Mark Levin Podcast show

Mark Levin Podcast

Summary: Mark Levin is one of the hottest properties in Talk radio today. He is also one of the leading authors in the conservative political arena. Mark's radio show on WABC in New York City skyrocketed to Number 1 on the AM dial in his first 18 months on the air in the competitive 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM time slot. Mark's latest book, "Unfreedom of the Press," is out now. When your books are endorsed by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you know you have a winner on your hands. In a short period of time, Mark has become one of the most listened to local radio Talk show hosts in the nation.

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 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/18/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6884

On Friday's Mark Levin Show, Breaking news: Special Counsel Mueller's Office debunked claims made by Buzzfeed News that falsely claimed that President Trump encouraged Michael Cohen to lie to Congress. Of course, there was never a scintilla of evidence to support these claims. Yet the only people that would have known about this would be Mueller’s office. So how would this information get to BuzzFeed in the first place? If Mueller's office had not denied the BuzzFeed article's accuracy, then Attorney General Whittaker and Deputy AG Rosenstein would be on the hook to launch a leak investigation, as this program has been calling on them to do. Moreover, Jason Leopold, the author of the article in question, admits to a "checkered past" that includes inaccurate reporting, most notably on the Valerie Plame scandal. Then, Speaker Pelosi says that traveling commercially endangers members of Congress, yet our unsecure southern border is of no consequence. She takes no issue benefitting from the excellent security she receives from the Capitol Police and the walls of the Capitol Building but won’t afford the American people the same security at our southern border. Finally, Steve Deace calls in discuss his new book, Truth Bombs.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/17/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6836

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, Senator Rand Paul has repeated the recommendations of this program to invite President Trump to deliver the SOTU address from the US Senate chamber instead of the House chamber. Trump should not deliver the SOTU from a rally, where it would lose the addresses appeal. Meanwhile, President Trump issued a letter canceling all Congressional trips overseas due to the partial government shutdown – as he should. Also, Speaker Pelosi was criticized for not reigning in the anti-Semitic remarks of freshman member Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN). In 2012, Omar accused Israel of "evil doings" on Twitter. Then, John Solomon from The HIll calls in to report the latest updates on Bruce Ohr who walked Christopher Steele into the FBI offices in July of 2016 mentioning that his wife's firm Fusion GPS was working with the Hillary Clinton campaign. However this did not stop, Andrew Weissman, Sally Yates, and other Obama-era officials in the DOJ and FBI from using this information to pursue FISA warrants for the Russia investigation. Yet Former FBI Director Comey's testimony seems to contradict Ohr's disclosure on these events, per Solomon. Finally, former deputy assistant to President Trump, Sebastian Gorka, calls in to discuss insults hurled at him by CNN’s Jim Acosta at the White House.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/16/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6890

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, Speaker Nancy Pelosi politicized the State of the Union address (SOTU) in her latest attack on President Trump by writing a letter requesting that Trump suspend the SOTU citing the shutdown as a pretext for diminished security. Despite the Department of Homeland Security and the Secret Service confirming that they are in fact ready and able to secure the President’s speech. This is another attempt to deny Trump of what any US President is expected to do. Trump should direct the President of the Senate and the Senate Majority Leader to make arrangements to deliver the address from the Senate chamber instead of from the House of Representatives, completely bypassing Pelosi. Trump should explain that Speaker of the House is politicizing his report to We The People. Trump should make it crystal clear in his address that House Democrats do not run the Executive Branch, just one portion of a bicameral congress. Then, if Pelosi continues to obstruct the President, GOP members of the house should move to expel her, even if they can't get enough votes. The House of Representatives does not belong to Pelosi, the House leadership or the Democrats, it belongs to the people of the United States! Later, the media is nearly synonymous with philosophies of Marx and Hegel and this is symptomatic of what's happening to our country today. The pursuit of a harmonious utopia. Finally, a radicalized Georgia man who had plans to attack the White House with an anti-tank rocket was arrested Wednesday.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/15/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6865

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, Vice President Mike Pence calls in to reiterate the Trump Administration's commitment to the humanitarian security crisis at our southern border, despite the Democrats' unwillingness to negotiate. Pence suggested that all Americans call their members of Congress to urge them to fund and build the border wall. A steel barrier and reformed asylum laws will make the human traffickers and the cartels—who take cash to exploit vulnerable Central American families, — less convincing in enticing them long dangerous journey. Then, no excuses should be made for Congressman Steve King's alleged comments (R-IA), but he's not a Klansman dressed up as a Congressman. The New York Times should release the audio they claim to have of King's statements for the people can hear for themselves. Moreover, the growing movement of anti-Semitism in the Democratic party continues. Former President Jimmy Carter, John Kerry, Keith Ellison, Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, and new members of Congress Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, have all said things to eviscerate the Jewish state and Prime Minister Netanyahu. Yes, it’s important to condemn racism, and it's equally important to condemn the growing anti-Semitism in the Democrat Party. Afterwards, the Supreme Court and the federal judiciary are destroying America and it’s a huge problem. Everything is up for grabs in this political process. As Associate Director of Presidential Personnel, Levin observed that district court judges are often bargained over with the opposing party often splitting the number of vacancies as part of a compromise. This was clearly the precursor to the gruesome Obamacare ruling using unelected judges to create the laws they couldn't create legitimately in elected government.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/14/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6709

