Defining Biblical Love PART 7 – Bearing the Burden of Ahava

Hebrew Nation Online show

Summary: On this episode of Real Israel Talk Radio – Season 2, Episode 71, Program Part 7 we will again address the biblical definition of love with an emphasis on "Ahava," the Hebrew word for "Love."<br> <br> We are going to take a 50-minute detour from 1 Corinthians 13:4 of the New Covenant to have a close look into a few biblical passages that are based on the Hebrew word "Ahavah" and its three-letter root "Ahav," which is derived from "Yahav" - Yud Heh Vet. This term in Hebrew refers to untying a load of anxiety or worry, caring about someone's needs, or bearing someone's weight as well as to loosen or untie a heavy burden that might be weighing another person down. This three-letter Hebrew root also presents us with a two-letter "parental" command which is spelled as Heh Vet and means "Give!" The idea of "hahv" in Hebrew is a word of command that can mean I give something or perhaps I might expect someone to give to me. Scriptural context will tell us much. For example, Proverbs 30:15, Daniel 5:17, and Genesis 30:1, among many other places.<br> <br> In the Bible, if there is no justice then there can be no love. Conversely, where there is justice, there is love. This is precisely what Yeshua taught us with his lessons on love from John 13 when he washed Peter's feet and when he defined that one who wishes to be great in the Kingdom of Heaven is one who becomes a servant to another for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. For most, these are easy words to hear but very difficult words to do because we are constantly fighting the will of our human nature, our flesh that says, "Me First!"<br> <br> In this 50-minute podcast, we will learn the spiritual connection that is clearly evident between Matthew 12:13 (the man with the withered hand) and Genesis 3:6 (the story of the woman Chava who look from the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden).<br> <br> True love not only receives from one who gives to me but it also gives to another by bearing the burdens, needs, and cares of one without asking for anything in return.<br> <br> On this episode of Real Israel Talk Radio, we will carefully look into this so that we can obtain a good foundation for the words and statements that appear in 1 Corinthians 13:4. It is these words that will show us how YHVH first loved us so that we are able to take his love and pass it along to others.<br> <br> Join us for this week’s podcast on Defining Biblical Love - PART 7 on bearing the burden of Ahava.