Mark Levin Podcast show

Mark Levin Podcast

Summary: Mark Levin is one of the hottest properties in Talk radio today. He is also one of the leading authors in the conservative political arena. Mark's radio show on WABC in New York City skyrocketed to Number 1 on the AM dial in his first 18 months on the air in the competitive 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM time slot. Mark's latest book, "Unfreedom of the Press," is out now. When your books are endorsed by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you know you have a winner on your hands. In a short period of time, Mark has become one of the most listened to local radio Talk show hosts in the nation.

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 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/16/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6695

On Friday's Mark Levin Show, Federal Judge Timothy Kelly, has ruled, from the bench, a 14 day temporary restraining order that the White House give back Jim Acosta's hard press pass until due process can be afforded to him. The Court did not discuss the validity of CNN's first amendment claims, however the court does not allow media in the courtroom and we the American people have no idea exactly what took place in that courtroom. The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia would not release a public transcript of today’s ruling on Acosta’s press pass unless we paid for each page of the document, filled out an extensive application, and got the approval of the court’s office. Freedom of the press, except when it comes to the federal judiciary. Also, there is no requirement for the President to even hold a press conference or much less to call on certain reporter. We don't need a jerk in a black robe to tell us that this isn't constitutional, we know that because this is a clear violation of the separation of powers. What we're witnessing here is judicial tyranny and all they care about is themselves. Later, Robert Mueller has submitted written questions to President Trump and he has easily answered them reiterating that there was no collusion and there should never have been an investigation or witch hunt as he calls it. Then, election recounts in Georgia and Florida seem to be unchanged despite the effort of the Democrats to change the results. Meddling by the press, posting election projections before all precincts are counted is irresponsible; the press has a responsibility to report news for the people not for their own evil maniacal interests.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/15/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6433

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Dan Bongino of NRATV fills in for Mark. The Democrats are testing to see what they can get away with on down ballot elections while distracting us with recounts. While Rick Scott’s victory was confirmed, Democrats made 77,000 ballots magically appear in the race for Agriculture Commission to steal the seat. The race was fleeced from right under our noses, and nobody is talking about it because we’re so focused on what’s going on at the top of the ballot. Also, there’s evidence to suggest that the Trump team was being spied on much earlier than 2016. On top of that, there is talk of exculpatory evidence that proves President Trump is innocent of collusion. This is turning out to be an entrapment operation, not a collusion scandal.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/14/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6677

On Wednesday's Mark Levin show, It’s outrageous that all other news outlets have joined forces with CNN. CNN and Jim Acosta are protecting themselves not freedom of the press. It’s irrelevant that the media is reporting on itself that fellow news organizations are filing Amicus briefs--these are all pseudo events. Notice that none of these other media organizations have filed suit against the White House, they simply signed on to support CNN because they have no case. They wouldn't tolerate Acosta's behavior in their studios and judges wouldn't allow it in their court rooms. CNN and the others need to be reminded that they are there for the American people, to report the news not debate the president. The media no longer reports the news, they create the news and that is not protected by the first amendment. Then, it seems there's no Constitutional Crisis after all, as the White Office of Legal Counsel has concluded that the appointment of Matthew Whitaker as Acting Attorney General is in fact legal, Constitutional, and in compliance with federal law under the Vacancies Act. Also, CNN’s Jake Tapper’s demanded evidence of voter fraud in Florida. Here’s his evidence - the Florida Department of State has asked federal prosecutors to investigate altered election documents tied to the Florida Democratic Party. Why wasn’t this story broken on CNN? Because CNN’s not investigating. Finally, Michael Avenatti was arrested by the Los Angeles Police Dept for alleged felony domestic violence as reported by TMZ entertainment news.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/13/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6724

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin show, CNN and Jim Acosta filed a pathetic lawsuit, with some top gun lawyers, against President Trump and the White House. This isn’t a freedom of the press case, it’s a scam. The purpose of a presidential press conferences is for the American people, not for a reporter to interrupt and give his political opinions. No reporter has a constitutional right to be physically present in the press room, any more than the scores of reporters who are not so lucky as to get a hard pass, to be there in the first place. The left tells us that the framers didn’t envision automatic weapons when creating the second amendment. If that’s that case, did those same framers envision cable TV when creating the first amendment? If you follow left wing logic - CNN has no freedom at all. Also, in our history, we've had several Presidents arrest editors and journalists for printing fake presidential proclamations. Indeed, John Adams, Abraham Lincoln, and Woodrow Wilson have all had reporters jailed. Even Barack Obama prosecuted journalists under the espionage act, more so than any of his predecessors.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/12/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6644

