Mark Levin Podcast show

Mark Levin Podcast

Summary: Mark Levin is one of the hottest properties in Talk radio today. He is also one of the leading authors in the conservative political arena. Mark's radio show on WABC in New York City skyrocketed to Number 1 on the AM dial in his first 18 months on the air in the competitive 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM time slot. Mark's latest book, "Unfreedom of the Press," is out now. When your books are endorsed by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, you know you have a winner on your hands. In a short period of time, Mark has become one of the most listened to local radio Talk show hosts in the nation.

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 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/7/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6425

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Brian Mudd of WJNO and WIOD fills in for Mark. Robert Mueller released a new memo and Michael Cohen is facing substantial jail time, but there’s still no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. All we have is confirmation that Cohen is a liar and was not a cooperating witness to Mueller. Almost $50 million has been spent on the Mueller probe and we still don’t have a shred of evidence of collusion. Also, it’s been 25 years since the Brady Law and more people are being killed by guns than ever before. The left’s narrative on guns is deliberate; if they can make guns equal violence, they can focus on the object instead of the person causing the violence. If gun control was the answer, why do we have more deaths attributed to guns at a time where we have the most gun control laws ever? Later, the media portrayal of the situation on the border with migrant caravan is completely opposite of what we actually want. The vast majority of Americans favor stronger border security and oppose letting the caravan in, but the media is trying to make it seem the other way around.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/6/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6433

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark. The media has shown how low they’ve gotten by using the funeral of George H.W. Bush to attack President Trump. Covering a Presidential funeral is the easiest story to cover; it’s a non-political political event where you honor the person, yet the media can’t even do that right. Trump did everything right at the funeral and never made it about him, yet the media finds ways to attack him by criticizing his body language. No matter what it is, the left and the media always feels the need to connect it to Trump so they can use it to attack him, all because they still can’t get over the fact that he’s president and doing amazing things for our country. Also, a father is being called a child abuser for punishing his daughter for bullying by making her walk five miles. This is good all-American parenting, and snowflake crybaby parents who don’t discipline their children are doing them more harm than good.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/5/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6639

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, President George W. Bush, beautifully eulogized his father President George H.W. Bush. Also, the new attack on President Trump from the Attorney's General of Maryland and Washington, D.C. are based on Article 1 section 9 of the Emoluments Clause which clearly states that Trump cannot accept a title of Nobility or be employed by a foreign government. Upon winning the presidency President Elect Trump relinquished operational control of his business to his sons and put his interest in a trust. The Emoluments clause has nothing to do with foreign dignitaries staying at hotels he owns but does not operate. Yet, that hasn't stopped the subpoenas from being issued. They also charge that Trump’s hotel may also be negatively affecting other DC hotels because of its affiliation with the president. This is bogus and is a perversion of the Emoluments Clause. Then, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has been reckoned a sentence that does not include jail time. Some in the media are erroneously speculating that indictments of Donald Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner are to follow but none of that is factually stated in the 13 page filing from the Special Counsel. Frederic Bastiat's book, The Law, asserts that life liberty and property are the three fundamental rights required for a free society. What we're seeing with the Mueller investigation is the law going beyond protection of the person, liberty, and property. This perversion of the law has been achieved by stupid greed and false philanthropy according Bastiat. The lawyers, the politician, and the media are doing the same thing today because they don't like the man who was elected president and they''ll achieve it by changing the constitution or its application. Power, manipulation, and positioning are the fatal tendency of mankind and the republic is the victim!

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/4/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6673

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, we hear that Robert Mueller is winding down and preparing his report for the Deputy AG, but he should be preparing the report for the acting AG Matthew Whitaker. The US Dept. of Justice Memorandum clearly states that the Special Counsel must comply with DOJ regulations and cannot be indicted by Mueller and is not in legal jeopardy. Yet all the fools in the media can't seem to connect these dots. Mueller can still write a report filled with attacks but it seems that he ought to be speaking in the courtroom or not at all. It is not the role of the special counsel or the DOJ (executive branch) to lead a political process like impeachment. Simply put, the president of the United States cannot be indicted and will not be indicted. Moreover, Trump has not obstructed justice. The same people that want to destroy our border, embrace socialism in our country, and the same people that are trying to undo the results of the 2016 election are the same people trying to sabotage the presidency of Trump. The media is a function of what is best for the citizenry not what's best for their ideology. Also, Sen. Bob Dole gave a final salute to President George H.W. Bush as he lay in state in the Capitol Rotunda. He stood and saluted with the help of an aide to pay his respects. Both Bush and Dole are part of the passing generation and people who are very young today, won’t see this very special generation. There was no discussion about who uses what restrooms in this generation. No discussion about safe spaces or being triggered. These were real men and real women; let’s hope we can get some of that back.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 12/3/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6580