On Mondays Mark Levin Show, so-called constitutionalistson the Right are pouncing on the president for suggesting the use of the National Emergencies Act. Unconstitutional, illegal and improper are not to be conflated with a difference of opinion. Commentators who suggest otherwise don't understand constitutional conservatism and have never criticized previous presidents who have used the same law. So why the misunderstanding? Congress can still "check" the president by reversing such action with a simple majority. This is not autocratic, unlike DACA which had no statutory basis in law, the president is fully within his rights to do so. In fact, any such action would pale in comparison to President Trump's predecessors' usage of the same Act. Many of these so-called "conservative" commentators are "never-Trumpers" that are doing America a disservice by omitting history and context from their analysis. Then, the New York Times spent the weekend joining the demagoguery and Russian propaganda theorizing on whether President Trump was a Russian spy, knowingly or unknowingly. Yet the only evidence that we've seen shows that the Obama Administration, DOJ, FBI abused the FISA Court to spy on Trump. They tried to go after Trump's team using the Logan Act as a pretext to start a criminal operation. They used political opposition research for these misdeeds, and they're still not done. The Democrats and the media have been in bed together in this unrelenting attack to reverse the outcome of the 2016 election by advancing their narrative of Trump-Russian collusion. Later, Sen. Diane Feinstein should be investigated for "political espionage" per a Federalist article in August of 2018.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/11/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6785

On Friday's Mark Levin Show, first, the partial government shutdown has actually only been going on for 13 days not 21; most government agencies are closed on weekends, Christmas and New Years Day. Secondly, do we really feel the effects of this shutdown? The vast majority of our government is functional. And the media wouldn't dare ask average Americans that aren't part of the government how they're being affected by the shutdown. That's because most are doing fine during this time. This whole mess at the border is because our representatives are not representing the best interests of their constituents. Meanwhile the cable pundits continue to predict that if President Trump enacts a national emergency, he will be defeated in court, however there are no facts to support this assertion. Surrender ought not to be an option, but if weakling Republicans begin to buckle, the President will have less negotiating options. Then, we remember the late Congresswoman Barbara Jordan's exhortation to control immigration through border management, workplace management, and limited residencies for those that wish to assimilate. Yet the Democrat Party continues to support lawlessness through sanctuary city policies and this manufactured shutdown crisis, while turning a blind eye to what's going on at the border. This isn't about politics, its about doing what's right for our country! Finally, the FBI opened an inquiry into whether Trump was secretly working on behalf of Russia. Do you belive this? This exposes the rouge operation that was taking place at the DOJ and at the highest levels of the FBI.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/10/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6579

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, the notion of liberty versus tyranny is that of right versus wrong. The crisis at the border was born from the desires of the left and corporatists seeking cheap labor. The courts, the administrative state, and the left are dragging America into a post-constitutional state. What has President Donald Trump done to violate the Constitution? Nothing! Yet, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt forcibly removed American citizens of Japanese descent and placed them in internment camps - this decision was upheld by the US Supreme Court and FDR is lauded as a great progressive president in our nation's history. President Eisenhower rounded up illegal aliens inside the US and increased border security in an official operation known as "Operation Wetback" as reported by the New York Times. Despite baseless accusations Trump has not done nothing like this. Past presidents have shut down newspapers and imprisoned journalists, yet Trump has never done anything like this and gets accused of being the greatest threat to the media. So as Trump uses his legitimate constitutional authority to remedy the illegal immigration crisis at our southern border he is attacked and criticized for using the National Emergencies Act of 1976, which was passed by a Democratic majority in Congress. Trump isn't making this up, he has the legitimate authority to invoke this authority just like most presidents before him, who used this statute and received no criticism for using it. Of course this isn't in the interest of the United States, it’s to benefit the Democrats desire to change the Citizenry, diminish Americanism, and cultivate new progressive voters. And while all this is going on, while we are distracted by the Left, by the media, as they constantly eat away at the fabric of this country, our enemies organize. Red China, Fascist Russia, Islamo-Nazi Iran, Stalinist North Korea: They build their nukes. They organize, while we have to fight the Democrats.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/9/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6889