On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the media decided decades ago that they were going to report the news and interpret it for you from a liberal perspective and that’s what we are seeing today. Now the media is claiming we lost the suburbs in the election because of President Trump but that's wrong, its immigration that cost us the suburbs and consequentially some House seats in the election. When Ronald Reagan and the Bush's won, Florida, Texas, and Colorado, they were solid red states. Back then the media wondered how the Democrats would ever win the presidency without physically changing the electorate. Well they're doing it! As assimilation has become extinct, we continue to lose because the population is changing. Mark reiterated his thoughts from his book Liberty and Tyranny in 2008 outline that birthright citizenship is not guaranteed by the 14th Amendment and it is immigration, both legal and illegal, which is fueling our problem with assimilation. Then, we look at new pseudo-events in the media, through the lens of Daniel Boorstin's book "A Guide to Pseudo Events in the Media". Boorstin describes pseudo-events as events that are not spontaneous, not train wrecks, but are planned and planted and exist solely to be reproduced by the media. Ambiguity is also a telltale sign of a pseudo-event. What Jim Acosta did last week at the Presidential press conference is exactly what a pseudo-event is. Later, California is on fire and the media blames Trump for his comments on forest management. Yet, Governor Jerry Brown makes comments blaming climate change deniers and does not get criticized by the media.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/9/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6721

On Friday’s Mark Levin show, Apparently we have a constitutional crisis because President Trump is following the Federal Vacancies Reform Act and temporally appointed Matt Whitaker as acting Attorney General. The Left never seems bothered by the constitutional implications of things like runaway activist courts, a massive, entrenched federal bureaucracy, and President Obama’s efforts to work around Congress and federal law on immigration. Whitaker’s appointment as acting AG does not come close to a constitutional crisis. Also, Robert Mueller, who in effect is the most powerful prosecutor in America, has more power than any US Attorney and yet he hasn't been confirmed by the senate. This is why Mueller's appointment violates the appointments clause under article II of the Constitution. The Congress has no authority to prevent the President from firing any employee in the executive branch. Yet, the media continually refers to this as a "broken glass moment" which is in poor taste given we are upon the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht (The Night of Broken Glass) when the Nazi's began executing Jews in Germany. Later, Senator Marco Rubio calls in to update us on the recount situation in Florida. In Broward County we're dealing with an Election Supervisor who has been caught destroying ballots in the past. We're not alleging that ballots are being changed, but we keep finding new ballots and the transparency of the process is not being followed. We have to make sure the work is completed and done correctly. Fortunately, Senate candidate Rick Scott (sitting Governor) just won a court decision compelling the Election Supervisor to comply with the law and its mandate for transparency.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/8/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6617

On Thursday’s Mark Levin show, the democrats are trying to steal the Governor and Senate races in Florida, the Governor race in Georgia and the Senate race in Arizona. Those states are cointinuing their ballott counting. Florida law requires counties to report early voting results within 30 minutes after polls close, but Broward and Palm Beach Counties in Florida are still counting and refusing to disclose the number of ballots remaining to be counted. The Republicans not only have to win elections, they have to win them with enough of a buffer that all the cheating that goes on doesn’t affect the outcome. Florida GOP Chairman Blaise Ingoglia calls in to explain what the Republicans are doing to protect the integrity of Florida's elections through this recount process. Later, a retired US Marine suffering from PTSD entered a college bar in California and murdered 12 people including a Sergeant from the Sheriff's Office. Sergeant Ron Helus entered the front door of the bar during the gunfire to stop the shooter; Sgt. Helus lost his life in this act of selfless heroism. Afterwards, the media questions the Constitutionality of President Trump's interim appointment of Matthew Whitaker as Acting Attorney General. Going on to say any interruption with the Mueller investigation would spark problems or conflict in the function of a government that the Constitution might be unable to resolve better known as a Constitutional Crisis. All of this, despite the fact that temporary appointments are completely legal when they're serving on an interim basis while searching for candidate or awaiting senate confirmation. Finally, congress has no legitimate oversight responsibility to receive President Trump’s personal finances/taxes with a private coorporation. Article 1 powers don’t include the securing of personal, private financial records and tax returns for the purpose of democratic objectives.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/7/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6716