On Monday's Mark Levin Show, President George H.W. Bush was an extremely loyal, humble, kind, a military hero as well as a wonderful father and grandfather that raised a President and a Governor. Whenever we lose a president we feel as if we lost a family member given their length of service and time in the public eye. The media's disrespectful and classless attacks on President Trump disguised as coverage of President Bush's passing are unacceptable. Then, CRTV and TheBlaze merged into a new company - Blaze Media - becoming the largest Conservative digital media company. This is not a merger of personalities, it is a merger of pioneers. The old media environment is toxic, destructive, and undermining this republic. It is ideologically driven and dressed up as freedom of the press. The progressive agenda is the antithesis to freedom of the press. It’s the antithesis to constitutional republicanism. The purpose of freedom of the press, like freedom of speech, is to have a robust debate. Finally, the Financial Times cites America as the nation holding the upper hand in renewed tarade war negotiations with China, whom accepted Trump's concessions. China's hope is that Trump will be distracted by Robert Mueller's investigation as his report is set to be released soon. So now our enemies are rooting for Mueller, the media is rooting for Mueller, so who's rooting for America?

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/30/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6620

On Friday's Mark Levin show, democrats have the House majority and they will try and impeach President Trump in 2019, but they still don’t have something very important to the equation: hard evidence of an impeachable offense. Democrats are speculating about the president’s supposed dealings with Moscow or the status of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation. But there’s lack of proof to support the various Russia theories. They’re just trying to create a narrative but it’s a big lie, and they’re good at it. They repeat it and repeat it and repeat it, and the media help them. If the Democrats make the mistake of impeaching Trump, they will likely see a side of the American people, not just Trump supporters, that they have not seen in a long time - this could spark a political civil war of ideologies. The Raoul Berger and Maoism has run amok in the Democratic Party making patriots the enemy of the left. Afterwards, mobocracy has taken over California's electoral system passing unbalanced laws that make it virtually impossible for Republicans to win. Yet, we don't hear the media reporting that, do we? Later, its America's greatness that attracts people from all over the globe to come here. It’s our liberty that they find attractive. It's the ability to make a future for themselves and their families that they find attractive. These are foreign concepts to those that embrace Marxism and Hegelian thought. But despite the left's propaganda Americanism will prevail.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/29/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6436

On Thursday’s Mark Levin show, The leftist media is continuing to play up the phony Russia-collusion investigation after President Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen, plead guilty Thursday of lying before Congress. But Cohen’s personal corruption is not indicative of the president himself. There are no legal implications for Trump - he’s in no legal jeopardy. Shouldn’t the media be cheering over the fact that so far, all the leaks show that Trump did nothing? Shouldn’t they be celebrating that, that in our republic, the president that we chose is guilty of nothing? Moreover, where did Trump collude, coordinate, or conspire with the Russians during the election, to fix the result of the election? Where is this evidence? Since there’s no evidence, this should underscore the point that this entire investigation is bogus. Also, a new poll reveals that Millennials and Generation Z'ers don't identify with patriotism and feel that America is not the greatest country in the world, nor do they believe in American exceptionalism. We need to encourage our kids to do what Reagan mentioned in his farewell speech. Back then we received patriotic encouragement from our families, our neighbors, our media, and even from popular culture. We need to refocus on the patriotic teachings of Dr Joseph Warren.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/28/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6706