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer claim the crisis at the border is manufactured. Yet Federal law enforcement authorities say otherwise. In a time where everything is a "crisis" the left swoops in to “fix" these crises with more taxes, more regulation, and nationalize private businesses, but that's not the remedy! The progressive democrats are determined to change the electorate with unassimilated foreigners that have entered the country illegally. The left and the big labor lobby are all for this cheap labor, but this will cost our nation greatly in the long run. Barack Obama turned a blind eye in his second term and, in effect, joined the Koch brothers and the US Chamber of Commerce to continue the influx of illegal immigration. This has only led to chaos at the border and the question is do we want the entire nation to become a sanctuary state? Then, former Border Chief under Obama, Mark Morgan calls in to explain why a wall is necessary at the southern border. Yet Pelosi and Schumer continue to lie saying that TSA is stretched thin creating a crisis at the airports, but the TSA union head disagrees and says it’s simply not true. Progressivism is battling conservatism and America and her President, deserve our support. Afterwards, Conservative Review Editor Daniel Horowitz calls in to discuss the legality of the President's use of the National Emergencies Act. Finally, is it possible that the Robert Mueller team is coordinating with the Democratic leadership regarding the contents of the upcoming report?

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/8/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6830

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, the Democrats have changed their position on immigration, border security, and protecting American jobs without warning. This radicalization on immigration policy happened over the last decade; prior to that Democrat commentators and politicians supported protecting American workers against the influx of cheaper less skilled labor. Today, they no longer support a physical barrier at the border or the rule of law. Peter Beinart’s article in The Atlantic suggests that Democrats changed their position due to politics, not compassion, in order to harness the powerful growth of American voters of Hispanic descent. Party first, country second. This is a cynical scheme to fundamentally change America at the request of political special interests. Then, Presidential Trump will address the nation tonight regarding the crisis at the border. The National Emergencies of 1974 and other statures dictate what powers the executive branch has at the border. These acts have been used many times by many presidents. Whether Mika Brzezinski likes it or not, whether Don Lemon likes it or not! The President can make a case to use the expansive power in this act to secure the American border. Finally, following our victory in the revolutionary war the founders signed the declaration of independence which is our founding document which paved the way for The Constitution, our governing document. This was done to perpetuate federalism and God-given rights in our republic.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/7/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6841

On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the left and the media have gone nuts! From the border wall to the government shutdown the media is despotically censoring issues to parrot the script of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, and if you disagree you’re racist, or a denier. President Trump will be addressing the nation to discuss the so-called shutdown; so-called because close to 80% of the government is open and running. Left wing media types and Democrats are now questioning whether they should give the Democrats a chance to respond, as if this were some sort of State of The Union speech. Also, as discussed on this program, the president needs to explain to the American people that the border barrier must be built. The president has suggested he might declare a national state of emergency at the border if congress continues to prevent the White House from exercising its executive duty to protect the nation and secure the border with a steel barrier. However, the party that doesn't believe in American sovereignty continues to fight him every step of the way. Then, we should pressure members of congress to make Capitol Hill a sanctuary Capitol, and as they want to eliminate ICE we should eliminate the Capitol Police and remove all physical barrier in DC. We should allow all criminal aliens to be free to roam the House and Senate office buildings. We should apply the new rules to them as well, like the last 10 years of tax returns for all congressional leaders and their families. It’s time to treat them how they treat the American people..

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/4/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6428

On Friday's Mark Levin Show, Brian Mudd from WJNO fills in. It’s Americans on the breadline, not a booming economy, at least that's what you'd think if you listened to Sen Chuck Schumer. Yet we currently have the best economy in 13 years, record-low unemployment rates across multiple demographics. Later, there's more that unites us than divides us sounds cliché but it’s true. Most of us want our children to be educated and successful in life, and we all want to be prosperous and safe. So we must ask ourselves are we willing to trade our current national successes in order to have the politician of our choice, even if it meant losing the gains in jobs? Then, we need to stop feeling entitled! When was the last a federal employee or the media was up in arms over Jane Doe being laid off from her private sector job or the shutdown of an American factory? This comes down to perception versus reality. The federal government positions themselves over our money as if we're fortunate to keep what's left after they tax us - this is nonsense because they don't have any money, they take our money! The bottom line here is that we don't need nearly as much government as we have. But we do need border security to continue to safeguard our country.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/3/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6413

