes a servant to another for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. For most, these are easy words to hear but very difficult words to do because we are constantly fighting the will of our human nature, our flesh that says, "Me First!" In this 50-minute podcast, we will learn the spiritual connection that is clearly evident between Matthew 12:13 (the man with the withered hand) and Genesis 3:6 (the story of the woman Chava who look from the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden). True love not only receives from one who gives to me but it also gives to another by bearing the burdens, needs, and cares of one without asking for anything in return. On this episode of Real Israel Talk Radio, we will carefully look into this so that we can obtain a good foundation for the words and statements that appear in 1 Corinthians 13:4. It is these words that will show us how YHVH first loved us so that we are able to take his love and pass it along to others. Join us for this week’s podcast on Defining Biblical Love - PART 7 on bearing the burden of Ahava.

 Days of Noah | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:00

What evidence is available that the large, grooved, tilted slab found at America's Stonehenge, NH, was for human sacrifice?  Who would be sacrificed there?  LA has a free, upcoming _______ that will be available on ________.  Please join guest, LA Marzulli, and Bonnie for an examination of our American history in the year 4000 BC to see our future.

 The Messianic Message: Jeremiah Study – Jeremiah and the Last Kings of Israel – Part 2 Lesson 9 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:00

Find out about Egypt's hold on ancient Israel to understand what that means for the Book of Revelation's description of the end times.   Visit The Messianic Message for the latest teachings and JOIN and participate in our online Tabernacle of David Restored midrash every Tuesday. Contact Kimberly Rogers-Brown at kimberly@tabernacleofdavidrestored.com for the time and link to the study room. JOIN THE NEW BEAST WATCH NEWS FORUM to discuss teachings at The Messianic Message and prophecy updates at Beast Watch News. Listen to or read all of the Melchizedek teachings here. DISCLAIMER! WHEN WE SAY THE WORD “JEWS”, WE MEAN RELIGIOUS JEWS, THE CHABAD CABAL AND OTHER JEWISH LEADERSHIP, THOSE FROM THE HOUSE OF JUDAH WHO SUBSCRIBE TO CHABAD’S EVIL DOCTRINES. WE DO NOT MEAN CULTURAL JEWS OR ALL JEWISH PEOPLE!

 Flashpoint | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:00

What was/is a prize the US forces took from Iraq during the Gulf War?  What was/is the purpose of this prize?  What is "maneuver warfare"?  Why is the purpose of so much chaos in the earth now?  Why was Netanyahu neutralized?  Join guest, Steven, and Bonnie for a look into our future as the world turns from disappointing to horrifying for all inhabitants .. save those who keep their eyes on Yeshua.

 Healing For the Nations With A Modern Day Samaritan Woman | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: Unknown

               As I Walked Come on another journey with me! Today, I have my dear friend Juliet Van Heerden. Juliet has done it again! Her latest book, As I Walked, is an amazing story of radical love and radical redemption! Meet Mr. P...Juliet's stepfather. Mr. P has been radically delivered from a homosexual lifestyle and is now married to Mrs. P...but, I am jumping ahead of the story! That is for next week! If you are interested in reading either of her amazing testimonials or donate to Relevant Life: https://julietvanheerden.com/  

 Living Torah | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 50:01

There is a whole lot of shaking going on. Since we serve an unshakable Kingdom, let us not be shaken but stirred with the message of His abundance in our wilderness journey. We each have a place and task in the journey. Don’t let your bones join the bones of other who never found their purpose. Joinedtohashem.org

 5.11.21~Hebrew Nation Morning Show~3Wise Guys | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:39:56

The Wise Guys discuss a common action that seems to be plaguing America today--"The Act of Assuming." Is this the cause for current violence? Why do people assume? How can we notice it? Are we all prone to do it? And how can we guard against it? 3Wiseguys@hebrewnation.net

 Mark Call – Daily News Update Wednesday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:53

News and commentary for Wednesday, 5 May, 2021. Sometimes 'they' really are trying to kill you. And they're no longer even trying to hide it.

 Revelation Trumps Pt 2 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:03

First 3 Trumps with Signs in the Heavens Watch Pt 2 video here - Part 2 takes a look at the events taking place after the first 3 trumps. These events are scattered throughout the book of Revelation and we have pieced them together. New streamlined multi-part video of original 2 hour video created in Feb 2019. Perhaps even more relevant than it was over 2 years ago! Pt 1 of this video series plus the original video this series is created from & more videos like this at https://www.hiswordheals.com/blog . Also watch an intro video to the original video called "Revelation Signs, Teach us to Number Our Days" at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmFcBMThaFg&feature=emb_imp_woyt . Here's the Link for the Revelation Chart is here https://www.hiswordheals.com/podcasts . We have a previous video which deals with the first 4 seals of Revelation, the Four Horsemen of Revelation which you can watch by going to our website at our blogs page https://www.hiswordheals.com/blog . You can also sign up there for our email list and we'll let you know as soon as each of the next videos in this series is available. This series is a simplified and streamline multi-part version of our original 2 hour video released in early 2019 which you can also watch in full at our website. The more time that has passed since early 2019 the more relevant and accurate this video appears to be. Also please become a subscriber to our new Brighteon Channel called His Word Heals! and share it with your friends on social media. Help us to blow the shofar! WE ARE OFFERING OUR PHYSICAL 'HIS WORD HEALS!' SCRIPTURE CDs FOR FREE!  We are just asking for $3 per CD to cover shipping via Media Mail or $8 if you would like it sooner via Priority Mail (while supplies last).  On todays program we will be playing the 'Fear Not', 'Strength' & 'Psalms 91 Warfare' tracks for you to enjoy.  We pray that His Words speaks to you in a special healing and uplifting way today.  You can also always get a free MP3 download of the entire CD FOR FREE on our website at www.HisWordHeals.com .  Click on the 'Books & CD' link and choose the Free Download link below the CD. All our videos available FREE at www.HisWordHeals.com  "Revelation Signs - 80 Years if Due to Strength" which is a two hour very detailed look at Revelation & the coming Signs in the Heavens with tons of supporting Scripture passages.  You can also watch the intro video on just the upcoming signs in the heavens as they relate to our theory of the generation that will not pass before these things come to pass being the "80 years if due to strenth" generation of Psalms 90.  This intro video is called "Revelation Signs - Teach Us to Number our Days"PLEASE LIKE OUR VIDEO ON YOUTUBE AND SHARE IT ON SOCIAL MEDIA.  PLEASE JOIN WITH US IN SOUNDING THE SHOFAR. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THE HEBREW NATION PODCAST &/OR OUR HIS WORD HEALS! BLOG POST EMAIL NOTIFICATION LIST SO YOU DON'T MISS ANY OF OUR FUTURE PROGRAMS, THEN IF YOU ARE BLESSED BY WHAT YOU HEAR, PLEASE ALSO DONATE BY CLICKING THE DONATE BUTTON ON THIS HEBREW NATION RADIO WEBSITE. You can also visit our website at www.hiswordheals.com FOR A FREE KINDLE DOWNLOAD OF THE BOOK ‘IF GOD CAN HEAL HIS PEOPLE, WHY IS THE CHURCH SO SICK?’ AS WELL AS A FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD of our CD called ‘HIS ...

 Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:03

News and commentary for Tuesday, 4 May, 2021. If you're merely "vaccine hesitant," the Lies are intended to kill you.

 Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:48

News and commentary for Monday, 3 May, 2021.


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