On Wednesday's Mark Levin Show, The Robert Mueller investigation is one of the greatest abuses of power in modern American history. There was no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians. Now members of Congress are trying to protect Mueller from getting fired but it is a clear violation of the separation of powers. This is a coup, an effort to undermine a legitimate President. If President Trump decides not to run for reelection in 2020, he should fire Mueller and pardon every one of special counsel Mueller’s targets. And then tell the House, ‘go ahead and impeach me,’ and the Senate, ‘go ahead and remove me,’ because this is simply unacceptable and somebody has to protect the Constitution. We know what's in the Constitution and the special counsel and his illegitimate appointment are not in it! Also, the Republicans should be passing every last piece of the President's agenda during the lame duck session, but instead Mitch McConnell is too busy passing the largest spending bill in US history. Then, the real reason GM is laying off workers is because of the steel tariffs. Higher steel costs raise the overall price of new cars and with new car sales costing more their sales are flat - now we see the effects of tariffs on steel. If this continues we'll see a terrible recession in a few years. Finally, Sean Hannity calls in to give his thoughts on the Mueller investigation.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/27/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6543

On Monday's Mark Levin Show, President Trump should shut down the government over the issue of the migrant caravan attempting to illegally enter the country at the U.S.-Mexico border. The only people who should be concerned about a shutdown are the Democrats. It’s time for a very thoughtful, compelling address to the nation in which the President explains to the American people that the Democrats simply will not help secure the border. And because the Democrats don’t take their equal responsibility of funding seriously he has to force this issue constitutionally and shut down the government. Plus, so many of our kids are leaving college confused and it’s, in part, because of Professor's like Michael Eric Dyson's race-baiting bigotry, and MSNBC has him on the air all the time. It’s these leftist professors that are teaching generation after generation to hate their own country. Later, Robert Mueller is back in the news this time pursuing Jerome Corsi for his alleged ties to Roger Stone and WikiLeaks. The media is desperately looking for a connection to bring down the President and the Executive Branch. Thas been a soft coup on the Trump Presidency from day one. Mueller is so desperate to get Paul Manafort to say something that might benefit his report so they keep pressing him. Mueller's job is to write an impeachment report, that's why the media protects him. But Trump hasn't done anything to be impeached. He hasn't even exerted executive privilege not even once to protect any of his records, not even once. Now they are fabricating stories that Manafort visited the President of Ecuador and this allegedly happened way before Manafort was even involved on the Trump Campaign.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/26/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6725

On Monday's Mark Levin Show, the Republican party, which is a soft progressive party, keeps embracing the Democrat agenda. It eats the crumbs that the Democrats provided. They fund Obamacare and won’t secure the border. We will have a new massive new entitlement called family leave. Then we’re going to have a trillion and a half more dollars on infrastructure. Boondoggle after boondoggle. Also, hundreds of years from now this will be viewed as our "flat earth period" when we believed that humans could change the climate. Despite the fact that it was much warmer during the Roman empire. It’s an idiotic argument to presume that humans are a contributing factor to climate change, there is nothing to legitimately support this; climate is not static, by its very nature it changes. Both the media and the GOP have lost their ability to skeptically analyze political manifesto disguised as scientific reports. Why doesn't the media bring on experts with dissenting opinions like Dr. Patrick Michaels, an expert in the atmosphere, environment, and climate? Then, the caravan that the media wrongly said wasn't an invasion attempted to breach the border and faced a retaliatory response from US border patrol.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/23/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6427

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Brian Mudd of WJNO and WIOD fills in for Mark. The left is desperate like never before, and that’s why we see so much selective outrage from Democrats and the media to oppose President Trump at every turn. They’ve ignored Saudi Arabia being governed under Sharia Law for decades, but now suddenly care about morality because Jamal Khashoggi was murdered. The media is trying everything to make Trump say bad things about Saudi Arabia and disrupt the progress he’s making in the Middle East. The left also shows their selective outrage with the migrant caravan. DHS has identified 10% of the caravan to be known criminals, yet the left keeps insisting they’re all innocent migrants seeking asylum and need to be let in. If there were legitimate asylum seekers coming to designated ports of entry it would be a different story. Finally, the 9th Circuit court of appeals have had 86% of their rulings overturned, yet Chief Justice John Roberts showed his true political colors and defended them over President Trump. How can someone be wrong 86% of the time and still have a job?