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, It’s no longer the media, it’s the Democrat media mob and they've moved from attacking Jeff Sessions to defending him as if he were their new hero. President Donald Trump hasn’t created a constitutional crisis or a Staurday night massacre by firing Sessions, like the media is claiming. This is perfectly legitimate, there’s nothing wrong whatsoever. Now they've trained their sights on the new Acting Attorney General, Matthew Whitaker already smearing him. Then, last night's election was no blue wave, it was a blue tinkle. They just won a 12-seat plurality above the Republicans in the House and they lost seats in the Senate. Plus, CNN's Jim Acosta disguises his allegations against the president at today's press conference, then nearly assaults a female staffer when refusing to release the White House press microphone and was subsequently banned from the White House. Afterwards, NBC's Andrea Mitchell calls Devin Nunes a clown on television, clearly departing with objectivity when making that judgment. The hard news people on TV should just tell the truth and call themselves liberal commentators and stop pretending to be objective journalists. The way the media speaks to our President is not acceptable in any professional environment. Speaking over others, interrupting others and their snide and cynical attacks disguised as questions would never fly in the workplace, yet they continue to treat the president this way. Finally, Rep. Jerrold Nadler slipped and revealed plans to impeach Trump and Brett Kavanaugh in a conversation heard on a Washington DC train.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/6/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:51:25

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, it’s midterm election Day and we're monitoring all of the races live as the polls begin to close. All these races are very close, it looks like hand to hand combat, politically. If enough Levinites get out and vote, we will win! If the Democrats have a good night its more malignant activity, we have a chance to stop that by voting ! CNN's Jake Tapper eludes to the exit polling appearing to be a rebuke of Trump only 15 minutes after the polls in only 6 states have closed. Yet he didn't say that when the Democrats lost 63 house seats in President Obama's first midterm election. If you're tired of being called a racist, today is the day to stop the fascistic left. Lamentably Rep. Barbara Comstock has lost, many races are still too close to call, but it’s not over. The bigoted media is rooting against conservatives; lets beat them Tuesday night!

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/5/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:52:09

On Monday’s Mark Levin show, President Donald J. Trump calls in to update us on his final push to elect Republicans in tomorrow's midterm election. Trump spoke of an “electricity in the air” on the campaign trail that “reminds me very much of November ’16; there’s an electricity that’s incredible.” He predicted that Republicans will do better in the House, more than anybody expects and that they’re going to have tremendous success. Later, this midterm election is a race between liberty and tyranny. The media continues to call the President a racist, yet it’s the left in fact that are bigoted. Trump has never called anyone in the media Hitler like they have. All nations have a duty to defend their borders, this is a magnificent country and we have to defend it. We must turn out to vote with 5 or 6 friends, family members, neighbors, and/or colleagues. Let's win tomorrow! If not the left will vote in ways that will prevent us from liberty in Congress, and on the Supreme Court. The left is destroying our basic institutions; they constantly attack the police . We need to vote for our country, our families and our future. Finally, Ron DeSantis and Chip Roy call into discuss their elections as well.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/2/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:51:38

On Friday’s Mark Levin show, are you sick of being called Nazis? Are you sick of being called racists or a white supremacist? Then you need to vote on Tuesday! We can’t turn any part of this government over to these radical, hardcore Democrats and their mouthpieces in the media. There are 37 congressional races listed as "toss-up's" in the midterm elections. So they're in play, and If Republicans don't show up and vote we would be surrendering Republican seats in the US House of Representatives!  Then, people need to come to the United States in an orderly and legal way, otherwise the United States ceases to exist. We can’t successfully operate public education , or public hospitals this way.  We also need assimilation.  The media never mentions assimilation, they only use race-baiting tactics to frame the immigration issue. Later, a federal district judge denied President Trump’s appeal regarding the emoluments clause of the Constitution.  Regarding foreign dignitaries staying at Trump International Hotel when visiting Washington whereby potentially benefiting financially since he has an ownership interest in the Trump Organization. Of course, this is not a violation of the emoluments clause because that would suggest that any person serving as president that owned a car dealership, restaurant or any business that was patronized by foreign dignitaries is receiving gift.  Simply not true.  The emoluments clause was intended to prevent a President from being on the payroll of a foreign government.  After, Congressional candidate Yvette Harrell (R-NM) and Senate candidate Karin Housley (R-MN) call in to discuss their midterm elections.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/1/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:51:20