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, Brian Mudd from WJNO fills in. We are in day number 12 of the federal government's partial shutdown. The bigger issue is that despite the media’s effort to paint this as such a dire situation, most of us wouldn't even remember there's a shutdown if they didn't constantly remind us. Think about it, is it affecting you in your day to day schedule? This raises the question: should we really be funding all of these non-essential agencies that we barely notice are gone? The government works for us, not the other way around. Every single day companies across America shutdown and the media never reports on mom-and-pop shops going under, yet we can't seem to stop hearing about the furloughed federal employees; does that seem right to you? Then, the Democrats are back in power yet they still won’t build the border barrier they agreed to in the past. Despite the fact that 77 countries around the world have border walls that work, our congress continues to defy border security measures that include border wall funding. Afterwards Rep. Nancy Pelosi's swearing in today as Speaker of the 116th Congress hasn't proved to be helpful to this cause, nor has the Op-Ed penned by newly elected US Senator Mitt Romney. Even Romney's own niece, Ronna McDaniel, Chair of the Republican National Committee sharply rebuked her uncle's critique of the President.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/2/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6426

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, Blaze TV Host Ben Ferguson fills in. Two time loser and never-Trumper, Mitt Romney, who begged President Trump for a job took to The Washington Post with a self-serving Op-Ed sharply criticizing him. Romney ran for the senate just so he'd be relevant in the media and his first move, even before being sworn-in as a US Senator, was to rip Trump and placate to the left. As far back as 2004 Romney has been predictable and the establishment swamp loves predictability. Had Romney had this much courage and vigor during his own campaign for president, he might likely be sitting in the White House right now instead of being a useful idiot for the media. Also, a police officer who legally emigrated to the U.S was killed by an illegal immigrant last week. Too many media outlets omitted the fact that his killer was an illegal alien. So aren't the democrat politicians support for these sanctuary city laws actually accomplices?

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 1/1/19 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6731

On Tuesday's Mark Levin show, we bring you the Best of Mark Levin! We were furious that the GOP was sending the president a continuing resolution that did not include money for a border wall. But the president righty asked for the $5 Billion to be included in the budget and you, the listeners made it happen -- you're voices matter and you're voices were heard! The House voted 217-185 in favor of $5 billion for the border wall. Let's see if Leader McConnell can manage to get this measure passed in the Senate. Also, President Trump has dug his heels in on a troop withdrawal from Syria. We maintain minimal assets in Syria and are achieving maximum results by being there. This is completely different from our presence in Afghanistan where we are not succeeding and have a much larger footprint in Afghanistan yet we have no control. This is about making the right decision, and it's dangerous radical libertarians like Sen Rand Paul who provoke wars that lead to massive casualties through their policy of weakening the military. Sen Mike Lee is equally as disappointing when it come to his radical libertarian views of national security. The truth is that Congress authorizes and approves appropriations for military activity and not a single soldier can be placed abroad with out funding from congress which controls the power of the purse. Just because the U.S disengages does not mean the enemy disengages, and that's why Vladimir Putin praised Trump's decision to pullout of Syria. This leaves our Kurdish and Israeli allies exposed and alone to fend for themselves. If we can't be bothered by what happens outside of America then why do we have bases abroad, why do we have aircraft carriers in international seas? Finally, William Barr is a brilliant attorney that's under attack for sharing a personal opinion on Robert Mueller. The test for Attorney General is not whether we agree or disagree with him, its whether he'll uphold the Constitution with integrity, and we don't nee Chuck Schumer or Mark Warner to behave as jackals and obstruct his appointment. Have a very Happy New Year!

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/31/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6736

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, the stunning decision by the administration, to immediately withdraw what amounts to 2,000 American personnel from Syria, will result in Iran, along with Hezbollah and their sponsor Russia, filling the void and surrendering a significant and important region of the world to our enemies. This is a very bad idea. A decision now to leave Syria altogether undermines what has been a brilliant and effective policy up to this point. Syria is not Afghanistan, where we have had tens of thousands of troops and significant casualties over a fifteen year period. The U.S. has been very successful in a precisely limited and skillfully executed operation in Syria. To abandon it now is an extremely unwise act, even a provocative act, which will emboldened Iran, Hezbollah, and Russian. Later, the same judge that called Michael Flynn treasonous, Emmett Sullivan, just reversed President Trump's recent asylum policies. The Republicans in Congress are weak and need to stand up for America. Mitch McConnell and the R.I.N.O.'s could care less about the Conservative agenda that tens of millions of Americans care about. The Democrats could care even less and have done nothing to make America safer. Finally, on December 19, 1776 Thomas Paine wrote American Crisis: "These are the times that try men's souls.” Gen. George Washington had these words read aloud to all troops by the Army's commanders. In the days to come Washington would cross the Delaware into Trenton during a nor'easter chanting "victory or death!"


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