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/22/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6686

On Thursday's Mark Levin Show, we bring you the best of Mark Levin. Carl Bernstein and CNN are now suggesting that the media should edit President Trump’s press conferences, rather than airing them live. What Bernstein really wants to say is that because the president is a propagandist and a liar, we in the media have to take the actual news of what he’s saying and edit it and decide what is our view of the news, with our liberal values. This gives you insight into how fools like this think. The problem with the people that populate the media is their ideology, their motivation, and their purpose. The press need to be examined and we need to study what the role of the press has historically been in our nation. They are ideologically driven and are incapable of restraining themselves to simply gather the facts and report the news. Then, Mark's Wikipedia page continues to smear him despite numerous requests for correction. These false attributions and mischaracterizations are proof that the left will use any media medium available to them for their political attacks. This is character assassination. Finally, Federal Judge Timothy Kelly, has ruled, from the bench, a 14 day temporary restraining order that the White House give back Jim Acosta's hard press pass until due process can be afforded to him. The Court did not discuss the validity of CNN's first amendment claims, however the court does not allow media in the courtroom and we the American people have no idea exactly what took place in that courtroom. The U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia would not release a public transcript of today’s ruling on Acosta’s press pass unless we paid for each page of the document, filled out an extensive application, and got the approval of the court’s office. Freedom of the press, except when it comes to the federal judiciary. Happy Thanksgiving!

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/21/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6434

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Larry O’Connor of WMAL fills in for Mark. Chief Justice John Roberts is wrong to tell President Trump that there are no Obama judges. Trump recognizes like any normal American that the 9th Circuit is the most overturned court, and wastes time by coming up with unconstitutional decisions that get smacked down by the Supreme Court. Also, we have so much to be grateful for living in America. People have lost sight that Thanksgiving was created by George Washington to thank God for this country. Later, Larry speaks with Jedidiah Bila about her new book, #DoNotDisturb: How I Ghosted My Cell Phone to Take Back My Life.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/20/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6702

On Tuesday's Mark Levin Show, The media is smearing Ivanka Trump attempting to connect her private email use to Hillary Clinton’s use and illegal scrubbing of an email server on which she discussed classified information. You really do have to have a negative IQ to draw that conclusion. Ivanka has not installed an illegal unsecure server in her home like Hillary did and Ivanka didn't delete tens of thousands of emails. What Ivanka did does not compare to what Hillary did. Then, Barack Obama stacked the courts with radicals and left our country worse off than he found it and was proud to focus on "fundamental transformation". He created distrust in many communities and trashed our law enforcement. yet, he gets a pass, his wife gets a pass, and his kids get a pass. Obama was a grave damage to our country, but President Trump gets attacked daily, they go after his wife, and want to see his kids in jail. Obama saved the Iranian regime that kills journalists, women, and gays; paying them off in hard currency. But Trump is lambasted for his alliance with the Saudi's to mutually take on Iran. Yet Iran who chants "Death to America" has been building nukes for years. Saudi Arabia doesn't have any nukes, but Trump is criticized for reaffirming a commitment to them as an ally while Obama was applauded for paying off the genocidal maniacs in Iran. Also, a federal Judge in San Francisco decided Trump’s decision to require those seeking asylum to go to a legal port of entry, as opposed to rushing the Mexican border is Trump changing the law. It used to be understood that this is an area where the president has plenary power.

 Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 11/19/18 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 6712

On Monday's Mark Levin Show, Carl Bernstein and CNN are now suggesting that the media should edit President Trump’s press conferences, rather than airing them live. What Bernstein really wants to say is that because the president is a propagandist and a liar, we in the media have to take the actual news of what he’s saying and edit it and decide what is our view of the news, with our liberal values. This gives you insight into how fools like this think. The problem with the people that populate the media is their ideology, their motivation, and their purpose. The press need to be examined and we need to study what the role of the press has historically been in our nation. They are ideologically driven and are incapable of restraining themselves to simply gather the facts and report the news. Then, Mark's Wikipedia page continues to smear him despite numerous requests for correction. These false attributions and mischaracterizations are proof that the left will use any media medium available to them for their political attacks. This is character assassination. Finally, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity gave gracious speeches on Mark's induction into the National Radio Hall of Fame.


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