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, this election is progressivism versus Americanism. It’s a race to the finish line to stop the radical leftist democratic socialists from taking over our government. A recent poll indicates that most voters say the press has divided the country more than President Trump has and the media won’t change or pull back their demagoguery. This is one of the lowest points of American press since our founding. The media works daily to dispirit the American people with their "dog-whistles". Why didn't they compare Dwight Eisenhower to Stalin or Hitler for deporting 1.3 Million illegal aliens under an initiative he called "operation wetback." Even left wing activist Cesar Chavez opposed illegal immigration because it hurt scores of legal immigrants in the agriculture industry. Despite what the media will tell you, this is not a partisan issue or a racial issue. Sadly, the media is more focused on freedom of progressivism than it is freedom of the press. This upcoming election is about taking back our national principles of loving our country, the rule of law, private property rights, and faith that are required for a civil society. Then, Andrew Gillum has joined forces with an anti-Israel group (BDS) yet he's still endorsed by several Florida newspapers. Why isn't Don Lemon or CNN reporting this? Why isn't Oprah Winfrey speaking out on this? Then, US Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), Congressman Glenn Grothman (R-WI), and US Senate candidate Bob Hugin (R-NJ) call in to discuss their respective midterm elections.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/31/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:52:07

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, The history of the 14th Amendment isn’t in dispute – it was created to protect freed slaves, not illegal immigrants. Birthright citizenship didn’t start until the 1960s under the New Deal bureaucracy, so why do we have to amend the constitution or pass a statute to change it? The left changes the constitution all the time by hook or crook, but now tell us we need an amendment to end something that’s not even in the Constitution. Also, Democrats have nominated anti-American candidates pushing socialism and unconstitutional progressive policies. We are truly battling a bleak force that does not share our values. The left doesn’t want a united nation; they want centralized power while the race-baiting media divides us and keep us from having civil debates. Later, Mark speaks with Patrick Morrisey, Attorney General of West Virginia, about his run for Senate against Joe Manchin. Finally, Mark talks to Representative Lee Zeldin about his re-election campaign for New York’s 1st district.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/30/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:52:03

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin show, there’s been no law passed or Supreme Court decision that conveys birthright citizenship onto illegal aliens. Paul Ryan claimed the 14th Amendment creates the birthright citizenship and that therefore an executive order by President Trump would be unconstitutional. Not until the 1960's has the Constitution been interpreted to convey birthright citizenship on the children of illegal aliens. And not due to any congressional statute or court ruling, but decisions by various departments and agencies of the federal bureaucracy. The president would not be altering the 14th amendment or the intent of the 14th amendment or the original interpretation of the 14th amendment. On the contrary, the president would be taking charge of the executive branch and upholding the 14th amendment. Conservative Review editor Daniel Horowitz calls in to explain further birthright citizenship. Later, the media continues its attacks against the president and conservatives, including Mark Levin, blaming them for the mass murder of parishioners at a Pittsburgh synagogue. Never pausing to look at the divisive rhetoric of the previous Administration. Former McCain presidential campaign manager, Steve Schmidt, said on the hate machine MSNBC that "Mark Levin has blood on his hands" for contributing to the heated tone of political rhetoric. Schmidt, like Joy Reid, and Al Sharpton is believed to be a bigot and shouldn’t work at MSNBC. They don't care about the carnage in Pittsburgh, they're political opportunists. Also, John James calls in to discuss his campaign for Senate in Michigan. Finally, the new book by the late great Jack Levin "Our Police" which promotes American greatness and values is out today on Amazon.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 10/29/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:51:24

On Monday's Mark Levin Show, Israeli Ambassador to the US, Ron Dermer calls in to discuss the horrific fatal shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA.  The media in our Country and their progressive groupthink are absolutely disgusting, pushing their agenda within hours. It's sickening that the media is blaming the mass murder of American Jews by a sub-human killer  on rhetoric instead of on the killers hateful actions. Shame on them!  For eight years the U.S. was, in effect, at war as President Obama's Administration treated Jews, the nation of Israel , and its Prime Minister with utter contempt.  The Obama Administration armed Israel's enemy with a millions in cash as part of the Iran Nuclear Deal. President Trump however, has been a friend to Israel. In fact, the sick synagogue shooter made statements that Trump was too friendly with the Jews and had too many around. Yet the media will have you believe that the 11 precious human beings that were killed because of Trump. There were 14 mass murders during Obama's tenure did any mass media outlet blame his rhetoric for those killings? While Trump hasn't prosecuted journalists like Obama did, he does push back on the media calling them out by name. They're simply trying to bring down this Administration because they believe they are a power unto themselves.   When was the last time Don Lemon, Jim Acosta, Rachel Maddow or Andrea Mitchell did a story on Anti Semites like Louis Farrakhan, whom they hold up as legitimate. Why don't they get to the bottom of all that anti-semitism? Afterwards, US Senate candidates Josh Hawley (R-WI) and Matt Rosendale (R-MT) call in to discuss their respective races.


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